Olympus Island

By Ron Venable

Published on May 18, 2020


This is a work of gay-themed romantic fantasy. Some chapters contain graphic descriptions of sex--not all of which is consensual or between adults. If reading material of this nature distresses or offends you, please leave by the nearest exit. Likewise, if reading something like this places either of us in legal jeopardy, please follow the above instruction. Nifty reaches a world-wide audience and you know your laws better than me so help us both out.

CHAPTER EIGHT: The Reception

Saturday morning dawned clear and bright with early-morning sunshine streaming into Brad's bedroom window. The blond gymnast found himself waking up alone, for once, at The Arbor. Since Mitchel Blaylock's precipitous departure the young man had been with Dennis, Corey, Campbell and Jean Jacques DeLeon (the name they decided the newest satyr would now use). The only one he hadn't either Topped, bottomed (or both) was Brandon Warnke who had rather faded into the background; after five days he still knew next to nothing about the young man other than the previous Dionysus had made him a satyr--although for the life of him Brad couldn't think WHY.

For whatever reason, Brad had ended up alone in his bed the previous night and he awakened refreshed if a bit lonely; he was polishing one of the sections on his book when there was a knock at his bedroom door. Brad opened it to find his friend Corey, dressed for once, standing outside. "Den-Den wants the two of us downstairs--like now!" his friend announced.

Realizing Dennis too was dressed Brad threw on some clothes and made his way downstairs where the new Dionysus was impatiently waiting. "Sorry I'm late!" Brad panted. "I didn't realize I was needed. What's up?"

"Professor Proctor has asked for the honor of our presence at breakfast this mornin'!" the handsome redhead told him.

"Professor--Proctor...?" Brad was momentarily confused until he realized that was the "mortal" name Prometheus had chosen. He also found he knew the Titan had specifically-requested the three men join him at his new home but why he couldn't determine. Brad found himself wondering why this might be and who could have blocked his ability.

"We should be on our way lads..." Dennis said. "We dinna want tae be late!"

"Why can't we just `tesseract' there?" Corey wondered.

"Two reasons," Brad told him. "It's a serious breach of etiquette to translocate directly into another God's Demesne so smart people don't do that! Decades-long feuds have started over that exact thing! Secondly, Prometheus's Demesne is new; nobody but Professor Proctor has been there so we'll have to drive..."

Luckily, traffic was light and the distance to the Professor's new home wasn't that far so the trio wasn't too late driving through the massive wrought iron gates of Professor Proctor's Victorian mansion located conveniently near both Athena Academy and Olympus College.

"Wow, this place is gorgeous!" Corey exclaimed. "Somehow, I thought Prometheus would create something more--Greek..." the young satyr observed. This is like Classic American Victoriana!"

"Never let it be said my Patron doesn't have excellent taste!" Brad quipped. "A neoclassical' temple might be fine on school grounds or as a public building but it wouldn't fit the aesthetic' of the island. I just wish I knew why he asked the three of us out here..."

"Ya don't know lad?" Dennis said. "I was wonderin' that meself..."

"Dude--I thought you knew everything!" Corey commented. "Have your powers gone wonky?"

"I can still access pretty much anything else Prometheus knows--with this one exception," Brad told his friend. "For whatever reason I'm being blocked!"

"Prometheus is waitin' tae make a `big' reveal?" the new Dionysus suggested.

"Since Prometheus and Athena are probably the only Gods who could block my ability, I have to assume one, or both, have their reasons..." Brad allowed. "I just HATE not knowing!"

"We'll all find out soon enough I suppose..." Dennis said as he parked the car in front of the Queen Anne Victorian mansion. The home had an expansive front porch (unusual for that style of home) and the place had an air of understated elegance. Like any Queen Anne style Victorian, it was loaded down with wooden "gingerbread" painted a bright-white to contrast and highlight the barn-red siding and shingled walls mixed with navy-blue and charcoal gray accents. A gray-slate roof wrapped around the many dormers cornices and the onion dome atop one of the octagonal towers. The home, though massive, managed to look warm and inviting with pleasant lawns and gardens all around the perimeter.

Professor Paul Proctor opened the blue-painted front door and smiled. "Welcome gentlemen!" he said, giving his three guests a friendly smile. "You're right on time!! It's such a nice day I thought we'd dine in the gazebo if you don't mind..."

"It's your house!" Corey said. "I kinda wish I could poke around inside though... Have you got a Dungeon?"

"No, my boy," the Titan replied. "No Dungeon--but I do have a lovely Wine Cellar! I also have Secret Rooms and hidden staircases you can try to locate. I want my home to be a puzzle for my guests to enjoy..."

"Oh wow!" The young satyr was clearly relishing the idea of exploring the house and Brad, while he knew all the building's secrets, would have been happy to accompany his friend. Even though the place held no surprises for Brad, the idea of enjoying the building with Corey was pleasant. "Do you have a Secret Lab in the basement?" the satyr wanted to know. "That would be SO cool!"

"No, young man," the Professor replied. "I've always been more of a Philosopher and Historian. I'll leave the secret basement Laboratories to the Dr. Frankensteins of the world! But please, follow me! I have some lovely muffins and we can all enjoy a Mimosa while our omelets are being prepared..."

"We're under age," Brad said flatly.

"Dude, I'm a satyr now!" Corey informed him. "I can drink as much booze as I want without worrying about getting smashed--unless I want to of course..."

"ONE Mimosa won't hurt you," the Professor urged, "and this one might even help a bit!"

Dennis quirked one questioning eyebrow at Brad. "If our most gracious host--your first Patron--offers us Mimosas it would be rude tae refuse, don't ye think laddie?"

"I suppose..." Brad still wondered why the Titan was pushing alcohol on the group (and he was getting nothing from his link with Prometheus) but he decided to go along; clearly the Titan had something up his sleeve. The only question was--what?

The four men made their way through the Professor's well-appointed home and into his tidy back garden where an impressive array of breakfast pastries waited in the gazebo. There were also four goblets filled with champagne and orange juice at the ready. "Help yourselves gentlemen!" Professor Proctor encouraged. "Cheers!"

Brad grabbed a rich Buttermilk-Spice Muffin and took a sip of the Mimosa. "You put something in this drink!" he snapped. "What was it?"

"A wee bit o' his blood, lad," Dennis replied. "Now the only question is why..."

"Bradley, you're too clever for your own good!" the Professor said with a fond smile. "Yes, I added a few drops of my own blood to each of your drinks! His Majesty has a rather rude surprise for Dionysus's Reception this evening that targets you three specifically. I felt you needed protection."

"But you don't feel like you needed to just warn us?" Brad asked.

"What you don't know, can't be pried out of you!" Prometheus told him. "Bradley, I'm sorry I can't fully-share what I know with you at this moment, but please know I have all of your interests at heart! I hope you can trust me on this..."

"You don't know Brad very well, do you?" Corey teased the Titan with a spot-on Bugs Bunny immitation. "He doesn't trust easily--especially when it comes to people close to him keeping secrets!"

"Forgive me..." the Professor said. "For all my centuries of experience sometimes I can be a foolish old man!"

"I really wish you'd just said something!" Brad growled. "Still, you obviously have your reasons--and if you felt the need to protect us with the power of your blood it must be a pretty severe threat!"

"Zeus knows the three of you have formed a close alliance in the short time you've been together," Prometheus told the trio. "He will do whatever he can to strain or break your bond! I have removed his easiest avenue of access."

"Do ye know what he's talkin' about lad?" Dennis asked.

Brad rifled through his mental "card catalog" and finally found the answer he was looking for. "Zeus has set two of Aphrodite's Children against us," he told the others. "Eros, God of love and Himeros, God of Unrequited Love. Their power is limited but even Gods can't resist them!"

"Fuck!" Dennis sighed.

"At least not usually..." Prometheus said cryptically.

"You blocked their abilities to affect us!" Brad exclaimed delightedly.

"Bradley--you are FAR too clever!" Prometheus said. "Yes, the Gods with projective mental abilities will no longer be able to affect you!" The Titan shifted his full attention to the younger man. "That also means you won't be affected by Dionysus's `Divine Madness'--sorry Dennis..."

"If yer Gift will free us from Aphrodite's thrice-cursed children and those bitches Eris and Nemesis, I'll take it!"

"Neither Eris nor Nemesis is on good terms with Zeus," Prometheus told him. "You might want to see if you can find a way to bring them to your side."

"I'll get on that," Brad promised.

"Zeus is totally gonna shit when he finds out about this!" Corey giggled as the three men climbed into the SUV after a pleasant breakfast at Professor Proctor's home. "Man, this is gonna be so totally AWESOME!"

"Which is why Zeus can never know!" Brad said with finality. "If his Majesty finds out Prometheus thwarted him he'll be even more convinced the Professor is out to dethrone him!"

"Why don't you guys just dethrone him already?"

"I'll answer that!" Dennis said. "If Mr. Zeusmann was out o' the way we'd need tae find someone worthy o' runnin' the whole show until a new Zeus was Elevated! I have enough tae do keepin' Dionysus Entertainments an' tha Winery runnin'! Even if we deposed Zeus, there's no guarantee th' next Ruler wouldn't be even worse! Thank ye no, I'll pass!"

"So just tell Zeus that!" the young satyr commented.

"He wouldn't believe us if we did..." Brad told his friend. "I won't say Zeus is paranoid--but he tends to see conspiracies under every rock and behind every tree!"

"We'll just have tae find ways ta work around his Majesty!" Dennis said as he pulled through the gates of The Arbor. "Now, once we're through the doors we hit the ground runnin'! We've a lot tae do before tonight's Reception--everythin' needs tae be perfect! Gentelemen, ye have yer, assignments! Get to them!"

Brad, wearing only his white boxers, was dithering in his walk-in closet when he heard a knock on his bedroom door. It was Corey, already dressed for the party. "Come on in!" he called.

The youngest satyr walked in, looking nice, not to mention very sexy, in tight jeans and a silk sweater that hugged his nicely-muscled frame. "Dude--you're not dressed yet!" he exclaimed with an exasperated sigh. "The guests are starting to arrive--including some `troublesome' guests! Dennis needs you to help him navigate the newbies!"

"I don't know what to wear!" Brad confessed.

"Out of the way then!" Corey ordered bluntly. "I'll pick something out. "Oh--and lose those stupid boxers! The last thing you want is a visible panty line!"

The blond gymnast sighed but did as he was instructed. Corey always had a good sense of style and that was just heightened by his satyrish abilities. Brad watched Corey go to his underwear drawer and pull out a black "posing" strap that seemed to be the "de rigeur' undergarment for the fashionable set on Olympus Island and tossed that to him. "Put that on while I find you some pants and a proper shirt!" Corey instructed, in a voice that brooked no backtalk.

Brad gave another sigh but climbed into the undergarment, grumbling to himself. When Corey tossed him a pair of stonewashed, light denim dance jeans he protested. "Dude--these are too tight!" he exclaimed in dismay. "You know Sheila Kingsbury is going to be at the party..."

"What of it?" the sandy-haired satyr opined. Corey turned his green-eyed gaze full on Brad. "Buddy--you need to listen to what I'm about to tell you then use that gift Prometheus gave you to actually take it in!" he said. "You--are--fucking--GORGEOUS! Everyone but you sees that! Furthermore--you got that way by a combination of good genetics and hard work! You didn't have to wish yourself beautiful or have some God turn you studly! Yeah, Den-Den gave you a bigger cock and a `magic' ass, but what of it? There's more to sex appeal then being hung!"

"But Sheila--"

"But Sheila nothing!" Corey snapped. "Sheila Kingsbury is, and always was, a jealous bitch! It's not your fault she married a gay guy who had a major thing for his best friend! Come ON, dude! I saw the signs when we were all living in Orange County! You really think SHE didn't? Just because that bitch has a sorry life she wants to blame her bad choices on YOU! None of what happened to her is your fault! You're smart, and kind, and fun, and frankly buddy, you're the sweetest guy I know! Don't let her spoil your great life! PLEASE, Brad! I mean, why do you even CARE what that bitch thinks?"

"Because..." the young man took a deep breath to calm himself. "Sheila was my de facto `Aunt' for most of my life!" he finally said. "She and Ward are my Godparents! When my Mom died she and Uncle Ward spent a lot of time with me and treated me like their own child; Kyle was a baby then! I'm sorry Corey, but I can't just turn off my feelings like flipping a light switch! I'm not a Mormon!"

"Well buddy, she's not that person anymore!" the other young man said tartly.

"But..." Words failed the young man. He knew what Corey said was agreed to by most people (with a few critical exceptions) but knowing it and believing it was a step he couldn't make--at least not yet...

"You're a `people pleaser'..." Corey said, coming up to put his hands on his friend's shoulders. "You don't want to disappoint or hurt anyone--except maybe Father Zeus! But buddy, you need to understand this--sometimes you CAN'T please some people no matter how hard you try! If you start by pleasing yourself, the rest will fall into place!"

"When did you get so wise, Corey-Oreo?" Brad asked with a smile.

"Now that I'm a satyr I have all kinds of insight into people's emotions," the other young man informed him. "I'm supposed to use it so I can manipulate them sexually--but sometimes I can use it to help out my best friend!" Corey went back into the closet and brought out a navy-blue silk shirt. "Tuck this in," he informed Brad. "We want everyone to see that nice waist and your tight little ass!"

"If Sheila Kingsbury loses her shit, on your head be it!"

"If Sheila loses her shit, it'll be good for her constipation!" Corey found a silver ear cuff with a lapis bead and placed the thing on his friend's left ear. "There!" he said. "Perfection! Now--all you need to do is slip into those Kenneth Cole shoes and you are ready for whatever the night brings!"

Brad made his way downstairs to find The Arbor crowded with visitors; as per long-standing tradition Dennis had invited every Tier One Bondsman to the party. Everyone on Olympus Island seemed to love a party and most would attend the opening of an envelope. Ward was a Tier One Bonded to Athena and Hades thus was sure to be there and the young man had no doubt Sheila wouldn't let her husband show up without her. There were roughly a hundred Tier One Bondsmen but many of them had spouses or significant others (not all of them Tier Ones) so the house was crowded with strangers and friends alike.

Most of the Gods had yet to arrive but Brad caught a glimpse of Prometheus chatting with two strangers, a massive strawberry blond and a slightly-shorter but still well-built man with curly coppery hair and eyes the same color as a Pacific-summer sky. The shorter one turned his back to Brad so the young man got a most excellent view of bowling-ball glutes in a pair of tight jeans. Both men were rather underdressed for this crowd, but it didn't surprise Brad when he realized they were Helios and Aeolus; they lived with Helios's sister Eos in splendid isolation on Othrys Island just east of Olympus. Helios had given up his duties as the personification of the Sun and taken up ranching.

Prometheus waved Brad over; "gentlemen, I'd like you to meet Bradley Fox--the young Hero who rescued me from my eternal torment!"

Helios extended his gigantic paw. "Honored to meet you, young man!" he boomed in a rich bass voice. "The Titans are all in your debt!" Brad felt warmth encase his hand as Helios grasped him in that massive paw. "I used to be Helios but these days I'm simply Andrew Summers. This is my mate Marcus McElder. He is also known as Aeolus!"

"Pleased to meet both of you!" Brad said politely. "Thank you for leaving your ranch and coming to join us this evening." Truthfully, the young man felt a little intimidated by Helios but Aeolus looked sweet and he found himself planning ways to get the Titan alone as a precursor to getting him naked. Now that Brad's "sexual genie" was out of the bottle he had discovered quite a fondness for the various sex acts. "You really might want to be a little careful about socializing with Professor Proctor; Mr. Zeusman is likely to get his knickers in a twist if he sees the Titans together--even if you are just chatting. He'll instantly assume you are plotting against him!"

"Zeus can suck my dick!" Helios announced, loudly enough for half the party to hear him. "Besides--I think the `Z-man has something more to worry about! Look who just blew in!"

Brad saw two women come in and the crowd gave the pair a wide berth. One was tall and slender with a short cap of raven hair and eyes so dark they seemed to absorb light and her thick, very dark eye makeup heightened the effect. Her skin was ivory-pale. She took the `Goth' thing to the extreme with a sleeveless, black patent-leather jumpsuit, studded belt slung lower over her slim hips, and black lipstick. She even had two "sleeves" of tattoos running up her slender yet rope-muscled arms. The other woman was her exact opposite in pretty much every way; she was short and stacked with a mass of golden curls and perfect, golden-tan skin with violet eyes and a cupid's-bow mouth that wore a perpetually-sour expression. "Nemesis and Eris are here," the young man told the three Titans. "I should go over and say hello!"

"Be careful!" Prometheus urged. "Those two are dangerous!"

"I know," Brad tossed his mentor an impish grin. "That's why I invited them!" The rest of the party guests gave the two new arrivals an even wider berth than the Titans, which allowed Brad easy access. "Nemesis, Eris! Thank you for coming!" he said pleasantly.

"Who is this little PISMIRE and why is he acting like he knows us?" Nemesis sneered.

"This `ant' is Brad Fox, gentle cousin!" Eris told the other Goddess. "He's the human who freed Prometheus!"

"I'm also the one who tracked the pair of you down and made sure you got an invitation to the Reception," the young man said, projecting a confidence he didn't feel. "My Lord Dionysus would like a chance to meet with all his fellow Olympians! On his behalf, thank you for coming."

Nemesis gave Brad a jaundiced look. "Your `Lord' Dionysus?" she sneered. "You aren't wearing his Bond Mark!"

"No My Lady," the young man replied, still the epitome of polite confidence. "My Lady Athena directed me to serve Dionysus so I am in his service as long as the God of Wine requires me..." He was still oozing grace and charm even though those two terrified him to the depth of his soul.

"Ooh--this little prig is going to be SUCH fun to break!" Eris giggled maliciously. "This is going to be FUN!"

"He's done nothing to you and nothing wrong!" Nemesis told the other woman. "There are others at the affair who are FAR more deserving of your attention! Those two for example..." She turned her chin to gaze at the door where Ward and Sheila Kingsbury had just entered. "I can taste the vileness on those two!"

"And look!" Eris said sweetly. "They're coming this way!"

Brad stepped between the Kingsburys and the two Goddesses. "Ward, Mrs. Kingsbury..." He was still the perfect Diplomat. "May I present Nemesis and Eris? They rarely visit our fair Island so you might not know them..."

Ward turned the color of spoiled cottage cheese. "Sheila--maybe we should go pay our respects to the new Dionysus?" He tried to drag his wife away but she was having none of it.

"What?" the woman exclaimed, pulling away angrily from her husband. "Are you afraid I'm going to say something to upset your trampy boyfriend's whore-son's `widdle' feewings? Well, guess what sweetheart--it's time everybody on this island knew the truth!" The room had gone silent as Brad realized Eris was projecting the scene so everyone at the party was getting the whole thing--whether they wanted it or not!

"Indeed it IS time for the whole island to know the truth!" Nemesis said, "starting with your husband!"

"Oh shit..." Brad sighed. He didn't have to access Prometheus's knowledge to know that Nemesis was about to exercise some `divine retribution' and Sheila Kingsbury was the target!

"To begin with," the Goth Goddess intoned, "Bradley Fox is no whore! He is but recently sexually active and, to date, has not had relations with anyone in a committed relationship with another person or God! The same cannot be said for YOU, Sheila Marie Kingsbury!"

"You KNEW Ward was in love with Robert Fox," Nemesis went on, "and yet you pursued him! Using one of Loki's Love' Potions you enticed him into bed and claimed to be pregnant--only to lose' the non-existent baby shortly after your honeymoon!"

Ward looked more shocked and upset than Brad had ever seen him before. "Is this true, Sheila?"

"What if it is?" the woman shouted back. "Loki also told me Robb was meant for Maddy Morgan!"

"Yes," Nemesis said. "Prometheus manipulated Robert and Madeline into marriage so they would produce Bradley--AFTER you arranged to marry his destined `true' love!" Now it was Brad's turn to feel sick and angry; Prometheus had set the whole thing up to find someone to free him! He'd never felt more betrayed. "Still," the Goddess went on, "that doesn't excuse your FIRST misdeed--or the ones that followed!"

"I KNEW it!" Zeus thundered. "I knew that MORTAL was plotting against me! You just said so!"

Oh fuck, Brad sighed silently. When did HE get here--and why does he have such fucking awful timing? The last thing I need is for him to hear this...

"What a fucking idiot..." Nemesis drawled. "Father--I said NO SUCH thing! Bradley Fox is no more plotting against you than Prometheus is! Yes, Prometheus manipulated Brad's birth in hopes of winning his own freedom but that's IT!"

"Ooh--this is TOO good!" Eris cooed. "And I didn't have to do anything!" She gave forth with a frankly chilling laugh.

The Goth Goddess turned her attention back to Sheila. "After you tricked your husband into marriage you made sure you got pregnant to keep him--and later turned his son over to Loki so Kyle could be replaced with a Changeling! Then, further compounding your wickedness you slept with the Nahuatl God Tlaloc and birthed his daughter--for no other reason than to maintain your hold on your husband!"

Now it was Sheila who turned the color of spoiled cottage cheese. "I--I had to!" she exclaimed. "I had to protect my family!"

"How COULD you!" Hera was even angrier than her husband but at least she had reason. "You represented yourself to me as a family woman! Someone who held her marriage vows as the most sacred words she ever said! You LIED to me!"

Sheila began to cry. "I did what I felt I had to, Majesty! Everything I di was to protect my family!" she sobbed. "Please--don't turn your favor away from me!"

Hera gave the woman a cold, haughty stare. "I'm sorry Sheila," she said coldly. "I repudiate you--I repudiate you--I repudiate you!" Sheila's teal-colored Bond mark turned a dull gray-black. "I own a small company in Boston that needs a middle manager--you will leave on the first flight we can arrange and you will NEVER return to Olympus Island. Further--you will take the Changeling with you but leave Andrea! Because she is a Demigoddess she cannot leave the island without training! As I have said it, so mote it be!" Sheila broke down in a sobbing mass-- but everyone turned away, even her husband. "I hereby declare the marriage of Ward and Sheila Kingsbury dissolved!" Hera intoned. "Because of her wickedness Sheila will take nothing from the marriage--not even her husband's last name!"

"Sire..." Ward pleaded to Zeus. "What about my son?"

Zeus gave a dismissive wave. "If Bradley can find and rescue your brat, he may!" the King of the Gods intoned. "I have more IMPORTANT matters to concern myself with..."

Brad tried hard to get back to working the event but his heart just wasn't in it; he knew Athena was trying to reach him but was continually being blocked thanks to Zeus's machinations. Prometheus, no doubt knowing how much damage had been done, was leaving Brad to himself--for now at least. Dionysus would have loved to be there to offer aid and comfort but he needed to project "good vibrations" to minimize the shock of what had happened and distract from Brad's troubles. The only one left to offer any comfort was his father. "Son--can we talk?" Robb asked. Brad sighed. Yes, his father, being a Tier One and a close associate of Dionysus had witnessed the whole thing.

"Must we?" the young man asked, letting some of the acid out. "Can't it wait?"

"No Bradley, it can't!" his father replied. "Son--I can see how much this upset you but, I swear to God, I wasn't aware of any of this! This is all as new to me as it is to you..." Knowing this conversation was about to get deadly serious, Robb guided Brad into an empty room then locked the doors behind him.

"I know," Brad replied. "Thanks to Prometheus's `gift' I pretty much know everything! But that doesn't change the fact that someone I admired and trusted fucked with my Father and Mother's mind to make sure I was born! Dad--if Prometheus hadn't messed with both of you I wouldn't have been here and you could have been with the guy you were supposed to be with from the start!" Tears began flowing down the young man's cheeks.

"Oh son..." Robb brought the young man into a fatherly hug. "Brad--I don't care that I was manipulated into helping to create you! I loved your Mother--and I'm glad we had you! We BOTH loved you and I wouldn't trade you for anything! I hope you believe that..." Somehow this just made Brad cry harder. "Son, what can I do to make this better?"

"I don't know dad," the young man sobbed. "I just know I'm a fucking PAWN in some God's chess game! My life was planned out for me before I was even born!"

Robb shook his son. "Bradley, STOP that!" he ordered. "Yes, you were used as a pawn--we both were! But you have an advantage I didn't! You have access to ALL of Prometheus's vast knowledge! Use that to make yourself a KING! If anyone can beat the Olympians at their own game, it's you!"

Brad hiccupped then found something to blow his nose on. The young man squared his shoulders and prepared himself for battle. Yes, he decided, this pawn was about to take control of his own fate! No longer would he let himself be dragged around and used as a plaything by the Gods like that old Star Trek episode; it was time he took control of his own fate and started collecting some power of his own!



As always, a big hearty "thank you" to my Editorial Staff, without whom this story wouldn't be nearly as good. If you liked my story you have "Marko the Magnificent", "Midwestern" Mark and Jer-bear to thank for their hard work and dedication.

Thanks to all of you who wrote and those of you who continue to write with questions, comments, suggestions and constructive criticism. If you want to be part of this ever-growing merry mob you can reach me at HonableRonable@gmail.com or RonVenable@hotmail.com . Please note: I ALWAYS write back--even if it is just to thank you for taking time to drop me a note. I try to learn a little something from everyone who shares their opinion with me so feel free; I'm still relatively new to this hobby so I'm always looking for ways to improve.

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