On the Beach

By A N

Published on May 10, 2011



My heart skipped a beat as I looked around - no suits, no clothes, no towels. Just the (empty) cooler. I panicked. "Those people took our stuff! How are we going to explain this? We're stranded hours from home with no clothes, no cell phones, and no way to get back!!"

"Calm down," said Rod, "we'll think of something."

Skeet said, "If they didn't take the car, we can still get back, it starts without the keys." Jack answered, "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get to the car before someone steals it!"

"Hang on, the beach is too busy, we'll have to sneak through the woods. Let's get moving..."

Rod led the way, with the three of us following close behind. It was slow going, with no protection from thorns and branches, but we eventually made it back to the path that led to the parking lot. (Miraculously, none of us got poison ivy.) Luckily, the car was still there. Since there wasn't anyone around, we quickly got in the car and started to drive away. Jack said, "I'm glad we took your junker, Skeet. Who else has a car that doesn't need keys? Got any extra clothes in here?" "Just a pair of gloves, sorry."

I couldn't believe we were getting away with this. Sure, we were driving around naked in a convertible with the top down, but people would just assume we had shorts on. No big deal, a couple hours and we'd be home free. We got on the highway, and Skeet was careful to stay away from Semis and other tall vehicles that could see inside our car.

About 15 miles from our exit, I finally started to relax. I leaned over to kiss Rod, and at that moment I heard the tire blow. Skeet managed to pull over. "Oh great! We are fucked."

"Who's going to change the tire?" I asked. "Nobody," Skeet said, "I don't have a spare." "Fuck, fuck, fuck..." We sat there in silence, waiting for the cops to come arrest us. After 10 minutes or so, Jack says "Oh no." I follow his gaze and see a tow truck pulling up to help us. He parks in front of us, and gets out of the truck. The driver looks like a 25 year old pro wrestler, with huge shoulders and a slim waist. His uniform had a name patch that read "Clark". His black hair was short and spiky, the style that was popular a couple years ago. He walks back to the car. "You gentlemen having some trouble?" he asked, but then he gets close enough to see into the car and starts laughing. Jack spoke up, "Please, can you help us? We're desperate."

"Lucky for you a lady driving by called me to come help you out. Lucky for all of us, I have a thing for grateful naked men. I'm going to help you." He was answered by a chorus of "thank you"s. "Let's see, there's four of you...it's gonna be real crowded in the truck. I'll watch for traffic, when I signal, I want one of you to run get in the truck. Then I'll signal the next, and so on. Make sure there is room so the next person can get in quickly. I don't want to get caught either."

Jack ran first, then Rod, then me. When I got in the truck, I saw that Jack was sitting on the floor. Even so, the seat was gonna be real crowded. Good thing Skeet is so skinny, I thought. Skeet climbed in next, but the only way to close the door was to have him sit on my lap. Normally this would be sexy, but at the moment it was just uncomfortable. We waited for the driver to haul the car up onto the flatbed and secure it. Finally, he climbed into the driver's seat and started to drive. "All right, men. Who's going to tell me the story?" Rod told Clark the events of the day. I noticed Clark was having trouble keeping his eyes on the road. "You boys have had quite a day. Tell you what, I'll drop you off at your house and take the car back to my garage. I'll get you a new tire and bring the car back in about an hour. The four of you can pass the time thinking of a way to thank me." He pulled the truck into our driveway. When I was sure nobody was looking, I opened the door and we quickly snuck into the house. We all started laughing, relieved to be in our own house. Jack was so happy to be back safe, he kissed the floor.

"All right, guys" Rod said, "Clark is going to be back here in an hour. What should we do to thank him?"

"Let's invite him to our Dungeon," Jack said.

"We don't have a dungeon," I replied. "We have a musty basement with a few sex toys."

"Fine, somebody else come up with something then."

"Look," said Skeet, "He's sexy as hell. And he's obviously into us. How much planning do we need here? I say we take him up to your queen size bed and let him do whatever he wants."

"Works for me, I'll put clean sheets on the bed. You guys gather up whatever else you think we might need."

Well, a hour and a half passed and Clark still hadn't arrived. Skeet started to wonder if he was going to get his car back. We decided to order a couple pizzas from the place near campus. They have cheap prices, and a couple of the sexiest delivery guys. They get a lot of business from us. About a half hour later my favorite delivery guy finally gets here - black hair, blue eyes, only about 5'5", but with perfect olive skin and a rock hard body. And based on the way his pants fit, I'd say he's got an extra large pepperoni. As we are getting our money together. Clark pulls up in Skeet's car, with the top up. No wonder he's so late, he fixed the flat and the roof! "Mmm, smells good" said Clark as he walked up next to the delivery guy. "What's your name?'

"Tony" he said.

"Nice to meet you Tony, my name is Clark. You should come back after you are done with work and we can all get to know you a little better." We had already paid, but I saw Clark slip a twenty into Tony's waistband.

Tony blushed and quickly replied "My shift just started, it might be pretty late...but I'll try to swing by." and he ran back to his car.

We walked into the house and closed the door.

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