On the Beach

By A N

Published on Jun 23, 2009



By Nude Beach Fan

The movement of Rod getting out of our queen size bed woke me up. I rolled over and opened my eyes in time to catch a glimpse his naked ass before he closed the door behind him. I heard the water turn on and closed my eyes, hoping to get a little more sleep before starting my Saturday.

But instead of sleeping, my mind kept going back to our first meeting at the beach...could it only be five months ago? I thought of the night that brought the four of us together...funny how something so awful led to the dream that I am living today...

I decide to get out of bed and head into the bathroom to take a piss. Rod sticks his head out of the shower "Wanna join me?" he asks. I kiss him and grab his huge cock, then tell him to get cleaned up while I go fix us some breakfast. He slaps my ass playfully as I turn to leave.

I pull on a pair of boxers with cartoon characters and go down to the kitchen. On my way, I have to laugh when I see Jack and Skeet are watching the same cartoon on the TV. I stop for a moment, admiring Jack in his tighty-whities and Skeet in cut-off jeans. The two of them are so different, yet so sexy. Jack, with his all-american good looks, seems like he should be shirtless in a cornfield. His cock, the shortest in the house at a respectable 6 ½ inches is also the thickest. Skeet is a real throwback from the hippie days, and is almost too skinny, but with the most incredible eyes and smile. His cock reminds me of a slightly longer version of my own 7 ½ incher.

I decide to make breakfast for everyone, so I quickly whip up some toast and scramble a dozen eggs with some cheese. By the time the food is ready and the OJ is poured, Rod has dried off and come downstairs, wearing the same white swimsuit he wore the day we met. I love how it shows off his incredibly fit body, but hate that it hides his beautiful 9 inch monster. An idea pops into my head as I call the other guys into the kitchen. "Wow, thanks Alan!" said Skeet as everyone dug in.

When most of the food was gone, I decided to share my idea with the guys. "Before we know it, it's going to be beach weather again. Who wants to play a game to get ready?" Everyone seemed interested, so I continued. "The four of us will write our names and measurements on a piece of paper, and put them in a hat. Then, we'll each go online and buy a sexy little swimsuit for the person we draw. And we'll all wear them to the beach on the first nice day. Sound good to you guys?" "Sure" "Sounds fun" "Yeah" Jack said, "And we can start getting ready now. Tina will let us tan for free when the store closes." (Jack is our resident bisexual. His girl Tina works at Electric Sun tanning salon to help pay for school.) "Sweet! We won't have to worry about sunburn." When we drew names, I got Jack's. "I wonder who got my name" I thought, but everybody kept it a secret.

As the days passed, we developed a routine. Every night at 9pm we went tanning. I started working out a little more than usual so I'd be ready to show off. Four small unmarked deliveries arrived, and were quickly hidden away. By the time the weatherman promised us a nice weekend, our lily white asses were nicely bronzed and we were all excited to see our new suits. We decided to give each other our suits on Friday night, and go to the beach on Saturday. All day Friday, I could hardly concentrate during classes, I was so excited to see what everyone got. At last the moment arrived. "Who is going to go first?" I asked. Rod replied, "I have been thinking about this, and have an idea. We will draw a name again. That person gets blindfolded, and we'll undress him and put on his new suit. Then he can take off his blindfold in front of the big mirror in the hall." "Okay, we'll undress him like you said, but everyone else should close their eyes when the person who bought the suit puts it on him" Jack grabbed a bandanna from his room as Skeet wrote down the names. Rod drew the paper with Jack's name on it. I covered Jack's eyes with the bandanna. Rod waved at us to go into the kitchen and then whispered, "Let's have fun with this. In silence, we'll take turns removing one piece of his clothing and then kiss him somewhere." "Okay, Jack, here are the rules," said Rod, "you will keep your hands to yourself and let us change your clothes for you. Understand?" Jack replied with a sassy "Yes, sir!"

I started things off, unbuttoning his shirt and pulling it down off of his shoulders. I leaned down and softly bit his right nipple as I pulled the shirt off of his arms. "Ow!" said Jack, obviously startled. Rod went next, standing behind Jack. He reached around and undid the Jack's fly, and peeled off his jeans. He then took his tongue and licked from his left knee up his thigh to his underwear, which were obviously bulging. Skeet grabbed the boxer briefs and yanked them down to the floor. He sucked the tip of Jack's cock into his mouth and quickly released it again "Aahhh, don't stop" moaned Jack. I signaled the other guys to close their eyes, then got out the suit I ordered. As I pulled it up Jacks legs and onto him, I admired my choice -- a square-cut swimsuit made of black and white checkerboard fabric. The suit was cut so low that it barely covered the root of his cock, and a full inch of crack was showing above the waistband in the back. I stepped over to where the other guys were waiting and nudged them to open their eyes., which got very wide when they saw the end result. I pulled the bandanna off of Jack, and he looked in the mirror. "Oh yeah, it's like a checkered flag! Gentlemen, start your engines!" Then he asked who bought it. No-one answered, but someone's eyes must have given it away. Jack walked up to me and kissed me deeply, rubbing his crotch against mine. "You're welcome" I answered, and pinched his ass as we broke the embrace.

The next name drawn was Skeet...

Jack pulled Skeet's weird, tribal-print shirt over his head, being careful not to disturb the blindfold. He kissed him on the mouth, forcing his tongue deeply inside. I pulled down the army fatigues, and discovered that he wasn't wearing underwear so I copied what Skeet did earlier, sucking the tip of his cock into my mouth and quickly releasing it. Rod, still in his finish line suit, signaled for us to shut our eyes. Finally, he had us open them again to see Skeet in a Tarzan-style cheetah print loincloth. He removed the bandanna, and Skeet looked down, forgetting about the mirror. He played with the suit, and revealed that beneath the flaps of the loincloth was a skimpy thong. Skeet pounded his fists on his chest and made a corny Tarzan yell, which made us all laugh, and he continued his impression. "Tarzan like loincloth. Who buy for Tarzan?" Rod answered "Get over here, Jungle Boy" and they kissed as Rod reached under the flap and squeezed Skeet's cheeks.

Rod's name was drawn next...

Skeet pulled the white wife-beater up over Rod's head, accidentally pulling the bandanna free at the same time. He put it back in place, but Rod knew it was Skeet's lips and tongue sucking and licking his Adam's apple. Jack pulled down the track pants to reveal Rod in his jockstrap. So he bit his ass cheek. I pulled down the jock, and again, sucked on the penis in front of me. I waited a little longer this time before releasing it, enjoying the moment. This time Skeet had us close our eyes. "So, Rod must have bought the suit for me." My heart fluttered. Don't get me wrong, all three of my housemates are sexy and great in the sack, but Rod is special.. I am head over heels for him. As I was lost in thought, the nudge came. I opened my eyes to see a somewhat regular looking red speedo. A little skimpier, true, and it did make his package look enormous, but definitely not as wild or daring as the other two suits. Bandanna removed, Rod looked in the mirror and just smiled. He walked behind Skeet and held him from behind, pressing their bodies together and whispered something into his ear. Then he spoke aloud. "Your turn now, Alan! I can't wait to see you in the suit I bought"

The bandanna blocked my vision, and I waited. Someone pulled my hoodie over my head. This time the bandanna stayed put. I felt a tongue in my ear, and started to melt. Then someone pulled my tshirt off and tongued my other ear. "Wow, they know my weakness" I thought. Someone pulled down my sweats, and licked my navel. When my underwear got pulled down, I expected to feel a mouth on my cock, but was surprised to feel a tongue in my ass-crack. Then I felt hands guiding me to lift my feet so they could put my new suit on. It felt strange, like it wasn't really there somehow. Rod's hand spent a little longer than necessary arranging my junk, but I wasn't complaining. He walked away, and I heard a little gasp. I felt the bandanna lift from my eyes, and I looked in the mirror. "Man, I'm really tan." was my first thought. Then I noticed the suit. -- it's see-thru! A black mesh speedo with a small black fabric insert barely hiding my cock and balls. I turned and peered over my shoulder to see my ass in the mirror, and saw that the black fabric continued in the back as an inch-wide strip hiding my butt crack. I ran over and embraced Rod, and we started kissing.

Well, the new suits all ended up on the floor. As Rod's tongue wrestled mine, I enjoyed the feeling of his body pressed against mine. Then I felt someone's shoulders and ass rub up against mine. I turned my head enough to see that Jack and Skeet were pressed together and Jack had backed into me. Rod's hands moved down to my cock just as I felt Skeet's hands slide between us and play with my nipples. "Take me upstairs" I moaned. Jack answered "Whatever you want tonight. As creator of the First Annual Swimsuit Exchange, you deserve it."

Well, that sounded promising! I reluctantly freed myself from the others and led them upstairs to the room Rod and I share. I sat on the bed and laid back, my feet still on the floor. Skeet used his mouth to put a condom on my aching cock, then straddled me and lowered himself onto me. As I felt my cock sliding into the tightness of his ass, I almost lost control but somehow held back, wanting the pleasure to last. I was close enough to the edge of the bed, so Jack stood on the floor and I turned my head to suck on his thick cock. I looked up to see Skeet lean in and start frenching with Jack. I felt Rod's hands spreading my knees apart. He must have whispered instructions to Skeet, because as Rod lifted my legs up, Skeet reached back and my ankles ended up in front of his biceps. My now easily accessible hole was quickly filled with Rod's huge cock. I could only lie there writhing with pleasure as I felt Skeet's ass caressing my cock and Rod's cock pounding mine. I sucked on Jack's thick piece like there was no tomorrow, and stroked Skeet's meat. Jack leaned over and took Skeet's cock into his mouth, so I dedicated one hand to each man's ball sack. I could tell Jack was on the edge, so I slid my hand between his legs and shoved my thumb up his ass. I heard his muffled moan just as I felt him shoot his load down my throat. His knees started to buckle, and he weakly crawled up onto the bed, where he lay gasping for air. I felt Skeet lean forward and we started kissing. Rod started thrusting even harder, each thrust pushing my cock into Skeet. I felt Skeet's asshole spasm around my cock as he ejaculated on my chest. The sensation pushed me over the edge, and I shot so hard I thought my condom would explode. My ass clenching around his cock, Rod roared like an animal as he thrust deep inside me and shot his load. We collapsed together on the bed, and someone turned off the lights. I was too intoxicated by pleasure to notice.

(Stay tuned for part 6...)

Next: Chapter 6

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