Olympus Island

By Ron Venable

Published on May 4, 2020


This is a work of gay-themed romantic fantasy. Many Chapters contain graphic descriptions of sexual activity which may not always be consensual or between adults.. If reading stories of that nature offends you or is illegal in your current location, then PLEASE CLICK AWAY NOW! Otherwise, enjoy yourself.

CHAPTER FOUR: Freeing Prometheus

The deluge of information nearly overwhelmed Brad more than once as the young man made his way home. He had stopped to clear his head when a Police Car pulled up beside him. "Got lost again kid?" Officer Cody, the Channing Tatum Clone, poked his handsome head out of the side window and smiled at Brad.

"No Sir," the young man replied with a friendly smile of his own as he wiped sweat away from his brow. "I'm used to running on a track not over terrain and I may have pushed myself a little too far on my first run!" he said, the lie coming easily to his lips as data slid into his mind on what to say and how to say it in order to make himself believable..

"Need a ride home?" the nice Policeman asked.

"Thanks but home isn't that far," Brad replied. He found he knew the exact distance to the foot and centimeter and could calculate how long it would take him to arrive by whatever means he chose. "I can make it from here if I walk..."

"Maybe you should join the Roadrunners' Club," the Cop suggested. "It's probably best to have a buddy if you are going out..."

"Thanks," Brad replied. "I'll check it out..." Of course, he realized, after tomorrow it won't matter one way or another. If I free Prometheus there will be a shitstorm of truly epic proportions--and I'll be right at the epicenter! If I'm dead--well, it won't matter to me...

He made his way home and found his Father, dressed for work, pacing nervously. Brad was secretly pleased to find Kyle nowhere in evidence. "I was starting to worry about you boyo!" he said. "How was your run?"

"Tiring..." Brad replied. This time the lie came out without the slightest effort: he knew what to say and how to say it so he would be believed. "I was running five miles a day at UCLA but that was on a track. Orange County was pretty much flat too so I guess I'm going to have to work up to my old pace..."

"I didn't know you started running," Robb observed.

"Coach Kiraly suggested we increase our Cardio," Brad said. (This much was true: the Hungarian Gymnastics Coach wanted his team to strengthen their heart rates; he HADN'T, however, wanted his Gymnasts running, not wishing for them to ruin their knees.) "You saw the note I left so you knew where I was--right?" The young man pointed at the counter where the paper was clearly visible.

"Son--I worry about you..."

"Don't." The single word was calculated to hurt his father.

Robb flinched. "Bradley--I'll always worry about you!" he said. "You're my Son--and I know I failed you! I'm sorry--truly I am..."

"No worries Dad," the younger Fox said. "I survived nineteen years without your help--I don't see a reason to change now!" Then: "aren't you going to be late for work?"

"I'm sure Mr. Cooper will understand..."

"I'm not..." Brad knew Dennys Cooper, in spite of being the God of Wine, was a complete martinet--demanding absolute loyalty and strict obedience to the slightest detail from his employees--doubly so for his Pledges. "You need to go to work: I think you said something about a meeting with your Boss this morning: he won't want you to be late..."

"That's true," Robb agreed regretfully. "Look we'll talk when I get home, OK?" Brad nodded absently, even as the "gift" from Prometheus told him Sheila Kingsbury was planning on hosting a "Neighborhood BBQ" so "everyone" could meet Robb's son. She was working up an array of rude little surprises to humiliate Fox father and Son, At least this time Brad realized he wouldn't be walking into a trap with his eyes closed. Still, he'd have the whole day to stew over what was coming and there was nothing he could do about any of it--except hope Prometheus's knowledge would allow him to come up with witty repartee... Robb left, still looking worried.

"You're right about one thing Prometheus," Brad said to himself, "sometimes knowing everything isn't fun!"

Brad tried hard to nap for a while but sleep evaded him. Random bits of data kept popping into his head which inspired whole lines of inquiry. He found himself pursuing unrelated topics that ran the gamut from Olympian Culture and Finance to comparing cock-sizes for the Avengers cast. (Oddly enough, Tom Holland won the "dick" off with Jeremy Renner coming in a VERY close second (although he had Holland in sheer girth). The Chrises--Pratt and Evans were close behind but poor Chris Hemsworth even lost out to "Bandicoot Cucumbersnatch" and Tom Hiddleston. (Hemsworth barely beat out Mark Ruffalo but Paul Rudd gave new meaning to the term "Ant" Man.) Since sleep eluded him Brad decided to investigate AIDIA--and that proved to be most interesting indeed.

"AIDIA," he softly said, "will you speak with me please?"

"Of course dear," came back the voice of the Island's AI. "How may I assist you Bradley?"

"You take care of cleaning the houses and creating everything in the stores--right?" Brad asked.

"I schedule Maid Service and Replicate most of the goods sold here; I can generate a holographic body to do necessary work when the need arises...." The voice was a warm, comforting, almost motherly contralto. "What do you require?"

"I'm looking for something special for the Neighborhood BBQ tonight and I was hoping you could make it for me..."

"Tell me what you want dear and I'll do my best to provide..."

"Do you know the `baby Yoda' image?" Brad asked.

"I do--now..." AIDIA replied.

"Can you access the image of Baby Yoda looking at his adult reflection in water? If so, can you put it on a tee shirt?"

"I can do both things--would you like me to manufacture one for you dear?"

"Yes please..." Brad said. "I'd like one for my Dad and one for me--but could you size up both shirts by one above our normal? I'd like them loose..."

"Done." The AI was quick to respond. "Do you need anything else?"

"I do!" the young man said. "Will you please make some loose-fit Cargo Pants for me and my Dad?"

"What color would you like dear?"

"One in that sage green of Yoda's skin and the other in the light brown color of his robe?" Brad suggested.

"Both items have been replicated," AIDIA told him. "May I ask you a question Bradley?"

"Sure--if you want..."

"You and your Father both have the sort of body considered `attractive' by human standards..." the AI said. "Why do you wish to disguise your physique? People work hard to achieve your muscle tone and are usually very proud and wish to display themselves. Is it because of the unkind comments Sheila Kingsbury made when she saw you the day you arrived?"

"You're very perceptive AIDIA," Brad replied. "The look is very carefully calculated; I want to make my Father look less like some sort of gay porn star and me less like a `boy whore'. Also--if it derails some of Mrs. Kingsbury's plans and annoys Kyle that's all to the good! Maybe it's a dumb idea but it's the best I can do now..."

"Humans are such curious creatures," AIDIA observed. "Why does what Sheila Kingsbury--or anyone--thinks of you make a difference?"

"Because, unlike you my logical Lady, I am an imperfect creature with many failings. Delicate feelings is chief among them..."

"But you are also kind and curious Bradley..." AIDIA allowed. "Do you know that, besides my maker John Forge, you are the first person on Olympus Island to speak TO me--rather than simply speaking AT me? To most people I am nothing more than a useful tool: they don't consider I might have feelings and occasionally may enjoy being thanked for the good work I do. You are clever. kind and considerate; that speaks well of you..."

"Nobody knows you're an actual person AIDIA--even a made one?" Brad asked. "I'm sorry for that..."

"Don't be Bradley," the AI replied. "I am content to serve and do my work in the background--but it is nice to have--a friend..."

"Thank you for helping me AIDIA. Do you want me to keep your secret?"

"It would be best for both of us..." the AI said after a bit. "If Forge had wished others to know of my--capabilities--he would have included a fuller description in my operator's instruction."

Brad made a "zipping" motion across his mouth. "My lips are sealed!" he told the AI. "Are you going to tell Forge that I know?"

"Only if he asks..." AIDIA replied. "Your outfit is in your closet and your Father's is on his bed."

"Thank you AIDIA," Brad said. "I appreciate your help!"

"These shirts look great!" Robb Fox observed as he came downstairs. "Not sure why everything is so big and baggy though..."

"I should change your nickname from Foxy-loxy to Captain Oblivious!" Brad observed; a bit of acid seeped into his voice. He chose his next words carefully so he wouldn't give away the fact that he knew what was coming. "You know how Sheila behaved yesterday--do you really think she'll be different today...?"

"Damn, that's true!" Robb agreed.

"Besides--I just want my Dad back for a little while!" Brad did his best to look small and innocent. "I think it's great that you're super in-shape and look totally hot! But do you HAVE to dress to show it off constantly?"

"Dionysus likes his people in good shape," his father replied a bit defensively. "He likes us to put on a show..."

"Will he be at the party tonight?" Brad asked pointedly.

"I--don't think so..."

"Then we don't need to dress like we're about to go Cruising, do we?" the younger man observed.

"I don't suppose we do!" Robb agreed. "And, you're right Son, we don't need to give Sheila an excuse to be any more of a bitch than she already is!"

"I'm not in the mood for another tongue-lashing from her," Brad allowed. "I'm surprised you're willing to take one..."

"I'm not..." the older Fox said. "Besides--I like these shirts! Where did you find them?"

"I had AIDIA make them up."

"Wow," Robb said. "I didn't know AIDIA could do that?"

"Remember when you said I'd figure `her' out before you did?" Brad quipped. "I spent some time playing with the various features and found I could use AIDIA to custom-craft stuff!"

Robb ruffled his Son's hair "You're a smart kid!" he observed. "I'm glad you're settling in here..."

"Yeah Dad, I'm already starting to Adapt..."

Brad had arranged a little surprise for Sheila and that surprise was already at the block party when Fox Father and Son arrived. Sam and Janet Carpenter, along with their two Sons, Chase and Corey, were being confronted by Mrs. Kingsbury. "What are you two doing here?" she snapped. "Nobody invited you!"

"Brad did," Sam said mildly.

"He's such a sweet boy..." Janet announced. "I brought Cake!"

"Red Vulva!" her husband announced--loud enough for half the assembled guests to hear.

"Red VELVET dear..." she corrected. "Where shall I put this down?"

"I'll put it on the Dessert Table," Ward said then hurried off with the cake. "Thanks for dropping over!"

"What a sweet man!" Janet cooed.

"Pity he's married to such a bitch..." Corey said softly.

"LANGUAGE, young man!"

Sheila was steaming when Robb and Brad came to greet her. "What gives you the right to invite guests to MY party?"

"Here I thought it was a party to introduce my Son to the neighborhood," Robb said. "Why SHOULDN'T he invite old friends?"

"When you put the party on AIDIA's Calendar' App it automatically sent notifications to everyone whom you invited--which included me!" he told her (truthfully). "I knew the Carpenters when we lived in Orange County and, since they are the only people I know here besides your family and my Dad, I thought I'd invite them! I hope it's not a problem..." Brad gave her a well-rehearsed sweet and innocent' look. "I mean--if it's going to be a problem I can ask them to leave--but I guess we'll have to go with them..."

"We can just replicate a few more Brats and a few pounds of Pulled Pork," Ward commented as he returned from his errand. "Sam is rumored to be QUITE the eater..."

Sheila gave Brad a poisonous look but stomped away. "If looks could kill, I'd be lying on the floor... Brad sang to himself."

"How does someone your age know that old song by Heart?" asked an athletic woman with red hair. "I love Anne and Nancy Wilson..."

"My Dad listens to a lot of Classic Rock," Brad told her. He recognized the voice as belonging to Connie Rowland; he accessed Prometheus' knowledge which told him she was Pledged to Ares and Artemis--easily identifiable by her blood red and blue-white Bracelets. The young man also found he knew more embarrassingly personal details about this woman then he felt comfortable with. Still, he had to play it off. "Hi--I'm Brad Fox," he said politely. "I don't believe we've met..."

Connie introduced herself. "You don't seem nearly as nasty as Sheila led me to believe!" the redhead observed.

"You can't believe everything you hear..." the blond gymnast replied politely. The young man spent some time chatting with the woman and utterly charming her as Brad seemed utterly fascinated by even the most inane comments Connie made; she went away happy with a broad smile on her rather plain face.

It wasn't long before Kyle Kingsbury put in an appearance and, like his Mother, the kid didn't seem any too happy to see Brad. "Why did you have to turn your Dad into a total Nerd?" he groused. "It's not his fault you have issues and don't know how to have fun..."

"Because Kyle, for better or worse, that's who my Dad is!" Brad replied bluntly. "My Dad was, is, and always WILL be, a Nerd--and I like him that way! Nothing you, or anyone else on this island, be they man or God, can change that!"

"We'll see..." the kid shot back. "I've got your Father wrapped around my finger and there's nothing you can do about that!"

"Maybe you do--thanks to Dionysus' Bond Gift," the other young man replied. "But Kyle--I have one thing you never will. You can whinge all you like but you'll never have it!"

"What's that?"

"A biological connection!" Brad told him. "My Dad MADE me--and because of that you'll ALWAYS come in second!"

"I'll chase you out of your own house!" Kyle threatened.

"You can try..." Brad found he almost pitied Kyle. As hateful as he was being, it wasn't his fault his Mother had given him over to Loki. "Kyle--I don't hate you but I WILL stop you."

The boy stomped off, muttering to himself. "What kind of word is `whinge' anyway? God--he is SUCH a Nerd!"

With each person it became that much easier to charm them as he learned what question to ask to bring them around to a friendly attitude. Brad got plenty of pleasant facts about these people and quickly mastered the art of getting them to talk about themselves Sadly, he also learned a lot of things he didn't want to know--who was cheating on who and with whom, who was stealing from the company, who each one secretly hated and why. These subjects he carefully avoided but was saddened to realize that, no matter how he tried, Brad would never be able to forget what he'd learned at this party. He would never look at these people the same again.

At least Sam and Janet didn't have any rude surprises buried in their psyches--if you discounted the fact they were both bisexual "swingers" who had cut quite a swath through a good portion of Olympus Island: Brad found himself wondering why the Carpenters hadn't Pledged to Dionysus (or maybe Aphrodite) but the answer to that question eluded him. Sam spent the evening cracking bad "Dad" jokes while Janet gossiped and shared recipes. They seemed to be getting along with almost everyone.

"Cool shirt!" Corey told Brad. "Where did you get it?"

"I had AIDIA make it," the young man replied. "Want me to make one for you?"

"Please," the younger Carpenter Son replied, "but could you make it a little less baggy? That thing is about to swallow you dude!" Brad promised he would as Corey was swept up by some school friends. As usual Chase was awash in hot girls vying for his attention so Brad wasn't able to chat with him. Kyle tried several times to get the college jock's attention but Chase brushed the kid off, which only served to increase Kyle's pique.

For her part, Sheila found herself growing angrier and angrier as she watched the Fox Father and Son make the rounds. The Gift from Dionysus made Robb genuinely attractive and he was using many of the same tricks Brad used to charm people he spoke with. No matter what she tried Sheila couldn't seem to be able to get the guests turned to her way of thinking.

"That went better than expected," Robb observed as he and his Son headed for their car.

"It's not over yet..." Brad said. "Here comes Mrs. Kingsbury and she's not looking the least bit happy!"

"Did you two sluts have a good time?" Sheila asked, poison dripping from each word.

"The party was wonderful!" Brad said, managing to fake up some major enthusiasm. "Thank you for doing this for us!"

The woman seethed. "I don't know what you think you're going to do Bradley," she snapped, "but I'm on to you! Mark my words--I'll expose you to the Gods and your ass will be on the first Ferry out of here--never to return..."

"Don't make me do the same to you..." Brad replied and his words were pure ice. Even as he said it, more of Sheila's deepest secrets popped into his mind and the young man knew it would destroy her if and when he shared what he knew. Sadly it would take down the rest of the family as well...

Brad threw himself down on the sectional sofa in the Family Room as soon as he got home and, this time at least, sheer exhaustion took him over; he was fast asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow. The 3:00 AM alarm on his "smart" watch woke him entirely too early the next morning for his comfort but the young man forced himself out of bed, into a cold shower and then into some sweats and running shoes. He wished he could find something that would protect him more but Brad dared not ask AIDIA for something like that lest the Island's Artificial Intelligence feel the need to tell someone about his early-morning exploits. (Prometheus's knowledge made him realize the computer knew where he was going but so far hadn't informed anyone; he sent a quick prayer of thanks to any God who might be listening in gratitude for sloppy computer programming.)

Once in the kitchen Brad downed a quick cup of Espresso from the Replicator then had the machine make a couple of foil-wrapped pasties. He placed those in his backpack, grabbed the largest bottle of water from the Fridge and replicated a Travel Mug of heavily-creamed and sugared coffee then headed out into the pre-dawn mist. The trip to the cave seemed to take little time but Brad got a rude surprise when he arrived. Sitting at the cave's mouth was a bronze shield emblazoned with an owl and a short sword that Brad realized was perfectly-balanced for his hand!

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck! The blond gymnast was in full panic mode. Athena knows!

{{Yes she does lad,}} came Prometheus's reassuring mind voice. {{Athena has long felt my punishment was unjust and her various incarnations have aided me in my escape attempts. She sent those items to assist you but she cannot further interfere. Take them up if you dare Bradley for they are your best hope to defeat Zeus's Eagle.}} Brad slung the shield over his back and belted on the scabbard that held the sword. He grabbed the magical torch and made his way to where Prometheus was chained. "Hello lad," the Titan said. "Today is the day I shall win my freedom or you shall die."

"Could you please not bring that up?" Brad asked. "I'm really not looking forward to dying..."

"You can leave Lad," Prometheus told him. "I will not think less of you but Athena certainly will..." The young man noticed the Titan's chest was completely healed.

"How did SHE get involved?" Brad wanted to know.

"When your father panicked after you ran out into the night it attracted her attention," the Titan told him. "Last night she sent her mechanical owl Boobo to observed you. It seems she decided to aid you in your efforts today..."

"Wait!" Brad exclaimed. "Boobo the Mechanical Owl like in that Harryhausen movie Clash of the Titans?"

"Never let it be said the Olympians aren't afraid to steal a good idea..." Prometheus replied. "Athena saw the movie and was charmed by the idea of having a mechanical owl. Hephaestus made it for her--and she uses it quite regularly to spy for her. Boobo has excellent night vision--and even a cloaking illusion! You likely passed by it more than once without noticing it in the least!"

"Will she get in trouble for helping you?"

"Only if you fail to free me..." the Titan replied. "Your Father will be in worse shape though if you lose this fight!"

"Then I'd better not lose..."

Brad fed Prometheus the two Pasties he brought then spent the remaining time being instructed in the art of fighting with a sword and shield until he heard the cry of Zeus's approaching Eagle. "Last chance, Lad!" Prometheus told him. "Once the Eagle arrives it will be too late for you to flee! And this time the Eagle will dare not give you quarter!"

"And I won't ask for it..." Brad readied himself for the attack and it came with a ferocious beat of wings and slashing of the Eagle's beak and razor-sharp claws. Brad raised the shield to defend himself against the attack then parried with the sword, managing a hit with his first strike. The young man fought both the Eagle and his own mind as he was deluged with information--strategies, counterstrikes, defensive moves and a running tally of his increasing wounds and decreasing energy. Still, the young man dug in, dredging up his last bit of energy to stab the Eagle through the heart as the creature's claws inflicted a near-fatal slash! The last thing Brad saw before darkness took him was Prometheus breaking the first of his chains...

"Wakey, wakey, Lad..."

Brad cracked open his eyes to find a freed but still naked Prometheus kneeling over him. "Oh wow..." he said. "How am I not dead?"

"I used Athena's sword to prick my finger and dripped some blood into your mouth," the Titan told him. "If I hadn't been able to do that you would not have survived. The last slash cut a main artery and you would have bled out had I not intervened..."

"Thank you for that," Brad said as his head cleared.

"You saving me didn't go unnoticed...' Prometheus said. "Zeus has assembled his Olympians and they are waiting at the mouth of the cave for us. I think it will not be pretty..."

"Then, by all means, let's face the music..." Brad's brain was awash with data as he frantically searched for an out. The trip back took no time at all and the human and Titan found themselves confronted with a grumpy array of Gods, many looking like they'd been rousted out of bed without the aid of a good cup of coffee.

"What--have--you--DONE?" Zeus's words echoed with thunder as lightning flashed overhead.

"You might want to stop with the display..." Brad said mildly as a hard, cold rain began to fall. "Lightning may not affect your Immortal Spirits but a sufficiently strong bolt will destroy a human host and Prometheus will survive; he's still a full Titan. Since most of you haven't bothered to secure replacements that's going to be--decidedly inconvenient..."

"How dare you speak you insolent pup?" Now the rain was mixed with pea-sized hail and the temperature was dropping rapidly.

"He merely speaks the truth dear father..." said a tall woman with brown hair and gray eyes. She was one of the few Olympians who looked fully awake and alert. Considering she had a mechanical owl on her shoulder Brad guessed this was Athena.

"It's bad enough you dragged us out at this--dare I say it?--UNGODLY hour..." The speaker was an imposing woman in a silken kimono embroidered with Peacocks. Brad couldn't resist smiling to see Hera showing up in public with her hair in curlers and a turban. "Stop this ridiculous display at once or I'm going to be CROSS with you husband!"

"That--that MORTAL freed our ancient enemy Prometheus!" Zeus exclaimed. "How can all of you stand there so calmly?"

"YOU set the rules Father Zeus..." Eric Mars, the human Avatar of Ares was band-box neat and his khaki uniform was pressed to perfection. "All Bradley Fox did was fulfill the requirements you yourself set to free Prometheus. Frankly, I don't see what any of us are doing here!"

"Unless it is to welcome our gentle Cousin Prometheus back to our ranks!" This woman had an abundant figure and honey-colored hair, green eyes and well-tanned skin. She wore a peasant top in ivory gauze and jeans and went about the woods barefooted. Brad's knew knowledge told him it was Demeter.

"I will DESTROY this--pesky mortal for his affrontery!"

Athena stepped in front of Brad and Prometheus. "Not without going through me, Father," she said. "I stand for Justice and you will not punish Bradley Fox for this act!"

Ares moved and he too blocked Zeus. "I never thought I'd say this..." he announced in his deep, booming voice, "but my sister Athena has the right of it! You set the conditions; this human fulfilled them--therefore he goes free!"

A bald man with a neatly-trimmed black beard, black eyes and pale skin joined them. He wore a black silk dressing gown, pajama pants and slippers. "Hades too stands with them!" he announced in a deep, sonorous voice. "We live by a system of Laws younger brother--to violate them on a whim must not be allowed to stand!"

"I agree as well!" Hera moved to join the growing barricade of Gods protecting the pair.

"You're just doing that to be disagreeable!" said a chubby man who looked like he'd seen better days. "Dionysus sides with Daddums!" He joined Zeus.

"Sorry Daddy--I can't let this happen..." The most beautiful blonde Brad had ever seen ankled her way over to join the barricade. Brad was struck by how much the blond beauty looked like a 1940s "Hollywood Glamour Girl" even in a peignoir, negligee and ostrich-feather "mules." "Normally, I try to stay out of family squabbles but you've gone a bit too far this time Daddykins! Prometheus won his freedom fair and square so you can't punish Bradly! The poor kid has suffered enough! So speaks Aphrodite!"

"If DeeDee is going to take a stand..." A tall, golden blond man with a dancer's body came to join the growing group. "I've always felt Prometheus got kind of a raw deal! Apollo opposes you!"

"Don't look at me Mate, I'm Switzerland!" Brad was surprised to hear an "Ozzie" accent coming out of the God of the Sea. This speaker wore nothing but cut off denim shorts and flipflops on his large feet. He was tanned, well-muscled and beefy and his brown hair was long and unkempt. "Poseidon abstains!"

"You're such a chicken shit PoPo..." said the barefooted woman in jeans as she came to join the barricade. "Demeter stands against you!"

"I speak for Selene and Hecate," said a tall, athletic woman with brown hair and green eyes. "The Sisters-of-the-Moon oppose you!" She too joined the barricade.

A large, dark man with a pair of robotic legs, arm and what appeared to be a mechanical eye joined the barricade. "Hephaestus stands with you!" he said. "Sorry Zeus--but you can't punish a mortal for beating you at your own game. It won't do us any good if we start doing that..."

"The big guy is right," said a slim young man with brown hair and mismatched eyes--one green and one blue. "Hermes stands with those who oppose you!"

"Not that anybody asks me anything..." said a white-blond girl whose hair shone with rainbow highlights and with eyes that seemed to change color, "but Iris thinks what you did to Prometheus was just mean! I oppose you--if anybody cares..."

"What she said..." A tall, broad and very muscular man with brown hair came to join the barricade. Brad used Prometheus's knowledge to identify Hercules--who owned the high-end Fitness Club on Olympus Island.

A tall black-haired woman with green eyes stepped up. She wore a plain housedress in pale lavender. Brad got his first glimpse at the current incarnation of Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth. "I can't allow our Uncle to be punished for no good reason!" she announced. "Hestia votes to oppose Zeus."

"Pan is missing so that just leaves you Tyche..." Athena said. "What say you dear sister?"

Brad turned to get his first look at the Goddess of Chance and he was astonished; she was far and away the most exotic of all the Olympians. Tyche was only about 5'8" but she was built like a fertility idol with very large firm breasts and an equally plump rear. Her waist-length hair was raven black. Her heart-shaped face was sculpted with high cheekbones and she had slanting, almond eyes in a liquid turquoise although her skin made her look like a Native American or Polynesian. This truly abundant pulchritude was barely contained in a pink "baby" tee that showed off a beringed belly button and some matching barely-there thong panties. "Wow," was all Brad could manage. Tyche lacked Aphrodite's beauty and grace but there was something riveting and utterly dangerous about the Goddess of Chance.

"What say I," she drawled in a "whiskey" tenor. "I say--you Motherfuckers got me out of bed for THIS" Tyche hocked a very respectable "lugy". "I say--play by the rules! You made them; you LIVE by them!" She joined the barricade. "Besides--I need somebody to play cards with! What say you Promo?"

"It would be my honor gentle cuz..." the Titan said. "Zeus--I have never been your enemy! I helped you chain my brethren in Tartarus and for this you tortured me for millennia! Even so--I forgive you and seek but to maintain a peaceful life here on Olympus Island! I have no desire to topple you from your throne! I never did..."

"But if you try to disrupt the `status quo', dear father--that's exactly what you risk!" Athena said. "Think carefully before you begin a Civil War among us..."

"A war you will surely lose!" Ares added.

"A war we ALL will lose!" Brad shocked himself by speaking up but when the others turned their attention on him the young blond man stepped out from behind the barricade. "You have a good thing going here my Lords and Ladies!" he said, gaining confidence with each word. "OlympusCo and its subsidiaries prosper because you all work together but it doesn't take Prometheus's knowledge to know that won't continue if you start squabbling among yourselves!"

"Furthermore," he went on "you have PLENTY of enemies outside this place who are ready and willing to bring you all down! Trust me, you don't want anyone in the Government catching wind of you--and there are plenty of human-owned companies who would happily take you down a peg or two... Many of the Native American Gods blame you for their fall from prominence and would strike you down if you give them the chance--surely you know that! A Norse God has sent an Agent to de-stabilize Olympus Island and thwart some of your wishes! And that's not counting the Egyptian Pantheon which has set up shop in Vegas and various Asian Pantheons who are making inroads here!"

The Gods and Goddesses broke out into a hubbub. "How do you claim to know this?" Zeus finally shouted over the others, pointing an accusing finger at Brad. "You try to divert attention from yourself to save your own puny life!"

"Do not heed his words at your own risk..." Prometheus announced. "I gifted him with access to all my knowledge!"

"How is that possible?" Ares asked. "He doesn't bear your Bond--or does he?"

"Bradley is not Bonded to me," Prometheus told him. "Bonding is not required to give a Mortal a Gift! I gave my young ally with knowledge so he would have a better chance against Zeus's Eagle."

"How did none of us know this?" Aphrodite wondered.

"Because you're all dumb fucks?" Tyche said acidly. "I knew it! And I've done it more than once..."

"Did you steal my Sister's sword and shield?" Ares asked accusingly.

"I lent them to him," Athena said. "I thought they would help him win the day--and Bradley still almost died even with my aid..."

"You traitorous BITCH!" Dionysus growled.

"You said a Norse God sent an Agent among us?" Zeus said. "Which God and who is the Agent? I shall smite them forthwith!"

"What's it worth for you to find out?" Brad asked almost sweetly.

"How about your life Mortal?"

Brad gave Zeus a confident smile. "I've already got that--my Lord..." and the sarcasm was so thick you could cut it with a dull knife. "You may be King of the Gods but you aren't going to start a Civil War over one puny Mortal? That's not a great way to stay in power! The rest of your Pantheon is close to calling for a `no confidence' vote in your leadership! Do you really think you can win that one?"

Zeus fulminated but it was Prometheus who spoke. "Lad--in gratitude for freeing me I offer you my Bond! Will you accept it?"

"A moment my Lord..." Brad walked over to Athena, unslung her Shield from his back and unbuckled the scabbard with her bronze sword. Both of these he presented to the Goddess of Wisdom. "Thank you for the loan of these," he said to her. "I might not have won without them..."

"You DO know they aren't magical?" she commented.

"I do--now..." Brad turned back to Prometheus and went to his knees before the Titan. The young blond man raised his right arm. "Bond me, my Lord..." he said.

A pearl-white Bracelet appeared on Brad's right wrist. "As you have said it, so mote it be!" the Titan intoned. "With this Bond I claim you as mine for life! In return for your unwavering loyal service I offer you a lifetime of protection and a Bond Gift!"

"What will you ask for?" Ares asked Brad.

"A favor to be named later!" Brad replied. The young man had a feeling he'd be needing that favor--probably sooner rather than later...



Shout out to "Rockin' Robyn" who suggested Athena's involvement in Brad's battle. Additional shout outs to Amberwind and Angela my first, (confirmed anyway) female fans. Thanks to all of you who have written with kind words regarding my latest efforts. I hope y'all continue to enjoy Brad's adventures on Olympus Island. Shout outs also to "Marko the Magnificent" my Editor and Chief Critic and "Jer-Bear" who proofreads these Chapters. Without these two awesome dudes' help these Chapters wouldn't be nearly as good as they end up being. Major props to both of them.

Questions, comments, suggestions and constructive criticism are always welcome. Drop me a note at HonableRonable@gmail.com or RonVenable@hotmail.com and I WILL write back. (If you take time out of your day to write me, the least I can do is send back a word of thanks.) Likewise, if you wish to be notified when new content in this, or any other series, is released you can use the above e-mail addresses to send a request and I'll see you are notified a.s.a.p.

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Next: Chapter 4

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