Omar's Raunchy Ass

By John Smith

Published on Nov 9, 2024


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I woke up with Omar's ass in my face and his cheeks spread. His ass was beautiful. His hole was clean now, after using my tongue as his toilet paper, but I still admired the creases and folds of his brown anus, which was surrounded by thick black hairs. There were a couple of dark red zits on his ass cheeks - I loved all his little imperfections. I loved him.

I expected there was a reason Omar was presenting his ass to me like this, and I didn't have to wait long for that to be confirmed. He cut a long, hot, hissing fart in my face. The smell was strong, and it hung thick in the air. It was nearly too nasty even for my liking, but only nearly. I breathed it deep into my lungs and got majorly hard in the process. I had to have more, so I leant forward and gave him a serious rimjob. Omar farted in my mouth three or four times - the taste was even more intense than the smell, but I loved it. I was tasting the most intimate product of his beautiful body.

When I'd finished rimming him, he turned around and kissed me. Omar was a great kisser. Our tongues were everywhere. But he pulled away half-way through and turned his head to the side, because he had to sneeze. After sneezing, when he turned his head back, I could see that, like a little kid, he had a mess of thick yellow snot hanging down from his nose. I licked it up and we resumed kissing, sharing the salty snot between our tongues.

After this we went to have breakfast and relax a bit. Then Omar told me he had to shit.

Like the day before, Omar invited me to the bathroom and instructed me to lay in the tub so he could shit on me. He squatted over my chest, but I took his legs in my hands and pushed him backwards so his ass was over my face. "I want to eat your shit Omar" I confessed. He wanted to know if I was sure about it, but I felt ready. I wanted to munch on his whole shit load and swallow it all. "Ok" he said, and assumed a squatting position. Omar cut a loud smelly fart and let go a stream of piss all over my body. Then his hole opened and his shit appeared at the entrance. I guided his ass with my hands so his hole was directly over my mouth. As usual his shit was a long, thick, hard sausage. I chewed it up, slightly nervous about what I was doing, but my nerves quickly subsided when I realised how amazing his shit tasted. I don't know how to describe the taste, but I loved it and wanted more. Luckily he had a big shit load that morning, and I ate it all up.

He turned around and kissed me, then sat on my cock. He felt incredible around my dick, and I shot a big load up his ass within a few minutes. Like before, Omar turned around, planted his hole on my mouth, and I sucked my own cum out of his ass. But he stayed there, and I felt him straining. He had more shit for me! It was another big, solid log. He told me not to chew it, just to hold it in my mouth. He then lay down on top of me and told me to pass the shit into his mouth. He chewed it up and swallowed. It didn't seem to be as easy for him as it was for me. In fact, his face took on a strange expression and he started heaving. I instinctively pulled his head toward mine. Omar threw up big time, directly in my mouth, and I swallowed it all. Not just the shit but his half-digested breakfast and stomach acid too. It burned my throat as I swallowed it, but I didn't care; I wanted it all. When it was all done he kept his mouth locked to mine and we shared a puke-flavoured kiss. He burped in my mouth too, adding to the raunchy filth of it all. To top it all off, Omar then got up, pointed his dick at my mouth, farted, and let go a major stream of piss. I swallowed all of his steaming hot, dark yellow, smelly urine.

Omar still hadn't come, so we went to bed and I gave him a major blowjob. He shot a huge load in my mouth, and it was a wonderful mix of salty and sweet. My stomach was now full of literally every bodily product Omar was capable of producing, and it felt so right. I was grateful for all of it.

After that, we lay in bed and Omar told me about his life in his village in Pakistan. He was known among his classmates at his all-boys high school for his smelly farting, but also as someone who loved getting his ass pounded. Practically every young guy in his village had fucked Omar's raunchy ass. And now it was all mine.

Next: Chapter 3

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