Olympus Island

By Ron Venable

Published on May 1, 2020


This is a work of gay-themed Romantic fantasy: some Chapters contain explicit descriptions of sex--not all of it consensual or between adults. If reading material of that nature offends you or is illegal in your city, county, state, country--wherever you are--please do us both a favor and click away now! Otherwise enjoy yourself.


The drive home from the Olympus Island Police Station was awkward with extended periods of silence between brief, polite exchanges between Fox Father and Son. Things grew considerably worse when the two men came in from the garage to find Kyle Kingsbury, sprawled naked, on the quartz Kitchen Counter. "How did you get in here?" Brad asked. Robb just looked sad, fearing the worst.

"I used my key!" the kid replied with a smirk. "How didja think, STOOPID? See?" Kyle waved a lanyard. "Here it is!"

Brad moved with surprising quickness, catching Kyle off guard as he snatched the lanyard out of the younger boy's hand. "Thanks buddy!" he said with enforced brightness. "Dad hasn't gotten around to giving me my own house key! I can use this one."

"That's MINE!" Kyle shrieked like a fishwife. "Give it back--NOW!"

"I don't think so." The blond gymnast quickly and deftly removed the key and attached it to his own fob then tossed the lanyard back to Kyle. "It's mine now..."

"I'll just have Daddykins make me another one!" Kyle said, thinking he'd won the battle.

"No more keys for you!" Brad said with finality. He gave his father a LOOK, daring him to contradict the statement.

"You're not the boss of me--or your Dad!" the kid whined. "I need another key Daddykins!"

"No Kyle," Robb Fox said with obvious relief. "I may lack the ability to resist your temptations but I don't have to give you free run of my house! It's a small victory against you but it's a victory nonetheless!"

"I want to fuck--NOW!" The kid decided to change tactics, spreading his legs wide and flexing his tight, pink pucker at the older man. "You know you want some of this Daddykins!"

"Later Kyle." Again, there was a smile but it was a bit broader. "You made me waste my Bond Gift' from Athena--but I have a slight out' thanks to her Gift. I wouldn't have done that, had it not been for you! I have things I need to do right now Kyle-- which gives me the ability to tell you no! You'll have to wait! If you still want to fuck when I'm finished I'll be happy to oblige--otherwise you're welcome to go..."

"But Dionysus promised you couldn't resist me!" Kyle had gone from self-confident blackmailer to thwarted child in the space of under a minute. "It's not FAIR!"

"I'm not resisting you!" Robb told him bluntly and he seemed positively gleeful at thwarting the kid. "I'm just putting you off for a while. Sometimes adults have to delay gratification! So--if you'll excuse me?" The older man led his Son to his Home Office where he locked the door behind him.

"You know you're just going to piss Kyle off doing this..." Brad observed.

"Fucking with Kyle--not in the way he likes--has become my greatest joy!" Robb replied with a smirk of his own. "Sometimes I can't avoid him--but when I can, I love messing with that little fuck!"

"You hate him that much?" The idea genuinely surprised Brad. "It didn't seem like that to me when you were banging him last night!"

"Son--I'm Gay..." Robb rubbed his temples. "I loved your Mother but I was always checking out guys; I even hooked up with a few. But I NEVER looked for underage Twinks like Kyle! I'm not a molester--at least not by choice..."

"What changed?"

"Kyle went to Dionysus on his thirteenth birthday," Robb told his son. "At his party the kid dropped a suggestion and I had him upstairs in the bathroom fucking his brains out! When I was done I was so disgusted with myself I wanted to go downstairs, confess to Ward and Sheila then have them call the Cops on me but Kyle told me what he'd done... I am still sick over what happened but it just keeps going on and I am powerless to stop it! Worse than that, Ward is all too willing to let it go on..."

"Did you try complaining to Dionysus?"

"I did," Robb replied. "It didn't help. He said `once a Gift is given it's given--end of story!"

"Doesn't seem particularly responsible," Brad observed.

"It's not!" his Father replied. "If this happened anywhere but Olympus Island I'd have been jailed for sure! Kyle isn't the most careful of people and Sheila will tell anyone who'll listen about what I've done!"

"Sorry I freaked out Dad..."

"Son--I don't blame you," Robb said. "Really I don't! Certain subjects are Forbidden so I couldn't tell you--and had no idea how to start the conversation even if I could! I'm not surprised--especially now that I know you were abused! Nice work taking Kyle's key by-the-way... I'll have Maintenance in to change the locks and build a key safe so he won't be able to make a new copy."

Brad smiled gratefully. "I never liked that kid."

"I used to believe Ward and I would end up together someday," Robb said. "Now he disgusts me as much as Kyle `because it is as close as we can come to being together'! Those are his exact words..."

"This place is fucked up!"

Robb sighed. "It is." He reached into his desk and brought a gold smartphone out. "I got this for you..." he said, pushing it toward his son. "It comes loaded with AIDIA, shopOlympus and Zephyr apps."

"I can figure out shopOlympus and Zephyr," he said, "but what's AIDIA?"

"Artificial-Intelligence-Device-Interactive-Array," his father replied. "AIDIA is sort of Siri on Steroids--and not Apple centric'! Using AIDIA you can control any system in the house or any car you buy at Vulcan Motorsports. She' can act as an e-Reader or a GPS and there are a host of other features. You'll probably figure `her' out faster than I did!"

"I'm beginning to understand what you see in this place," Brad admitted as he pocketed the phone. "Some parts still creep me out though."

"I hope you can Adapt and learn to accept how life is here one day," Robb said, "because you're Bound here just like me!"

"We'll figure something out!" Brad assured him. "Just don't blame me if I slip back now and then, OK?" Robb nodded, grateful for even the small possibility of reconciling with his son. "You already started figuring out ways to mess with Kyle's mind; that's a great start... Who knows? Maybe you'll piss him off so much he'll end up hating you one day! Then he'll leave you alone and you can be free..."

"I'd say `from your mouth to God's ear but one of them might be listening..."

There was a pounding on the Home Office door. "God damn it Robb!" bawled Kyle. "I wanna fuck and I wanna fuck NOW! Get your ass out here or I'm going to start trashing the place."

Brad opened the door to find the young man outside, about ready to start throwing a vase. "He's all yours!" the young blond man said. "Just please--take him upstairs! I don't need to see you screwing this brat again!"

"Where are you going?" Robb asked.

"Downstairs to try to get some sleep!" Brad replied. "I didn't get much last night so maybe I can catch a nap. If you two are still going at it when I wake up maybe I'll use my new phone to call a Zephyr and take myself downtown--maybe check out some of the restaurants this place is famous for, I might do some shopping--for my own clothes this time..."

Brad slept hard for about four hours then made his way upstairs. He heard "upsetting" sounds from the Master Bedroom (Kyle was getting spanked and he didn't like it in the least!) but the young man decided to leave them to their "pleasure". The "Zephyr" App was intuitive and easy to use, allowing him to quickly summon a ride: an electric car soon pulled up outside.

The young man was half-relieved, half disappointed to find a round-faced young woman behind the wheel instead of red-haired hunk Campbell Bishop. "I'm Holly," she said brightly. Her hair was cut in a homey brown bob and her eyes were green. She wore two bracelets, one lavender and one leaf green that almost matched her eyes. "Where to, Mr. Fox?"

"Um--I don't know..." Brad wanted to be anywhere but the house; the last thing he needed was to see Kyle smirking when he came downstairs after being with the older Fox. "Where would you recommend a newbie go to get a feel of the Island?"

"Maybe the Esplanade?" the Driver suggested. "It's the Shopping and Tourist Mecca on Olympus Island! Lots of cute little shops, galleries and restaurants are there--and that's where the Orpheus Theater is. It' has a Multiplex for movies and a stage for music and theater events."

"Is there some place I can get a machete?" Brad asked.

Holly seemed dismayed. "Who do you want to chop up--Kyle Kingsbury? Not that I really blame you," she said, "but the Powers That Be don't take kindly to murder."

Does everybody here know about my Dad and Kyle? "Nobody!" Brad scrambled to come up with a quick, plausible excuse. "I love to hike and, since I got lost last night, I thought I might need something like that should I get lost again..."

"I really wouldn't advise taking a machete into the woods..." The car was stopped at a Traffic Signal so Holly turned to look at him full-on. "You need to stay out of the wildwoods--that's Pan's territory and he doesn't take kindly to strangers wandering in. He really hates it when they start trashing his land! My Patron Demeter, despite being Goddess of the Harvest, doesn't much care for random destruction either. There are plenty of very well-marked Hiking Trails you can use that'll keep you out of trouble."

"Thanks for the tip!" Brad said. Shit! No way I'm getting a knife to fight off the Eagle--and I'd better not ask about guns either... "So, excuse me for the stupid `newbie' question--but who does the lavender Bracelet signify? I guess the green one is for Demeter..."

"Lavender represents Hestia," she said. "Hestians are shopkeepers and domestic staff but I like to drive so I got a job with Zephyr: I've been thinking about making a third Pledge--I just don't know which God..."

How many Gods can you Pledge to? Brad silently wondered. "Hera?" She seemed like the best possible fit for the two Goddesses to whom Holly was already Bound.

The young woman laughed. It was a pleasant sound. "Bound to get me married off are you?" she queried. "Nah--I want someone who will help me get ahead with my career goals and that's not Hera! I want to be more than a wife and Mother someday..."

"My Dad is Pledged to Dionysus and Athena," Brad told her. "It seems like a weird combo to me..."

"Not really," the Driver told him. "Your Dad is Dionysus' Personal Attorney so naturally he would want your Father to be Pledged to ensure loyalty! Athena handles the legal issues for OlympusCo so it makes sense your Dad would want a decent working relationship with her as well!"

"Thanks!" Brad said. "That clears it up nicely: I never thought of it like that..."

"Who do you think you'll Pledge to?" Holly wondered.

"What makes you think I'll Pledge to anybody?"

"They gave you Ambrosia," she told him. "I can smell it on you: that means you're Bound to the Island--ergo it's only a matter of time until you Pledge or some God takes matters into their own hands!"

"Oh my God!" Brad was freaking out all over again. "The Gods make SLAVES of you?"

"Didn't your Dad tell you ANYTHING?" Holly gave an exasperated sigh as the light turned green. "Noobs1!"

"I've been here less than a day!" Brad said, a bit defensively. "We haven't had that much time to chat about stuff..."

"Ok, here's the super-condensed version," she told him. "It's not Slavery--at least not in the way you are thinking... High-end Administrators or wannabes Pledge to Zeus. "Housewives go to Hera. Poseidon takes anyone with water-related occupations. Hades does finance, Ares handles the Cops and Athena handles the Lawyers: she also handles anything related to the Sciences. Hephaestus takes care of Engineers and technical-types. Apollo handles anything related to Medicine. Demeter is, of course, Agriculture and Green Industries; there some overlap with her and Artemis. Dionysus handles the Winery and all the Entertainments. Aphrodite runs the eponymous Spa and has a pretty good Cosmetics line. Nobody knows what Hermes does but it's probably some seriously shady shit! If you know what professional track you're on you Pledge to that God an they'll help you along!"

"I'm torn between Science and Engineering so I guess it'll be Athena or Hephaestus," Brad said doubtfully.

"Your Dad can arrange a face-to-face so you can take their measure and they can take yours!" Holly told him.. "See which one offers you a better deal and then go with them. Easy-peasy, lemon-squeezy!"

"Ah, thanks..."

Holly let Brad out at the Esplanade and the young man spent some time peeking into various shops. He found plenty of souvenirs, expensive knickknacks, Art and decorative items; there was enough clothing to fill every closet but nothing he could use to fight. He found archery equipment of every kind in a sporting goods store but since he was a lousy shot quickly discounted that. Rock-climbing gear and football cleats seemed like reasonable possibilities but the young man discarded that idea as well since he didn't have the tools or skill to make a spear. In the end he decided he'd have to fight the Eagle with the magical torch--same as the previous night. Brad decided to sit by the fountain and people-watch so he wouldn't have to go home.

"Hi! My name's Flebus!" Brad looked up to see Chase Carpenter, still in his perfectly-tailored Police Khakis but looking fabulous. "You want a Flower? And ice cream cone? A FISH?" The jock pulled an elaborate face before sitting down next to Brad.

The blond man looked up at the jock. "Dude--are you on drugs? How does Ares not know about that?"

Chase gave him a heart-melting smile. "Sorry guy," he said, pulling another face. "It's this really OLD cartoon my Dad likes--he made Corey `n' me watch it a time or too. He loves weird shit like that--and, um, I thought it might make you smile..."

Brad couldn't resist doing just that: even though Chase had tormented him the whole four years they went to High School together there was still a winsome, attractive quality about the young jock that attracted the gymnast like a moth to a flame. "My Dad showed me that too..." he finally admitted. "I was just wondering how you knew about it..."

"My Dad's totally a crypto-geek like you and Corey," Chase told him. Then, out of left field he said: "there's a really good Ice Cream place just across the square. My treat..."


"Because you look kinda sad!" Chase replied. "Come on--Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream makes the worst day better!"

"So--you buy the cone and then smash it in my face?" the smaller young man said, suspicion returning. Brad had been a victim of way too many "food baptisms" courtesy of Chase and his jock buddies to feel comfortable. "Thanks, but I'm not in the mood!"

"Dude--I'm not going to do anything to you!" the blond jock exclaimed in exasperation. "Ares put his hand over you--I don't know why--but that mean's you're protected! If I tried ANYTHING I'd get my ass kicked! The LAST thing I want, or need, on my Record is a Divine Ass-whuppin'! Please? Let me at least try to make up a little for how badly I treated you before..."

Brad, seeing no way out, reluctantly agreed and the two young men were soon back at the fountain eating their treats watching the passing parade of tourists and locals alike. The blond gymnast had to admit this was some of the best ice cream he'd ever eaten! "So--you and your Dad still fighting?" Chase asked, "and does it have anything to do with that little freak Kyle Kingsbury?"

The blond gymnast sighed. "Does the whole Island know about that?"

"Pretty much!" Chase told him. "Sheila Kingsbury tells any local who will listen--but then they find out about what Kyle did so she doesn't get much sympathy for her sweet, innocent little angel!"

"Is it normal for thirteen-year-old kids to Pledge?" Brad wanted to know.

"Not hardly!" the other young man answered. "Normally one of the Olympians won't even CONSIDER a Pledge until a Candidate has graduated High School--but a lot don't even get to Pledge until they have finished College--if then! You have to be pretty special to be Bound to a God... Kyle Kingsbury `pledging' at thirteen is very-much out-of-the-norm! Ares seems to think some God or Goddess wants to fuck with your Dad! Nobody can figure out why Dionysus did that to one of his own Pledges--especially someone as valuable to him as Robb Fox!"

"This place is so fucked up!"

"Sometimes it is," Chase agreed. "But sometimes it's really good for people--I'm a prime example! Until Ares got hold of me I was a First-Class Asshole--nobody knows that better than you! But I'm not nearly as bad as I used to be--look at us having ice cream like friends!"

"I thought Ares was supposed to be the bloodthirsty God of War," Brad finally said. "Now he seems almost--nice... What happened?"

"Every human Host changes the God a little bit," Chase replied. "Ares has changed more than most: now he's more a God of Law and Order than one of War..."


"After a while you get used to it," Chase told him. Then his phone BEEPed with a Text Message. "Mom wants me home for Dinner--you wanna come? I'll bet Corey would be glad to see you..."

Dinner at the Carpenters home was distressingly normal--almost. Chase's father Sam had the body of a footballer just slightly going to seed but it was clear where the two Carpenter sons got their good looks and athletic physiques. Brad got an excellent view because Sam, seated on a bar stool was naked but for a smart watch and a steel-gray bracelet that marked him as being Bound to Hephaestus. Mom Janet, was a "curvylicious" plus-sized sandy-haired woman in a plaid shirt dress right out of Leave It to Beaver; it showed off her generous endowments and Janet seemed to be content with that. She twinkled at Brad with laughing green eyes then crushed him to her ample bosom (which the young man quickly realized wasn't contained in a brassiere). Blushing, the visitor pulled away but Janet just giggled girlishly.

"Mom's not a big fan of the `over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder'!" Corey said. He was short like his Mom but was broad and well-muscled like his Dad and older brother: all four Carpenters were varying shades of blonde with light eyes and good tans. Corey was a wrestler in High School but also a "crypto-Geek" so he and Brad had actually been friends--which just seemed to make Chase want to torture both boys all the more. "Don't worry Brad--she doesn't mean anything by it..."

"If I don't NEED one of those awful things I don't see any reason why I should have to WEAR one!" Janet informed the room at large. "I hope you like meat loaf Bradley--that's what's on tonight's menu!"

"I like homemade meat loaf," Brad said politely, "but I'm surprised it's not baked chicken or fish with steamed veggies and a quarter cup of brown rice!"

"That ain't happenin' when this man is around!" Sam announced, patting his rounded, furry belly. "We'll leave that to the `gym bunnies' on the mainland!" Corey and Chase nodded in agreement.

"I would NEVER feed my tribe like that, dear heart!" Janet said with a saucy shake of her hips. "Thanks to our Adaptation we can eat what we want and not have to worry about getting fat!"

"Ah, another benefit!" Brad said. "Yeah, this place gets more interesting every second!"

"You're gonna do great here!" Sam boomed. If nothing else it was abundantly clear the Carpenter parents were very comfortable with their own bodies and didn't care who knew it. "Hey kid, I got a joke for you..."

Chase and Corey sighed elaborately. "Prepare for incoming `Dad' joke!" Corey said.

"Why did the Anvil join AA?"

Brad thought fast. "It was always getting hammered?" he suggested, but gave Mr. Carpenter a smile.

"I like this kid!" Sam told his sons. "You can bring him around more often."

"I couldn't wait to meet you again when Chase told me you'd moved to the Island!" Corey said. "I know you're a big College Man and I'm still a high school kid but you were my best friend at Woodbridge. I'm glad you're here!"

"You were only a year behind me, Corey-Oreo!" Brad said. "Didn't you graduate?"

Corey nodded. "I'll be going to UCLA just like you and my big bro'!"

"Maybe I'll see you around campus!" Brad was actually happy to know he could pick up his friendship with the younger Carpenter brother.

"Wash your hands!" Janet told them, "and, for God's sweet sake Sam--PUT ON SOME PANTS! We have a guest in the house and he doesn't need to see your tallywacker!" The older man levered himself up from his stool and lumbered off: Brad got a stunning view of Sam's well-padded, hairy ass with thick, equally hairy legs. Brad silently kicked himself for wishing he'd gotten a glimpse of the older man's "tallywacker" and he found himself wondering if it was as big (or bigger) than Chase's.

Staring at Chase's cock is what had gotten him bullied in High School; Seventh Period was when all the athletes had P.E. and Brad's locker was very close to Chase's so he'd gotten an "up close and personal" look at the jock's anatomy: when Chase caught Brad staring it had started the cycle of bullying that had gone on for four years--yet now, here he was, about to have dinner with Chase and his family! Could the day get any weirder?

Dinner, once it was served, was pleasant. The meat loaf was marvelous and the mashed potatoes seemed to be about half butter. Janet produced large and fluffy, homemade cheese biscuits and even the green beans with almonds were garden-fresh.

"I had an unexpected visitor at work today," Sam volunteered about half way through the meal.

"Who was that dear?"

"Dennys Cooper," the older man said. "You could have knocked me over with a feather!"

"Indeed!" the woman said. "What does the God of Wine want with an Engineer like you--and how did Mr. Forge react?"

"John Forge is the current Incarnation of Hephaestus," Chase quietly told Brad. "He's my Dad's boss..."

"Mr. Cooper wanted to talk to me about Corey!" Sam said. "Can you believe it? Dionysus wants our baby boy to Pledge to him! He wants to make him one of his Chosen!"

"Why me?" Corey asked.

"And why so soon?" Brad said. "Bonding doesn't often happen so quickly, does it?"

"When a God chooses to bestow Favor it comes in their own time!" Janet said brightly. "Corey must be very special indeed to have gotten Dionysus' attention! What a blessed event!"

"You gonna do it bro'?" Chase asked: clearly the jock had reservations.

"Do I have a choice?" Corey said and Brad could see the tension in his body and hear it in his voice. "Did you already agree on my behalf?"

"Of course not!" his father exclaimed. "Corey, you know Bonding isn't like that!"

"What IS it like then?" Brad asked, all innocence.

"Like this," the younger Carpenter replied. "I Pledge to Dionysus--my whole Family gets a social boost and everybody's happy! I don't Pledge, my Dad starts having trouble at work--doesn't get that big promotion he's been bustin' his ass for since we moved here! The whole family would likely drop at least one Tier--which means we'd have to move out of this house or even off the Island entirely!"

"They can't do that!" Janet said. "They would never..."

"It's happened before," Corey told her. His words were unusually blunt.

Brad decided to put off the question of `Tiers' for the time being; there were other, more pressing, matters to address. "Why does Dionysus want him?" Brad asked. "It's not normal for young people to Pledge."

"It's not," Chase replied. "This Dionysus likes em young so he can mold' his charges into whatever he likes! I'm half surprised that twat Kyle Kingsbury hasn't already moved in up there."

"LANGUAGE dear!"

"Kyle IS a Twat!" Brad and Chase said together and Brad smiled in spite of himself.

"Totally!" agreed Corey.

"He pretty much is, hon..." Even Sam agreed. "By a Vote of Four to One--Kyle Kingsbury IS a Twat!"

"How much time do I have to think about it Dad?" Corey asked.

"Dionysus didn't say..." his father replied. "I think he will want an answer sooner rather than later though, Son."

"Don't do it." Brad's words were as blunt and forceful as he could make them. "This won't be good for you!"

"Dude's right!" Chase agreed. "Denny Cooper is a total freak and probably a child molester to boot! You don't want any part of that--trust me bro'! It might be hard on the fam, but you're worth more than a couple rungs on the social ladder!"

"I don't know..." Corey was clearly wavering. "I don't really want to do it but I can't see a way out!"

"Whatever choice you make your family and friends will be there to support you through it!" Brad impulsively gave his friend a hug. "You're the strongest person I know Corey--even if you are Bound to Dionysus he can't make you into something you aren't!"

"That's true," the younger Carpenter agreed," because I think I'm going to take the Bond--for the sake of the family..."

"I guess I have a real talent for ruining family gatherings," Brad said as Chase pulled up in front of the Fox Den. "That's two in two days!"

"You didn't ruin anything buddy!" The football jock gave his new friend a light, brotherly cuff. "It's not your fault my parents are asses! I don't want Dionysus getting his hands on my baby brother! He likes `em young and he usually ends up ruining the people who he cons into his orbit!"

"Why do they keep coming then?"

Chase stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Imagine a genie..." he said after a moment's thought. "Bonding Gifts are like that: yes, there are limitations to what you can ask for but not many! What would you give up for your heart's desire?"

"I don't know..." Brad finally admitted. "I guess I shouldn't be so judgey..."

"It's OK," Chase said. "I kinda like judgey'! Most Aresians' do..."

Brad smiled at this. "Thanks," he said. "Oh, and please thank your folks for letting me come to dinner..."

"They're happy to have you!" the blond jock told him. "You ate my Mom's horrid meat loaf and tolerated my Dad's awful jokes so you're golden in their book! So, guess I'll see you `round sometimes?"

The blond gymnast actually thought the meat loaf was pretty darn good but decided not to say so. Chase was waiting for an answer. "Yeah," Brad replied, half wondering if Chase expected something more. "Thanks for the ride!" Before the silence could get too drawn out the young man dashed up the stairs to his family home.

"How was dinner at the Carpenters?" Robb Fox asked once Brad was safely inside. The house was empty and quiet. "I know you and Corey were friends when we lived in Irvine but I didn't know you and Chase got along. I thought he bullied you."

"He did," Brad admitted, "but I guess he got over it. Dinner was--nice... Did Kyle go home?"

"He finally got tired of my--antics..." his Father replied with a wry smile. "He left swearing he'd NEVER come back again!"

"We'll see how long that lasts." Brad yawned elaborately. "I'm wiped out," he said, truthfully. "If I wake up tomorrow early I might go for a run so don't worry if I'm not here when you wake up."

"Try not to get lost this time, OK boyo?"

The Three A.M. alarm woke Brad from a pleasant dream in which he found himself sandwiched between the two naked Carpenter boys. Knuckling his sleep-sandy eyes, the young man got out of his nice warm bed, got dressed and made his way upstairs. Quietly as he could, Brad assembled a couple of very basic ham and cheese sandwiches and grabbed a bottle of water from the `fridge then headed out into the dark. This time it was nearly an arrow-straight path to the cave and traversing the maze by the light of the magic torch seemed to take hardly any time at all. The young man arrived at Prometheus' side shortly after 4:00 AM.

"Thank you for returning lad..." Prometheus said. His nose whiffled. "Do I smell meat?"

"I made some sandwiches for you," Brad said, "I guess I'll have to break off pieces so you can eat. You look a lot better today, by the way..." Indeed, the Titan's chest wasn't nearly as ruined as the last time he visited.

"I've had some time to heal," Prometheus told him. "Thank you for the food; I haven't eaten for a few hundred years!"

"Wow!" Brad began feeding the bound Titan small pieces of sandwich.

"How was your day, my boy?" Brad relayed his adventures of the day while he continued to feed the Titan, giving Prometheus sips of the water when he asked for it. "This Dionysus DOES like to corrupt the young ones," he observed. "It wouldn't surprise me if he makes a play for you fairly soon--you are just his type!"

"Not gonna happen!" Brad said vehemently. "I don't care what he does to my Dad!"

"That's the spirit my boy!" the Titan encouraged. "Stand your ground!"

The blond gymnast heard the beat of wings and the approaching cry of Zeus's Eagle. This time the battle was longer and the creature fought even harder to get past Brad but the young man steeled himself for the long battle. The rising sun was visible over the lip of the crevasse when the giant Eagle finally gave up and flapped away. "Tomorrow the battle is going to be crazy, isn't it?" Brad finally said, wiping sweat from his brow.

"It will be worse," Prometheus agreed. "Tomorrow you shall either win my freedom or you shall surely die! You can still back out if you wish my boy. You have relieved my pain and, for that, I am grateful. I will not ask you to risk yourself for me..."

Brad stood resolutely. "I've come this far," he said. "I'll either beat Zeus's Eagle or I'll die trying!"

"There is an option that might help you," Prometheus told him, "but you may not like the price..."

"Tell me," the young man said. "If I'm going to go into this I'll do it with my eyes wide open!"

"I can grant you access to all my knowledge," Prometheus told him. "Using my knowledge you will have the skill to defeat the Eagle with minimal damage to yourself. Furthermore, with this gift you will likely never have another question unanswered..."

"Waiting for the `but'..." Brad said.

"You may not like the answers to the questions you ask...," the Titan told him. "With access to my knowledge you will never be unable to NOT know the answer to any question--however much you may wish you didn't..."

The young man nodded. "I'll take that chance," he finally said. "I need every advantage I can get if I don't want to end up dead." He sighed. "I suppose I have to suck your cock?"

Prometheus nodded. "That is the most palatable alternative--for you..." he said. "If you are going to do this you'd best get to it Bradley--your Father will soon be wondering where you are..."

The blond gymnast walked to the rock and looked down at the bound Titan. Yes, he was gay but he'd barely sucked human dick and the massive python belonging to Prometheus frankly scared him. Still, he thought sperm would be a better alternative than piss and there just wasn't enough time for him to ingest enough saliva from Prometheus. Brad finally gave up and bent down over the Titan's soft, yet still large, cock. Taking the massive snake into his mouth he began moving up and down, getting as much of the shaft as he could manage in his mouth--which wasn't much. Eventually he gave up trying to throat the hard rod so he concentrated on sucking the large head while he jacked the shaft. Prometheus obliged him by not moving as Brad worked away until the Titan finally flooded his mouth with his godly sperm.

"Thank you lad..." Prometheus mumbled. "Now you must hurry and leave this place!" Somehow Brad realized his Father was starting to worry and was just about to call the police so he left the cave without further conversation. Several times on the way home his new awareness let him know when strangers were approaching and where the best hiding places were so he could avoid detection until he got out on the road and began jogging homeward. He found he knew the quickest versus the easiest route, how long it would take him to get there, how much energy it would take and how many steps he would use for each route. It didn't take long for him to realize how easily he could be overwhelmed with information...



As always, a big "shout out" to "Marko the Magnificent, Editor, Advisor and all-around Mensch! If you enjoyed this story it is likely due to his good offices. (If you didn't it's likely my poor writing). Second, a shout out to "Jer-bear" who proofread the Chapter as well, Last, but hardly least, a BIG shout out to Tripp Savidge whose work Bacchus Springs inspired me to create Olympus Island.

Some of you, OK MOST of you, won't recognize the "Flebus" reference: it's a very old cartoon made by some people with access to some seriously good drugs--before there were seriously good drugs to be had. If you have the time, check it out on YouTube by searching "Flebus".

Do you want to read more of Brad's adventures on Olympus Island? Drop me a note to HonableRonable@gmail.com or RonVenable@hotmail.com and let me know. Questions, comments, constructive criticism and suggestions are always welcome. Likewise, you can use either of those addresses if you wish to be notified when new content is available.


Next: Chapter 3

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