Olympus Island

By Ron Venable

Published on Jul 2, 2021


This is a work of gay-themed romantic fantasy. Some chapters contain graphic descriptions of sex between consenting adults--this one for example. If reading material of this nature upsets or offends you--please click away now (then spend some time asking yourself why you came to a gay stories archive). Likewise, if stories like this are illegal in your area (since you know your laws better than I ever could) then please don't read any further. Neither of us needs that kind of hassle. If none of these caveats apply to you, I hope you enjoy Brad's continuing adventures.

CHAPTER 23: The Trial of the Titans

Bright and early the next morning Brad got a call from Lt. Bronski inviting him out for breakfast. The young man carefully selected some tailored khaki short-shorts and a blue tank top that brought out the color of his eyes. Being unable to decide between some barely-there underwear or a jock, Brad decided to simply "go commando" and let the chips fall where they may. (No doubt the things it did to his pants would intrigue the Detective.) He didn't bother packing work clothes since he could "zap" up something more suitable later. (Ah the perks of Godhood.) A quick translocation sent Brad to the Pancake Place; he slipped in through the door and joined Bronski in a secluded corner booth. "Hello Officer--how's your case going?"

"I did my `due diligence', just like you suggested..." the older man replied. "Wanna know what I found?"

"Do you want to tell me?"

"It seems Delavigne embezzled from his employer--which just happens to be your parent company OlympusCo then split for the Cayman Islands," Bronski told him. "I can prove he got off the plane there. Then he vanishes. Since we don't have an extradition treaty with the Caymans we're at a dead end--case closed all wrapped up in a nice, neat package! But you already knew that, didn't you?"

"And if I did?"

"Just curious, kid..." the Cop replied. "Maybe I wanted an excuse to spend more time with you. You're certainly dressed like you want to spend more time with me!" Brad couldn't resist preening: so Bronski had noticed! "Like I said--all the i's are dotted and t's crossed; as far as the LAPD is concerned it's case closed!"

"But you're not satisfied..."

"Not in the least," Bronski replied. "If you are indeed `all seeing' you've got to know things seldom get cleaned up so neatly. Captain Kielbasa is satisfied so that's enough for the Department: even if I wanted to I can't waste any more time and valuable resources looking into Delavigne's disappearance. You're off the hook but I'd like my questions answered--just for my own peace of mind. Please? I'd really like to know..."

"Since you asked so nicely," the young man said, "here's the whole story..." Brad told the Cop that "Chester the Molester" had been lured to a meeting with three female Titans with the promise of revenge--only to be murdered by Metis. "So--that's everything I know..."

"I guess that explains why your employee reported Delavigne missing," Bronski said. "She wanted to direct suspicion away from her and toward you. Why would she do that though?"

"You'd have to ask Metis and trust she'd give you a truthful answer..." Brad replied. "'All seeing' isn't quite accurate: I can fully explain who', what', when', where' and even `how'--thanks to my metability--but that only happens should my powers not be blocked by Magic or godly power. That's what happened here--which is why I didn't simply lay the entire case out for you beforehand."

`Why' is a different category altogether," he went on. "In this case, I can't even make an educated guess: I thought the female Titans and I were getting along pretty damn well. Hell, Metis helped me set up the office and hire staff! I've met with both Phoebe and Theia on multiple occasions and our interactions have been nothing but positive I don't know why any of them would want to betray me like this."

"Have you been pulling any shenanigans at work that might upset one of them?" Bronski asked.

"It's not in my interest to fuck over my business partner," the young man replied honesty. "Especially when that `partner' is part of a group I've been instructed to make nice with! Zeus wants the alliance with the Titans to go forward so he's not going to do anything to queer the deal: I've been completely transparent and above-board in my dealings with the Titans. I even made sure Metis knows as much about Argus Consulting as I do--even the branch on Olympus Island... Everything has been completely above board: I don't see why they'd be pissed off."

"Did you cheat on one of them?" the other man asked.

"Dude--I'm gay, not stupid!" Brad told him. "Surely you figured this out by now!" Bronski couldn't help but chuckle at this. "As far as I was aware things were going along swimmingly!"

"So what happens now, kid?"

"Everything has been kicked upstairs," the young Olympian told him. "Zeus is pissed off because a Titan basically tried to start a war and Chronos is torn between his need for an alliance with Olympus and wanting to defend his own. Both Kings need to decide whether, or how, they want this to play out."

"And Metis just gets away with murder?" Bronski wasn't happy with this idea.

"Sorry Lieutenant..." Brad said. "You win some, you lose some: this one goes in the `loss' column'. Metis has covered her tracks to the point that you'll never be able to prove anything in a court of law--at least not without revealing Godly involvement; neither side is going to go for that! They'll cover it up so NOBODY can connect them to the crime. In fact--if you go spouting on about this, folks are likely going to think you're crazy!"

"Fuck!" Bronski growled. "So she just walks free..."

"Trust me on this one," Brad said, "Metis may escape State-sponsored Justice but she's not getting away with anything. Chronos isn't stupid enough to let an alliance just go down the tubes--I don't think he is anyway. She'll be picked up and held for Divine Retribution. That might not be `justice' in your eyes but it's the best either of us can hope for One thing is for certain--Metis isn't going to like what happens to her. You might even be able to see the case play out."

"What do you mean?"

"When I touched you, do you remember that tingle you got?" Brad asked.

"Yeah," the other man admitted. "I just thought it was because I haven't gotten any action in a while..."

"That was a sign to both of us that I should `bond' you..." Brad told him.

"I'm not into Bondage, kid..." the Cop was quick to jump in.

"It's not bondage," the young man replied, "at least not in the way you're thinking. Basically, a bond' means you Pledge yourself to a God's service and in return that God guarantees you a lifetime of protection, a whole host of physical benefits and they grant you a limited' wish..."

"How does a `limited wish differ from a regular one?" Bronski wondered.

"There are certain things I can't give you..." Brad told him. "I can't bring anyone back from the dead--at least not without a great deal of trouble and sacrifice--whether because the soul has ceased to exist or because they belong to one of the Gods of Death. I can't make you President of the United States--or any other Country for that matter. I can't make someone fall in love with you: I can make them obsessed with you but, trust me, you don't want that. There are a few other things of that nature, like I can't give you `all the money in the world', but I'd have to wait until you made a wish before I let you know whether I could grant it. There are a lot of potential problems..."

"Um--interesting..." The older man looked a bit confused. "So--why do you want to `bond' someone like me?"

"Let me see," Brad replied. "First of all--you're totally hot in a Daddy' sort of way and I'd love to get into your pants! I'd love to suck that fat nine-inch cock of yours or feel it pumping away inside me..." (This made Bronski preen a bit, in spite of himself.) "You're a good guy and a straight shooter that I know I can count on to call me on my bullshit. Since you won't be working for me--at least not directly--it'll make it that much easier for you to say no' when you need to."

"Well, lemmie think about it for a while..." Bronski said. Then: "is there going to be some kind of hearing for Metis? If so, I'd like to sit in."

"Like I said, Zeus and Cronos will work it out between themselves," Brad told him. "That means there will have to be a Summit--on neutral ground and that's going to create its own set of problems. They may ask Hades to bring Chester the Molester' up from the Underworld to testify--or they might just rely on my word since I can be compelled to tell only the truth. You should probably come along because you, for whatever reason, have accepted the god' thing without question: they'll want an independent attestation that Metis reported me to the cops. Metis and her compatriots will probably also have to give their side of the story then the two Kings will decide what, if any, punishment the Titanesses get for their crime. I hope that won't be a problem..."

"I'll admit, I'm curious..." Bronski said. "It's not every day a mere' mortal gets to sit in on the working of mythological justice' up close and personal! Yeah, count me in kid! I'll be there.

Something tickled the young man's awareness, causing him to rise. "I'd love to stay and chat with you Lieutenant but I need to get back to work. I want to make sure Metis doesn't try to skip town.!"

"But you haven't had breakfast?" Bronski protested.

"I know--but I want to watch her get taken into custody..."

Brad translocated back to the office just in time to see Metis frantically cramming the personal things she kept on her desk into her purse. "Going somewhere?" he asked, with mock sweetness.

The Ocean's daughter stopped her packing. "If you were successful in your visit with Hades then you know I'm responsible for Chester's death," she replied. "Knowing that, I don't see how you'd want me to keep working here: therefore- I quit!"

"Sorry Toots--you don't get away with murder that easily!" Brad said coldly. Two Titans, Atlas and Basilea, stepped into the office: both looked spiffy in their severe black "Titan Security' uniforms. "Take her!"

"Metis--please come with us..." Atlas said, his words polite but cold. "We'd rather not have to hurt you."

"What?" Now Metis was angry. "You can't take me on HIS authority!" She pointed at Brad. "He's not even one of us..."

"Your arrest is by order of Cronos," Basilea added, her manner just as cold as her companion. Her every word and movement spoke of her lineage as the legendary first Queen of Atlantis. "He's not happy with you three: Phoebe and Theia are already in custody..."

"Bitch!" the Ocean-haired Titaness raged, "I helped free both of you from Tartarus! Now you're siding with our oppressors?"

"Cronos is still King!" Atlas told her. "He's chosen to seek an alliance with our Olympian cousins and his word still is law! If your cabal didn't want him on the throne you should have kicked him off when you had the chance!"

"He's a stupid old man who doesn't understand how the world works!" Metis raged. "He doesn't deserve to be King over anyone!"

"Please don't make this more difficult than it already is..." Basilea told the other Titaness. She produced a pair of purple-glowing manacles, truly fine examples of Atlantean mystechnology. "You've caused enough trouble: nobody wants more now"

Metis extended her hands. "Fine!" she snapped. "Traitors!"

Setting up the meeting between Zeus and Chronos took quite some days but finally they managed to arrange a face-to-face at a Druidic Henge in Kings Harbor California. Yes, it was much closer to the Titans in Los Angeles but the power of the Druids who tended the Henge, virtually matching the Gods with their Magic, made it an attractive option. There was a bit of a "pissing contest" between the leadership of the two camps until the Archdruid Cliff Dover stepped in and forced a compromise on both sides. Even so, it still took several days before everything could be worked out to the satisfaction of everyone involved in the Summit. After almost a week of back-and-forth between both sides Dover called the meeting together at the Henge,

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen", a tall, very handsome platinum blond man in a white robe said once everyone was gathered in the Henge, "for those of you who don't know me--I'm Cliff Dover, Archdruid of the Central California Henge. I will be acting as host for this gathering."

The Archdruid indicated a beefy, older, brown-haired man with gray sidewalls and an eyepatch. Unlike the Gods and Druids in attendance he wore simple street clothes--working man's denims, a plaid work shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a broad leather belt and cowboy boots with a white Stetson. His visible eye was the same blue as the Archdruid and there was a certain family resemblance. "This is my brother Ben--he'll be acting as Sergeant at Arms for the event and he may wish to ask questions. Please respect his decisions on procedures..."

Ben--Dover...?' Brad thought, poor guy!' He fought hard to stifle a laugh. Still, he knew that in the universe next door this man was God-touched by Odin and served as the Allfather's Paladin. In this world he had been a Narcotics Officer in Houston until he lost his wife and children to a drive-by shooting: he'd retired to California and gone into construction work. Still, the big man understood the legal system and how things needed to proceed as well as being strong willed enough to keep things running smoothly: he was a good choice to act as Sergeant at Arms.

"Howdy folks," Ben rumbled. Then: "if y'all `r' ready, lets begin! Zeus--as th' Complainant ya have the right t' speak first..."

The King of Olympus, having raised up his Aspect, stood up to address the group. "Those three," he pointed at the bound Titanesses, "plotted to kill one of my people! The one called Metis--the one with the Mermaid hair--killed him while in MY kingdom!"

"What d' ya say?" Ben asked Cronos.

"They admitted as much..." the King of the Titans said. "Metis confessed to doing the deed and the other two assisted her in the plot. I don't know why but it wasn't my choice! I swear that by my throne!"

"He's telling the truth," the Archdruid commented. Brad knew Cliff Dover had set up spells in the Henge to compel truthfulness (even though he hadn't announced this fact) so he was confident in the assertion.

"Let's go on then," Ben said. "Miz Metis, Phoebe, Theia--do ya have somethin' t' say in y'r own defense?"

"I'll speak for us," Metis said.

"We're listenin'..."

"I found my way into Tartarus," she began, "and the three of us--along with Rhea--figured out how to get all the Titans out!"

"An' this is relevant because..." Ben asked the obvious question that was on everyone's mind.

"WE freed the Titans," the Ocean's daughter repeated. "WE helped them establish a power base on Earth!"

"I repeat--this is relevant because..."

"THAT man..." she pointed at Brad, "...moved in on OUR territory where he had no RIGHT!"

"Before I even began to establish Argus Consulting I got Chronos's approval," Brad told her. "You know that--you were there when I spoke to him. You know my reasons Metis! I thought you agreed with me--on this point at least..."

"Well I didn't..."

"Well--DUH!" Brad couldn't resist a bit of snark.

"Not helpful ol' Son..." Ben Dover cautioned.

"Sorry Sir."

"What right did you three THINK you had to contravene a royal order?" Zeus demanded.

"Since our KING chose to do nothing it fell to a group of concerned individuals to resolve the problem! Since we left Tartarus, Chronos has been nothing more than a figurehead! We've been running things--for all the thanks we got." Metis shot back. "We saw a problem so we stepped in to solve it when our King wouldn't. That's what patriots do!"

"So you're--Patriots now?" Brad commented. "Interesting..."

"I'm still King!" Chronos told her. "That means I am absolute ruler!"

"Maybe we should change that..." Metis shot back.

"We're gettin' off track here." Ben interjected. "Y'all c'n solve y'r political diff'rences AFTER we finish with this mess!"

"Agreed!" Chronos said. "Clearly, I have to put my house in order--later!"

"With your permission--I have a few questions that might help clear things up..." Cliff Dover said. Zeus and Chronos nodded silent agreement. "First, Bradley--why did you approach Chronos about starting your Consulting Company in Titans territory?"

"I could give you a long-winded answer," the strawberry blond young man replied, "but it boils down to a few undeniable facts! Both the Olympians and Titans have enemies that at, the very least, are `near peers' if not, in fact, matching us in power. We make better allies then enemies--and I, and other Olympian assets, have to finish our education in Los Angeles. It makes more sense for both sides to ally rather than fight."

"Your response Metis..." the Archdruid said. "Was Bradley incorrect?"

"Um--I'd rather not answer that..."

"You agreed t' th' rules..." Ben rumbled. "Answer th' question please!"

"If the Titans allied with Olympus we'd get the short end of the stick!"

"And why is that?" the Archdruid asked.

"Because they have more cash, technology and worldly power!" Metis came back. "They have walked the Earth thousands of years longer than we, so they have acquired more temporal power."

"Let's run a thought experiment..." Brad told the Titaness. "Say the Pantheons don't ally and don't go to war: what happens?"

"I don't know..."

"Odd, considering you are a Goddess known for your wisdom..." Brad snarked. He moved his glance to Phoebe and Theia. "Either of you two care to answer the question?"

"It--doesn't end well..." Phoebe said softly. (She was thinking ahead.)

"I c'n answer that one..." Ben said. "Th' Olympians still have th' advantages ya mentioned. Th' Titans don't share the Olympian goodies--an' thus y'all are stuck in second place without allies t' boost ya up."

Metis silently fumed but Brad spoke up again. "Experiment Number Two!" he said. "What happens if the Olympians go to war with your side?" The Titaness kept silent and looked mulish.

"Since my subject won't answer it is left to me to do so," Cronos said. "Both sides would lose--but the Titans would more likely end up in worse shape. Even so--both groups would be vulnerable to attack from other Pantheons and even mortals wanting to take advantage of our weakness."

"So--how would that benefit the Titans?" Brad asked.

"It wouldn't," Chronos said flatly. "Nor would it benefit the Olympians."

"At least we wouldn't be ground under the heel of Olympian oppressors!"

Brad sighed. "Ah--the old better dead than red' trope!" he said. "Well Metis, I've SEEN the Underworld so I have some idea of the dead' side of that equation! Trust me on this one! Life is always preferable..."

"Honestly Brad, you and the rest of the Olympians should be THANKING me!" Metis spat. "Chester was a serial child-rapist that nobody on Olympus Island did anything about! I took care of him for good and all! Why aren't you more grateful considering what he did to you?"

"Because it wasn't your call to make!" Brad shot back. "Chester Delavigne never attacked you or anyone you know! He also didn't do anything in territory belonging to you or the Titans! In the end it simply wasn't your place!"

"So consider my actions a test of your worthiness," Metis said. "Congratulations, you passed. After the way you flipped out when you saw Chet's head I didn't think you'd have the balls to see it through to the end. Maybe I underestimated you..."

"She has a point there..." Chronos allowed.

"Let's not forget she filed a missing persons' report with the LAPD that named me as a prime suspect!" Brad put in coldly. "Metis didn't off' Chet out of the goodness of her heart!"

"All three are still my subjects.." Chronos protested weakly.

"That's what you're going with?" Zeus bellowed. "If it is, then we have no reason to continue working toward an alliance since your side doesn't respect our territory!"

"I didn't say that!" the Lord of the Titans shot back. "Yes, Metis performed a wrong action but she got rid of someone who was a cancer on society! Doesn't she get even a little credit for that?"

"We don't live in the Old World," Zeus told him. "There are certain restrictions we've had to place on ourselves when we chose to live among Mortals. Negative actions have consequences--it's just that simple! Filing a Police Report started a chain of events that could have landed Bradley in hot water. At worse, it could well end in our two Pantheons going to war!"

"I guess that explains why he brought his new `butt buddy' with him," Metis sneered.

"Jealous much?" Brad suppressed a desire to stick his tongue out at the Titaness.

"Children..." Ben cautioned.

"Apologies Sir," Brad said. "Metis is just getting on my last nerve!"

The big Texan nodded. "So--is there anythin' else y'all need t' get off y'r chests?" Both Zeus and Chronos responded in the negative. "Well--if that's th' case we c'n move t' the deliberation phase. How do y'all want to resolve this?"

"Metis needs to be confined to Tartarus!" Zeus announced.

"That's not happening!" Chronos hissed. Zeus thundered and heavy clouds began to form above the Henge; it wasn't long until lightning began to flash as thunder rumbled through the glade. Most of the others in attendance began babbling all at once, making for a truly unholy din. Ben Dover tried vainly to get things to calm down without much success.

"As the affected party I'd like to say I agree with Chronos," Brad said, loud enough to cut through the hubbub.

"Why is that?" Zeus demanded. He wasn't the least bit happy being contradicted by one of his subjects.

"FIRST" he said. "Metis found her way IN to Tartarus and managed to lead all the Titans out; even if you put her there she won't likely stay very long! SECOND: imprisoning Metis is going to do nothing but piss off the Titans and, no, it doesn't matter whether she murdered someone or not! THIRD: if you send her to Tartarus you're going to sink any possibility of an alliance with the Titans--and you know how that ends! Last, but by no means least, Chester was a sexual predator who had multiple victims besides me: it was only a matter of time until he found another one. Whether we like it or not, she did us a favor."

"What do you suggest then?" Chronos asked.

"Make her come back to work for me."

"I--would--NEVER..." Metis screamed.

"Oh yes you will foolish child!" Chronos snapped. "Furthermore, you will work for Argus Consulting WITHOUT PAY and you will do so to the best of your ability until Bradley Fox decides to let you go! Should he fire you for good cause, I'll have you slaughtered!"

"You can't make me!" Metis said petulantly.

"Would you really like to test that?" the Titan King replied. "You will be gaesed so you cannot defy my Divine Will!"

"What about the other two?" Zeus demanded.

"Theia will pay a fine of fifty million dollars--half to Bradley Fox for his troubles and the rest to you Lord Zeus," Chronos suggested. "You may decide what to do with the cash..."

"That will virtually break me!" Theia protested.

"Perhaps you can get a job at Argus Consulting," the ruler of the Titans told her. "You've always been good at making money--put it to good use for others for a change."

"And what about Phoebe?" Zeus asked.

Chronos thought for a bit. "I suggest she pay three favors to be named later," he said. "Two to you and one to young Argus. Is this acceptable?"

"It'll have to do," Zeus replied.

"Well that was--interesting..." Brad and Lieutenant Bronski were holed up at a secluded table in a swanky steak house near Kings Harbor and were unpacking the events of the day. "So--how do you think it went?"

"I honestly don't know..." the young Olympian admitted. "In the end, I suppose the outcome was as good as we were going to get."

"Ah..." Bronski took a bite of a buttered, thick-crusted sourdough roll. "How do you feel about them forcing Metis to work for you?"

"I'm going to look at it as a case of keep your friends close and your enemies closer'," Brad replied. "I'm going to count on Metis doing her best work because I take Chronos at his word when he threatened to slaughter' her--and besides, Loki will be there to tattletale on her if she steps out of line."

"Metis AND Loki?" Bronski was openly impressed. "Kid, either you're fucking crazy or you have to carry your balls around in a wheelbarrow! How did you get involved with HIM?" Brad related the story. "Jesus! You've led a very active life!"

"At least since I moved to Olympus Island..." Brad agreed. "Before that? Not so much..."

"Sounds like you need someone to keep an eye on you kid!"

"Are you accepting my Bond?" Brad asked.

Before Bronski could answer, the waiter arrived with their entrée. "OK, I have a 16 oz. Porterhouse with mushroom and red-wine demiglace; a Loaded Baked Potato and Green Beans Almondine!"

"Here," Brad said. The waiter looked surprised but put down the food. He placed a 12-ounce steak and sides in front of the Cop, looking utterly confused as he did so.

"Somebody's hungry!" Bronski commented as he cut into his steak. (Brad had already demolished a Cobb Salad and most of an Appetizer Sampler before the main course arrived.)

"Call it Godly appetite!" Brad said after taking a bite of his own.

"Does that include everything?" Bronski asked.

"You'll have to take me to bed to see for yourself..." the younger man replied, licking his lips lewdly.


"I'm doing my best..." Brad said before taking another sensuous bite.

"You're seriously tempting me, kid..."

"I'm trying..." Brad replied.

"You may yet succeed..."

Brad smiled. "Spend the night with me?" he suggested.

"I think that we could make that happen!"

After finishing dinner Brad and Lt. Bronski made their way back to the young man's house in Santa Monica. They slipped quietly past the Carpenter brothers playing video games in the living room and made their way to the Master Suite on the third floor. It wasn't too long before both men were naked and kneeling on the bed as they stroked and kissed. "God kid," Bronski breathed, "you're fuckin' gorgeous!"

Brad ran his hand through the thick hair on the Detective's chest and belly, making the man squirm with delight. "You're pretty hot yourself Mr. Bronski..." He followed this up with another long, deep kiss.

"Really?" The Detective's hard, fat rod rubbed against Brad's erection as he stroked the younger man's tanned, well-muscled body. "I'm just a fat old guy compared to you. Have you ever considered modeling?"

"Where would you suggest I fit that into my schedule?" Brad asked, full of mock-seriousness.. "I'm going to school full-time, running a business that's also a full-time career and managing the threats to my life, or at the very least my safety, that doesn't leave much time for a personal life--much less a modeling career! Besides, gingers aren't in high demand in the modeling world."

Bronski popped Brad's well-rounded ass. "Just accept the fact you're pretty, kid!"

"Fine! I'm pretty..." Brad kissed his way down to the Detective's nipple and pulled gently with his teeth, making the man moan. "Ah, I see somebody's nips are connected directly to his balls!"

"Bastard!" Bronski chuckled. "Do it again..." Brad started to go back to work but was stopped by seeing a leaf-green mist float in through an open window. "What--the--fuck!"

"Well, I guess I don't have to worry about Bonding you..." Brad moved back a bit. "Just breathe in Lieutenant: it looks like Phanes has decided it's time to make a reappearance..."

"Who the fuck is that?" Bronski asked as more mist began to pour in.

"A most ancient Creator Deity," Brad told him.

Bronski took a deep breath, drawing in the leaf-green mist. "Ahhh..." Then: "I feel--different..."

"Are you OK?"

"I--think..." the man replied. "I just feel like my head is stuffed..."

"You're getting all the information from your previous incarnations," Brad told him. "Don't fight it; just relax and let it happen! You should be OK in a few minutes; before long you'll be able to access all the information Phanes and his previous hosts have acquired through the centuries."

"Yeah, I'm already starting to feel less stuffed..." the older man replied. Then: "do I look any different?"

Brad gave the man a careful examination. "Your eyes are green now and your cock is even bigger but otherwise you look pretty much like you always did. I can fix your Driver's License and Police ID so the change won't be much of a problem. The only people who might notice are those you've slept with multiple times and anyone who is super detail-oriented. You could probably slide past them by saying you're wearing colored contacts!"

"So--what are my new powers?"

"Phanes was the Primordial God of Creation," Brad told him. "He's father to Nyx and grandfather to Uranus--which makes Chronos technically your great-grandson!"

"That's going to be--interesting around the Holidays..."

"That's one word for it!" the younger man agreed. "At any rate Phanes is a creator-God--which means you can make living things. Just be careful about making folks pregnant..."


"You're a Creative Force," Brad told him, "and, yes, that means you can impregnate anyone when you want and have that child come out in whatever way you choose. That includes any life you happen to create--but don't worry, your power requires will on your part so you're not going to leave a litter of kids in your wake--unless you want to..."

"Uh--I don't..."

"Good for you!" Brad said teasingly. "We don't need yet another crop of Godlings showing up to challenge the current generation. Now--any more questions before I see if I can suck that huge dong of yours!"

"Yeah--one..." the man replied. "Where do I go from here?"

"Start by going to the Titans," Brad told him. "I don't know whether Chronos will be interested in taking you in--the Titans aren't big on sharing their power with newbies. Zeus, on the other hand, would be happy to include you in the family!"

"So I have to move to Washington State?"

"There are worse places!" the younger man said. "But, really, you don't have to ally with either side if you don't want to--it's entirely up to you..."

"Lemmie think about it..." Bronski gave the young man a gentle push downward to where Brad could see a pearly drop of precum oozing from the deep-veined slit of the newest God's massive cock. "Right now I want that attended to! I'd hate to waste some primo baby gravy!"

"Baby--gravy...?" Brad wanted to giggle but instead decided to attend to the matter at hand. He kissed his way down the Detective's hairy chest and belly until he finally had the head in his mouth. It was almost like trying to swallow an entire fist but Brad was able to get it in then slide the massive thing down his gullet.

While the young man would have liked to deep-throat the rampant rod and bury his nose in the Detective's curling pubes, there was just no way he could do that. Instead he put his hand around the base of Bronski's massive cock and worked the rest, drawing appreciative groans of pleasure from the older man. Brad alternated his movements from taking as much as he could to teasing the other man's sensitive cockhead.

Bronski tried hard to prevent himself from moving--without much success. "Jesus kid--you're driving me crazy!" he growled. "Suck that cock!" Brad did so, happily slurping up the Detective's copious precum. "I think I'm gonna shoot!"

Brad pressed his thumb into the base of Bronski's erection. "Sorry Detective, I'm not ready for you to cum yet!" he told the older man.


Brad chuckled then went back to teasing the Detective's cock until the older man was literally begging for an orgasm. The younger man took as much of Bronski's cock into his mouth as he could then slammed a finger into the man's tight hole, forcing a prolonged orgasm. "Jesus kid--you're gonna kill me!" Bronski panted.

"Oh puh-lease!" Brad came up, licking his lips. "I'll say this though--I could damn near make a meal off that manjuice!"

Bronski laughed. "So--you think you can take this cock kid?"

"You're going to have to open me up a bit first," the younger man replied. "I'm going to need to be good and wet before you put that massive thing inside me..."

"I can do that!" Bronski tackled Brad, rolling the younger man onto his back then diving between his wide-open legs. Soon the older man was slurping away at Brad's "honey pot", his tongue darting in and out as he slurped up Brad's mellifluous nectar. "God damn kid," you taste good!" Then he went back to eating like a starving man at a banquet.

Brad ground his ass into the Detective's face: the tongue work was driving him just as crazy as Bronski seemed to be. "Easy-open holes are one of the perks of Godhood and Bonding..." Brad told him.

"Yum!" The Cop went back to flicking Brad's sensitive bud. "I might spend the rest of the night eatin' this hole!"

"Betcha can't..." Brad spread his ass a little wider to give Bronski better access and the Detective showed no signs of slowing down his tongue work.

"You're right--I can't!" the Cop finally said with real reluctance. Brad raised his head to see precum heavily leaking from Bronski's massively erect member. "I really need to be inside you!"

"Do it!" the younger man told him. "Just give me a sec' to get used to that massive schlong of yours! Be a little careful, OK? It's gonna be like getting fisted--at least at first..."

"Do you have lube?" Bronski asked as he began to move himself into place.

"You shouldn't need it..." Brad told him, even as Bronski's massive cockhead pressed against his sphincter. "Between your precum and my natural lubrication it'll be OK. I just need time to get used to you..."

The young man moaned as Bronski pushed through his tight outer ring, slowly but surely pushing the entire massive cock all the way in. "Congrats kid, you got the whole thing!" Bronski grunted. Brad held still as he got used to the massive prong stretching him. Bronski was too big for him to move--at least comfortably--right now.

The young man stroked Bronski's broad back as he adjusted to the rod violating his inside. After a bit he got used to the massive thing impaling him. "OK, you can move now..." The Cop pulled out a very little bit then sunk back in with agonizing slowness. Still, even this minimal movement made the young man moan and writhe with the overwhelming sensations he was experiencing. "Oh--GOD, you're big..."

"You OK kid?"

"I'm getting used to you..." Brad told him. "You can give me a little more now. Bronski obliged him, pulling out further then sinking back in. still slowly but even this was enough to cause the young strawberry blonde to begin leaking his own precum. "Oh yeah, that feels good..."

"You are so fucking TIGHT!" Bronski growled.

"And you love it!"

"Yeah kid, I do!" Bronski admitted. "I wanted to rip your clothes off and throw you down on the nearest surface and fuck you since the first time I walked into your office!"

"Was it worth the wait?"

"Completely!" Bronski agreed. "I'm still not sure about this whole `uniting with a God' thing but I'll figure that one out too." Then: "can I move a little faster?"

"I'm ready..." Brad panted. "Fuck me a little harder: I can take you!"

Bronski chuckled. "Bossy little brat, aren't you kid?"

"Dude--the bottom is always in control! Always..."

"At some point I'm going to break through that control complex of yours!" Bronski said, even as he started moving a little faster. "You really should try to let go some time..."

"Then I wouldn't be me, big guy!" the younger man replied. He arched up. "Fuck me!" he grunted, "fuck me you horse-cocked bear!"

The Detective moved faster and deeper into his young lover, making him pant and moan with lustful delight. Brad kicked his heels against Bronski's broad back as his body began to sheen with sweat. "Yeah, baby!" the Detective panted, "you are really getting' into it!"

"Yes, yes, YES!" Brad moaned. "Fuck me! FUCK me!"

Bronski grunted as he moved into overdrive, pounding the younger man for all he was worth until Brad exploded helplessly under the sexual assault. The younger man stayed hard as the Detective continued to pound toward his own orgasm. When Bronski finally dumped his load of hot love juice, Brad came yet again.

"Not bad for round one Detective..." Brad said teasingly as the Cop rolled onto his side, bringing the smaller and younger man with him. "I think I'll keep you..."

"For a while at least..." Bronski agreed.



Those of you who read my other series recognized some familiar characters. Clearly, the Dovers exist in the Olympians universe and Brad and the others in this series (probably) exist in the Doververse. Still, I had a grand time doing a crossover. I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thanks for reading in any case.

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or complaints (yes, even those), drop me a line to HonableRonable@gmail.com or RonVenable@hotmail.com and I WILL reply. I really appreciate hearing from you--even the negative stuff because even that is a learning experience for me. Likewise, thanks to my crack Editorial Team for all their hard work: because of them I am a better writer.

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