On the Beach

By A N

Published on Oct 16, 2007


On The Beach - Part 4 By: Nude Beach Fan

I closed my eyes to hold back the tears as I heard Tony ask someone to hand him the duffelbag. "Please God, get me out of this!" I prayed silently. But I was trapped. I was being held by the threat of blackmail, and not the chains, and had no way out.

I felt something clammy press against my cheek. It was humming and vibrating, and when I opened my eyes I saw I was being poked in the face by an ENORMOUS rubber penis in Tony's hands. "You think you can take it?" laughed Tony. I just closed my eyes. I thought it was a dumb question since I had just had two real dicks up my ass this afternoon.

"Great," I thought, "Listen to how loud that vibrator is! It's gotta be industrial strength!" Then I realized the buzzing was coming from outside the room, when I heard the guys reacting.

"What the.." "The fire alarm!" "The building's on fire!" "Let's get out of here!"

I opened my eyes and watched as guys scrambled to throw on whatever pants they could find and run out the door. Tony looked me in the eyes, then turned to grab some pants. "Help me!" I cried. Then, without looking back, Tony ran out in a pair of jeans with legs that were at least 5 inches too short. I closed my eyes again. All I could think of was the fireman finding my charred naked body chained to the floor with a giant rubber penis beside my remains. Then I felt hands releasing my bonds. I opened my eyes to see my liberators -- Jack and Rod.

"Hurry! The fire!" I cried.

"There's no fire," said Rod. "I thought this scene was getting too intense, so I distracted the guys while my buddy snuck out and pulled the fire alarm. Now come on, let's go!" said Rod. "You're free."

"Thanks," I replied, "but I'm not really free. They can just blackmail me again."

"Not without these," said Jack, picking up my pictures from Tony's desk.

"So what? They still have the video."

"Correction. They had the video. Now they are out in the yard, and the video is in the dorm somewhere. Grab some clothes from Tony's closet so we can find it before everyone figures out it was a false alarm."

I grabbed a pair of gym shorts and an old navy t shirt and put them on. I started for the door, but then I saw the duffel bag. I grabbed the vibrator and restraints and tossed them in the bag. If Tony bought this stuff for me, I might as well keep it, I thought.

We hurried out the door. I tried to figure out where to start looking for the tape, when I saw Rod's friend pushing the camera out into the hall.

"I saw them put it in there and figured you'd want the tape back," he said. He tossed the videotape to me. I shoved it in the duffel bag.

We hurried down the stairs to the main floor. Just as I was about to go out to the lobby, I saw Tony leading the pack back into the building. "Oh no! What now?"

Jack grabbed my arm and dragged me down the stairs to the laundry room in the basement. We just got out of sight as Tony entered the stairwell and headed up. I wondered how he'd react when he saw that I was gone.

"Let's go," whispered Jack, "before they start looking for you." We ran back up to the lobby and out the front door.

"Cmon, my car's right over here," whispered Rod, "we can go back to my place." The four of us piled into his rusty minivan, and drove away.

"Thanks guys, you saved my life! How can I ever repay you?"

Jack's eyes traveled down my body. "We'll think of something..." he said.

A few minutes later, we pulled up to a small house with light blue paint flaking off the walls. Rod turned of the engine and invited us inside.

Rod's buddy, who had introduced himself as "Skeet", was behind me as we walked into the house. "Dude, why'd you bring the duffel bag in?" I started blushing as they all looked at me, waiting for an answer.

"Well..." I stammered, "I thought this stuff might be fun, in the right circumstance."

Everyone laughed, and we started going through the stuff in the bag. I didn't even know what most of this stuff was for, but before I could ask, Jack pulled a little piece of paper out of the bag, looked at it, and started laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

Jack was now laughing so hard he could hardly talk. "The receipt!" he said, "Tony put this stuff on his credit card!"

"So what?" I asked.

"So, if he ever gives you a hard time again, you can just threaten to get this receipt into his fiance's hands. I'm sure she'd be very interested to know that Tony shops at the gay bondage store."

I couldn't believe it, I really was free.

The rest of the night was spent showing my gratitude to my three heroes.

Well, it's been three months now. Tony's fiance dumped him and he dropped out of school. A couple of the other guys that were there that night apologized to me and turned out to be really cool. Skeet, Jack and I all moved into Rod's house.

And the duffel bag? Well, I now know what every toy is for....they really ARE fun, when you're with the right guys...

Next: Chapter 5

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