On and Off the Road

By cal ritchie

Published on Nov 18, 2004


Hal's muscular cock fitted snugly up my ass though he gasped and panted as he stood close up behind me giving me the impression that he didn't get to fuck many guys; that he maybe restricted his gay activities to just sucking and maybe - just maybe - he preferred taking it up the ass. I turned my head to look at him as I wriggled tight against his bush and enjoyed seeing his eyes widen as though he was about to pop his load.

"Oh fuck, Mike...keep...keep it still...aaah...Sweet Jeeeesusss!" he hissed. He was big, and his size rose up within me, filling my bowels with pleasure and thrilling my body as I stretched myself upright and back against him, clamping him inside me like my sphincter was a vice.

He gasped out loud again.

"Don't you come yet," I warned him. "I want to feel you both filling me at either end."

Mac meanwhile knelt on the bed and stroked his cock as he waited for my lips to surround it then, when I was happy that Hal wasn't going to cum just yet, I leaned forward and down, taking Mac deep into my mouth. It felt good being spit-roasted and Mac had such a beautiful cock to suck on, and I enjoyed the intimacy of having my nose pressed against his belly while I ran his length around my mouth, letting my saliva bathe it before I started to pull back on it and make it shine.

Hal shivered behind me, slowly and carefully thrusting into me, but I didn't hold out much hope of him lasting the distance. Maybe he really did like being fucked, I thought - I might investigate that later, as Mac's hands once again curled themselves into my hair, like they were weaving something. The room was silent now apart from our breathing, and the passion was high in me again making my head pound as I tried to picture me, on the bed, with a cock in me at each end.

It was like being in my own private porno movie, and I really longed to be filmed like this some day.

Mac was cooing at me again, with that girlie talk, calling me 'baby' and 'honey'. It didn't really bother me so long as I was having a good time - and I was. I also got a kick out of the fact that Hal was so close to cumming.

It was like I was in control. All I had to do was contract my sphincter or writhe against him just once too often and I was going to get a full ass as quick as blinking.

Hal sighed as he shivered, and groaned whenever I moved back to meet his strokes.

"Oh Mike...God...aaahhhhh! Don't...don't...move...don't...eeeeasy..." he babbled as his cock stretched within me, and I imagined it peering around with its single, drooling, unseeing eye inside that dark, private area.

"Ooooh, baby...you've got a hot mouth...oooh...keep that tongue moving on that cock, baby...yeah!"

Mac's script didn't seem to vary much, but he obviously meant it.

His pre-cum was pouring into my mouth as he pushed in and pulled out, and his hands still tightly gripped my hair while trying to force ever more of that aromatic joint down my throat,

|Oh Christ!" Hal moaned, still shuddering, and now the shakes and the quivering movements were becoming rapidly less steady, as his hands roamed restlessly over my back and sides.

"Take it easy, Hal," urged Mike, sensing that Hal was losing it. "Just take it easy and fuck that cute ass nice and slow."

It occurred to me that Mac might be almost as out of control as Hal, judging by the quantity of drool that I was taking down my throat, but I just kept my movements in tune with theirs.

It was Hal who crumbled first, as he began to thud heavily against my ass, sending that long cock way up into me.

"Oh shit...I can't...I can't hold...hold off...ohhhhh...shitttt!"

His voice rose so Mac quickened his strokes as if trying to cum at the same time as his buddy, and the scene became a blur as they fucked me faster and faster at both ends, and fucking my mind at the same time so that all I was aware of was a moving, thrusting glaze of flesh before my eyes and an unseen crazed cum-fucker at the other end.


Hal's roar shattered the silence of the room, to be followed by

"YEEEAAAHHH!...yesyesyesYESYESYES! Oh FUCK!" as Mac gave himself up to his climax and I waited a moment or two in the sudden stillness, then

Mac caught me completely off-guard when he came first, making my cheeks bulge with his heavy wad, and making me spit darts of jizz over his bush, as I desperately swallowed, sucking down as much as I possibly could, while Hal's cock spewed its liquid lava into me, shocking me by its suddenness as he emptied himself juddering into me. The shock of the two eruptions sent me crazy for a short time as I munched down as much of Mac as I could handle while my sphincter stretched and puckered around Hal's cock as he powered into me, his thighs shaking behind mine, as he gave me everything he'd got before staggering back slightly then, having shot his load - or most of it - he slumped away from me, ripping his cock from me and making my ring ache at the sudden loss, leaving my asshole chilled and neglected as the cum backed up and began to pour down between my thighs.

Mac was still motoring and making my jaws ache with the load he was pumping into my mouth, then he slowly pulled out, still pulsing, and lay back against the wall, chest heaving and legs spread.

I rolled over onto my back, and spread my hand under my ass where the cum was pouring and wiped my face with my other hand.

The whole room now had a strong pungent odor of spunk and sweat and ass to add to the initially stale air, and we lay totally out of it, our rasping breath filling the air. Hal was spread out on his back gazing at me, as the cum poured down the sides of his meat.

Not bad for starters, I grinned to myself.

Later in the afternoon I awoke, aware first of all that I had the after-taste of sperm in my mouth, and also aware that someone was licking the inside of my thigh so I raised my head and could just make out the figure of Hal whose mouth - and particularly his tongue - was moving slowly up my leg.

He looked up, smiled a crafty smile and crawled up next to me, kissing me on the lips.

I turned over and kissed him back, stroking his skin.

He was a good-looking guy with plenty of muscle in all the right places and I ran my hand down over his ridged stomach to his straining cock then slid down and rolled over between his thighs, which parted almost instinctively, then he raised them either side of my face, dropping a heavy hint that rimming was on the menu. I held his heavy balls high then lowered my face to his ass cheeks which I parted gently as I dipped in my tongue.

He tasted real good, and there was something else there.

Something wet and slick. And familiar

It was cum.

Mac had obviously fucked him, and very recently - say a half hour ago.

I was intrigued. He'd come into my room with an ass full of Mac's cum, and I guess the idea was that I'd add to it.

No problem. First I decided to get a refresher taste, so I lapped at his ass as he moved under me, stretching and writhing against the bedclothes as I dipped my tongue into his ring, and rolled the sperm around on the tip. Mac tasted good - something that I already knew since I'd got a mouthful earlier on - and now I got a kick from tasting it second-hand. Hal's powerful thighs were spread wide and hauled back, held by his hands as he thrust his ass up at me and unlike Mac, his skin was smooth and silky. I opened him up a little more and enjoyed hearing him gasp as I dived in and licked all around his puckered, pliant ring.

I was getting real hard now and my prick was stretching up beneath me between my belly and the bedclothes as I got deep into Hal's ass and reamed him out, but I needed to unload, so I slid up and balanced on one hand as I spat into the other, then spat onto his asshole, rubbing it in gently into him, while I moved up, ready for entry.

He moved suddenly onto his side.

"No," he whispered. "I'll go on top."

I shrugged my shoulders and nodded, and lay down beside him on the tangled bed as he crawled round and crouched across my belly, gazing down at my hard-on. His eyes met mine as he slowly lowered himself onto me, closing them only when I was almost all of the way up inside him.

He shivered, mouth open wide and eyes tightly shut as he squatted with his hands resting on my stomach, then looked down at me, while I grasped his cock and began to stroke it.

"You've got a beautiful cock," he muttered quietly as he rose from me then descended again, as he flung his head back.

"Aaaaahhhhhhh...that's sooooo good...soooo...aaaahhhh!"

His voice betrayed a slight unevenness - even a shake - as he rose and fell on me then gently brushed aside my hand as he began to masturbate himself. I then assumed the position and role of a voyeur in what was to be Hal's one-man show, as he lifted himself from me, and descended onto me in a smooth movement that didn't at all match the rasping gasps that seemed to be tearing from his lungs. I watched his hand move as it beat on his cock - fast and purposeful, like he was trying to rid of his jizz so he could concentrate on getting fucked - as he rose and fell on me, those handsome thigh muscles rippling as he moved.

I could feel the beginnings of a climax begin to build up in me as he straddled me and I stroked his thighs as he moved up and down, and I started to squirm as the silent roar of its approaching rose within me like an Atlantic roller and I decided to go with it and not fight it, and as I was negotiating with myself on that, his piston action of hand on cock, was producing - and this I could only see through hazy, sex-crazed eyes - white droplets of pre-cum splashing towards me, coating my belly and flying high over my body.

His rise and fall on me was now more pronounced, and I could see my slick, streaked flesh quite clearly between us as he lifted his ass and brought it down again, heavily onto me.

"Gggaaaaahhhhh!" he gagged, his head lolling from side to side, his open mouth spraying saliva this way and that.


His words became totally inaudible as he began to writhe on me, and I could feel my eyes widen as I shot my load up inside him. He gave a short, gagging cry as my load hit him, then his cock began to spurt over me, spraying my belly and chest with his jizz. I felt splashes on my chin as his climax drained him, his head lolling back and forth and his thighs shaking on either side of me.

He flung one hand down by his side and wiped his forehead with the other as his cock lay long and hard in its own juice on my belly while I could feel myself still creaming his insides though slowing. I tapped his thighs and he slowly rolled over onto his side, releasing my prick to spring out of his anus and up into the open air where it spat the remainder of my spunk into the dawn air of the bedroom.

He pulled himself up level with me, and I rested my arm over his shoulder, feeling his damp and slick belly squelching against my sides.

I left him in bed while I went to find Mac, figuring that this time ought to at least slip some pants on, and I closed the door quietly behind me as I went to the reception area. Mac was there, taking care of some paperwork, dressed in white slacks and a white T-shirt and he smiled when he saw me.

"You've seen Hal I take it?"

I blushed.

"Hey," Mac went on. "It's cool. It's fun."

"It's just sex," I added.

"Talking of which," Mac went on, "We're having a couple of guys over tonight for drinks and stuff. Especially in your honor"

"Stuff?" I smiled as I asked.

Mac leaned over the counter and kissed me on the lips.

"You know, Mike," he grinned. "Stuff."

And he winked.

"Fine by me," I said. "What's the dress code?"

"Whatever you're most comfortable in."

"I'm happiest naked, Mac,"

"Then so be it."

I volunteered to dive to the nearest town and get some booze, and he threw me the keys to the pick-up, and scribbled some directions for me.

I blew him a kiss as I left.

The tiny township was just a ten-minute drive North, and I managed to park outside the liquor store. The whole area seemed so quiet that I tried hard to imagine where Mac had found any guests for the party, and I swung open the door.


A booming voice called out from the back of the store as I entered.

"Hi," I said to a guy with a weight lifter's build, who'd spoken. "I need some booze."

He pointed over to a far corner where there were some racks of drinks in bottle and cans.

"There," he said. "Baskets are there too."

I picked up a few bottles, ticking them off on the list that Mac had given me, aware that the big guy was watching my every move, and then I wandered over to the counter.

He looked me up and down with some interest

"If you want some cold ones, I gottem in the fridge back here."

He indicated behind him to the back of the shop.

"I wouldn't mind," I replied and headed over to where he'd pointed. It wasn't quite so light back there, but I found the fridge and took some cans out, then as I closed the door, there he stood, zipper open and his cock out, stroking it.

"You look like you're used to good hard meat," he said quietly. "How 'bout tryin' this fer size."

I stayed down where I was kneeling, and I had to admit it was a real beauty - don't let anyone ever tell you that all weight lifters have small cocks. It ain't true - it's just the ones that have overloaded on drugs that go that way.

I looked up and saw that his large nipples were hard against his sweatshirt as

I held him in my hand, feeling the weight and the power behind that tanned and heavily veined shaft.

"C'mon, sweet cakes - blow me," he said quietly.

I obediently opened my mouth and took him in and immediately a musky, studly aroma hit my nostrils and I breathed it in and all the way down, as I ran my tongue along the underside, making him stand on tiptoe. I held his meat with one hand while I ran the other hand his body and under his sweatshirt, which he quickly removed and flung over his head, displaying a beautifully brown, muscled body with huge breasts and carved abs and pecs.

The sight of that perfection just filled me with lust and the pleasuring of him became a real pleasure to me, as I eagerly licked all around his length, spending some quality time dipping my tongue unto his leaking piss-slit and making him move exquisitely against me as I sucked, lapping up the pre-cum and swallowing all I could. I really wanted to taste this guy's jizz because it would have to be the sweetest, coming from that fine body, and I worked with expertise, utilising all the knowledge and experience I'd picked up in a lifetime of gay sex and soon I was really getting to him. The pre-cum drool was pouring into my mouth and trickling down my throat and he was pushing that cock into me like we were made for each other.

He didn't say much and I figured that conversation wasn't his major social grace but that fucking was, which was fine by me - just so long as he kept that hard muscle pumping my mouth I was happy. His hands came round and clamped the back of my head so's I was pinned there, mouth stuffed with his meat and I had to breath hard through my nose but I didn't mind - I'd had it happen loads of time and all I had to do was get a grip on the situation and adapt - and he was really shafting me now.

I grabbed his buns with both hands and let him totally fuck my lips because he was obviously going home with this and sure enough the little spunk bullets started to fire down my throat, followed by a pause for a nanosecond and then the full sperm load. I had to pull back on him as I swallowed because there was no way I'd ever be able to accommodate it otherwise, as he filled my mouth and throat. Some began leaking out at the corners of my mouth and I wiped it away as best I could but it was a losing battle and I had to give in and let him from my mouth, though I kept a tight grip on his jerking shaft as it spat its load over my shirt and onto the floor. He grunted a few times which was the only vocal indication I got that anything had happened here, as I rose to my feet, wiping my mouth on a cloth that lay nearby on a work surface.

"You stayin' at the motel?"

I nodded, aware that spunk flecks flew from my face as I did so, and he smiled.

"Thought so. I'll see you later."

He pointed at me as he said 'you'.

He zippered himself up and we went back into the shop where I paid him, then he patted me on the butt as I left.

I drove back to the motel, still swallowing globs of cum, and spitting out of the cab window, and helped Mac load the drink into the fridge, for some reason deciding not to mention my tryst with the guy with the muscles.

"Which room are we holding the party in?" I asked, thinking that I really wouldn't mind getting down and dirty with the hunk on a strictly one-to-one basis, and see how far he could get that long hard prick up my ass

"We've got a couple of adjoining rooms along the block, so we'll be in there."

"Any place out of bounds tonight?"

He looked up and gave me an even stare as he continued stacking the bottles.

"Go where you like, with whom you like. House rules, Mike."

I wandered over to the door.

"I pop the first cork at around 7.30," Mac called out as I left.

I wandered back to my room and tidied the bed, then had to pull off the top blanket because of the huge cum-stain from the earlier three-way activity and shoved it into the wash basket, then smoothed down the bed. The evening was warm, so there'd be no need for too much bedding. I stripped off and checked myself out in the mirror.

Not bad, I thought. Not bad at all. Nice long, hard dick; a real long-stayer, and good muscles.

Ready for anything.

I lay on the bed and gazed up at the ceiling as I watched the sun slowly setting, and relished the peace of the place.

I was also getting real horny at the thought of the 'stuff' that lay ahead of me, slowly stroked my cock as it rose obediently to the occasion, and idly wondered who would get to how many games I'd get to play with it tonight.

Next: Chapter 4

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