On and Off the Road

By cal ritchie

Published on Dec 1, 2004


On and Off the Road

Chapter 5

I got up once that night to take a piss, leaving Lee sprawled across the bed with his cute little ass leaking my jizz, and amazed that the curly-haired young 'Roman slave' would be such an animal between the sheets.

I checked my watch.

4.00 am.

I really ought to be on my way in the early morning, but the thought of that open road and those miles until the next hostel filled me with something approaching dread, apart from which there was still time to nudge up to Lee again before I had to make a decision, so I clicked off the light and lay on the bed. Just the aromas rising from the sheets would have been enough to turn me on as I turned over and studied his lithe body lying quiet and still next to me. I leaned over, kissed him on the shoulder and stroked the rising domes of his butt making him move slowly and sensuously against the bedclothes beneath him.

Staring into the dark I tried to get a grip on events that had occurred since I'd left the apartment that David and I had once shared - before he'd decided that he preferred taking his pick of the world's cocks - and why for fuck's sake was I still angry with him when I'd already had a whole raft of sexual encounters since then?


I turned over, away from Lee and my eyes stared into nothingness.

I liked my life now. I think that I preferred it, and I guess my only reason for being angry with David was that he'd done it first.


My life was now hornier and more exciting than with David and I'd never before been involved in orgies like the one at the hostel and the one here last night. I rested my hand on my cock as it grew and thought about how much cum I'd taken last night, and as it rose and strengthened under my touch, I began to slowly masturbate which, given the circumstances and my surroundings was rather like taking a swig from a hipflask in a distillery.

Lee stirred beside me, and turned his head to me with a sleepy look through half-closed then saw my hand move on my cock. He slithered down between my thighs and dropped his open mouth over my swollen erection, at which point I removed my hand and spread my legs wider, as he worked on me with his nimble mouth and tongue

He looked up as if seeking approval, holding my slick flesh between his fingers and I indicated with my hand that I'd like to do the same to him, so he swung round and lay alongside me, with his bush and prick staring me in the face. I took him into my mouth as he continued paying lip service to my prick and savored the heady smell of his groin so close to me as I stroked his hard shaft, my tongue exploring him once again, before dipping my fingers into his ass.

He squirmed with pleasure under my touch, then I moved closer and spread his cheeks while I tongued his ring, still slick and shiny from our earlier endless couplings. His anus responded eagerly to my tongue, as his sphincter puckered, then opened as I worked on him, while all the time his mouth caressed my cock from tip to bush, sticking his tongue into my piss slit and making me squirm, and then dragging his tongue all the way down before licking the underneath.

And all the while my cock strained against his busy lips, making love to his mouth, and working my tongue deep into his ass.

We were now both wide-awake and extremely hard.

He rolled over on top of me, still sucking me, and his ass rose and fell as my tongue drove him wild; burrowing deep into his asshole as far as I could and opening him up wide - so wide that he had to briefly let me loose from between his lips and hold me tight in his hand as he gave out with little sighs and gasps, arching his back before relaxing again so he could continue.

By now his loving attention to my cock had got me thoroughly onto Orgasm Highway when I sensed that he was racing ahead of me and now his thighs were spread wide as he squirmed down on me, so I took his drooling shaft back into my mouth and lapped up the river of pre-cum. I thrust against his face while he returned the pleasure and we rolled over the bed, held tight to each other in a perfect 69, our faces buried deep in each other's bush, breathing noisily through our noses and only occasionally coming up for air.

His prick began to jerk and spurt and I shivered against his body, trying to hold back a little to enjoy the taste of him, but I had to give way, my spunk jetting out in bucket loads just as he gave me his full flood. The sounds of mutual choking and gagging filled the still morning air as I took all he had to give and licked my lips greedily for more, swallowing hard as he gradually slackened and lolled from my mouth, then we rolled back onto the bed and lay apart, shivering as the morning air chilled my cockhead where the pulsing cum dried and cooled.

He rolled over to me, and kissed me on the cheek with wet, cum-soaked lips while I spread my legs, and ran my hands through the pools of cum on my belly, revelling in the sheer decadence of how my life had become.

And loving it.

An hour later I was dressed, packed and on my way, and as the motel doors swung shut behind me I took one last look at the place, and was about to move off when someone called my name. I looked over, shading my eyes against the morning sun, and saw a guy wave to me from among the parked cars. It was one of the men that Mac had introduced me to last night, I couldn't remember his name - but I did recall that he had a work-out build and a good-looking cock.

"Mike!" he called.

I waved back and walked over to where he was standing next to his car, a neat open-top job.

"Give you a lift?"

"Which way are you headed?"

He gave me a knowing, pick-up smile, then

"I'm due to meet a friend of mine on his boat," he said. "It's moored in a marina not far from here. Interested?"


"I was supposed to help him load our gear on board last night, but," he nodded back at the motel, "the allure of the invitation to come here was too strong to resist."

I laughed.

"I know what you mean."

"It's only an hour or so down the road," he looked at his watch. "He wants to set out on the morning tide, so we'd better hurry."

"Won't he mind you bringing an extra body?" I asked as I slid into the passenger seat. "He's very free and easy," he said, as he started the motor. "Like me."

Suddenly, and for no reason at all, his name came to me.


Thank fuck for that, I thought, if we got into an intimate situation later it was better to call him by name.

The engine roared and we left the car park with the tires kicking up the gravel, and we were on the main road in no time at all.

I took long sideways glances at his body as he drove - knowing that he was doing the same to me - taking in his studly chest, with those big nipples pressing tightly against his


To say nothing of the huge bulge in the crotch of his denims.

"Did you get lucky last night?" he called out above the roar of the engine.

"Several times. You?"

"Fucked a few and got fucked back. I looked out for you but each time I saw you, you were involved with several guys at once, so I bided my time."

I looked his way as he turned his head to me and smiled.

"We can make up for it later," I yelled back over the noise.

"You bet!"

We were approaching the turn-off to the marina up ahead, then swung in through the gates and drove slowly down the lines of boats until we came to a large one at the end.

It was called (no kidding) 'Blown Free'; a big twin-engine 60-foot cruiser that looked like it could really handle itself in bad weather. As soon as he'd turned off the engine Paul pulled up the car roof, then locked up and led the way up the gangplank to where a guy was waiting for us, good-looking, stripped to the waist, and displaying a beautifully tanned and hard-muscled body.

They kissed each other warmly on the lips in greeting.

"I see you brought us a cabin boy!" said his friend, in a voice full of innuendo and looking me straight in the crotch.

"Mike," announced Paul. "Meet my partner Andy."

We shook hands and his blue eyes held me there.

"Any friend of Paul's is welcome in my bed."

He nodded to the rear of the boat.

"Your cabin is at the rear," he said. "And everything else you'll need is up forward."

He indicated towards the other way.

Then he winked a slow wink.

I swung down into the cabin at the rear, and was amazed at the comfort, with a big bunk and wide windows - too big to call them portholes - on three sides. I sat down on the bed and then lay back in its softness, already feeling my pulses racing.

This was going to be fun. I unloaded my rucksack, then went back into the wheelhouse where Paul and Andy were talking. Andy threw me a Bud which I opened gratefully, having discovered some time back that swallowing spunk makes your mouth real dry, and I 'd taken down more than my share since I'd left home.

"OK. We're all ready I think," said Andy. "So Mike, if you cast off forward, Paul will take care of the stern line."

I did as I was told, slowly making my way along the walkway to the bow, and as I prepared to let go the line I bent right over, aware that their eyes were on me - or at least Andy's were - and heard a long low wolf-whistle.

Looking back towards the wheelhouse I could see Andy posing in the doorway while he held the wheel, and smiling at me as Paul let go the stern rope, so I gave him a cheerful finger and he blew me a kiss as we moved slowly from the mooring

The engine was beautifully quiet as we headed down the creek that would eventually lead to the sea, and I squatted on the roof of the fore-cabin, idly watching the passers-by along the bank, and the lovers and thinking how peaceful all this was, and meanwhile, behind me towards the rear of the boat were two hunky guys who looked like they could turn out to be real horny company.

After a half hour or so on deck, letting the light breeze tease me, I came back and swung down into the wheelhouse to find that Andy beautifully chiselled body was now dressed only in a thong and showing off his big cock and balls, while Paul was presumably down below in his cabin slipping into something similar. Andy looked at my clothes and yelled down to Paul.

"See if you can find something for Mike to wear!"

He held the wheel with one hand, and swung round towards me, his hand on his hip.

"If all else fails, we'll just put you in a loincloth and make you our slave."

His eyes flashed on the word 'slave'.

"Sorry about the gear, guys," I said, and winked back at him. "I hadn't planned for this sort of cruising."

Andy laughed, and then looked me up and down again.

"We'll soon have you ready for anything."

"Here we are!" Paul yelled from below, and flung up a posing pouch, which I managed to catch.

"Do you want a hand putting it on?" asked Andy.

"Why - are you offering?"

Andy spread his hand wide over his bulge as I took the pouch and head towards the stern of the boat.

Returning to my cabin, I found myself in an increasing state of excitement and quickly stripped off all my clothes then wrapped the skimpy piece of material around my waist and tied it with a small bow at the side, catching a glimpse of my reflection in the full-length mirror as I was about to leave the cabin, surprised at how sexy the pouch looked.

I naturally hoped that I wouldn't be wearing the pouch for long, and returned just as Paul and Andy were each opening another beer. Paul handed one to me, and as I put it to my lips I could see, out of the corner of my eye how Andy was sizing me up and giving a look to Paul, but I pretended not to notice and just watched the passing view as the creek became wider and eventually we cruised out into the open sea.

"Mind if I go up on deck?" I asked Andy.

"Help yourself."

He stood back from the doorway just enough to let me pass but making sure that I had to brush against his crotch, so I lingered as I passed, feeling his hardness beneath the material as I clambered out onto the deck and walked along the roof of the fore-cabin, then stood at the end, legs apart as I drank from the bottle.

I glanced over my shoulder at the shore line as it slowly became smaller, and retreated into the distance, until before long we were out here completely on our own, with just the warm sea and a sunlit sky for company, and all the time I could feel both pairs of eyes on me as I stood there.

"We're going to drop anchor here!" came a sudden cry from Andy, and I turned to see him waving at me from the wheelhouse.

"It'll take the anchor, and we're out of sight of land!"

I stepped down from the roof onto foredeck and swung the anchor over while I held the chain and waited as the engine slowed to a tick over.

"Now, Mike!" Andy called out.

With a clattering rattle, the anchor dropped over the side and I watched until the chain became slack, then Andy gunned the engine a little to make sure it had held, then turned it off.

All was silent apart from seagulls and the lapping of the water against the hull.

I could sense that their eyes were still on me, so I reached for the tied cord at my side and slowly loosened it, then pulled it away and turned, legs apart and waving the pouch. Through the tinted glass of the wheelhouse, I could see both guys raise their bottles to me and a faint cheer went up. I shook my cock at them, wiggled my ass at them holding my cheeks apart then gripped my shaft as if to spray it around the deck, aware that I was now becoming noticeably erect.

I figured it was the beer, the surroundings and the two guys but not necessarily in that order, as I strolled casually back down to Paul and Andy, and crouched down at the doorway, looking in. They were now both stark naked and stroking each other's huge hard-ons, so I flung my pouch down into the corner to join their discarded thongs.

I stepped down and took the wheel, as if ignoring the two men and pretended to look at the control panel.

"Gee," I said in a childish kinda voice. "What do these all do?"

They laughed softly behind me.

Then I felt Andy move up close behind me he and press his cock hard against my back.

"And what does that do?" I asked.

"Anything you want it to," he spoke quietly into my ear and nuzzled me, then ran his arms around me from behind and down to grasp my cock with both hands before slowly turning me round towards Paul. His partner leaned forward and kissed me on the lips, running his warm hands over my belly and chest, then he came close and sandwiched me between them both, their hard cocks pressed against me, front and rear.

I kissed eagerly him with a wide-open mouth while I could feel Andy licking the back of my neck as he pressed his cock square into my back and up against my spine as he rubbed himself up and down against me. I had hold of Paul's cock, and mine, in one hand between us and rubbing them both gently as he kissed me, while all I could hear was the thudding in my ears of my rising passion.

Paul let go and slipped down to suck my cock while Andy continued to caress me from behind, with his big cock stiff riding up my back and leaking cool pre-cum onto my flesh as I closed my eyes and let their hands roam over me. Paul was expertly using his tongue and lips to send all sorts of vibrations through me, while my desire for these two guys spiralled into orbit and I was happy for Paul to take my wad this way if it meant I got to be spit roasted again.

I leaned back against Andy's throbbing shaft, my thighs trembling, and crying out as I let my overheated senses have their way and I jerked my jizz into Paul's waiting mouth. He held my shaft tightly as he sucked my juices down, his eyes tight closed as I came in wave after wave, listening to him gulp and gag as he swallowed my load, my knees shaking at the intensity of my climax, as I slid up and down against Andy.

"Oh God I need your cocks!" I groaned, shaking my fevered head from side to side, and holding my hand over Paul's hand on my cock as he licked me clean, then he rose quickly to his feet and both guys hauled me, staggering down the steps into one of the cabins, and flung me onto a wide bunk that dominated the cabin. I fell on my stomach and scrambled further onto the bed then Andy grabbed my legs and spread them. I was begging for it now, kneeling up and jutting my ass towards them as I spread myself like a ten-dollar whore.

Paul crawled onto the bunk at my head so that his cock was level with my mouth and held himself steady as he thrust between my lips and then all the way in until my nose bounced off his belly, while Andy was busy at the other end of me.

His greased fingers entered me - it felt like all four of them - and he turned them gently inside me, playing inside my ring before taking them out and replacing them with his hard, veined shaft. It slid smoothly in until his sac rested against my butt, then slowly shifted in and out for a while, before building up big-cock rhythm and slapping against me. I was sucking hard on Paul now as he fucked my mouth, twisting his hands in my hair and pulling on it but I oblivious to any pain by now.

"Oh, man...take it all the...uuhhhh...all the way in...I...aahhhhhh!" he groaned above me as I held his cock while I ran my tongue round his shaft before sucking on him again.

I was filled to bursting and my prick-filled mind kept going in flashback to the orgy in the motel bedroom, and the flying cum, and Muscleman's huge shaft that had almost become part of my body in that scene.

Andy was driving hard into me, then dragging himself swiftly out and I could feel him gripping his cock before shoving it back in again with that splashing sound of lube, and making my toes curl in ecstasy. His big heavy balls slapped violently against me now as he pounded harder and harder into my ass, and now Paul's prick was swelling hugely in my mouth while his hands slid wildly all over my head as he shuddered against my face.


He almost shrieked as his load filled my mouth, making me cough and splutter as I tried to keep from spilling the precious man juice, and all the while Andy's cock continued to plunge me like a steam piston as he rushed towards his climax shaking and quivering then, with a mighty thrust

"Take it!!!...ta...take it...ohFUCKFUCKFUCK!!"

He cried out as he filled me and kept on filling me, the flood of semen searing my insides and all the while I tried to concentrate on Paul, whose hands held me firmly to his crotch, as the spunk continued to spew from his piss slit.

Suddenly, Andy pulled out - ripped out - of me and he held his volcanic cock as he shot the rest of his load over my back in hot splatters, and then I had to let Paul's cock go and I fell forward onto the bed, as they both knelt over me with their spunk still hitting my back and forming hot little pools.

Andy rolled forward onto the bed by my side and facing me, gasping as he gently stroked my back while smearing his hands in the jizz, and Paul lay on his back on the other side, his chest heaving and sweat-flecked.

My ass felt cool now, and I spread my thighs wide, my feet touching them both as I gasped for breath and tried to swallow the cum that remained in my mouth.

After a few moments, Paul heaved himself up and headed unsteadily for the steps.

"Gonna get me a beer," he murmured as he left.

Andy snuggled closer to me and kissed me on the cheek.

"You're a dirty little bastard," he said quietly, as his smeared fingers stroked my forehead.

"Any complaints?" I answered sleepily.

"None. You've got a great ass."

He rolled onto his back, and I turned to look over my shoulder at his still-hard cock, steaming upright, and oozing juice.

"It takes a great cock to appreciate it," I said quietly.

"We're gonna be away for a coupla weeks," he said suddenly. "Can you handle that, or would you rather we dropped you back at the marina?"

I suddenly realised that I hadn't even asked how long the trip would last.

"I don't have any other clothes than the ones I brought with me."

"Clothes?" he asked as he turned his head to me. "Clothes are the last things you'll need on this trip."

I laughed.

"We'll be calling into a couple of places for supplies," he went on. "I'm sure we can find you something."

"Then count me in."

I leaned over to him and kissed him on the lips.

Then I slowly hauled myself up of the bed, feeling the cum slide sluggishly down my back, and walked a little unsteadily to the cabin door.

"I'm going to grab a shower. See you guys later."

For a boat, the shower was surprisingly hotel-like in its efficiency, and I was grateful to the stinging hot water as it scoured the film of sex from my body, and as I towelled my down afterwards I excitedly thought about the forthcoming two weeks.

I emerged from the shower, naked but clean, and went up to the wheelhouse where Paul was holding a bottle and looking through the doorway out to sea. He turned to me as he heard me come up the steps.

"How's it going so far?"

He didn't seem too pissed, but I didn't know him that well.

"Andy's invited me to stay on for the duration."

"Great!" he raised his bottle to me.

"What's up?"

He looked around to make sure we were alone.

"It's just that - well, I'd like just you and me to have sex sometime during this trip."

I leaned back against the bulkhead.

"You know," he went on. "Not necessarily a threesome every time."

"Fine by me," I said, wondering when jealousy might rear its head. "Just so long as you don't mind if Andy wants him and me to just be a twosome sometime as well."

He laughed.

"No, you asshole!" he said in between swigs from the bottle. "That's fine by me. I would just like you and me to get it on at some stage. You know, mano-a-mano."

I went over to him and ran my hand up the side of his handsome face.

"Any time you like."

He held my hand, then smiled and let go and turned to look out of the doorway again.

I wandered off back down to my cabin, and stretched out on the bed, watching the sun through one of the windows, and thought about Paul.

He was a well-built guy and he had a cock to die for, and I couldn't think why we hadn't got together at the motel, but I guessed that the joint I'd smoked had turned the whole evening into a very enjoyable sort of sexual shambles.

Here and now though, I felt I'd like to be able to make some of the first moves, I figured, otherwise, being the youngest one here, even if only by a year or so, I could see this two week trip turning into 'who's turn is it to have Mike this time?'

I awoke to the sounds of crockery being clicked together, looked at my watch and realised I'd dozed off for a couple of hours, so I smoothed down the bed and went to see what was happening.

As I came down the steps I saw that naked Paul was preparing the dinner table in the saloon, just ahead of the bedroom where we'd all fucked earlier. Andy was cooking, and as I passed him - he was naked but had taken the precaution of wearing an apron as he was cooking steaks for us - he patted my butt, and asked me to help Paul.

I opened some bottles of wine and made sure the glasses were clean, and generally busied myself, but it was difficult because there wasn't a great deal of room, and Paul and I kept brushing past each other as we prepared the table. Each time we did so, our cocks seemed to grow harder until eventually he grabbed me and pulled me down to sit on his knee on the bunk.

He ran his hand up my back, fingers splayed and stroking me.

"This isn't getting dinner ready,' I said, making to pull away.

"Maybe not, but it's getting me ready," he answered as he held me there, my legs spread as he stroked my erection, so I just had to reach down to fondle his, and he closed his eyes as I played with the pre-cum between my thumb and index finger, spreading it and tasting it as he stroked me, gently and slowly.

We sat in silence, listening to Andy busying himself in the galley, just masturbating each other without any frantic urgency or writhing limbs, yet each knowing that the other would soon be well on the way to shooting his wad, as his cock rose, rigid and long beneath my hand and he shifted slightly on the bunk. I leaned over and we kissed, again our tongues merging with each other, and our breathing becoming more ragged, then we totally lost control, as we went into the final stages of foreplay and my cum needed urgent release. He jumped and jerked and I grasped his cock head tightly, enclosing it with my hand as he came, splashing out between my fingers while his hand gripped mine tightly over his, and all the while his hand gripped my shaft, pumping me with a strong, jerking motion as I shot my wad up onto my chest, letting it splatter hotly on my flesh and he continued his hand action until I had to stop him.

"Now see what you've done," I said, scolding him as he wiped his glistening hand on his stomach.

He grabbed a box of tissues from a drawer nearby and we managed to wipe up most of the mess, and all the while Andy busied himself in the galley.

"How long have you been with Andy?" I asked as soon as we'd calmed down enough to carry on laying the table.

"Five years now," Paul replied.

"How did you meet?"

"Just after we'd left college. He was dating a High School cheerleader and I engaged to her best friend."

"So what happened?"

He continued laying out the cutlery as he spoke.

"We went out one night on a foursome, and after we'd dropped the girls off at their respective houses, I drove Andy home and somehow we ended up necking on his front room sofa."


"His folks came downstairs to find out why he was so late coming to bed, and found us both naked and me giving him a BJ."

He looked over at me.

"I guess you can figure out what happened then."

"'Never darken my door again'?"

"About right," he replied.

"How about your folks?" I asked.

"Orphaned at 15. Not a problem."

"Ever been back?"


"So you've been together ever since?"

Paul paused for a moment, holding a knife as though he was examining it.

"Don't get the wrong idea."

I looked puzzled.

"Me and Andy - we're not exclusive. I've had dates and so's he," he went on. "He'd have been at the motel that night and quite happily balled anyone there - as I did. He was just getting the boat ready."

I nodded.

"There's no problem with third parties here," he murmured.

Then Andy called us to help dish out the food. A real naked feast.

Two bottles of wine and a full stomach later, and we were done eating. Andy stretched his arms above his head.

"I'm about beat. Who says we get to bed?"

We all agreed to get some shut-eye so we'd be fresher in the morning, so I volunteered to do the dishes while they turned in. No one argued and they both gave me a goodnight kiss and a friendly pat on the ass as they staggered off to their cabin.

I soon had the dishes under control, and as I emptied the basin and flicked the dishcloth over the rail I listened, and could just about make out the creak of their bunk as they moved together. Making love to Andy would make Paul feel a whole lot better, I figured.

I was beat, so I turned off the galley light and strolled back to my cabin at the rear, brushed my teeth and slipped between the covers, and dreamed the usual very sexual dreams that mostly involved me taking both their cocks up my ass at once as well as sucking on a multitude of anonymous ones and at one point I got so hot that I woke with such a hard-on that only a vigorous hand and a box of tissues could resolve it, then with a subsiding prick and fading dreams, I drifted off again until I heard morning movement from the guys in the wheelhouse.

Andy was looking out to sea, and wearing his thong again.

"I guess we'd better make some attempt at respectability for a while, "he replied to my query regarding his dress code. "There's a tad more shipping around, and we don't what to frighten the horses."

His idea of 'more shipping' didn't quite match mine since all I could see was a tanker far out there and a sailing boat that was zipping through the water about 50 yards away.

Still, he was skipper.

After we'd eaten a light breakfast, it was a sort of 'mooch about' kinda day, and I slipped onto the foredeck with Paul who was soaking up some sunshine.

"I hope we didn't keep you awake last night," he said, obviously assuming that I'd heard them fucking.

"Uh-uh," I replied, and lay my head back against the glass of the wheelhouse window.

The sun was making me horny again - as it always did - so I tried to take my mind away from the mental picture of them thrusting at each other, and sweating into the night. I could feel Paul's gaze on me and his hand soft against my thigh as my pouch began to rise again, so I said nothing but simply raised my leg, so his hand had to drop and he didn't complain.

Maybe later.

The still of the day was suddenly shattered when the sailing boat we'd seen earlier took a tack too tightly and capsized even as I was watching it out of the corner of my eye. Andy had seen it too, and came running out of the wheelhouse to see if we could help. I shaded my eyes against the glare of the sun and could just about make out two guys on board, and they were swimming alongside their upturned boat and waving to us, They seemed to be wearing lifejackets, so there wasn't any immediate danger to life and limb, but Andy started the engine, and I leapt to pull up the anchor as Paul slid off the fore-deck to join him.

In minutes we'd pulled up alongside, and Andy killed the engine as we hauled them on board our boat.

"Drop the anchor again now, Mike," he said to me, as the two guys boarded. "We should be OK moored here, and Paul, can you get a line from their boat to ours."

Paul nodded and reached for the capsized boat with a long boathook to try to grab some sort of hold so we could attach it to our stern.

Then Andy guided the two men in through the wheelhouse, as I went up on deck again and duly let back down the anchor, secured it, and returned to the wheelhouse to find that Paul had managed to secure a line and lashed their boat to us. He headed back into the wheelhouse and we both followed the others below decks.

Andy had led them into the main saloon lounge where we'd had breakfast and luckily I'd had time to clear away the aftermath. Our visitors were both very attractive and while the older of the two guys, Mark, looked like he was in his mid-40s, the other one, Rick, was about 19 -20.

They'd already stripped off their lifejackets and costumes, and were each holding a glass of brandy that Andy had given them, together two large towels to wrap round themselves, as he was arranging with Mark for us to tow their boat behind us into the nearest harbour.

"There's no desperate hurry, but thank you," Mark murmured quietly.

"Is there anything we can do for you while you're here?" asked Andy, and then turned to me, his face betraying a sort of half smile as though he knew something that I didn't.

"We're both very grateful," said Mark, placing one hand on Rick's knee as he spoke. "And I do hope we won't be any trouble to you."

Andy picked up the costumes and took them out to the galley so they could be dried, leaving Mark and myself and the two yachtsmen drinking.

I noticed that while Paul and I spoke with Mark, about this and that, Rick seemed to be looking at me intently out of the corner of his eye.

"Rick is my....nephew," said Mark, haltingly, and Rick gave me a sly grin, leaving me in no doubt just what the relationship was.

Paul wasn't fooled either.

"Do Rick's parents know where he is?" he asked.

Mark's face flushed briefly, and Rick cut in.

"I'm 21 you guys. It's cool,"

"I don't know what you're suggesting..."Mark stammered.

"Is he really 21?" I asked Mark.

"Yes, he is. I assure you."

"Then there isn't a problem," said Paul. "Please be our guests."

"Oh, Mike," said Andy, and beckoned me out into the corridor. When I met him, he closed the saloon door and soon afterwards Paul joined us.

"He says he's the young guy's uncle if you'd believe that," said Andy in a mocking tone.

"We know - and he isn't," I replied. "But the kid's 21."

"So no problem," added Paul.

"I swear I've seen that guy Mark hanging around the men's room near the marina," said Andy.

"Look, they're here on board," I suggested. "Let's make them feel at home."

Andy grinned.

"Yeah, why not?"

Andy and Paul went back into the saloon to join our new guests.

Ain't sex great? I thought.

I put my head round the door of the cabin.

"Am I needed for anything?"

"Mike," said Andy, turning to me as he and Paul were talking to Mark. "Why don't you show Rick round the boat?"

"Sure," said Rick, looking straight at me, his eyes firmly on mine. "I'd like that."

He followed me out, trying to hold onto the big towel as he walked, and I took him up into the wheelhouse and showed him the various instruments.

"Which cabin is yours?" he asked quietly.

I smiled at him.

"You come to the point, I'll say that for you."

"No use wasting time," he murmured, tilting his head slightly to one side and flirting with me. "Mark was getting tiresome - if he hadn't made a play for me back then in the boat we wouldn't have capsized the fucking thing."

"Where did you meet him?"

"At a club in town. He's great in bed, but he wouldn't take no for an answer."

"No to what?" I asked.

"I like to fuck, y'know? I'm a top guy."

"You're in luck," I said, as we went through from the wheelhouse to my cabin. "I play both ends."

I closed the door behind us and locked it, then he turned and dropped the towel. I untied my pouch and we swiftly moved towards each other. He was slim and strong and his cock rose against mine as we stood there, embracing and running our hands over each other, then I pulled away, reached into my rucksack and threw him the lube.

He greased himself, then threw the lube back in the bag and climbed onto my bunk. I followed him, and as he lay there on his back I knelt between his thighs then lowered my mouth to his slim, uncut cock, licking my lips as I went.

His little bud of a cockhead was beautifully framed by his tight foreskin and lubricated already by his dirty thoughts, as I dabbed his piss-slit with my tongue, drawing long strands of pre-cum away with it. He sighed and moved against the bed as my tongue worked its magic, and spread himself wide as he could, while jutting his hips up at my mouth. His crotch smelt salty from his swim and that, added to his natural male-smell and sweat was an intoxicating cocktail of aromas and I breathed him in deeply as I sucked hard on his shaft.

I played with the underside, lightly running my fingers the length of it while stroking and letting my tongue follow my fingers. I wanted him primed and ready and he'd already got a head start on me, yet even though I was concentrating on his (and my) pleasure, I wondered what the other three guys were doing. Mark was a handsome stud and I could just picture Andy and Paul in a threesome right now, and hoping I'd get a chance to experience Mark being 'great in bed' as Rick had described him.

A sharp intake of breath from Rick brought me back to the here and now, as his cock swelling in my hand. I badly wanted this piece of meat inside me, so I scrambled up the bed and knelt over his hips, watching as his lips pulled back in a kind of sexual snarl as I spread myself over him, then held his cock beneath me as I lowered myself onto him.

He gasped and pressed his head back into the pillow on the bunk as my body descended on him, taking his slim young cock all the way up into me, and I closed my eyes tightly as I realised how long he really was, then wriggled myself down onto him, so that my ass rested neatly on his balls. I opened my eyes again and saw that he lay like he hardly dared move beneath me, his hands fluttering wildly over my stretched thighs as his mouth formed '0s' and his chest heaved.

"OK?" I asked quietly.

"Oh, yes-yes-yes...Oh-AAAHHHHH!!!"

He pushed up, raising me slightly off the bunk, then I lifted my ass, letting him slide out for a ways, as he sank back into the softness of the bunk, and all the while I got the distinct impression that he wasn't far off filling my tank.

I gripped my cock and stroked myself to hardness and then beyond, as my body became accustomed to this long intruder, as I built up a slow but steady rhythm. With each rise of my ass, he shuddered and his hands waved frantically by his sides, though he tried to keep a grip on my thighs, and when I sank again, he let out a long low groan. I was determined to draw out of him all I could and I clenched my sphincter muscle on him - hard as I could as I rose - my clenched anus dragging him with me part of the way, before letting him free to slide greasily from me again.

"Aaagghhh...FUCK!!!" he cried as I rose again. "Wh...wh...what are...FUCK!!...what are doing to m--me?"

He groaned out loud again, and his forehead glistened with sweat as I let him fuck me, but on my terms, gripping his manhood between the walls of my asshole, then letting him go, before sinking on him again.

His hands were manic now, thrashing in front of me as though about to either physically fight me or to embrace me, and all the time that moan, rising and falling as he fought against his orgasm.

He was totally in my power as I masturbated myself above him, controlling my own jizz as it headed for release, and knowing that as soon as I was on the brink, then I'd bring him to a climax as near to mine as possible. It was becoming hotter in my cabin, and his moans were now rising higher and longer, and my spunk was now on the run, so I increased the tempo on his cock until his mouth was open wide and he was silently shrieking at me....

....then the first darts of hot jizz spattered into my bowels, followed by harder, sharper stabs, until suddenly I was awash with his cum, and now, gasping and shuddering uncontrollably I came, shooting a long bolt of heated cum at his chin, followed by great globs of spunk that formed a large lake on his chest, which was now heaving fast and furiously as he writhed and shook beneath me, bucking his hips up at my ass, and waving his hands way behind his head as I drained him of cum.

I sat there with him pumping inside me for some time, and feeling the cum oozing out from my ass and down round the base of his cock, while he tried to catch his breath. Then I rose, letting him plop out to sway, semi-hard, over his matted bush and grabbed some tissues to plug my ass, then and lay on my back next to him.

He turned over and looked at me through half-closed eyes.

"Fuck!" was all he could say.

I stroked away the perspiration from his face as the afternoon light began to fade, and then decided to see how the other guys were making out, so I crawled off the bunk and left Rick to his streaked cock and cum-covered chest and left the room.

Next: Chapter 6

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