Olympus Island

By Ron Venable

Published on May 25, 2021


This is a story of gay-themed romantic fantasy. Some chapters contain graphic descriptions of sex, (this one in particular) not all of it consensual or between adults. If reading material of this nature offends you or is illegal in your area please click away without reading further. The author claims copyright and no part of this story can be reprinted without my express permission. Though long delayed, I hope you enjoy Brad's latest adventure!

CHAPTER 21: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

"He WHAT???" Yeah, the news of Loki's "escape" from Asgard was going down about as well as Brad feared it would and it didn't help the King of Olympus had held off their meeting for three days because of "pressing" business. To say Zeus was pissed would be something of an understatement on the level of "the sinking of the Titanic was a bit of an accident." "How did Odin let this happen?" the Lord of Olympus thundered, "and what are you doing about it boy?"

Brad sighed. "I don't have any answers for you," he said flatly. "Odin wasn't particularly forthcoming with details and, for whatever reason, Asgard is blocked from my perception; for all I know Prometheus is blind to what goes on there as well or he might have told you himself! Maybe Mnemosyne can give you some answers: she's the Titan of Memory and might have access to data I lack. To be perfectly honest, I didn't pry--that's not my job! I imagine Odin felt bad keeping his son imprisoned in a Soul Gem! As a father yourself I'm sure you understand that much! Out of a misguided sense of pity Odin let him out and Loki escaped! The how' and why' aren't important: suffice it to say Odin is no happier about this than you since he was trying to negotiate an alliance between Asgard and Olympus! As soon as I finish here I'm off to tell Ares and then Athena; I'm sure Prometheus already knows. I should probably also inform Cronos as soon as possible; we don't want what little progress we've made with the Titans ruined by something like this! Other than that--I don't know what else to do--other than keeping on my guard! I'm supposed to move in to my place in Santa Monica later this week with Chase and Corey Carpenter. That's going to make us exposed targets..."

"You don't have to leave the island Bradley," Zeus said. "You could stay here and be at least somewhat safer..."

"Loki killed your predecessor and replaced him for over a year with nobody noticing," Brad shot back directly. "No place is truly safe from him. I have my reasons for going--I need a diploma if I want anyone to take me seriously as a business consultant: the house is done; Chase and Corey have to be moved in somewhere by Monday so they can start football and cheerleading practice; I can't just pull out at the last minute and tell them they have to make other arrangements!"

"You're a God," the King of Olympus reminded him. "You owe mortals nothing!"

"Corey was my friend before I became an Olympian and Chase and I have been working toward establishing a relationship since I moved here," the strawberry blond shot back. "I'm not going to leave them out in the cold just because I'm scared! I'm sorry--I won't do that! Furthermore, I may be a God but I still live in the Mortal Realm and I have to play be certain mortal rules..."

"You're playing a deadly game Bradley."

"Maybe," the young man agreed. "But it's my game to play--and I have allies down there watching out for me..."

"Metis and Ogimos?"

"And Axtreus..." he added.

"So--how is Artemis' child getting along now that he knows his true parentage?" Zeus wondered.

"All things considered I guess he's doing OK," Brad replied. "Yesterday Axe had his first meeting with Artemis; it was awkward, as you might expect, but they got through it with a minimum of tears and hurt feelings. The Asgardians are pressing him hard to join them and he seems very comfortable with that side of the family. With all due respect, Dianna Moon isn't all that motherly: Axe is content with his life in Los Angeles and touring with Remaindered Kitties. At least he and his birth mother are Facebook friends now; I don't think they're ever going to be super close though..."

"Should we try to recruit him to join Olympus?"

"I don't think it would be a super-good fit," Brad said, after brief consideration. "His growing abilities are a lot more in line with Asgard then Olympus and the Asgardians seem to really want him! Here, he'd be just another superfluous Demigod!"

"I'll defer to you--this time..." Zeus finally decided.

"Your Majesty is too kind!" Brad managed to keep a straight face when he said it.

"Chief Mars will see you now..."

Brad gave the Secretary a pleasant smile as he passed her desk to enter the Chief's Office. Eric Mars, the current incarnation of Ares was a tall broad redhead with gray eyes. A forest of coppery curls adorned his arms and peeked out of the collar of his khaki uniform. "Thanks for seeing me Chief," the young man said as he closed the door behind him.

"Maggie said it was important--what can I do for you son?"

Brad knew the Chief didn't care for sugar coating so he simply dove right in. "Odin let Loki escape his custody... I don't have the details: I don't know what Loki is planning or what, if anything, we can do to protect ourselves from him. We can hope he has enough sense to stay away from Olympus--but with Loki you can never tell!"


Brad couldn't resist. "If that's what you really want..."

The Chief gave his visitor a jaundiced look. "You know what I mean boy!" Brad just gave the big cop a "shit eating" grin. "So--what do we do about this?"

"What can we do?" Brad answered as he gave a resigned shrug. "I can't follow Loki and I doubt Prometheus can either: I guess we're just going to have to wait for him to tip his hand--and hope it's not too late at that point! I'll definitely speak to AIDIA before I head for Los Angeles and make sure `she' reports anything out of the ordinary she sees. At least this time he doesn't have any allies among the Olympians..."

"That we know of!" the Chief said.

"True," Brad agreed. "The Gods currently on the island have a lot invested in maintaining the status quo. The exiles, on the other hand, could be real trouble--and most of them are your kids. You're going to have to contact them--make sure they aren't involved..."

"Since you helped Eros find Psyche I don't think he'll be eager to involve himself in Olympian affairs," Ares said. "Their brothers Anteros and Himeros are a different story entirely: those two revel in chaos and would probably be happy to take you down a peg or two! Now that Phobos and Deimos have joined the `family business', I don't see them rocking the boat--at least not yet...."

Brad nodded. "I don't see Harmonia involving herself in `family' politics either," he said. "Still, it probably wouldn't hurt if you paid her a fatherly visit to check on her and make sure she's still happily hanging out in the California Redwoods..."

"There are a few others who joined the rebellion last century," Ares told Brad. "I'll run them down and see if I can get a read on whether or not they are still at odds with Olympus."

"Thanks for the help," the young man said, giving the Chief a genuinely grateful smile. "With me getting Argus Consulting in L.A. up and running, getting settled into my own home and starting my sophomore year at UCLA I'm going to be kind of busy with mundane things."

Ares nodded. "So--I understand Chase and his younger brother are moving in with you down South?"

Brad nodded. "With Corey being a satyr and Chase bonded to you it seemed like a better idea then them living on campus. This way if they have to pop back here for whatever reason there won't be nearly as many questions."

"How do you feel about that?"

"OK--I guess..." Brad said, a bit uncertainly. "Corey and I have been good friends for, like, ever so I don't think there will be any problem with him: still, we've never lived together so I'm sure there is going to be a period of adjustment. Chase, on the other hand, once he gets back with his football buddies who knows what he'll do!"

"If he misbehaves you have my permission to personally kick his ass up around his ears!" the Chief said. "He's living with you and not paying rent so Chase and his brother need to live on your terms! Since it's your home you're going to have to be the adult and set some rules--otherwise you'll find yourself living in Animal House!"

The young man sighed. "I was thinking about giving them a `Roommate Agreement' like on Big Bang Theory," he said. "I guess I'll have to draft something so both guys know what to expect."

"Do that," Ares said, "and be prepared to enforce it should either of the boys get out of line! That's part of being an adult!"

"Ready or not, it's time for me to take control of my own life" Brad replied.

"You can do it boy!" Ares said. Then: "where are you going from here?"

"I have to tell Athena the good news' then Aphrodite wants to see me in my official' capacity," the young man told him. "She didn't say why but she clearly wants something and I have a feeling I'm not going to like it when I find out what..."

"Likely," the Chief agreed. "You will tell me if she has something nasty planned, won't you?"

"But of course..."

The meeting with Athena went about as Brad had expected: the Goddess of wisdom seemed saddened but hardly surprised at the news Brad brought: she agreed there was little they could do if Loki was planning to launch another attack on Olympus except be hypervigilant. The young man thanked her for her time then headed off to Club Aphrodite, the high end "Medi-Spa" located in the Hotel Grand Olympus. He was quickly escorted to Dee Dee Love's private apartments where the Goddess of love awaited him in a pink negligee and nightie; she was, of course, dripping in jewels and her face was "beat for the gods" even though Brad thought the abundance of marabou feathers was a bit much--even for her.

"Thank you for seeing me Bradley," Aphrodite, Goddess of Love was hardly the most purely beautiful woman Brad had ever seen but it was hard not to be swayed by her abundant charm; there was an overt sensuality that even a gay man like himself found hard to resist. "I do appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule."

"You asked for me in my `official' capacity," Brad replied, "What else could I do? I came; what can I do for you milady?"

"Why so formal?" The Goddess of Love gave Brad her best depreciating moue. "I thought we were friends!"

"Really? When did that happen? I must have missed the memo..." Brad couldn't help it--some of his snark popped out. "My Lady--why don't we stop this silly dance and just tell me what you want! It'll take a lot less time that way..."

"Fine!" she snapped; the sicky-sweet simpering maiden was gone, leaving Aphrodite in full "Diva" mode. "I want you to arrange to bring my Erotes back home!"

"My Lady, that's not my decision to make!" Brad said bluntly. "Zeus ordered them gone when they joined the rebellion!"

"That was over a hundred years ago and multiple incarnations for my boys!" Aphrodite protested. "Don't you think they deserve a chance at redemption?"

"Again, my Lady, that's not my choice to make!" Brad repeated. "If you want your brats back in the fold--talk to the King! Maybe you can persuade him..."

"The new Zeus is proving--difficult..." the woman admitted. "I can't ensorcell him for the same reasons I can't affect you and I dare not use my powers against one of his favorites either! Worst of all, he and Hera have worked out an `arrangement' so he can have as many male lovers as he chooses! For all my sway over the heart I can't touch him. It's not fair!"

"Yeah, life sucks!" Brad agreed. "You want your kids back? Plead their case before the King! You might also want to pressure your `little darlings' to promise to behave themselves. Zeus will listen and give your request all the consideration it deserves!"

"Why are you so resentful of my children?" Aphrodite demanded.

"Do you remember Prometheus's `coming out' party?" Brad shot back. "I know I certainly do!"

"It was a little childish fun!" Aphrodite protested, "nothing more!"

"Your boys idea of `fun' can leave their victims scarred for life!" Brad shot back. "Phobos and Deimos, at least, have learned the error of their ways and come back to Olympus Industries with valuable skills that will help all of us profit! The Erotes are their same, usual, chaotic selves! There's nothing in it for Olympus Industries and there's definitely nothing in it for me--so why should I help you?"

"You owe me, Bradley Fox!"

This ought to be interesting... "How do you figure?" he asked, not bothering to hide his cold anger. "I can't wait to hear your reasoning on this..."

"I put your father and Ward Kingsbury together!"

Brad laughed. "Good one!" he chortled. "You do realize that if my father and Ward Kingsbury had gotten together I'd never have been born? How does that make me owe' you? And while we're at it--tell me how you let Loki interfere with your divine plan' for my Father and his `true' love and how you let it go on for years while you did nothing!"

"I arranged your birth!" she exclaimed.

"Nope!" Brad tapped his temple. "That was all Prometheus! You may have put the whammy on my Dad and Ward but you ignored them--even after they came to Olympus Island! Did you forget?"

"Zeus told me not to meddle in their lives!" she hissed. "Otherwise, I would have fixed it..."

"I'm not here to relitigate history," Brad said tiredly.

"You may have a lot of knowledge and you may style yourself Argus Panoptes," she screamed, "but I am the Goddess of Love! You cross me and I swear you'll regret it! Mess with me and I promise you'll die alone and friendless!"

Brad laughed again. "I'd be more frightened if you actually took the time to get to know your target," he told he, his voice full of clod bluntness. "Thanks to `Chester the Molester' I've grown up feeling I don't deserve love! The fact that anyone actually likes me is a surprise to me! I can live without your brand of love because, honestly, Aphrodite--I'd rather have a life without love at all than one that's compelled by your magic! Oh, and one other thing..."

"What's that?" The Goddess saw the look in Brad's eye and she was afraid.

"I am Rancelman of Olympus," he told her. "I am the finder of things, the revealer of secrets! I know all of yours Aphrodite! How long do you think you'd last if I started talking?"

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Don't give me a reason," Brad said with deceptive mildness. "You're old enough to remember the 1950s and Russia and America's `mutually assured destruction', don't you? You don't lob your missiles at me--I won't have an excuse to burn you to ash!"

"I never paid attention to politics!" she huffed. Brad suspected the Goddess of Love was more annoyed by him mentioning her actual age then by the political comment he made. "So--how do I persuade you to help me?"

"You don't," Brad said flatly. "I don't like the Erotes: in fact, I think they're dangerous! They haven't learned anything since they incited the rebellion and, given the chance, I think they'd do it again! More importantly, they aren't an asset to Olympus Island in any way: if they come home they'll just be a drain on resources. Now, if they ever grow up like Phobos and Deimos and make some positive changes in their lives, we can talk but until that happens, you're on your own lady!"

Once his business was finished Brad thought things would get easier but he was wrong. No good deed goes unpunished so he found himself dealing with complaints from the Beachside Neighborhood Association because they didn't care for the colors he'd chosen for the house. Likewise, negotiations for the building he wanted to buy for his business were growing more difficult and tangled with each passing day--and made all the more annoying by Chronos and Titan Security butting in; Chronos had all the delicacy and grace of a rampaging bull in an antique china shop and Titan Security was demanding an outrageous payment for a security force far larger than the building needed..

The young man was about ready to just chuck the whole thing when he got a call from Euge McNamara. "'S up buddy?" rumbled over the connection. "I was thinkin' about you and thought I'd give you a call--see if maybe you'd like to come hang out at my place for a while! It's a perfect beach day!"

"Honestly, I think I could use a break..." the young man admitted.

"Yeah dude, you sound totally stressed!" Euge said. "You really need to chill out for a while!" "Chilling out" sounded like an excellent idea so Brad got the information and set out for Malibu straightway.

Brad wasn't sure what to expect but Paradise Cove Mobile Estates wasn't it! Who knew there was an actual Trailer Park in Malibu? But, yes, there it was, tucked into an out-of-the-way section of the town! Still, the place was hardly your typical mobile home park; yes, there were prefab houses and trailers--some double and even triple-wide--parked among shady trees on large green lawns, but Brad saw an array of high-end vehicles parked here and there as well as some classic Cars--and why not? Mobile Homes here, when they rarely came up for sale, started at nearly half a million bucks for a tiny house and might fetch over three million dollars for the largest properties. Most of the people who lived here were surfers, at least by avocation, but their day jobs had them as Hollywood moguls, rock stars, hedge-fund managers or high-end international executives. Remaindered Kitties was doing "OK" but how had Euge managed to afford the place? Ah well--another mystery to be solved...

"Hey buddy, welcome, welcome!" Brad saw the big man burst out of one of the trailers just as he was pulling up in front. "Nice wheels!"

The strawberry blond stepped out of his sapphire-blue Tesla Y. "Yeah, this is the one bright spot in the past few days," he told Euge. "I went to the dealership in Santa Monica and she was just sitting there; somebody had buyer's remorse' so they turned her back in--and I got a substantial used car' discount on an almost-new car!"

"Odd choice for a college kid..."

"Not for a young financial wizard on the rise!" Brad countered. "This car says the kid is doing well financially AND he's ecologically responsible! Plus which--I'm going to take her to Vulcan Motorsports and get her modified with some special Olympian' tech! I'm also doing that to kind of `subtly' encourage the Titans to work with us by showing them the kind of goodies they might have access to--if they play ball!"

Euge gave the young man a crooked smile. "And they said I was evil!" he smirked. "Yeah kid, you're workin' all the angles!"

Brad walked around behind the big brown-haired bear to take a good look at Euge's shapely ass, well on display since the big man was wearing nothing but a pair of loose, navy-blue swim trunks. "If you've got the curves, big guy, I've definitely got the angles!"

"It's all accordin' to how your boogaloo situation stands!" the man replied. "How do you know an old song like that anyway kid? You keep dropping references like that. people will think you're an old fart!"

"I was born with classic rock and pop running through my veins," Brad told him. "My Mom loved classic rock and pop, so after she passed away that's all my Dad played in the house! Yeah, it was weird and a lot of kids laughed at me because I didn't keep up with the latest hip hop tracks but I never cared! I decided to embrace my difference"

Euge grinned. "So--what was your first concert?".

James Taylor and Carole King at the Hollywood Bowl."

"Nice!" The big brown bear's smile was positively infectious. "Do you play or sing?" the big man asked.

"They started me on Suzuki-method violin when I was three!" Brad said. "I hated it so I switched to piano when I was six and picked up the Cello starting in high school. I also sang in the All-American Boys Chorus until I aged out; I kind of dropped music once I graduated though..."

"Did you ever do theater?"

"When I was little..." Brad replied. "I was Kurt in a local production of The Sound of Music and I did the lead in Oliver! It was something I could do with my Dad..."

"Sounds like you miss that part of your life..." Euge observed.

"I kind of do," Brad replied. "After my Mom passed away it was just me and my Dad and we had to be each other's support system. We did everything together--but then I graduated and went to college: Dad got a job offer he couldn't resist with OlympusCo and he moved out of our old house. Now he has a new husband, decreed by Aphrodite no less, and a ready-made family that requires his attention--not to mention the Gods involvement in all of our lives..."

"Do you regret being Elevated?" Euge wondered.

"Yes and no," Brad admitted after a moment's thought. "My life would have been a lot less--complex if I hadn't gotten elevated, but a lot of things wouldn't have changed--like Loki still sitting on the Throne of Olympus! Besides--being a God has its advantages! Not only that--if I'd never been Elevated I'd have never met you Euge..."

The big brown bear laughed. "Neatly played there, boyo!" he said. "A humble brag followed by a compliment! I am impressed!"

"What can I say, I aim to please!" Brad replied. "So--how `bout a tour of Chez Euge? I'm curious to see what two and a half million bucks buys in a Malibu Mobile Home!"

Euge didn't seem at all surprised Brad knew how much his home cost. "This is more of a pre-fab house..." the big man told him. "And what it buys you--is that!" He gestured toward a broad, white-sand beach where waves from the Pacific lapped gently. "That's 100% private beach--only the people who live here and their guests can use it. You aren't going to get anything like that in Southern California--at least not for a lot more cash--but believe me, it's worth it!"

"I thought Llyr was the Celtic God of the Sea..."

"He is," the big man replied. "But I like living near the water. Come in--I'll show you around..." Inside, the house was "nice" if not out of the ordinary. The rooms were neat and well-kept but not particularly spectacular--except for the panoramic oceans views from almost every room. Even rooms that didn't have broad expansive windows had "peek-a-boo" views. And, of course, there was the sound and smell of the sea drifting in from the open windows...

The tour ended in the Master Bedroom, not the largest space in the world and made even smaller by a gigantic waterbed. "Hey Euge, the 70s called!" Brad teased, "they want their bed back!" He glanced around the space. "Where do you keep your clothes?"

"I converted the third bedroom into a closet," the big man told his new friend. "No other room in the place has--that!" Euge pointed at a sliding glass door that took up most of one wall and showed a completely unobstructed view of the beach with the gently-rolling waves of the Pacific behind it. "You like?"

"The view is second-to-none but it's a little small for a Master, don't you think?"

"If all I'm going to do in here is sleep--and maybe fuck, how much room do I need?" the big bear replied. "I wanted a view of the sea in my bedroom. This room worked so I converted the Master into my Music Studio! That room has the worst view in the whole house!"

"Ah..." Brad was silent for a moment. "Are there any other Celtic deities around?" he finally asked.

"When my brethren bother to come out of Underhill they usually stick close to the UK and Ireland," Euge replied. "I got itchy feet so I decided to travel! I liked the weather and the music scene in LA so I decided to stick around; the British Isles are a bit too misty and cold for my taste anyway..."

"And you don't miss your family and the other Celtic Deities?"

Euge sighed. "Boyo, my `brethren' turned away from the surface world long ago!" he said, a bit sadly. "Me, I had a real fascination for the humans--their struggles and triumphs and all they accomplished in their Mayfly lives! I am content with me life..."

"Ah--thanks for sharing that!"

"So--what say we hit the beach for a while?" the big brown bear suggested.

"Um--I didn't think to bring a suit..." Brad replied a bit lamely, "and I doubt anything you had would fit me."

Euge undid the drawstring of his suit and let the blue cloth drop to the floor. The big brown bear was now standing naked before the astonished Brad. "Who said anything about needing a suit?" He gave the young Olympian a wry smile. "What's the point in going to the beach if you have to cover up?"

"Ah--what about your neighbors?" Brad exclaimed.

Euge gave the young man a lascivious smile. ""I'll see we're not bothered--God of Eloquence, remember?" He winked.

The young man was torn between awe and fear but he finally decided to throw caution to the wind and see where this went. Brad began slowly unbuttoning his shirt, shucking it off sensuously, allowing Euge to see his smoothly-muscled, lightly tanned chest. Kicking out of his shoes and slipping out of his socks and Brad was now as barefooted like Euge. Lastly, he slipped out of his jeans and underwear and Brad stood naked before his host.

Euge gave the young man an appreciative up-and-down glance. "You are as lovely as I thought you'd be, boyo!" he complimented. "Shall we hit the beach?" Without waiting for a reply, the big man grabbed a couple of oversized beach towels and headed out to the sand. "Don't dawdle!"

Brad stepped tentatively out onto the warm white sand beach, feeling frankly exposed in more ways than one. "Um--are you sure this isn't going to be a problem?" he asked.

"None will observe us; none will disturb us!"

The young Olympian felt the gentle outflowing of power from Euge's few words. like a tide overflowing all. He'd seen Zeus display his weather control abilities and he could wrap his head around the other Olympians "special' abilities: they were almost like super powers from comic books or movies. This, on the other hand, was real power beyond anything Brad had experienced as a mortal or a God in his own right! So this was what it like to be a "true immortal"! To be able to command and alter reality with a few words was something truly fearsome indeed!

Euge caught Brad's stunned look: "don't worry laddie-buck!" he soothed. "Ye've nothin' tae fear from me! Now come over here and sit down--please!"

"Sorry Euge.." the young man stammered. "I just finally understand what being a God truly is! The Olympians and the rest of us are just shadows of who we used to be compared to the Celtic Pantheon."

"There are trade-offs," Euge told him. "Yes, we retain the power throughout our long lives but we age, albeit slowly, outside of Underhill. Furthermore, unlike the rest of you Godlets, when we die we die! No `reincarnation, resurrection or save' to quote the RPGers. One day I will be gone but you, me bucko, can continue to the end of time--if that is your wish..."

Brad wasn't at all sure he wanted that but chose to let it pass; instead he concentrated on the few others that were using the beach. They all kept a goodly distance. The few people on the sand paid them no more attention to them than a random seagull flapping past. One man flying a drone gave Brad pause though. "Um--what happens when that guy looks at the camera footage his drone is taking?"

"When I said none, I meant it!" Euge replied brightly. "That includes drones!"


"If that's what you wish, laddie-buck!" the brown bear said, rolling onto his back and raising his hips. "You might want to open me up first though..."

Brad was awash in conflicting emotions: the idea of topping a bigger guy was certainly intriguing (he'd fantasized driving Chase wild while fucking his tight jock butt and some of those fantasies included Ares) and Euge was certainly a giant bear. The warm sun beating down was a sweet caress and the light ocean breeze was a flirtatious lover's kiss as the young Olympian got to work opening Euge's tight, furry hole: it wasn't long until the big man was writhing in anticipation, begging for Brad to fuck him.

Brad stroked himself to hardness. "Open wide and say `ahh', big guy!"

"AAAHHHHHHHHH!" Brad's hardness pierced the Celtic God's tight ring easily. The Celt secreted a natural lubricant which made penetration easy even though it was still one of the tightest holes the young Olympian had ever penetrated. "Yes, boyo, now fuck me nice `n' slow..." Euge instructed.

The young strawberry blond soon lost all his inhibitions (even as a new group of beachgoers passed a few feet from them. But they paid no more attention to the pair than a random piece of driftwood. The big bear thrust up to meet Brad's ever-increasing speed. Brad forced himself to slow down so the party wouldn't end too soon but the excitement soon overwhelmed him and the young man soon deposited a mass of seed deep inside Euge's tight hole.

Brad collapsed atop his bottom's furry chest. "Not bad for Round One!" Euge commented. His talented ass muscled squeezed and worked keeping Brad hard inside him. "Next time you'll have to see if you can last longer though..."

After Brad's day at the beach things seemed to, almost magically, smooth out. The Neighborhood Association dropped their complaints when Brad suggested he simply sell the house and offer the land for demolition. Metis interceded with the Titans to get them in line (and that ended up costing Brad less than he'd expected). Argus Consulting finally came to an agreement to buy the office building where the business was headquartered outright--and even managed to negotiate a decent deal: no doubt dealing with the already-established tenants would bring more headaches down the line but Brad was confident Metis could handle that. Early August was turning out to be a good time and Brad found himself looking forward to settling down in Los Angeles full time.

Moving day went smoothly with no glitches in furniture or office machine delivery. Metis had taken over decorating the space and Brad was quite impressed; it could easily have been photographed for a high-end design magazine yet the place still functioned properly as an office: he and Metis had private spaces and there was plenty of space for files and computers--with adequate, well-defined spaces for meetings of staff and clientele. Argus Consulting was definitely a model for a young business on the rise. The Titan of Wisdom came bopping in bearing a squarish package. "Heya boss," she said, plopping the box on Brad's brand-new glass-topped desk. "Looks like you've got a secret admirer!"

Brad looked at the package and a frisson of fear ran up his spine. He could trace the package from Metis to the Mail Carrier and then to the main Post Office in Santa Monica but there the trail went cold. "I don't think I'm going to like this..." he said, shakily reaching for an Exacto (TM) Knife.

"What's wrong?"

Brad told the blue-haired Titaness about his trouble. "That definitely doesn't bode well," she agreed. He finally got the package open to find a severed head inside. The young man nearly vomited as the dead eyes of Chester the Molester stared back at him...



It's been forever I know, please don't hate me. Hope you guys enjoyed the latest story. As always, thanks to my crack editorial staff "Marko the Magnificent" and "Jer-Bear": without their able assistance, this wouldn't be nearly as good. I have to confess though that I'm running out of plot for the continuing adventures of Brad and the other Olympians: any suggestions would be much appreciated. Drop me a line to HonableRonable@gmail.com or RonVenable@hotmail.com . I answer EVERY email--eventually.

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Next: Chapter 21

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