On the Beach

By A N

Published on Apr 4, 2011


ON THE BEACH - PART 6 By Nude Beach Fan

I woke up in a tangle of naked men. I laid there with a goofy grin on my face and a cock in each hand. Soon I felt a hand on mine, and realized that everyone was awake. "I hate to break this up, but shouldn't we get going if we're going to get a good parking spot at the beach?" Skeet answered, "Yeah, we probably should get started. I'm taking you guys to a different beach today, where we can have a little more privacy."

We all got out of bed and hit the showers, Rod and I together this time. I could have rubbed lather over his body all day, but the guys were waiting so we toweled off and went downstairs to get our new suits. We passed Skeet on the stairs, already in his loincloth. Jack was in the hall pulling his suit up as we came in to get ours. "Hurry up, you guys, the beach is calling" We slipped into our suits, and I kissed Rod again. "I really love the suit you bought me," I whispered as he held me in his arms. Then I chased him back upstairs and we threw on shorts and tees. Jack had already packed a cooler and a bag with towels, etc. So we went out to the garage and piled into Skeet's old beater. We let him park that hunk of junk in the garage because the convertible top was broken and wouldn't go back up. Fortunately it still runs pretty well, and is very fun on a nice day.

We grabbed breakfast at the fast food place right before getting on the highway. The two hour drive went by quickly, and Skeet eventually turned down this dirt road surrounded by trees. "How'd you find this place?" Jack asked. "A buddy used to throw parties out here a few years back. The cops never caught us." The path wandered through the woods, and eventually opened up to a small parking area. As we got out of the car, I noted that we were the only ones here. Skeet led the way, following a little path. At the edge of the woods, wooden stairs led down to the sand. I looked at this beautiful secluded beach, and said "I want to go skinny dipping" "Not here," said Skeet, "other people are bound to show up soon. But there is a secluded spot a little way down the beach..." We followed his lead, and soon came to a spot he had in mind. It looked like a big bite had been taken out of the shore and a small lagoon was left in its place. A wide strip of sand shaped like a horseshoe separated the water from the woods. We stopped as soon as we were out of site of the main beach and laid out our sheets and towels. "You guys ready for a swim?" I asked. They were, so we took off our street clothes, revealing our new suits. I admired them again, but still thought that Rod's suit wasn't as daring as the others. We started rough-housing a bit on the way to the water, and ended up throwing Skeet in. Rod and Jack looked like they were going to throw me in next, so I ran into the water as they chased me. It was colder than I like, but not uncomfortable. We splashed around for a while, then Skeet whispered to me "Check out Rod's suit when we get out." I was confused, but Skeet just smiled and dove under the water again. A little more splashing around and we decided to get out for a while. As we headed to shore, I quickly saw what Skeet was talking about. Rod's suit had become obscenely transparent when wet! I almost fell over when I saw it. Rod laughed at me, assuming I was just clumsy. We went back to lay in the sun, and ended up laying side by side on our stomachs. I reached down and grabbed a buttcheek on each side of me. Soon I felt hands on my ass as well. We dozed that way for maybe an hour, when Rod whispered that we should go skinny-dipping. I had a feeling that Jack wasn't going to go for it, so I came up with a plan. "Cmon guys, let's play some Frisbee" We tossed it around for a while, and then I said "Let's make this interesting. If you miss, you have to take off your suit. Or are you chicken?" Well, nobody was going to back out now...

Skeet was the first to lose, dropping what should have been an easy catch. He pulled off his loincloth and threw it over with our stuff. I kept throwing to him anyway, just to see that big cock bounce as he ran for the catch. Well, I dropped the Frisbee next because I was being cocky and trying to show off. At least I wasn't first, I thought as I dropped my pants. It felt great to be nude though. I knew I was in better shape than last summer, and nicely tanned too. I threw to Jack, who had to run and leap to catch it, but as he came down he stumbled and dropped it. So, now we just had to get Rod to miss a catch and we could go swimming. I started swinging my dick back and forth, which distracted him enough that the Frisbee hit him in the chest before falling to the sand. He yanked his suit off and charged towards me. I laughed and ran for the water. He caught up with me when I was about knee-deep, and tackled me. We came up for air and started kissing. "I'm gonna punish you for that dirty trick when we get home" he said, smiling with a glint in his eye. Jack spotted some people walking down the beach towards us, so the four of us swam out to the point where we could barely touch bottom and waited for them to pass. While we were waiting, I thought of a trick to play. So I made the guys stand in line with their feet far apart, making a tunnel between their legs. "I bet I can swim between your legs without touching anyone" "Prove it" So, I took a deep breath and went underwater. As I swam between their legs, I expelled all the air in my lungs, so the bubbles would hit their balls and cocks. The guys thought it felt cool, so we all took turns "bubbling" each other. We forgot all about the people on the beach. We discovered that it worked even better one-on-one, so we paired up and played this way for a while. Finally, I was getting cold and we decided to go back in. As we headed for shore, Jack said, "I'm glad those people didn't catch us playing Frisbee." We laughed about that, until we got to shore and Rod said, "Where's our stuff?" My heart skipped a beat as I looked around - no suits, no clothes, no towels. Just the (empty) cooler. I panicked. "Those people took our stuff! How are we going to explain this? We're stranded hours from home with no clothes, no cell phones, and no way to get back!!"

Next: Chapter 7

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