On the Beach

By A N

Published on Sep 29, 2007


...I heard the noise of the aloe being squeezed out of the bottle. Then I felt it - a second cockhead pressing at the entry to my ass.

I was sure there was no more room with Rod's meaty cock filling up my hole. But the tall athlete somehow shoved his dick in there with it. My face was still shoved into Jay's ass, muffling my screams. It felt like a traffic pylon had been crammed up my anus.

"Oh, fuck! He's so tight!" cried the italian, "I may never be able to pull out!"

"You better, Tony," Jay laughed over his shoulder, "I want a turn, and I don't think we can fit three cocks up there."

I struggled to pull off, but had nowhere to go. There was nothing I could do. Tony started slowly pulling his dick out and pushing it back in. Then Rod, who had been relatively still, began thrusting as well. The sensation of two cocks moving inside me at different speeds quickly blocked out the pain, and my dick became hard as a rock. I thought our moans of pleasure would alert the whole beach, but no longer cared. As the two cocks pounded me faster and faster, I felt my balls pulling up tight, and then shot my load. The slickness of my cum between us put Rod over the edge, and he began to shoot inside me. With a loud cry, Tony drove himself deeply inside me and added his sperm to my asshole. Jay pulled out of Rod's mouth and crawled forward, leaving Rod and I face to face. As we kissed, I tasted Jay's sperm.

Despite his worries, Tony was able to pull out. We laid there in a pile, exhausted, until Tony and Jay got up and grabbed there belongings. As they began to walk away, I said "What about the pictures?"

"Oh don't worry," Tony replied, "Nobody will see them...as long as you show up at our dorm room tomorrow night at 10. That should give us enough time to think of a few ways you can encourage us to keep your secret, right Jay?"

"Oh, yeah," Jay laughed, "I've already got some ideas. What about you, surfer boy? You wanna join us?"

Rod replied, "I was supposed to hang with my buds. How about if I bring them along?"

"Sure," said Tony, "I'm sure Alan here won't mind at all, as long as we keep his pictures safe. Right, Alan?"

As the full implication hit me, I hung my head and nodded. I was trapped, and I knew it. I couldn't let those pictures spread around campus. I wasn't sure what I was in for, but I knew I'd do whatever I had to do....

The following evening, I sat in my dorm room, wishing my roomate would hurry up and leave for his date. I had to leave soon if I was going to be at Tony's room by 10, and I wasn't even ready. I wasn't even sure what I should do to get ready. Finally, I decided I couldn't wait any longer. I undressed, threw my towel around me and started to head to the shower.

"Hey, Al, where ya goin?" said Jack. Then his face lit up. "Al's got a date! She must be hot if you're trying to be so sneaky. Looks like we'll both be getting laid tonight! Good luck man! Don't get her pregnant!"

Beet red, I hurried out of the room so I wouldn't have to make up a lie. I avoided eye contact as I passed other guys in the hall, hurrying to the showers. Luckily, most of the guys go out to the bar on Saturday night, so the dorm was pretty deserted.

I went to the last shower stall and turned on the water. I knew I had to hurry. Who knew what would happen to those blackmail photos if I showed up late. So I soaped, shampooed, and rinsed myself off. I was now clean, but lingered, enjoying the hot water on my skin. Finally, I turned off the water and wrapped my towel around my waist as I stepped out of the stall. I looked at the clock by the sinks. "Oh Fuck!" 9:50! I ran, dripping, down the hall to my room. I almost ran into the door when the knob wouldn't turn. "Jack, let me in!" I yelled. No answer. He must have left for his date already. I dashed back down the hall and knocked on the RA's door. Silence answered me. "This can't be happening." "Maybe Scott will loan me some clothes." I pounded on his door, but still nothing. I went back into the bathroom, to see if anybody was in there. The clock said 9:57, and there were no feet when I looked under the stall doors. 9:58. I took a deep breath and walked down the hall to Tony's door. Knock, knock.... nothing. I stood there, not knowing what to do. Finally the door was opened...by Jay, who smiled an evil grin when he saw me in my fuzzy green towel. "Is this Tony's room?" I stammered. "He'll be back soon, he and the guys went to pick up a few things for tonight. Come on in."

I walked in cautiously, as my eyes tried to adjust to the darkness. I heard the door click shut behind me. I looked around in the shadows. Pretty big for a dormroom, I thought, especially with the beds overhead in a typical dorm loft. "Give me your towel. I'll hang it up so it will dry." I hesitated. Jay's eyes narrowed. "You better do what you're told tonight, if you care about those pictures." Then he yanked the towel off of me and threw it over the back of a chair. I stood there awkwardly, unsure of what to do with my hands. I guess I was pretty nervous, because I almost jumped out of my skin when the phone rang. Jay answered, but didn't say much, so I couldn't figure out the conversation. He hung up, then told me to sit down and close my eyes. I sat in a wooden chair near the corner and closed my eyes. I felt Jay pull my hands behind the chair and tie them together with what seemed like a shoelace. "You can probably get your hands free if you try, but don't. Remember why you're here and what's at stake." I opened my eyes just in time to see the blue bandanna as it covered them. I was blindfolded, tied up, naked, in a stranger's dormroom. I tried to hear what Jay was doing, but was quickly foiled as he turned on the stereo. The room filled with some bass-heavy dance club song I hadn't heard before, blocking out all other sound. I pulled my wrists against the shoelace, then stopped as I remembered Jay's threat. So I sat there, becoming more disoriented as I waited for something, anything to happen.

Next: Chapter 3

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