On and Off the Road

By cal ritchie

Published on Dec 6, 2004


I unplugged my butt as I crossed the wheelhouse floor, and chucked the wedge of tissues out through the doorway and into the sea, then wandered down the steps to Andy and Paul's cabin.

As I opened the door the first thing to hit me was the strong odor of sweat, mingled with hot cum and a strange, indefinable smell that said 'men have been fucking other men here'. The drapes were half-closed and I could just about make out the figure of Andy, hunched over and vigorously fucking the prone and twisting figure of Mark, who was on his back as Paul squatted over his face, feeding him his cock.

Mark was gulping very loudly and emitting the occasional groan, when Paul briefly removed his cock, as all the while Andy plowed his ass real hard, making the guy's spread-eagled thighs jerk and shake.

Andy turned to me, red-faced and panting as I entered the cabin.

"You want some of this action?" he asked, his breath rasping harshly and coming in gasps.

I crawled onto the bunk and over to where Paul's joint was moving in and out of Mark's mouth, and bent over to lick the cock as it entered and then left, licking and tasting both the slick shaft and Marks lips. Paul rested his hand on my head as I served both of them, stroking my hair as he fucked that willing mouth.

I decided to grab a little action of my own so I licked my way down Mark's muscular body until I reached his swollen, dripping cockhead that flared up at me and bounced this way and that as Andy fucked him. The smell of man-sex was strong now, and Andy's bush was heavily coated in grease as his cock fucked and plundered. I grabbed Mark's swaying shaft and took it deep into my mouth - which filled almost immediately with the drool that slobbered from his piss-slit - and chomped it down like a three-course meal. The only sound in the cabin was the heavy breathing from my three companions and the slick sucking noises emerging from Mark's ass as the cock drew out and slid back in again.

No one was taking care of me, but it really didn't bother me because I was lost in this joining together of bodies and I was getting off simply by being part of it. I had to breathe hard through my nose now because Mark's cock was grossly engorging and completely filling my mouth, while his grunts and gurgles were becoming more pronounced and urgent. I had to press down as he lunged upwards, and now Andy's agonized voice was joining the chorus, as was Paul's, and the realisation that all three of these studs were going to cum almost together urged me on and I quickly stroked the cock while I was sucking it.

Paul came first with a great sob, and his body shook against me as he filled Mark's mouth, then Andy flung himself forward, almost spearing my head with the cock I was sucking, and I saw the pale, translucent jizz spray out of Mark's ass, splashing Andy's thighs, and that was when I received my tribute, because Mark had to surrender and my mouth became awash with sperm, blowing my cheeks out and forcing the excess out over my chin and from the corners of my mouth. His body rose as he came, pushing me high off the bed until gradually the movement of flesh all around slowed and the breathing became sighs, and the movements became languid.

I rolled away, swallowing hard, and wiping my mouth on the back of my hand, watching as Andy slowly removed himself from Mark's ass, then Paul swung himself over and lay back on the bunk. Mark turned over towards me and lay wiping his mouth with a corner of the bunk sheet. No one said a word because no one could say a word for the heaving chests and the aching limbs.

I lay next to the three heaving men, then without saying a word, I gripped my painfully hard cock and spread myself. Mark looked at me, smiled a leering smile, moved towards me and was the first to spread himself over my body, taking me into his mouth, then Paul joined him and they took it in turns to stretch their lips over my bulging cockhead.

Then, out of the corner of my eye I watched as Andy reached into a drawer and brought out an enormous pink dildo, complete with cord and a control pad. My heart leapt as he primed it with lube, though I was still slick from my lovemaking with Rick. He moved down the bunk and disappeared behind the two men who were fellating me, but soon the cool, smooth dildo was playing enticingly around the rim of my ring.

My cock seemed to get bigger as the fake cock entered me, oozing its way deep into my dark core, where Andy kept it steady for a few moments so I could become accustomed to its size, then he switched it on and I thought my raw hunger for sex was going to rip open the top of my head. It seemed to fondle and play with my prostate, making my flesh crawl with yearning as it vibrated rapidly - but noiselessly - within me.

I cried out, though I don't know what I said, because my senses felt that they were once again drugged, but not this time by dope- simply by a passion for the most depraved sex imaginable. I scrabbled at the air, as the two men wrestled with each other for command of my prick, more or less bathing their hands in the pre-cum.

I seemed to be bathed in a warm, luscious blur, and all I was conscious of was the exquisite quiver emanating from deep within me, as I spread my arms wide and stretched myself in supplication to my three lovers. The blood pounded in my head, blocking out every noise, even the creaking of the bunk under our four bodies. I was nowhere and everywhere, and being lifted to a higher plane of experience by the gizmo working inside me.

I was aware of them sucking me but it was soundless, and their mouths were all over me.

I wanted it all, and I felt the intense heat within me in that pleasure zone buzzing inside me and my mind shouted

YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! And a thousand times YES!

and a sea began to bathe me and I was caught in the warm rolling surf of passion as it coursed through me, making me tremble with pleasure, and dread that this might soon be over but I couldn't stop. The wave took me and as I opened my eyes I saw a creamy jet rise and then Paul and Mark were reaching for it, almost in slowmo.

My body felt like a faucet that had been turned on and all my force was pouring from it, as both men crawled up my body and kissed me on the lips, together and separately in a fury of emotion, then the vibration steadily subsided, and I found the strength to raise my head, weakly, and looked past the kissing lips, to see Andy slowly haul something from me that shimmered pinkly, then my head fell back and I flowed into another place.

I awoke to find Andy beside me on the bed.

"I've been stroking you for an hour, but still you wouldn't wake up," he said, kissing my ear. "How about taking Rick for a spell ashore?"


I must have sounded drunk or something, because I lurched to the window to find that we were moored in a small harbour.

"We've just delivered their boat," he explained, as if to a child. "Paul has gone with Mark to get some help, so..." he paused. "...I thought you and Rick might like to get ashore for a break."

"Sure," I replied, sliding off the bed, then noticed for the first time that Andy had got dressed again. "Why don't you come with us?"

"Can't leave the boat, besides they'll be back before too long," he rose as he spoke, then added, as he gently stroked my ass."There's a quiet beach just down the way. We'll drop anchor off it when our business is done here and pick you up."

I kissed him and hurried back to my cabin, hoping that no one on the quayside would see my unclothed body as I crossed the floor past the open wheelhouse door. Rick was already up on deck waiting for me, dressed in his tight jeans and T-shirt, so I waved to him and hurriedly slipped into my cut-offs and torn tank top.

He stepped onto the quayside first and then reached back to help me ashore. His hands were strong as he grasped mine, and I couldn't help but think back to his thrusting cock, churning inside me earlier on, as we casually strolled along the quayside. I could already see the empty tracts of white sands ahead, as the village buildings slowly gave way to palm trees, then a dusty track to the shore, so I quickened my pace.

"Hey, good buddy - what's your rush?" he called as I speeded away from him, heading for the surf, then, startled, I suddenly turned to find him pounding up alongside, and then overtaking me. He pulled off his T-shirt as he ran, stopping only to shuck off his jeans, which he carried like a banner as he headed, buck-naked towards the palms that fringed the beach.

I stripped off likewise, and chased him, both of us impervious to the hot sand baking beneath our feet and he reached the string of trees and undergrowth about three minutes ahead of me, then stood, bent over as he tried to catch his breath, face flushed and beaming at me. He flung his clothes down into a patch of long grass that bordered one of the trees and stood with his back against the palm tree, posing like one of those vintage Men's Physique centerfolds, with one leg raised as he leaned back, panting.

It was times like this that I wished I'd had a camera to capture this golden guy with all his studly attributes, but all I could do was commit it to memory.

"Swim first?" he asked, between gasps for air.

"First?" I replied, coyly.

"You don't seriously think I brought you all the way out here just for the sunshine?"

I laughed, then shoved my belly forward, and jutted my semi-erect cock at him.

"Why, sir," I breathed, in a girly voice, clasping my hands against my chest. "You mean you have some ulterior motive?"

He lunged forward and grabbed me round the waist.

"You'd better believe it, baby!"

We kissed, our lips open and tongues moving.


He wrenched away from me and ran towards the surf and I followed, this time easily keeping up with him, and we hit the breakers almost simultaneously, leaping and diving into the water then plunging beneath, to emerge again some way off, spluttering and smoothing down our hair and rubbing our eyes.

I slid into the water and began a butterfly stroke, but I'd gone a few yards, when his naked body pitched over onto me, knocking the breath from me as I rolled over, gasping and spluttering.

"Fuck!" I yelled, spraying water from my mouth. "Don't be a total cunt, Rick!"

He assumed a contrite pose that I knew was all bullshit, and I leapt at him full pelt, sending him backwards into the sea with me on top of him. We rolled together in the surf, and now I was acutely aware that was carrying a massive boner, as we turned over and over beneath the water, clutching at each other. Then we both let go and headed for the surface.

He rose in the heaving surf and shook his head, sending his wet hair flying round him like a blond halo, and I staggered to my feet just behind him, then he turned to me, lips parted in that sensual, turned-on sorta way, and I could see what he wanted just by the way his cock stood hard out at right angles to his crotch.

He cupped his balls and I checked around to see if there was anybody else on the beach.

There wasn't.

He had a wild look in his eyes as he reached for my hand and pulled me towards him, hauling me along with him as he headed back to the trees. I ran behind him, my stiff cock bouncing against my belly, knowing, as I ran that he could have whatever he wanted from me, and he could do anything he wanted to me. We ran through the trees and into the undergrowth where the long grass was hot and dry and soft underfoot.

Suddenly he pulled me down to the ground with him, and we lay stretched out together, hot body to hot body, running our hands feverishly all over each other, rolling back and forth in the grass as the heat from it seared our backs, but we were mindful only of each other and our naked, horny needs.

He moved his hand swiftly down to grasp my prick - now painfully hard - and gripped it as we struggled against each other in our naked, aroused state, before tumbling over and over in the grass. I wanted him so badly now that my ass almost puckered and gaped for him, as I pressed my belly solidly against him, forcing his prick up between us, and stretching the skin back from his cockhead.

Gasping and panting he sought my lips and saliva flew as our mouths met and slithered, our desire for each other seemed to be electrically charged as it sent jolts through my body, arcing throughout my nervous system.

"The lube," I stammered as I lay on my back beneath him. "in my pocket...get....lube...."

Reaching out one hand he scrabbled in my cut-offs, and tore out the lube, cracking the top in a blurred frenzy of trembling hands as he greased himself up. Then, almost as part of the same movement he rolled my thighs up, spread my legs and entered me, forcing from me a loud moan of hunger. I gripped him with my legs, as if trying to pull him deeper into me, then he pulled out and plunged in again, and now he was above me, his outstretched arms on either side of my neck as he fucked me hard and long.

I ran my hands over his chest, shaping the contours of his muscular frame and playing with his brown nipples, and then I linked my fingers behind his neck and brought him down to my face. My lips were parted wide and slavering for him, as his head hung over me, dark eyes half-closed and mouth open and tongue lolling, and not seeming to be a part of the same body whose thrusting hips heaved in and out of me.

I cried out as we fucked, forever rolling over and over on our 'bed' of long grass, the perspiration that flowed from us now making our skin slippery. I gripped his ass cheeks as they pumped against me, pulling them wide apart before he rolled back so that he was under me. I'd never experienced lovemaking of such intensity, and of such a longing, as he grunted and groaned in my ear.

My hands cradled his head, the heat from his hair almost burning them, and now I could sense that his labored breathing had changed its pattern. There was now unevenness and a raw edge to it, and his pumping movements were becoming wilder as he slammed his cock into my anus.

"I...I'mmm.........cummm......cummmminnngg...I'm..."he gagged and choked as spat the words out. "Oh Mike...I...want...to...AAAGHHHHHHHH!!!! Then his throat gave forth with a ragged cry and my body became a burning receptacle once more as his cock poured into me, making me jerk and twist against him as we became a squirming duo joined at my ass, our mutual cries rising in the air as if during some primeval mating.

The air shivered above us as a cool breeze blew over our bodies, still welded together, and he slowly pulled out of me, his cockhead followed by a gusher of his cum that pooled into a cool lake beneath my thighs, and I stretched my arms and legs wide as if awakening from a long sleep. He slid down my body, and my hands came down and pushed his head to my groin as he took my aching hard-on into his mouth. I was so 'on the brink' that it only needed a few strokes, and his tongue licking the underside, to send a massive shiver all the way through my body to spurt my load. He drank it all, licking his lips as though tasting a fine wine, then he stood up, a little unsteadily, showing me his cock, now caked with the aftermath of our sex.

He leaned over and hauled me to my feet.

We kissed, my body tight his, and I eagerly swallowed the cum that remained in his mouth. I didn't want any of this to end but I knew it would. Rick was used to turning tricks - hence the presence of Mark - and I didn't want to be walked down that road, not after David's betrayal.

A loud horn sounded and we both turned to see Andy waving from the deck of 'Blown Free'.

"I'll come with you for part of the way, "Rick said quietly, as his hand ran up and down my back. "Then I'll leave. OK with you?"

I nodded and held him tightly round the waist.

Andy suddenly gave a yell, and we looked again, to see him waving his thong in the air, just like I had done, and we both laughed as he waggled his long cock at us.

We had some time left, and there were four of us.

Sexual permutations.

We walked, hand in hand into the surf and towards the anchored boat.

The End.

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