Olympus Island

By Ron Venable

Published on Aug 29, 2020


This is a work of gay-themed romantic fantasy. Some chapters contain graphic descriptions of sex, not all of it consensual or between adults. If reading material of this nature upsets or offends you for any reason, please click away. Likewise, if reading something like this would compromise either of us legally please follow the above instruction and leave by the way you came. If none of these caveats apply to you, I hope you enjoy my long-delayed, story.


WARNING: this Chapter contains reference to heterosexual sex! If you can't handle that skip the two songs included near the end.

Brad made his way over to the group surrounding the Killer Whale washed up in the tide line of Santa Monica Beach. "Do you know what's wrong with him?" Metis asked. "He looks really sick!"

"He's got a massive infection," the newest Olympian told her. "Right now all of you need to keep the big guy wet so his skin doesn't dry out; that'll cause more problems this beast doesn't need! I'll see if I can get someone here to treat him then we figure out a way to get the whale back to open water once he's well enough."

"You some kind of Marine Biologist?" the stocky stranger asked. "A Vet?"

"I just know things," Brad replied.

"How?" the man demanded. The stranger looked up, shock and amazement easily read on his face. He clearly had a lot of questions but kept them to himself, being more concerned about the sick whale.

"The same way I know you and the whale are talking!" Brad snapped. The good-looking stocky stranger, whose name was Axtreus Jones, Brad realized, gave the young man a questioning look but said nothing: his attention was fixed elsewhere.

"Do you think you can persuade one of your--friends to come down here to help us?" Metis asked, giving the strawberry blond man a hopeful smile.

"I think I have the perfect person in mind," Brad replied. "Dave shouldn't be too busy at present..." The young man stepped away from the group, brought out his cell phone and dialed. "Dave? --- yeah, this is Brad! Look, I've got a bit of a situation here in Santa Monica! Can you come down?---you can? Great!---do you mind if I fetch you? --- OK---no, it's a whale! --- Yes, a WHALE! Like Shamu! --- OK, I'll fetch you..."

Brad walked down the beach until he found an unoccupied public restroom. The place hadn't been cleaned in a good long while so it was filthy and stank of urine and other, less-pleasant odors.. At least it was empty so the newest Olympian reached out and translocated Dave to him. "Sorry about the smell Doctor," he said. "This is the only place I could get to that was empty!"

"No big deal, I'm here," Dave said, favoring the newest Olympian with a pleasant smile. "So, lets go have a look at Shamu! See if I c'n figger out what's wrong with the poor critter!"

"He's got a serious infection," Brad informed him. "A wound went septic and it spread through his bloodstream..."

Dave, in old jeans, a plaid "western" shirt and clunky work boots didn't look at all like what you would expect of a Medical Professional but he knelt down next to the beached whale. "Yep, ol' Son," he told Brad, "this critter has a massive infection! I've gotta get that under control b'fore his organs start shuttin' down r there's no savin' im--even with all my tricks!"

"Who is this Bozo?" the stranger demanded. "He looks like some damn construction worker not somebody who should be treating a hurt animal!"

"This is my friend Dr. Dave van Daam," Brad told him, trying to calm the stranger down. "He works with the Caduceus Clinic in Olympus Island Washington. If you'll shut up and let him do his thing he CAN help the whale--or would you rather watch him die on the beach?"

The stranger looked like he wanted to take a swing at Brad but something in the other man's expression held him. "How was he able to get here so quickly?" he finally asked.

"Because I'm MAGIC!" the young man replied cryptically. "I used some `Floo Powder' and fetched him!"

"Brad--he truly doesn't know who or what he is..." Metis told him.

"That explains A LOT!" the newest Olympian replied. "Sorry Axe."

"Know what?" Now the stranger was as confused as he was angry.

"That you're the Offspring of a Greek God," Metis said bluntly.

"Lady--are you CRAZY?"

"It's a long story..." the strawberry blond replied, "but it's true! Haven't you ever wondered how you could talk to animals Axtreus?"

"How did you know my name?" the stranger asked.

"Because he's Argus Panoptes!" Metis said bluntly.

"All of you forget you heard that!" Brad added a little Godly compulsion behind the command then followed it up with the second order. "Also, forget what you are about to see! You will remember helping to rescue a beached whale but other than that nothing out of the ordinary!"

The group, with the exception of Axtreus, Dave and Metis, all became blank-eyed as Dave laid his hand on the suffering sea creature. "It'll be OK," the Texan said as a blue glow spread from his hands over the whale; the beast seemed to relax as the healing warmth spread across his body.

"H-how are you doing that?" the stranger asked.

"He's an Olympian," Metis said, "same as Bradley over there! Not sure which one because we haven't talked much in the past few thousand years...."

"I'm Asclepios, Ma'am," Dave said politely.

"Really? I thought he was dead!" Metis answered.

"T' quote Monty Python--I GOT better..." the Texan replied.

"Now that's a story I've got to hear!" Metis said.

"With Dave's permission I'll tell you," Brad assured her. "Later!"

"I've cleared up th' infection," Dave told them after pouring healing energy into the whale for a few minutes. "Now we just have t' figger out a way t' get th' beast back into deeper water!"

"I've got this," Metis told the group. "I may be the Titaness of Wisdom but I'm still the Ocean's daughter! Brad--could you back up the crowd? I'm going to summon up some pretty strong waves; I don't want anyone to get washed away with the tide!"

"Step back!" Brad said, adding a little Godly reverb to his voice and the crowd melted back to higher ground. Meanwhile Metis walked to the shore's edge and began to gesture toward the ocean. The desultory waves increased in strength and speed until one gigantic breaker was large enough to drag the whale back into the water.

"He says thank you," Axtreus told the crew as the whale made a single breach before heading out to sea. "He feels fine now!"

"In that case I'll be headin' back t' Seattle," Dave said. "It was a pleasure meetin' ya Miz Metis, Axtreus..." The Texan walked back to the restroom from which he had emerged earlier and slipped into a stall before translocating home.

"OK folks!" Brad said, "show's over! Don't post anything on Social Media!" A little more Godly power made sure he was obeyed. Then he turned back to the stranger. "OK Axe," he said. "We need to go someplace we can talk privately. Do you live around here?"

"I'm renting a cottage a couple of blocks over," he replied, "My roomies are all out for the day. We can go there..."

Metis wrinkled her nose. "This place smells like ass and feet!"

"And not in a good way!" Brad agreed.

"Hey, five dudes live here!" Axtreus exclaimed. "What do you expect?"

"A little less filth?" Metis replied as she brushed a stack of dirty laundry onto the floor. "Luckily I'm a Titan so I'm not going to need a Tetanus shot once I leave here! You guys don't get a lot of ladies visiting, do you?"

"I'm gay..." their host told her bluntly. "My roomies generally go visit their girlfriends! Any guy I bring here just wants to get fucked and leave. Now--what's this about being a Titan and him being an Olympian? And how does that connect to me?"

"Let me start by asking you a question...." Brad said. "Who are your parents?"

"Larry Marvick and Dr. Miranda Jones--why?"

"Is she blind?" Brad asked.

"Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?"

"Nothing..." the newest Olympian replied. "Just asking... So--do you know whether or not you are adopted?"

"Yeah, I'm adopted! What of it?"

"Because," Brad told him. "You're a double Demigod!"

"No way!"

"Totally way!" Brad replied. "Your Mother is Artemis; Goddess of the Hunt and your Dad is the trickster God Loki!"

"No way!"

"Again with the `no way' bullshit!" Brad growled. "Have you ever wondered why you're so good at tracking and why you can communicate with and command animals? That's an inheritance from your Mom! Loki gave you the ability to attract or divert attention--that's why your band is so awesome playing live!"

"I don't believe you!" Axtreus blustered.

"Not my problem," the newest Olympian shot back. "Facts are facts! My talent is to know things--just like yours is to talk to animals! Whether you choose to believe me or not is entirely up to you."

"You've gotta realize how hard this is to believe!" Axtreus told them.

"And yet here we are!" Metis informed him the dark-haired young man.

"What's it going to take to convince you?" Brad asked. "Do you want Metis to grow to her full height? I promise you--Attack of the 50 Foot Woman is not something you want to reenact in this cottage! I've already proved to you I know way more about you than I should--not to mention calling Dave and getting him here from Seattle!"

"Even if you discount that piece of the story you can't deny that Dave healed the whale," Metis added. "Or do you doubt your aquatic friend?"

"What? NO!" Axe said. "Whales don't lie!" Then: "look--let's assume you're telling the truth; how can a professional virgin like Artemis hook up with Loki? That doesn't make sense!"

"I was kind of wondering that myself." Metis admitted. "I mean, when I knew Artemis she was a big lesbian!"

"She usually is," Brad replied. "His Mom is a sapphist' but even a lesbian can lose her resolve in the face of a love' charm! Loki is a skilled potioneer and a master of disguise. He disguised himself as a woman at Lilith Fair, stalked Diana Moon and slipped a little of his charm into a beer and bingo-bango, wango-tango--the rest is history!"

"So, I'm the child of rape?"

"In the broadest terms I suppose you are..." Brad admitted. "Artemis was willing--during the act at least--and she carried you to term rather than simply terminating the pregnancy. That ought to tell you something..."

"Do you think she'd even want to see me?" Axe wondered.

"That I can't answer..." Brad admitted. "If you'd like I can talk to Dianna and see if she wants to meet you. I don't know if she'll agree but I can try..."

"I thought you were supposed to know everything!" the man said half-accusingly.

"If it's happened I can find the answer," Brad replied. "This is new territory. I think she might be receptive to meeting you but I can't make any guarantees. There are simply too many variables to calculate to give you any kind of certain answer. Would you like me to talk to her?"

"Let me think about it..." Axe said after a bit. "I've survived this long without knowing my biological mother."

"At the very least you might want to let me introduce you around Olympus," Brad suggested. "Abilities like yours won't go unnoticed for long in today's world; you need some allies if and when worse comes to worst..."

"He's telling you the truth," Metis observed. "It's not safe for metahumans in general and especially for those who don't have somebody to watch their back!"

"Come on!" Axe exclaimed. "Don't you think you're being a bit alarmist?"

"Speaks truth, he does!" Metis put in, doing a fairly credible Yoda. Then, in her normal voice; "all Metas are living in dangerous times--especially now! The Fey have mostly retreated Underhill, the Lycanthropes are super-cautious about who they reveal their true natures to and the Vampires have always been secretive sons of bitches!"

"Now that psychic talents are starting to emerge they are being cautious as well," the newest Olympian said. "REAL Mages--what few that are left anyway--don't dare openly display their powers! The last thing any of those groups want is to be snatched off the street and spirited away to some Black Ops site for interrogation! Believe me, it's happened before and WILL happen again!"

"Wait! Elves, werewolves and witches are REAL???" Axe exclaimed. "No way man!"

Brad sighed. "You easily accepted the idea that Olympian Gods and Titans lived among mortals," he said. "Why do you find it hard to believe other mystical creatures exist as well?"

"So--you're saying there actually might have been something to the Salem Witch Trials?"

"Oh, hell no!" Brad replied. "That particular mess started with a few attention-starved teenage girls and then the whole town decided to settle grudges against their neighbors for fun and profit! The few `real' witches, some of whom were male by the way, kept their heads low, practicing their arts in secret and being very cautious about who they let into their circle! It's a tradition that carries on today!"

"This is too weird..."

"You'd be surprised how quickly you adjust," Brad told him. "I sure was!" He then relayed his own origin story, interrupted by many questions from the other two. "And that," he finished, "is how your boy ended up here!"

"Aren't you worried I might tell someone?"

"Think of the many nasty places Brad could translocate you to..." Metis suggested. "The middle of the Pacific Ocean, K2, deep in the Sahara Desert, the locker room after a WNBA game, Pittsburgh..."

"Oh God, not Pittsburgh!" Axe moaned in mock horror.

"Don't worry," the newest Olympian soothed, "I save that for very special people..."

"So, what it is you do to afford this--palace?" Metis queried.

"I'm in a band," he replied. "Remaindered Kitties!"

"Hey, I've heard you guys play!" Brad exclaimed. "You're pretty good! Well, better than pretty good actually... Do you guys have a good manager or a record deal?"

"Um--no..." Axe replied. "We did but it turned out the asshole was totally ripping us off!"

"Would you LIKE a Manager that'll treat you right and a record deal?"

"Why, do you know somebody?" the other man replied.

"Just Dennis Hardy!" Brad told him. "He's one of my clients."

"The new head of Dionysian Entertainment?" Brad waited for it to sink in. "Oh fuck! Dionysian Entertainment--so he's actually Dionysus?"

"You catch on quick!" Brad said. "Yes, Dennis Hardy is Dionysus--the current one anyway. I'm a bit surprised you know that name; still, Dennis is always looking for new talent and Remaindered Kitties would be an excellent addition to our roster!"

"If you're serious about getting ahead in show business you know who the big players are!" Axe told him. "A change at the top of a major conglomerate like Dionysian Entertainment gets noticed--especially when a nobody ends up taking over the whole operation."

"I wouldn't call Dennis Hardy a `nobody' to his face," Metis commented. "At least not if you expect him to sign your band!"

"Point taken!" Axe said. "We're playing at the Magic Dragon tonight... Can you get him here like you did Asclepios?"

"I can but ask!"

Remaindered Kitties, it turned out was a popular band--at least with the niche audience of Celtic Rock fans they carefully cultivated. The Magic Dragon wasn't he largest club Brad had ever been to, nor was it the best decorated. Still, the place gave off a good, positive energy and the crowd ate it up. Being underage, Brad stuck to a well-made latte while Dennis and Metis enjoyed "a wee drop o'" the Tullamore Dew. "I should buy this place!" the new Dionysus commented. "I think we could do a lot with it!"

"Or maybe just think about hiring away the senior staff," Metis suggested. "I'm not sure Cronos would be OK with the Olympians trying to further muscle in on what he sees as `his' territory!"

"How did he an' the old Dionysus get along then?" Dennis wondered. "Dionysian Entertainment has a finger in quite a few pies down here ye know!"

"Don't you have his memories?" Metis asked. "I thought that was how you Olympians worked your serial immortality?"

"After a while memories piled atop memories start tae fade lass," Dennis told her. He thought hard, trying to sort through the tangle of past lives. "Ah--got it! Me predecessor made a point of not interactin' much wi' the Titans. Yes, he used Titan Security for all his events and made a point to invite Cronos to any party he threw..."

"He also bribed the hell out of him!" Metis told the God of Wine.

"Good tae know lass!" Dennis said. "Sure an' I'll keep doin' that very thing! I want to keep the Titans `sweet' if I can!"

"So, what do you know about the other two bands on the bill tonight?" Metis asked Brad.

"Beneath Joshua just formed a few month ago," the young man replied. "They came from two other bands--Beneath Her Garter and Joshua Tree. They're very "metal folk": Villains of Amber is somewhat more mainstream than the other band. They've got a great name and put on a decent show but they can't play their way out of a paper bag. There's a reason why `Remaindered Kitties' got top billing! Oh, and, just so you'll know, this place is owned by a real Magic Dragon!"

"And how would a magic' dragon be different than a regular' one?" Dennis wondered.

"Because this particular Dragon is also a Wizard!" Brad told him. "Most Dragons are content with their great size, strength, near invulnerability and breath weapons--most of them don't bother to learn spell-casting but this one did!"

"Wait, Dragons are still around?" This genuinely seemed to surprise Metis. "I thought they went extinct over a thousand years ago!"

"The smart ones went underground," Brad told her. "The only ones left are able to assume alternate forms--mostly human but some animals. They don't interfere--much-- in human affairs. At least less than Olympians or Titans! In the end it would probably just be best if we left them to their own devices. I'm not sure any of our bodies could survive being toasted by Dragon fire! They are rare and fearsome creatures: I don't think we should bother them as long as they don't bother us!"

"And why would the likes of me be bothering a being of great power such as yourself?" Brad glanced up to see someone at least as tall and well-muscled as a Titan (in their human form at least) looming over their table. How someone of that size and bulk could move so quietly through a small, crowded club was a mystery that he couldn't solve even with access to all of Prometheus's knowledge. The unexpected arrival's hair, though short, was coppery red and curly and his amber eyes seem to burn with an inner fire clearly visible in the dimly-lit space. The young man knew this individual currently used the name Rory Blaze. "I don't believe I've seen any of you three in here before," he observed. "How do you like me club?"

"It's wonderful!" Brad said. "But, actually Sir, I have been here before! I just looked, and maybe acted, a little different then...."

The Dragon gave the young strawberry blond a speculative look. "Yes," he finally said, "I remember you now! I thought your scent was familiar! You were a couple of inches shorter then, your hair was dirty blond and your eyes were paler as well--and, of course, there was that scared rabbit' aura you were giving off! Honestly, it's a wonder the wolves' didn't try to eat you up!"

Brad gave Rory a rueful smile. "Yeah," he admitted, "I snuck in on a fake ID to hear Cat's Laughing and I was SURE somebody was going to find out and, at the very least, drag me out! And, yes, there were several `wolves' sniffing around me..."

"You certainly don't seem afraid now that you've come into your power little Archmage..." the Dragon observed. "You don't even fear me!"

"Why should I?" the newest Olympian replied. "I have a legitimate reason for being here, and you aren't feeling aggressive toward me. In fact, O Great Wyrm, I think you are wondering whether you can fuck me later tonight!"

"Are you a mind reader than, little Archmage?" the Dragon asked, growing somewhat suspicious. "I don't take kindly to others invading my privacy!"

"In that, at least, you and I have common ground!" Brad told him glibly. "Still, I don't need to read your mind when your body language tells me so much! The young man gave the Dragon a frankly-appraising stare that took Rory in from top to bottom. "Your pupils dilate just that littlest bit when your gaze turns toward me and your nostrils flare like you are taking in my scent! Furthermore, I can tell by the way you're sitting that you have a truly magnificent erection in those tight jeans of yours! Frankly Sir, you're posing! Are you going to tell me this isn't so?"

"Remind me never tae play Poker against ye, young Bradley!" Dennis observed.

Brad ran his hand up the God of Wine's strong thigh: "I'd much rather you play `poke HIM'!" he observed.

"You are a clever one indeed, little Archmage!" the Dragon observed. "Hush now though--Remaindered Kitties has taken the stage!"

Remaindered Kitties proved to be a larger-than-expected band; in addition to the standard compliment of lead and rhythm guitar, bass, keyboard and drums they had a second percussionist with a number of "ethnic" drums, a pretty redhead seated behind a large harp, a fiddler who was nothing short of manic and a multi-instrumentalist who had nearly a dozen different things to choose from and he played them all. The band got off to a rousing start with a take on Whiskey in the Jar with Axtreus singing lead. Axe, wearing nothing but a plaid kilt, leather belt and Doc Martens soon had the crowd completely in his sway.

As I was goin' over the Cork and Kerry mountains

I met with Captain Farrell and his money he was countin'.

I first produced me pistol and then produced me rapier!

Cryin' STAND AND DELIVER for ye are the bold deceiver!

Oh musha-ring, da-ba-do, dabba dai!

WHACK! For the Daddy-o, WHACK for the Daddy-o

There's Whiskey in the Jar

I took all his money and it was a pretty penny!

I took all his money and I brought it home to Jenny

She vowed and she swore she never would deceive me

But the Devil take the women for they never can go easy!

(repeat chorus with the audience joining in)

Now bein' drunk and weary I went off to take me slumber

And I dreamt of gold and jewels and Lord it was a wonder!

But Jenny took me charges and filled them up with water

Then called for Captain Farrell to be ready for me slaughter!

It was early in the mornin', just before I rose to travel

Up comes a band of Footmen and likewise Captain Farrell!

I then produced me pistol for she'd stolen away me rapier

But I couldn't shoot the water so a prisoner I was taken.

If anyone could aid me, it's me brother in the Army

But I don't know where he's stationed be it Cork or in Killarney

And if he'll go with me, we'll go rovin' through Kilkenny

And I'm sure he'd treat me better then me darlin' sportin' Jenny!

Musha ring, da-ba-do, da-ba dai!

WHACK! For the Daddy-o, WHACK for the Daddy-o

There's Whiskey--in--the--JAR!

By the end of the first song Axe and his band had the whole crowd in their hand; everyone (Brad and Dennis included) seemed to be having a grand time. A few songs in someone in the crowd screamed "The Good Ship Venus!" and the audience roared.

"Do you want to hear about the Good Ship Venus?" Axe teased the crowd. "YES!" they shouted back. "Alrighty then..."

Aboard the good ship Venus, you really should have seen us

The figurehead was a whore in bed the mast was a mammoth penis!

The Captain of this lugger was just a nasty bugger

He wasn't fit to shovel shit from one ship to another!

The First Mate's name was Morgan and Lord he was a gorgon!

He'd start at eight and play til late upon the Captain's organ'!

The Second mate was Andy! By God he had a dandy!

He shot his cum into our rum then sold the funk as candy!

The Captain's wife was Mabel and by God was she able

To give the crew their daily screw upon the galley table!

The Ship's Cook's name was Freeman and he was a dirty Demon!

He fed the crew on Menstrual Stew and Hymens fried in semen!

The Cabin Boy was chipper but a nasty little nipper

He filled his ass with broken glass and circumcised the Skipper!

The Captain's daughter Charlotte was born and bred a harlot

Her thighs at night were lily white! By morning they were scarlet.

The Captain's younger daughter liked swimming in the water

Delighted squeals came when some eels found her sexual quarter

The Ship's Dog's name was Rover; we turned the poor thing over

And ground and ground the faithful hound from Tenerife to Dover

At last we reached our station through skillful navigation

The ship was sunk in a wave of funk from too much fornication!

Aboard the good ship Venus--by God you should have seen us!

The figurehead was a whore in bed, the mast a mammoth penis!

"I'll give them this," Dennis said, while the band took a brief break, "they put on one helluva show! I don't know how well this will translate ta a recordin' but I suppose we shall find out!"

"Would you like me to see if I can get Axe over here?" Brad asked.

"Would ye lad?"

Brad managed to sneak backstage then head down a dark staircase to the level below. In addition to storage and offices he knew the Magic Dragon had a decent "Green Room" for performers; the band was relaxing there between sets. The newest Olympian picked a time when his route was otherwise empty so he was able to make his way to where he needed to be. He knocked politely rather than just barging in.

The door was opened by the manic fiddler; up close he was about three inches shorter than Brad at only 5'6" and every muscle of his hairless ivory-skinned body was clearly defined. His platinum blond hair hung in long thick waves, cascading over his shoulders and down past the middle of his back. His eyes were pale gray and long lashed, his ripe full mouth, twisted into a predatory smile showed perfect white teeth. "Hello morsel!" he breathed in a high tenor voice that would have been perfect for a Drag Queen. "Did you sneak in for an autograph or a fast fuck from one of the band? If it's the latter I'd be happy to oblige you!"

"Ah--thanks but no..." Brad said, trying to collect himself. Something about this young man made him very uncomfortable. "I--ah--actually came to see Axtreus Jones; I believe he's expecting me..."

"Come in!" the stranger invited. "Axe is taking a piss right now--either that or Uge McNamara is fucking him--one or the other--but either way it won't be long... Want a beer? Some dope?"

"I'm fine, but thank you..." Brad was fairly certain the fiddler, whom he knew was named Coley Corcoran, wasn't a vampire; that being said the other young man was putting out some serious sex hormones that Brad was finding hard to resist. Still, there was an underlying sense of DANGER that rolled off Coley so Brad resolved to keep him at arm's length. "Ah--could you check and see if Axe can speak to me now..." Brad used a little "God power" to push that suggestion into the platinum blonde's mind.

Coley's eyes grew large then contracted violently. "Don't--you--EVER--do--that again!" he hissed.

"Sorry..." Brad replied, taken a little aback. At least this exchange confirmed one thing: Coley Corcoran was no ordinary musician. "Look--I know you don't have a lot of time between sets so I don't have long to talk to him; if you could hurry it up a bit--that would be great! And, um, I've got to say--you make me nervous..."

"Hmm--you're smarter than you look!" Coley observed. Clad only in some faux leather legging that did nothing to hide his lithe musculature and a shockingly-large bulge, the young Fiddler shagged his ass out of the room screaming at the top of his voice! "Axe--get your hairy ass out here! Some Fangirl wants to see you and he's acting like he think he's important!"

"Strawberry blond kid?" floated back from the far end of the hall. "Brad Fox?"

"He didn't give me his name," the Fiddler shot back, "but, yeah, he's strawberry blond and cute as fuck! Watch this one--he's got some power and he's not afraid to use it!"

"He's an authentic Greek God so, yeah, he's got some power!" Axtreus Jones, still shirtless. Came striding back into the room. "So you made it! Didja bring Dennis Hardy with you?"

Coley ran a long pink tongue obscenely over his perfect white teeth. "Greek God huh?" he growled, flexing and posing for all he was worth. "I've never had one of those! I wonder what you taste like..."

Axe gave the Fiddler a LOOK but it was a big, brown-haired blue-eyed bear of a man who spoke. "Leave him alone Coley," he said. The voice was a medium-range baritone-tenor but it carried a certain weight of authority that wouldn't be denied. This was John Eugene "Uge' McNamara and he was indeed--huge! The man stood about 6'6" and was even wider than Axtreus. Like Coley there was a strong sense of POWER rolling off this man but unlike the Fiddler Uge didn't seem at all menacing. "This is the guy Axe was telling us about: don't go fucking things up with your `sex' magic for a little fun! This could be our big break!" Uge gave Brad a friendly smile then moved to sit down next to him.

"Oh--POOH!" Still, Coley took the hint and flounced off to leave the three men alone.

"What did you think of the show?" Axe wanted to know as soon as the three men were alone. "More importantly--what did Dennis Hardy think?"

"Your live show is amazing!" Brad told them enthusiastically. "I don't know if we can capture that magic on record or video but I think Dennis would like to talk about putting Remaindered Kitties under contract!"

Axe and Uge gave each other enthusiastic "high fives' before turning their attention back to Brad. "Dude--that is so cool!" he exclaimed. "You're fucking awesome!"

"Dennis would like to meet with you as soon as possible," Brad told Axe. "I'm sure he'd like to get you under contract!"

Axe looked to the other man. "What do you think, Uge?" he asked.

"Worth a shot," the big man opined. "This might be just what we need to take us to the next level! We'll be there!"

"That'll have to wait until later..." Brad turned to see his studly blond stalker. How had someone with that size and bulk managed to slip into the Green Room unnoticed? Brad wondered. "You two need to come with me--NOW!" he barked.

Uge rose. He was at least as tall and broad as the handsome stalker and he was radiating power. "These two are under my protection Thor! We've got a show to finish and then and ONLY then you can take these two!"

Thor gave the other man a hard look. "Stay out of this Oggie!" he snapped. "It's none of your concern!"

"Oggie?" Axe looked to Brad for answers but none were forthcoming.

"It is when you intend to kidnap my Bass player in the middle of a gig!" the other man snapped. "Look big guy--you want to talk with these two? I suppose you have the right to speak to Axtreus at least--he is one of yours! This guy is an Olympian so you Asgardians have no claim on him!"

"Odin wants to `talk' with both of them--now..."

"Then Odin can keep his flannel panties on for a little while longer," Uge/Oggie said. "If Brad can't Translocate them to Milwaukee first thing tomorrow I'll bring them myself! Until then that'll have to do unless you want trouble with the Celts! My hand is over these men!"

"This is none of your business Ogimos!"

"I'm making it my business!" the Celtic God of Eloquence snapped. "When you came in trying to kidnap one of my band you involved me! I have made my Pronouncement and that's how it's going to be--are we clear on that?" Thor, angry but cowed, nodded silently, "Now--SCAT!"

Thor scowled again. "I'm not happy about this Oggie," he said, "but because of our `common ancestry' I will persuade the Allfather to hold off on his righteous anger. You have until 9:00 AM tomorrow. Be at Bradley Fox's home and don't make me have to find them!"

"We'll be there," Uge/Ogimos promised.

"Didn't I say this was none of your business Ogimos?"

"Don't make me raise up my Aspect--Cousin..."

Thor left.



First of all, a big apology to you, my faithful readers; the "dog days of summer" have taken their toll on my creative batteries. An extended period of high heat and humidity (a week of which was spend with no AC--yeah, I know--first world problems) have really slowed down my output. I promise I'll try to do better--especially once the weather cools down a while. When "Monsoonal Flo" (played this time by Sarah Michelle Geller) comes for a visit she always stays too long and makes everyone miserable. We pray for the swift return of "Coastal Eddy" (brought to life by the indomitable Christopher Meloni) to come around again; he, at least, is welcome. (Yes, that's a joke but you probably have to live in Southern California to get it.)

As always, a big "thank you" to my crack Editorial Staff "Marko the Magnificent", Rockin' Robyn, "Midwestern" Mark and Jer-bear. The stories are as good as they are largely due to their effort.

Also, a big "thank you" to everyone who wrote to support me because of the trouble I found myself in because of some casual in-story comments. Please know, as I've said before, any offenses I made were done out of ignorance not malice. I hope my Asian and BIPOC can find it in their hearts to forgive me and move on.

Also, a shout-out to "Michael H" who won a contest I ran a few chapters back: it took a while but I finally got around to introducing Axtreus! Hope you don't mind; I changed the spelling and a bit of the background to fit more in with the "Greek" theme and my story line. Do you want to see more of "Axe"? Let me know! Drop me a note to HonableRonable@gmail.com or RonVenable@hotmail.com . Questions comments, suggestions and constructive criticism are always welcome.

Last, but hardly least, "Whiskey in the Jar" and "The Good Ship Venus" are both real songs. You can find them on Youtube. Check them out; they're both fun!

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