On the Beach

By A N

Published on Sep 14, 2007


Disclaimer: Fiction is fiction, reality requires protection. Please practice safer sex!!

My first fictional posting. Hope you enjoy!

On the Beach - part 1 By Nude Beach Fan

I felt a little silly in my new swim trunks. I'd never worn them in public before. They were fitted, like boxer briefs, when most guys were wearing those baggy board shorts that hang down past their knees. But I was by myself, and the beach was a couple hours from the university, so I didn't expect to see anyone from campus. Still, I quickly found a spot away from the crowds, spread out my towel and stretched out to work on my tan.

Well, I must have dozed off, because the next thing I knew, I felt something bump against my leg. I sat up and hardly noticed the frisbee lying on my towel, because of the guy who came over to claim it. His white trunks showed off his swimmer's build and tan. His long curly surfer haircut, bleached by the sun, surrounded a great smile and the greenest eyes I had ever seen. I snapped out of my daze when he asked for his frisbee back. I picked it up and tossed it to him, wanting to prolong the moment, but unable to utter a word. He caught it, looked at me again and said, "Thanks". As he turned to walk away, he glanced back at me and said "Nice suit".

I'm sure I blushed redder than my suit, but he was walking away, so I hoped he didn't notice. I reached into my backpack for my water bottle, and sat there watching the play of his muscles as he tossed the disk around with his buds.

After a few minutes, one of his pals suggested hitting the snack bar. My surfer dude told them to "go ahead, I'll see you later". I quickly pretended to be looking out at the water, but glanced back over and caught his eye. He walked over and said, "Mind if I sit down?"

As he sat down next to me, he said "I'm Rod".


"Nice to meet you Alan," and he shook my hand. "Man, I dig that suit."

"Thanks. I feel kinda silly, actually."

"You shouldn't, you look great! You've got what it takes to wear a fitted suit."

I blushed again, even worse this time. He laughed, and that made me laugh.

Then my jaw dropped when Rod said, "Do you think I could try it on?"

"What do you mean?" I said.

"We can follow that path and go back in the dunes a little bit. We can switch there. C'mon, nobody will see us."

I felt weird about the whole situation, I mean, I like to look at guys, but that's as far as it had ever gone before. I wasn't sure I was ready for this, but I really wanted to see him out of his suit, so I said okay.

"Lead the way", he said.

We hiked up the path, which sloped upward for about 20 yards, then sloped back down as it went behind the rise. We stopped at a flat, sandy spot. "Maybe we should go a little further from the beach," I said.

"This is fine, nobody ever comes up here," he replied. I saw he had been carrying my towel and backpack. He set them down, and pulled an old bedsheet from my pack and spread it out. Before I knew what he was doing, he reached up, grabbed my waistband and pulled my suit down to my ankles. "Wow!" he said, as he saw my cock, which was hanging nice and thick by this time. I stepped out of my suit, then Rod said it was my turn. So I knelt down as he stood up, and pulled his suit down. I immediately saw why he wore the long shorts - his dick seemed to hang halfway down his leg.

As he stepped out of his trunks, he tripped? (maybe intentionally) and fell with me onto the sheet. Feeling his hard muscles pressing against mine nearly overwhelmed me, and I struggled to say "Aren't you going to try on my suit?"

"Maybe later," he whispered in my ear.

I couldn't believe this was happening. Lying naked in the dunes with a guy that could have been a fitness model, who was in the process of sticking his tongue in my ear. I was helpless as my body started responding. He whispered in my ear, "Do you wanna suck my cock?" I intended to say No, but the moan that ushered out of my mouth clearly meant yes.

Rod rolled onto his back, taking me with him so that I was on top of him. Then he pressed down on my shoulders, guiding me downward as I kissed his neck, then his chest, then his abs. And there it was, the first dick I would ever suck. And I knew I wanted to. I took a deep breath, and grabbed the shaft. It felt so strange to be holding another man's dick, but it felt right somehow. I noticed a drop of precum on the tip. What will it taste like? I opened my lips and put out my tongue to gently lick the head. I hardly had time to notice the salty taste before Rod reached down and grabbed the back of my head. As he pushed my head down, I took more and more of his hard cock into my mouth, until I felt it hitting the back of my throat. I never knew my mouth could feel so full, or could salivate so much.

I could have sucked on that cock for days, but it wasn't long before Rod pulled out and pulled me up to face him. He kissed me, thrusting his tongue deeply into my willing mouth. Then he stuck his tongue into my ear again, and said "I want to fuck you."

Now my ears have always been my weakness, so I sighed "yes, oh yes. I want to feel you inside me."

Rod rolled with me again so that he was on top of me again. I felt his hard dick against mine. It made me melt. Rod reached over to my backpack, dug around and found a bottle of aloe. He opened it and spread some on his fingers and rubbed some onto my asshole. The cold aloe was a shock, but the finger sliding in was the overriding sensation. "Relax" he whispered, as he slipped a second finger in to join the first. I was a writhing, moaning puddle at this point. "You're so tight," he said, "Have you ever done this before?"

"No," I admitted, "but I really want to."

"Okay" he said as he pulled his fingers out. As I felt the tip of his cock press against my hole, he said "Just relax, like when you take a dump" I was going to answer, but before I could, he slid the head of his cock into my ass.

"Oohhhhhhhh" I wasn't sure I could take it, he felt sooo big. Slowly, he eased in deeper and deeper, until finally I felt his balls against my skin. He must have been able to feel my muscles relax, because he began slowly thrusting. I couldn't believe the sensations. "OOohhhh" I moaned.

"Are you okay?" Rod asked.

"Don't stop," I replied.

To this day, I don't know how he managed it, but somehow Rod rolled us over again so I was on top of him, sitting on his cock. I closed my eyes and started to lift and lower myself on his rock hard dick. "Oh, your ass is soo tight" moaned Rod.

The sensations were so intense that I didn't hear the footsteps coming up the path. Then I heard the sound of a couple guys laughing. I was afraid to open my eyes, but was even more so when I heard one of them say "Hey, the guy on top is in my English class!"

"You're right, he lives in my dorm building, his name is Alan. How's it going, Alan?"

I thought that had to be the worst thing I could hear, until I heard the clicking noise of the camera. I opened my eyes. I saw it was two guys from the basketball team, casually snapping pictures of me naked with a cock up my ass.

"Please, what are you going to do with those pictures?" I asked.

"Just relax and we won't have to do anything with them." said the tall, italian guy.

He leaned over and whispered in the shorter, redhead's ear, who quickly replied, "I'm in."

The guys pulled down their swimsuits to reveal their above average cocks. The redhead moved into position and shoved his cock in Rod's mouth. I sat there with Rod's boner up my ass, staring at Red's ass muscles flexing. "Lean forward, Jay" said the tall guy. I wondered why, but then felt a hand on the back of my head, pushing me forward until my face was shoved into Jay's crack.

From Rod's moaning, I could tell he was still enjoying himself. But I was wondering what was next. I didn't have to wonder long, however.

I heard the noise of the aloe being squeezed out of the bottle. Then I felt it - a second cockhead pressing at the entry to my ass.

Next: Chapter 2

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