Olympus Island

By Ron Venable

Published on May 12, 2020


This is a work of gay-themed romantic fantasy. Some Chapters contain graphic descriptions of sexual activity which may not always be between adults or involve consent. If reading something like that upsets or offends you or, God forbid, should happen to be illegal in your locale then PLEASE CLICK AWAY NOW. Otherwise--I hope you enjoy my latest!

CHAPTER SIX: After the Trial

"Father Zeus requires your presence..." Iris, formerly the Messenger Goddess of the Olympians now all around "Girl Friday," silently crept up to where Brad was chatting with Prometheus after the events of the trial. "Like now!"

"Go on, my lad," the Titan told his charge. "I'll watch over you from here..."

Brad made his way to Zeus's grand throne where the King of the Gods sat in angry isolation. Even Hera had deserted her mate. "You wished to speak with me, Sire?" he said in his politest voice.

"You must be quite proud of yourself--MORTAL!" Outside the clouds had come in close to the island and cold rain was falling, spoiling what would otherwise have been a pleasant evening for many. "You murdered a God, and you think you got away with it!"

"No, Sire." Brad kept his head held high and looked directly into Zeus's face. "You Compelled me to Truthfulness in your Court, so you know what the former Dionysus tried to do to me! Not only would he have held me in the worst sort of slavery possible--he'd have forced me to help overthrow you and then made me reveal every dirty little secret the other Olympians had so he could rule here as absolute monarch! NOBODY wants that--least of all me!"

"So instead of Dionysus you can whisper to Prometheus?"

Brad sighed. "How did a stupid fuck like you ever manage to become King of the Gods?" he asked. "Prometheus ALREADY knows everything, dumbass! Where do you think I got the information?"

"So you'll be his loyal little minion and carry out his wishes while Prometheus makes his own bid for my Throne?"

Again the young man sighed. "Far be it for a MERE MORTAL to tell the King of the Gods how to rule Olympus..." he replied. "Any king--at least one with an ounce of sense--would be doing his best to make Prometheus an ALLY rather than an enemy! But what do I know, right? I'm just a mortal!"

"What do you plan to do about Sheila Kingsbury?" Zeus asked.

"With all due respect, Sire, she's not my problem!" Brad replied lightly. "She's yours--and Queen Hera's... That's what comes from being the King of the Gods! You now know she was working with Loki to overthrow you and that she gave her first child over to be replaced by a changeling. What you DON'T know is that her second child, Andrea, was gotten on her by the Nahuatl God Tlaloc!"

"You LIE!" Lightning split the sky and thunder rolled through the room as hail began pelting the island outside the large, many-paned windows.

"What do I have to gain by telling you ANYTHING but the truth, Sire?" Brad's words were mild, but there was steel beneath them. "You can easily prove with current technology whether or not Ward Kingsbury is her father. Hell, Maury Povich does it on a weekly basis! I would think it would be child's play for Hera or Apollo to determine the true parentage. It'll become apparent enough when Andrea hits puberty in any case..."

"What do you mean?" Zeus asked.

How does this dumbass remember to breathe? Brad wondered. "Andrea Kingsbury is a Demigoddess..." the young man explained. "Her father is the Aztec God of Rain! What do you think is going to happen to the weather every time she gets angry or frightened once she hits puberty? I could be wrong, Sire--but do you REALLY want to take that chance?"

Yet again Bradley had boxed in the King of the Gods, and they both knew it. "No, Andrea Kingsbury will have to remain on the Island..." he reluctantly agreed. "We dare not let the child leave here until she learns to control her powers!"

Then Zeus turned his ire fully on Brad. "You may think you're cock-of-the-walk now, young mortal," he said, "but you'll make a mistake one day--and when you do, I'll destroy you!"

"I guess we'll burn that bridge when we come to it, won't we?" Brad said with forced brightness. "Like I told you earlier, you'd do much better to make an ally of me rather than an enemy--but that's entirely up to you, Father Zeus. Far be it from me to give the King of Olympus advice!"

Hera drifted up. "Husband--why are you continuing to harass this poor young man?" she demanded. "And why, for Gods' sake, is he still naked?" The Goddess snapped her fingers, and Brad found himself in a white oxford cloth shirt, khakis, brown suede shoes, and a sweater vest with an argyle pattern that coordinated with the outfit he was wearing. He felt something on his head, and Brad suspected he was wearing a newsboy cap. At least I'm not dressed like a `he' whore! he thought to himself. "There! MUCH better!"

Hera certainly has a decidedly "retro" sense in her clothing style, the young man thought, but at least I don't look like a damn boy slut. Brad doffed the hat (and, yes, it was a brown tweed newsboy cap) then bowed deeply. "Thank you, my Queen!" he said with utter truthfulness. "I appreciate your kindness, Majesty!"

"Such a well-mannered young man!" Hera cooed. "You've raised him well, Mr. Fox!"

Zeus's eyes fell on Brad's father who was hovering nearby. "Take your whelp away!" he snapped at Robb. "I'm a hair's breadth away from turning him to a pile of ash because of his insolence!"

"Yes, Sire," Robb said. "I apologize for my son's bad behavior..." He dragged Brad away from the royal throne like he was taking a child from a candy store. "My God, Bradley--did you have to antagonize Zeus like that?"

"Short answer--yes!" the younger man replied flippantly.

"Bradley!" his father steamed. "Are you TRYING to get yourself killed?"

"No, Dad, I'm not!" the younger Fox responded. "Let's put aside the fact that Zeus CAN'T burn me to a pile of ash without suffering some pretty severe consequences! If he has enough sense to pour piss out of a boot with instructions on the heel, he won't DARE murder me! Now that I'm Bound here, I don't have much choice but to preserve Olympus Island! Right now this place is in a lot more danger from Zeus and his willful ignorance than from me! I'm sorry you don't see that."

"Son--you're not playing with fire here..." Robb said. "You're playing with dynamite--and the fuse is lit!"

"You don't think I know that?" the young man shot back. "Thanks to Prometheus's `Gift,' I know way more than ANYONE should--not to mention a nineteen-year-old kid! Olympus has plenty of enemies from outside; the last thing I want is to start a civil war! The Aztec Gods blame us for the destruction of their Empire--and rightly so! Cortes was Ares Bondsman; so was Pizarro--the guy who took down the Incas. Loki would make trouble for us just because he can; the Egyptian Gods have set up in Vegas, and they are notoriously jealous. The Native American pantheons we displaced are none too fond of us either, and the Asian pantheons are making inroads! With all that already going on here, where's the profit in me starting an internal war? There isn't one!"

"I suppose..." Robb reluctantly agreed.

"Dad!" Brad found himself growing frustrated with his father. "Give me a fucking BREAK! Please!"

The man finally relented. "Son, are you SURE you're OK?" Robb Fox was barely holding it together after the day's events. "My God, Bradley--you KILLED someone!"

"I hope you don't hate me, Dad..." Brad said softly. "The last Dionysus put me in a position where it was either take him out or spend my life in the vilest type of slavery! When he wasn't squeezing out every dirty little secret on Olympus, he was planning to use me as a whore! I'm not sorry I killed him, and, I promise you, I won't lose a minute's sleep over what I did!"

"The new Dionysus said his--predecessor--and Sheila Kingsbury were in league with Loki?" Brad nodded. "Did she really give her son up to be replaced by a changeling?" Again Brad nodded. "So now I'm attracted to a changeling? Oh my God..."

"Way to make it about YOU, Dad..." the younger Fox said, letting a bit of the acid out. "Actually, you lucked out... You're STILL attracted to Kyle, NOT the changeling! If--when--Kyle comes back, he'll be an ordinary kid! Well, as ordinary as a kid can be who's been held prisoner by Loki for however long..."

"Ward is going to be devastated!"

"You REALLY think he didn't know?" Robb shot back. "I know EVERYTHING he did with that simulacrum--and, believe me, it's pretty disgusting! Sheila never told him--not in so many words at least--but he knew..."

"I don't blame you if you hate me right now, Bradley..."

"Actually, Dad, I DON'T hate you!" the young man replied truthfully. "That doesn't mean I can just `forgive and forget' because I can't forget ANYTHING--and I never WILL--no matter how much I might want to! Every "Gift" here has a price..."

"I'm truly sorry, Bradley..."

"I know, Dad," the younger man replied, "and someday I'll find a way to forgive you..." Then he sighed. "I don't know if you heard, but Athena ordered me to tutor the new Dionysus in the use of his abilities, so I'll be moving into The Arbor for the duration...."

"Will they ever let you come home, Son?"

"I don't know, Dad..." Brad admitted. "Right now I don't know how much I have to teach the new Dionysus or how long it will take him to learn! Plus Ms. Wyse wants me to teach Corey how to be a `proper' satyr--and I have NO IDEA how I'm supposed to do that!"

"At least you'll have someone who cares about you in that House of Horrors!" his father allowed.

"House o' Horrors, is it?" Brad jumped as he realized the new Dionysus had silently padded up behind him and was listening to the conversation. "The place is tacky as fuck, but surely it's not that bad is it, lad?"

Brad turned to look at the new Dionysus. "Your predecessor believed in everything to excess'," the young man said bluntly. "His parties featured Chips, Dips, Chains and Whips, Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll'! That was his average Tuesday night... I'm afraid I've had rather a sheltered' life, so The Arbor is going to be a lot for me--especially when you release your Divine Madness'!"

"I have tae be careful an' not release me `Divine Madness' around you, me lad!" the new Dionysus informed him, his rich Irish brogue resounding.

Brad squared his shoulders and looked the newest Olympian in the eye. "At some point you'll have to, my Lord!" he said. "How else will you learn to control it? When you do, I'll just have to figure out a way to deal with it."

"You're a good lad!" the handsome redhead said. "And, fer God's sweet sake, drop the `me Laird' nonsense unless we're entertainin' other Gods! I'm just Dennis... Den-Den to me intimates--o' which I hope ye'll be one, an' sooner rather than later!"

Brad blushed brightly while a mixture of emotions crossed his father's face. The young man caught flashes of relief, envy, pride and maybe a slight bit of jealousy. "Will my son ever be able to come home?"

"I'll try tae give yer lad Sunday afternoons off," Dennis replied. "If Brad wants them..."

"Thank you, my Lord," Robb said, inclining his head.

"You should probably invite my dad up to The Arbor fairly soon," Brad told Dennis. "He's your personal attorney, and he can get you up to speed on anything you need to know on the legal front."

"Fine--do I have a secretary tae handle things like that?"

"Um--I guess that would be me..." Brad replied. "Might not hurt to hire one though..."

"Add it tae the list o' `things' tae do,' Lad!"

"I guess the first thing I need to teach you to do is translocate..." Brad said after he finally managed to get the new Dionysus away from the other Olympians and gather Corey along the way.

"An' how will I be doin' that, lad?"

The young man thought hard and tried to organize the flow of information that crashed into his mind. "I think it should be pretty simple..." he finally said. "Visualize the place you want to go and will yourself there! For those with the Gift it's pretty simple. Just remember to take us along..."

"What if I haven't been there?" Dennis wanted to know.

"Good question!" Brad replied. "If one of your `predecessors' has been there, you can access the memory and use that to translocate. Likewise, if you haven't been there but one of your Bondsmen has, you can require them to show it to you via the mental connection you share thanks to the Bond."

"If I'm going to move into The Arbor, maybe we can stop at home so I can get a few things..." Corey suggested.

"Ah! The last Dionysus has been there!" Before Brad could say anything, the world turned itself inside out, shoved itself up its own "oubliette," then spit the trio out on the Carpenter's front porch. The blond gymnast bent over the porch railing and vomited up everything he'd eaten in the past day. "Are ye well, lad?" Dennis asked.

The young man wiped his mouth. "Some people don't react well to the Tesseract..." he finally managed.

"Especially total control freaks like Brad!" Corey offered. (He had translocated without the slightest bit of upset, but maybe that had something to do with Dionysus's Bond.) Brad gave his friend a pained look but said nothing as Dennis knocked at the door.

Janet Carpenter opened the door; she was naked but for black patent-leather Stilettos, a pearl necklace, and matching earrings. "Goodness, Bradley, you look AWFUL!" she said. "Come in, come in!" She gave Dennis a half-questioning, half-appraising look. "And you would be?" she asked.

The man tipped an imaginary hat. "Dennis Hardy, Ma'am..." he informed her. "I'm th' new Dionysus!"

"Oh my!" the woman exclaimed. "Do come in! I'm sorry I wasn't expecting guests--I was just vacuuming..."

"Vacuuming in heels and pearls!" Dennis commented. "That's not exactly th' image I had in mind..."

Janet seemed a bit flustered by the arrival of her unexpected guests. "Can I get you something, my Lord?" she asked politely. "Food? Drink? Sex Toys?"

Dennis turned his eyes to Brad. "Will they all get this twitterpated?" he asked.

"Just the ones who have Gods unexpectedly show up at their front doors!" Brad told him as he vainly tried to regain his equilibrium.

"Ma'am, thank ye fer yer kind offer, but we won't stay long!" Dennis said. "I needed tae speak with ye fer a bit! Please take a seat..." Quivering, Janet did so and focused all her attention on the newest Olympian. Brad couldn't help but notice Janet's large diamond-shaped nipples had grown rock-hard with excitement, and he could see her shaved vulva work with growing need. "Ma'am, me predecessor Bonded young Corey `gainst his will! Further, he made yer bairn a satyr..."

Janet put her hand to her mouth. "Oh my..." she exclaimed.

"Sadly, Ma'am, tis no' within me power tae take back th' Gift he gave yer son," Dennis went on. "I think twould be best if young Corey moved into The Arbor while we both adjust..."

"Well, whatever you think, my Lord!" the woman replied breathlessly. "Corey, honey, are you OK?"

Corey nodded. "I don't think this guy is going to be nearly as bad as the last Dionysus!" he finally allowed. "Besides, Brad's going to be there to watch out for me..."

"Yes, Ma'am..." Brad said weakly. He was still trying to get himself back under control after the Tesseract, and watching his friend's mom prepare to throw herself at the new Dionysus didn't help.

"If that's what you think best, my Lord..." Janet fairly quivered with excitement, and Brad briefly considered giving the new Dionysus a lesson in how to use his Godly Power to seduce someone--not that Janet needed much to make her willing to do ANYTHING Dennis wanted right in front of her son. He finally decided Corey didn't need to see this and neither did he!

"Corey, lad, why don't ye go pack what ye need tae take wi' you right now?" Dennis suggested. "We can have th' rest packed and sent over later?"

"Yes, please..." Brad allowed. He wanted to help Corey pack, but he wasn't sure he'd be able to make it up the stairs, and he didn't want to leave Janet alone with the new Dionysus. In the end he just sat and waited while Dennis made small talk with the woman and pretended to miss all of her increasingly-obvious passes.

The second translocation didn't hit Brad as badly as the first one since it was expected, but the young man still felt queasy and uncertain. "God, I am SO glad to be away from that house!" he exclaimed.

"Afraid I was gonna be `a little rough on the Beaver', were ye lad?" Dennis quipped. "Mrs. Carpenter is a fine figger of a woman, but frankly, laddie-buck, she's not me preferred cup o' tae!"

"What IS then?" Corey wondered.

Brad saw a chance to squeeze in a learning lesson for Corey. "Your Satyr senses will tell you that..." he finally managed. "Look inside Dennis--you'll see what he likes!"

"He can do that? E'en t' a God?" This seemed to surprise Dennis.

"He's a satyr now," Brad replied. "It's what they do... Corey--do you know what Den-den wants?" The new Dionysus having already stated he wanted to be "intimate" the blond gymnast decided to start using that--see how it tasted on his mind's tongue.

"Um--yep!" the new satyr replied. "He wants you and me to divide him down the middle! And he wants it NOW!"

"Well, I don't think I'd better show you how to increase his lust..." Brad told his new friend. "Right now Dennis has things he needs to do!" Corey grumped a bit but subsided into silence.

"Can ye tell me how tae get rid o' those ugly-ass statues?"

"It's similar to the abilities you used to tesseract!" the blond gymnast told him. "You concentrate on a thing and know it in totality--then you simply wish it gone and--POOF!--it's gone! You can also use a variation of that ability to transform things if you want..." Brad went on. "Know it in toto then impose the changes you wish to make! And, yes, it works on organic beings, so be careful what you wish for before you go transforming people! Sometimes they don't react well..."

"And, before you ask," he barreled onward, "you can use that ability to transform YOURSELF, but I'd be super-cautious of that if I were you! Say, you decide to turn yourself into a cat--POOF!--you're a cat! With a cat's instincts, memories, intellect, and, most-importantly, lifespan! You shape-change into an animal, and you're going to be STUCK that way for the rest of the creature's life--YOUR life!"

"How was Zeus able to transform himself into all those creatures tae seduce maidens then?" Dennis wanted to know.

"Zeus was, and still is, a master at the shape-change' trick," the young blond man replied. "He would spend days, weeks, even MONTHS carefully crafting the image of what he wanted to transform into--making sure the thing retained his human intellect and the ability to change back! That's super-high level! If you MUST play with that power, you might want to start out with an age-shift' or a sex change! Work up--or down--from there..."

Brad might have said more, but the carved mahogany front doors opened, and Mitchel Blaylock peeked out. He'd lost the simple charcoal gray suit and was completely naked, showing off his shaved-smooth, ivory-pale Twink body. "My Lord Dionysus!" he exclaimed with forced enthusiasm. "Welcome home!" Then he caught sight of Brad and all pretense of good humor vanished. "What's that--that MURDERER doing here?" he barked.

"Athena sent him tae tutor me!" Dennis replied mildly.

"You don't need him for ANYTHING!" Mitchel growled. "I can show you everything you need to know!"

"Can ye show me how tae translocate?" the new Dionysus asked mildly.

"Um..." Mitchel looked confused.

"Can ye teach me how tae get rid of all that awful statuary?"

"They're not awful!" the young man at the door countered.

"I think they are..." Dennis said mildly.

"So--call maintenance and have them removed!" Mitchel said.

"Why should I waste their time when I can do it meself?"

"You don't NEED him here!" the young man at the door said again. "You don't need that one either..."

"Jealous much?" Corey said archly.

"Mitchel was your previous Incarnation's `favorite'," Brad told Dennis. "He thought he was Number One satyr--and now Mitchel is worried that one of us is here to usurp his position!"

Dennis turned his full attention on the young man at the door. "Youngster," he said gently, "Lady Athena sent Bradley here tae assist me in getting' meself up tae speed on what it takes tae be a proper God! Therefore, Bradley stays! As fer Corey, me last Incarnation transformed him against his will--since you well know since you witnessed th' transformation! He needs tae stay here at least until he masters his satyrish abilities!"

"Let Campbell teach him off-site!" Mitchel protested.

Dennis gave the young man standing at the door a jaundiced look. "Whose home is this, lad?" the new Dionysus asked clearly growing irritated.

"Um--yours, my Lord..."

"Please don't forget that, Mitchel!" Dennis said, his voice dropping into a cold threat. "My home! My rules! If you don't like it--feel free tae leave..."

"I do apologize, my Lord..." Mitchel said as he opened the door wide. "Do come in--gentlemen..." He gave Corey and Brad black looks once the new Dionysus crossed the threshold but didn't prevent their entrance. "Would you like to meet the household staff?" he asked politely.

"I'd like tae know what me predecessor was thinkin' when he decorated this place!" Dennis exclaimed. "It's bloody feckin' awful!"

"The last Dionysus headed up your porn business," Brad told him. "He thought this was high style' when he Ascended' in 1976; I guess he never felt the need to change! You can use your powers to re-shape anything to your liking--just keep in mind the caveats I just explained..."

"The STAFF, my Lord..." Mitchel growled.

"Ah, yes," Dennis replied. He was clearly growing annoyed by the young man's bitchy demeanor. "DO bring them in..."

Mitchel disappeared and quickly returned, shooing several people into the large central antechamber. "I am Whitehead, Sire..." said an elderly gentleman with ramrod straight posture. "I am the major domo. This is Andre..." he indicated a chubby man in white. "He is your chef de cuisine. Next to him is Bruno, your chauffeur and chief bodyguard. He was big and beefy with short-cropped dark brown hair and brown eyes. His appearance silently screamed ITALIAN HOOD. "Elsie, Lacie, and Tillie are the household maids. He indicated a blond, redhead, and brunette, all in very short black dresses, sky-high heels, frilly aprons, and little lace caps. Each looked like they were ready for porn. "Last is Logan, our man of all work. He was long and lanky with tousled, light brown hair, green eyes, and a good tan. His white "wife beater" clung to a tightly-muscled chest, and his skin-tight jeans showed an impressive log down one leg. "Do you require anything, Sir?"

Dennis glanced at Brad and Corey. "Are ye hungry, lads?" he asked.

"I haven't eaten anything since this morning, and I barfed up what I had for breakfast and dinner last night," Brad informed him.

"I didn't barf, but I haven't eaten since the ice cream," Corey said.

"I'll make something easily digestible," Andre offered.

"Thank ye kindly!" Dennis said. The staff exited, and Mitchel brought in two other naked young man. Brad recognized Brandon Warnke from the trial and Campbell Bishop, who had picked him up from the ferry on his first day on Olympus Island. He was surprised to find all three men hairless from the neck down.

"Your satyrs, Sire!" Mitchel announced then introduced the other two to Dennis and Corey.

"So why are ye boys hairless wonders?" Dennis asked.

"The--um--last Dionysus liked us this way...?" Campbell said uncertainly.

"But do YOU like it?" the newest Olympian wanted to know.

"Honestly, it's kind of a pain..." Brandon admitted. "I'd just as soon not have to shave myself--if you don't mind, my Lord!"

"I shave during water polo season, but I'd just as soon not have to do it during the off-season," Campbell added. "I'm actually kinda hairy, but the last Dionysus didn't like that!"

"Then don't shave if ye dinna wish tae!" Dennis told the satyr trio. "Frankly, I prefer me men tae look like MEN!"

"Oh puh-LEASE!" Mitchel exclaimed. "The MURDERER is a total Twink!"

"An' what d' ye other boys think?" the new Dionysus wanted to know.

"I--have no opinion one way or another!" Brandon was quick to offer. "Unless, of course, you tell me what you WANT me to think..."

"I think he's more of a `Twunk'!" Campbell said. "His natural body hair works for him, so who cares either way?"

"Thank ye fer yer opinions..." Dionysus said. "Gentlemen, ye may go! Whitehead, if ye'll be so kind as tae have a pair of guest rooms prepared fer Brad an' Corey? Please have them ready by t'morra mornin'. Tonight they'll be sleepin' wi' me..."

"And this is your bedroom, my Lord Dionysus!" Mitchel stepped aside, gesturing grandly so Dennis could see the space. "Isn't it spectacular?"

"That's one-word fer it, lad!" he replied. Then he turned his attention to Brad. "I see why yer Da refers tae this place as a `House o' Horrors'!" He wrinkled his nose. "This place stinks! When was the last time it was cleaned?" He walked to the bed. "Even the sheets are crusty!"

"That's how my--um-- the FORMER Dionysus liked it!" Mitchel said defensively. "If you like, I can have Whitehead send the maids up to change the sheets--but I don't see why you NEED to..."

"BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE FECKIN' IN SOMEONE ELSE'S FILTH, YE BLOODY IDIOT!" Dennis snarled. "Never mind--I'll take care o' it meself..." The newest Olympian flexed his Godly power, and a change washed over the room. The bed was still large, but now it had a standard mattress with clean black silk sheets and a neatly-folded blanket and coverlet at the foot. He left the nightstands and dressers but replaced the lamps with something more clean-lined and contemporary. The "caged nymph" lamp became a more elegant columnar light hanging in the corner near a pair of overstuffed yet comfortable-looking large wing chairs upholstered in aubergine suede. The paneling he replaced with simple charcoal-gray plaster, and the mirrored tiles vanished away as did the mirror on the ceiling. "Much better!" he pronounced. "What d' ye boys think?"

"Um--it's OK..." Corey said. "At least it doesn't smell like stale sweat and leftover sex anymore!"

"This room is very tasteful and elegant!" Brad said. The young man found the room altogether more comfortable. "Once you re-do the whole house, I think the Gods are going to quite like it! Most of them anyway..."

"It's so--ORDINARY!" Mitchel grumped. "The other way was much hotter! You can't watch yourself fuck now! Not that you asked my opinion..."

"If ye wish I'll re-do yer room tae look like this one used to..." the new Dionysus offered. "Mind ye, I'll not be visitin', but I want me boys tae be happy!"

"I don't have my own room..." Mitchel said. "None of us do."

"Where d' ye sleep then?"

"Either in bed with Dionysus or on the rug by the fireplace!" he replied. "Really, we didn't mind--my Lord..."

"I'll bet!" Corey opined.

"Go find Mr. Whitehead," Dennis instructed Mitchel. "Ask him tae find rooms fer ye an' th' other satyrs! Surely there are guest rooms aplenty t' be had!"

"The Arbor has as many rooms as you need," Brad said helpfully. "It's your demesne, so it can be as big or small as you need. I'll give you the tour tomorrow if you'd like..."

"Why does that MURDERER get to give the tour?" Mitchel whined. "He's only been here ONCE--then he killed my Lord!"

"Mitchel, I gave ye instructions," Dennis said bluntly. "Please carry them out! I'd rather not have tae force ye..." The young satyr burst into tears and fled the room.

Corey sat down heavily on the bed. "Welcome to my life as a slave!" he grumped.

Dennis came over and sat next to the newest satyr. "Boyo--I'm truly sorry me predecessor Bound ye gainst yer will!" he said. "If I COULD unbind' ye, believe me I would! But that's no' how th' Bond works--ye know that! I'll make ye this promise an' swear on me Godly Power; I will NEVER force ye tae do anythin' ye dinna wish t' do! Ye have me Oath on that!"

"As ye have said it, so mote it be!" Brad said. "By your Oath you are bound!"

"Do ye no' wish tae share me bed tonight, lad?" Dennis asked.

"I do..." Corey admitted. "I know Brad wants it, and I know that's what YOU want! We ALL want the same thing--I'm just not sure it's ME who wants that or the satyr I've become..."

Brad came and sat down next to his friend. "Can I ask you some questions?" he said. Corey nodded. "How many times did you jack off thinking about Coach Kelleher?"

"A bunch!" the younger Carpenter son replied. "Dude--he was HAWT!"

Brad nodded. "Yes, he was!" the blond gymnast agreed. "Now, if Coach Kelleher had wanted to do you--would you have agreed? Putting aside he's a coach and you're a student..."


"Do you think Dennis is as hot as Coach Kelleher?" Brad asked his friend.

"Dude--he's WAY hotter!" Corey informed him.

"So..." Brad said with finality. "What's the problem? YOU want it. HE wants it! Nobody except that twat Mitchel Blaylock is going to complain! Hell, your body is now designed for sex! What am I missing here?"

"Um--maybe I'm a bit of a control freak myself...?" Corey finally admitted. "What if I end up liking it?"

Brad collapsed on the back of the bed. "Oh my God--you're worse than me!" he exclaimed. "I think it ought to be more worrisome for you if you DIDN'T like it!"

The other young man finally smiled as he turned his attention to Dennis. "Can I have a `safe' word?" he asked.

"If EITHER o' ye find ye don't like what I'm doin', ye have simply tae tell me STOP! an', I swear by me Power, I will!"

"Let's take this satyr body out for a test run then, shall we?" Corey stood up and slowly began undressing, expertly revealing first his taut, well-muscled smooth chest then his equally-muscular but hairy legs and last, but by no means least, a sizable boy-cock. "You like?" he asked.

"Corey, you're fucking GORGEOUS!" Brad agreed. "Happy now?"

"Oh, ye are, lad!" Dennis agreed. "Now Brad, my boyo, show us what God graced with..."

The young blond man lacked Corey's inborn satyrish ability to entice, so he simply concentrated on getting out of the clothing Hera had thoughtfully provided. Even so he carefully laid out each garment to put back on the following morning since he wasn't interested in a "walk of shame" back to his room. Soon his hard, smooth, lightly-tanned body was on display for the others to admire.

"Lad, sure an' yer body is a work of art!" Dennis told him. "'Tis pity ye are so shy..."

"Your body is a Wonderland..." Corey sang as he ran his hand down Brad's naked back. "Dude--do you have ANY idea how many times I wanted to do this with you?"

"Do you want an exact number, or shall I round to the nearest ten?"

Corey grabbed one of the decorative satin pillows from the bed and swatted Brad with it. "Smartass!"

"Sorry, buddy--I can't help it..." Then: "much as Den-Den would probably enjoy us having a pillow fight, maybe we should undress him before things get out of hand?"

Corey nodded. Now that he was committed, the younger man was all in. Brad let the new satyr take the lead; his "supernatural' instincts would show him how to maximize Dennis's (and both his and Brad's) pleasure, so Brad let Corey lead the dance as the two younger men began to tease the new Dionysus out of his clothing. First, they alternated undoing the buttons on his shirt, revealing a very well-muscled, red-furred chest. "Let's suck on those big nips of his!" Corey suggested. "Don't forget to tease yours with your teeth now and again! He likes that..."

Brad took the large pink nubbin into his mouth, first teasing it with his tongue as he saw Corey do then sucking and biting lightly on the thing, which made Dennis moan. He was careful not to get the newest Dionysus so excited he started to produce "milk". (The liquid, while quite nourishing, was highly alcoholic--not to mention, very addictive; Brad made a note to tell Dennis about this lest he find out on his own at a very inconvenient later date.) Still, sucking, teasing, and biting the nipple in his mouth was lots of fun, and both Brad and Dennis were quite enjoying it.

"Let's get his pants off!" Corey growled. "I want to see his cock!"

"You won't be disappointed--I promise!" Brad realized yet another "down" side to Prometheus's "Gift". Since he'd always know the answer, he'd never be able to be pleasantly surprised at discovering something new. At least he could take pleasure in watching Corey revel in the thick red anaconda hiding beneath Dennis's jeans. Before Dionysus had joined with him, the Irishman had been built big and thick; now it was positively gargantuan, and Corey was sure to love every inch of that thing over and over and over again! "Shoes and socks first though!" Brad told him.

Corey removed Dennis's left boot and thick black sock then began working on the exposed large, well-shaped foot. He was licking and sucking the toes with seeming pleasure, so Brad followed suit. He was pleased to find the thing in his mouth didn't taste or feel bad, and Dennis was clearly enjoying himself. Brad let Corey take the lead; the other man was learning to use his satyr abilities to maximize his partner's pleasure, and he was experiencing that same feeling as he worked. Brad reasoned it wouldn't be long until Corey was fully used to his new state and would become quite comfortable as a satyr.

"Boys--yer TORTURIN' me!" Dennis panted.

"And your loving it!" Corey informed him. "But--I'll be nice to you--this time... Get his belt, Brad!" The young blond gymnast did as instructed, slowly and deliberately unbuckling the thick, black leather belt and then reaching for the top button of his 501s. Brad let Corey undo the other buttons and pull down the pants so Dennis was now as naked as they. Brad marveled at the massive hard length of Dennis, but Corey dove on the massive erection, swallowing the entire length to the root in one gulp. All Brad could do was watch in amazement as his friend worked the whole length with growing expertise until Dennis finally flooded Corey's mouth with his Godly sperm.

"Oh my God..." was all Brad could manage.

"The party has just started!" Corey told him. "Dennis's cock is too big for you--right now... But, don't worry, Brad, I'm going to take your cherry, and once you're used to me, then Den-Den can give you the fucking you really want!"


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Shout out to my amazing Editorial Staff, "Marko the Magnificent" who is responsible for the absolute BEST line in the story, "Midwestern Mark", Grammarian par excellence who corrects all my critical errors and proofreader "Jer Bear" who is always an amazing cheerleader. Thanks also to "Aeolus of Alabama who is always encouraging and to everyone who took time to drop me a note and let me know what they think.

Questions, comments, suggestions and constructive criticism are always welcome. Drop me a note to HonableRonable@gmail.com or RonVenable@hotmail.com and you WILL get a reply. (If you take time out of your life to comment, it's the least I can do.) Likewise, if you want to be notified when new content is available, you can used one of the above addies and I'll be sure you are notified!

Stay safe, be, well and have a good time! Excelsior!!!

Next: Chapter 6

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