On and Off the Road

By cal ritchie

Published on Nov 16, 2004


Next morning I kissed my bedmate tenderly on the back of his neck as I quietly finished dressing, ready to move on. He stirred and squirmed face down in the bed, and made little sounds as a sort of coded goodbye, then I swung my rucksack over my shoulder and left the bunkroom.

I settled up with the half asleep desk clerk and thanked him for the hospitality. He looked at me puzzled, but then I guess he'd never really know just how hospitable I'd found the hostel so I said goodbye and opened the main door. The day looked good out there, with a big sun coming up; just right for getting some miles under my belt before my next stopover.

There was no one about as I scrunched along the driveway and into open country, and I took a last backward look at the place where I'd passed such an energetic, and loving, night. I mentally saluted those souls with whom I'd exchanged so many bodily fluids, and particularly the cute un-named one with whom I'd spent the remainder of the night. My cock and balls good and tight against the material of my cut-offs as I strode out, and I was soon making good headway into a valley as the sun rose, and the full warmth of the day hit me.

As I walked, my thoughts warmed at the memory of the two of us last night in my bunk just after he'd fucked me so long and so hard, and I'd greased myself up for the return bout of lovemaking. He'd been very tight - which gave a lie to his earlier statement that 'we're both whores' because I got the distinct impression that not many cocks had been through that particular doorway.

He was no virgin, but he was no way a regular bottom guy.

I'd heard that sharp intake of breath from him as my lubricated cockhead poked at his ring, and then he'd clambered forward on his knees, as if trying to escape the invasion, but I held him hard, while he buried his head in the pillow, making muffled sounds of protest.

He'd never have told me, but I just knew.

I'd been like that when I'd had my first fuck just after my 18th birthday. A hunting pal of my Dad's had come round one night while my folks were at the movies, and he'd come onto me strong. I could smell the whisky on his breath as he'd mauled me, and tried to kiss me, and yet somehow I didn't fight him off too strongly. He was a big, tough kinda guy, and I'd seen him stripped to the waist on the rare occasions I'd gone with my Dad to hunt deer, and he'd really packed some heavy muscle under the plaid shirt he always seemed to wear, and now here he was, his hands all over my body and stroking my butt. I'd pushed him away, but some inner voice told me I might enjoy it but I'd have to put up some sort of nominal fight otherwise he'd have thought I was too easy, and besides which I'd never done this before with a real man - this was a whole different ball-game from my school friends joshing in the showers.

He'd got me onto the sofa, and unzipped me, then ran his big rough hand down under my balls and pulled out my pecker which was totally betraying my lack of interest by being long and hard, then he'd hauled down my jeans and turned me over.

"You're gonna get a real treat now boy!" his voice had rasped behind me as I heard him unzip his cords. "I brought some lube, just in case," he'd breathed over me again, and then I'd heard the snap of the container, followed by a silence while I guessed he'd greased himself up.

Then that cold hand had prised open my ass cheeks, and he'd shoved in his fingers.

I'd squealed and wriggled, but he'd held me firmly while he smeared the grease round my ring and I'd just hoped he wasn't gonna be too big and split me, then I'd closed my eyes tight shut while I waited for the attack. The tip entered me, and then I'd opened my mouth wide in a silent scream as the rest of his monster dick slid and scraped into my asshole. I'd spread my thighs as wide as they'd go, just so I could absorb this fleshy pole that had started to move up inside my body.

It'd seemed to last forever, yet the surprising thing was that as I slowly relaxed and enjoyed the sensation of being filled like that, the less actual pain there'd been, and my ass seemed to me to have been just made for taking cock, while all the time his muscled body pressed hard against my back with that whisky breath all over me.

He'd started to breathe faster and harder and his thighs had slammed furiously against mine when he suddenly gave out a hoarse roar and my belly had felt like it was on fire. I'd tried to cry out, but he'd covered my open mouth with his hand as he continued to fill me with his juice.

At last it was over and he'd pulled out of me, wiping his drooling, pumping cock on his cords, as I turned over slowly and looked up at him. My ass and belly were still on fire and I'd just wanted him gone.

"You keep this just between the two of us, y'hear?" he'd growled, as he pulled up his pants and made to leave.

"I'm serious, kid. Your dad gets to hear of this and you're gonna wind up at the bottom of the creek!"

With that he'd left me to tidy myself up and try to get rid of the smell of sex and cum, with Ma's aerosol.

So I knew how the kid had felt when I fucked him last night.

But I'd been gentle and loving, and in no time at all I'd cooed my way right up into his ass so's you couldn't get a cigarette paper between us, and I'd moved real slow - at first - but once that urge got a grip, there was no way I could keep up the tender-loving-care shit and in no time at all I'd ridden him like a new colt, with his ass rising to meet my every downward stroke, then I'd lain on him, flat, with my hands round under his belly as I'd pounded into him, and still he'd given out with those muffled cries.

We'd rolled over so we were both laying on our sides, with him facing the wall, and then I'd realised that the cries were more of pleasure than pain, so I grabbed his cock and balls and stroked him furiously while I'd fucked him. The bed was now making a regular creaking noise so I'd guessed that the guys in the next bunkroom were listening in, unless they'd had dates of their own. He'd half turned his head to me, mouth wide open, and tongue lolling while I held him tight, pistoning into him, and masturbating him.

"I'm gonna...gonna cum!" he'd hissed at me, his hands reaching back to grip my thighs while I continued to screw him."I...I...it feels so gooo.....AAAAHHHHHH!!!"

"That's OK kid, you go with it!" I'd murmured in his ear.

His hair was now matted and our bodies were sweating heavily as I'd built up the momentum, trying to get as much of me into him as I could.

His breathing became louder and more uneven and he'd writhed back against me, his hands now tightly gripping me as he'd entered the final straight, and then he'd given an almighty gasp and lay absolutely rigid, before his cock started to erupt hot cum over my hand and and onto the bunk. My own climax had also reached the point of no return, as with a half dozen more thrusts, I'd emptied myself into his ass, making him shudder as the heat poured into him.

We'd writhed against each other while my hand had became a mass of molten jizz, as he'd gasped and shook, legs thrashing and kicking back against mine, as we began the long slow descent to reality once more.

I'd fucked him twice more before dawn, and then decided to leave the sodden mattress for him to explain to the management.

He'd been anonymous, after all.

And now, here I was, heading out once more, with my map, and twenty miles or so to go before I reached the next hostel.

Just then I passed another walker going in the opposite direction. He gave me a friendly wave and I noticed that he seemed fascinated by my crotch - I looked down and realised that I was sporting an enormous erection just at the memory of the previous night's love sessions.

I turned my head and saw that he was still looking back at me and smiling. I returned the smile, though slightly sheepishly.

The sun was now rising steeply in the sky, and the heat was becoming uncomfortable, so I decided to strip off my T-shirt, stuffed it into my rucksack and felt the immediate benefit of simply being in my cut-offs, short socks and walking boots, as I strode out once more, feeling deliriously happy just to be out here in the fresh air and away from the city.

I looked at my watch.

Noon. I wasn't hungry right now - sucking cock and swallowing cum tended to fill a body, I'd always found - but I was heating up again so I scanned the horizon for a cool area of shade. I could just about make out a strip of blue-white about a half mile off to the left, and consulted the map. It appeared to be a stream, not very wide, but enough to take a dip and cool off, so I headed off in that direction with a lighter step knowing that it wouldn't be taking me far out of my way and I could still be at the hostel by the evening.

It was perfect. A short walk and I'd reached a little oasis by a stream which rushed and sparkled in the sunshine, while next to it was a tree with all the shelter I might need until the heat of the day lessened. I looked around and saw that I was totally alone, so I flung down my rucksack and stripped right off, gathering my clothes up and stuffing them into a gap at the bottom of the tree.

I stretched out my arms and then headed for the stream and the cool depths welcomed me, as I strode into the cool moving water up to my thighs, splashing my body as I went, then ducking myself under, to emerge, jumping into the air, and sending the spray flying everywhere. I swam and waded and lay on my back in the welcoming waters, then strolled back to the bank and found a flat stone just about big enough to lay on. I checked it for heat, and there was just about enough of it in the shade to be comfortable, so I stretched out on it and closed my eyes.

Birds chirped here and there and the occasional dragonfly buzzed past me, and far off, the abstract distant hum of life beyond the countryside because there's no such thing as total silence any more, but that aside, all was peaceful.

I awoke with a start, not realising that I'd actually dozed off, and looked around.

I was no longer alone.

There were a couple of guys in the stream, fooling around and splashing each other, and as I leant up on one arm, one of them glanced over at me.

"Hope we didn't disturb you!" one of them called out.

"I didn't even hear you there." I replied.

"You seemed to be so peaceful there." called out the other one.

I sat up and pulled my legs up, resting my arms on them.

"I've been walking and the heat got to me." I explained.

They emerged from the stream and walked over to where I sat, both sporting extremely handsome semi-erect cocks.

The tall one held out his hand.

"Hal," he said, then indicating his pal, "And this is Mac."

It seemed ludicrous shaking hands, all stark naked, in the open countryside, but we all did.

"I'm Mike"

"So where have you walked from?" asked Hal.

As I told them the name of the hostel, their eyebrows rose and they both smiled.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Did you have a good time?" asked Mac.

I blushed.

"Yes, very."

"Well we always do!" Hal answered, and they both laughed.

They were now both fully erect

I grinned.

"It's was a bit lively," I admitted.

"So where are you headed for now?"

I told them, and all the time I could feel my cock sliding to attention, just covered by my raised legs.

"Why not come and stay with us - we run a small motel a few miles off the main highway." Hal offered.

"It was on the main highway," Mac chipped in, "but they built a new road."

I thought for a moment. They both looked quite keen.

"OK, I thank you," I said, and slid off the rock, my healthy erection swaying before me, as I stood level with them. They both looked at my cock as I looked at theirs and not a word was spoken

"Our pickup is just up ahead - grab your rucksack and stuff and we can all pile in the front while Hal drives," said Mac as I gathered my gear. I started to pull on my cut-offs.

"No need to get dressed again," said Hal, "It's only an old pickup truck."

I shrugged my shoulders and picked up my rucksack as we all three, naked as jaybirds, strolled up towards where they'd parked their truck.

Hal got in behind the wheel, and I sat in the middle between them as Mac shut the door behind him. It wasn't exactly cramped, but it was strictly a two-seater, and we sat hunched together, all three of us sporting enormous erections and trying to ignore them.

The engine roared into noisy life as we slowly moved on up the hillside and eventually onto the track that I'd walked down earlier on. Mac's hand rested on my knee, but lightly, while Hal's free hand rested on the other, which wasn't exactly getting rid of the sexual tension in the driver's cab, and my hard-on was becoming real painful. I turned to find Mac eyeing me, with a slight smile on his face, then his hand moved up my thigh and his fingers curled round my cock.

"How's it hangin', Mike?" asked Hal.

"It's not hanging - it's stiff as a girder," I replied, and Hal's hand came to join Mac's on my prick.

"I'm not complaining, guys, but this isn't a major contribution to road safety." I said.

"We'll be there soon," said Mac softly, then with his free hand, he turned my face towards him. His lips parted, and his eyes closed as our mouths met, and his hot tongue met mine.

Our faces ground against each other and he breathed loudly through his nose as passion rose between us, while he and Hal both continued stroking my enormous erection. I reached down and took his uncut cock, running my fingers through the pre-cum that leaked in streams out of his piss slit and down between his thighs that were so pressed together.

"Save some for me, guys," Hal cut in, still stroking me, but also having to concentrate on the road ahead.

It seemed that in no time at all, we were pulling into the forecourt of a rundown motel.

Mac turned and looked ahead, then back at me, and we all three just sat saying nothing as Hal turned off the engine.

"Are we going to walk naked from here?" I asked.

"There's no-one around here to see us," Hal said.

"OK with me."

Mac opened the door and slid out and I followed him, while Hal got out on the other side. We stood there, all with our hard long cocks, saying nothing, but if thoughts were actions....

"C'mon," said Mac. "I need some hot cock."

He started walking fast towards the main building, while Hal and I followed close behind.

"We're closed for three months, having some plumbing repairs done so we have the whole place to ourselves," Hal turned to me as he spoke.

Mac unlocked the reception area and took a key from the board behind the desk.

"We got the whole run of the place, so let's get Mike here a nice room."

Hal laughed.

"We just don't do room service right now."

Mac walked through the double doors of the reception area and down the main corridor past the rooms, eventually stopping at No. 9.

"Any significance?" I asked.

"None, my friend, but it's got a large bed. It also doubles as the Honeymoon Suite"

"Well, fuck me," I murmured.

"I sure intend to!"

He laughed.

Mac put the key in the lock, and opened the door. The room smelled OK but like it hadn't been used for a while so there was a slightly musty air about it, but I was too sexed up to complain, as I followed Mac into the room and Hal closed the door behind us.

Mac and I faced each other, holding each other's cocks, then Mac half-turned to Hal.

"We'll need lube," he said.

"Fuck, why do I always have to go get things?"

"We'll get to know each other much better while you're getting some."

"Fuck!" Hal cried, then he was gone, closing the door behind him.

Mac said nothing for a moment or two, then he reached forward and we kissed again. He moved closer so that our erections were tip to tip, then he reached down and held them both, stroking them gently as we stood there.

I needed a good fucking right now. It may have been the sun, or it may have been the stream - I always used to get real horny at school when we had swimming lessons, and little Jimmy Cheng and I could always be found playing with our cocks when no one else was looking.

I sank to my knees and ran Mac's cock up alongside my face, letting the drool coat my cheek, then brought it back to my lips, tasting the essence before opening my lips and taking him all the way in.

"That's the way, honey," he cooed and pulled my head towards him, forcing his cock all the way down my throat. I shut my eyes tightly, then quickly made my throat unfelt to accommodate him as I rubbed my nose in his thick wiry bush. I let my fingers roam over his six-pack while I pleasured him admiring his study build. Hal was similar, though taller, so this was no hardship, and I stroked my hard-on with secret pleasure as I contemplated the night ahead, while his hands roamed over my head, fingers tangling in among my hair as he swayed back and forth.

His heavily-veined cock glistened with saliva and drool as it gently face-fucked me.

"Let's try a little 69, shady say?"

I was so absorbed in the contours of his prick that I almost didn't hear what he said, but I got to my feet and followed him to the big bed.

"Lie down on your back," he said quietly. I did so, and then he lay the opposite way round on top of me and lowered his head to my leaking prick before kneeling over me so his cock and balls were level with my head, giving me a good look at his asshole. He smelt of man and sweat - a heady mixture - and I freed my arms from under him so that I had access all areas, while I took him deep into my mouth again.

As I sucked on him and felt my own cock rising into his loving mouth, I stroked his hairy ass cheeks, occasionally dipping my fingers into the dark crevice and rubbing the tips in his musky secretions. He seemed to have no hang-ups as I four-fingered him up to the knuckles, and occasionally he'd groan long and loud, as his cock lazily spewed more lingering strands of pre-cum into my mouth. I ran my tongue round in it, savouring its viscous texture while my own cum boiled within me striving for release, as Mac expertly and gently deep-throated me, even taking in my balls as his loving lips knew no bounds.

I loved it. This was bliss. But my cum needed release.


"You ready for it, Mac?" I mumbled as I let him from between my lips.

"Mm-mmf!" he answered with his mouth full of my prick.

My thoughts were beginning to scatter as the spunk gathered seemingly throughout my whole being, and my mind could hardly muster a cogent thought or single utterance as ...here..it...comes...fuck....this was good...I just can't...seem...to...FUCK it's gonna be a biggie... and I opened my mouth wide, taking Mac's dripping joint into my throat again as I squeezed my eyes tight shut and then....

I let go my climax, hearing him gag, then moving his head rapidly up and down as my cockhead spat and sprayed and hosed his throat with my essence and I seemed to cum for an eternity as my body shook and my gaping mouth let loose his prick, covered in strings of my saliva and giving out a loud groan while I spread my thighs as wide as possible beneath his face.

I shuddered mightily; again and again then very slowly relaxed as my orgasm subsided, then I felt Mac's head leave my groin. He rolled off me and lay back resting up on his elbows, wiping the great flecks of my jizz from his face and grinning through it all.

"Been saving that up?"

"No....no...I...unloaded quite a...quite a wad last night,' I gulped, trying to catch my breath, as he stroked my chest.

"Calm down, Mike," he said quietly.

Then we both looked up as Hal came back with the lube.

Mike turned back to me.

"Now it's our turn to do all the work."

I smiled at him and his cum streaked face, and hoped he meant it.

Next: Chapter 3

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