Olly and Henry

By Olly Ollerson

Published on Dec 18, 2020


These are true stories (except the names of people and places) of my adventures with 'Henry', starting when we were 14 in a British high school.

If you've got this far, you realise these memories contain descriptions of sexual adventures between teenage boys. If you're offended by them, then read no further (FYI - you're totally on the wrong site!) Don't read them if it's likely to get you into trouble, no one wants that!

If you're happy to read on, then I hope you enjoy them. I hope they bring a smile to your face and a tent in your pants, just like they have for me. Let me know what you think.

One last thing - this is only possible because of the amazing Nifty website. If you can spare a couple of pounds, dollars, or whatever you spend to help this site continue, it would be appreciated.


Part seven: Monday

I text Henry back, agreeing to Monday. He text me his address, suggesting 10:00. I spent all weekend wondering what we'd get up to, whether he's be any more friendly in his own space, and given that we'd have lots of time, wondered if we'd get beyond just tossing each other off. Especially now I think I like the taste of cum. Whether I'd like it shooting straight from a cock remained to be seen. I really hoped I was going to find out!

The weekend was cool -- I met up with my best friends. We went swimming on Saturday morning, then hung out before the cinema on Saturday evening. It was weird not telling them about what I'd been doing with Henry. In so many ways it was massive -- life changing even. Having sex was a thing that EVERYONE talks about, but I felt absolutely no need to tell them. Henry wasn't friends with any of my friends (including me, really), so it never came up. It was a secret that Henry and I shared exclusively.

Getting home from the cinema, I headed to my room and decided this would be my last wank until I met Henry on Monday. I wanted to see myself again, so laid on the floor in front of the mirror, with my legs open, so I could watch as I fingered myself. I'd been reading about it online and saw something about how good it was to hit a prostate. Using some after sun from the bathroom, I squirted some on my finger and spread on my hole. It was white and smelled of coconut. I wondered if this is what my hole would look like if I let someone jizz on it.

Like last time, I pushed my finger into my ring slowly, enjoying the soft, warm feeling that enveloped it. I saw where the prostate was on the internet, but finding it in real life was really hard! I moved my finger around, pushing it in as far as I could, to a point where my hand hurt. I was enjoying the feeling, but it wasn't what I'd read about online. Then -- I found it. My finger touched a lump inside my hole, kind of in line with where my balls joined my body. It made me jump, almost like I was going to pee. I took my finger off, the pressed again. A blob of precum came out of my cock without me touching it. Wow. Again and again I pressed my prostate, more precum came out, although it looked different -- kind of cloudy, a mix between precum and actual cum.

It had got me so horny. It didn't take long for me to shoot my load all over myself. I used the pair of boxers from earlier in the week, now stiff with cum, to wipe the jizz off. Usually, I'd clean myself up, then get straight into bed, but I was covered in after sun and the already-saturated boxers had kind of spread the jizz around rather than absorb it, so I snuck out to the bathroom to clean up properly.

I got into bed and instinctively put my hands on my cock. It was going to be a long wait until Monday. I got hard, thinking about Monday, letting my mind wonder about what we'd be able to do if we knew we were alone at Henry's house. Unconsciously, I started stroking my cock. I stopped when I realised, remembering that it was just a few minutes ago I decided to wait until Monday -- think how much cum I'd have stored up by then! I took my hands out of my shorts, and tried to read for a bit before going to sleep.

The next morning, to help me stick to the plan of no wanking until Monday (tomorrow!), I jumped straight out of bed, giving my morning wood a squeeze and making my way to the bathroom, after taking a few seconds to admire my teenage body, complete with tended PJ shorts, in the mirror in my room. My hole felt tender this morning -- sorer than it did the other day when I fingered myself for the first time. Perhaps I was a bit too eager! I could really feel it when I walked. I was gentle in the shower, not only because of my discomfort, also because I WAS NOT GOING TO CUM UNTIL TOMORROW. It seemed like such a good idea last night, but now it feels so far away. What if my balls actually explode? I was already down two wanks, going by my usual schedule -- I hope the build-up isn't going to cause any damage.

Luckily my day was filled with friends and chores (not often I think they're a good thing!). I'd managed to avoid thinking too much about tomorrow, sporting a semi most of the day, rather than a full-on stiffy. I spent the evening sitting with my family, more to stop me being tempted to play with myself than anything else, but it also passed the time. I went to bed wearing briefs today, in an attempt to contain my cock that was desperate to be played with.

I woke up on Monday with a wet patch in my briefs, which felt cold and sticky. I'm not sure if it was from a wet dream, precum from anticipation or due to a build-up of pressure in my balls. Either way, I needed a shower. Like always just after waking, I let my hands explore my warm body and make their way into my pants. My hard cock was coated in boy slime, making it feel good when I gave it a few strokes in my fist. I couldn't resist having a sniff, so brought my hand to my face, slick with the juice from my boxers. It smelt good. I licked my fingers, trying to get every bit of cum that I could. I'd really missed it in my almost-three-day abstinence (which felt like years btw). I headed to the bathroom, after psyching myself up to resist shooting a load in the shower. The release was so close now.

You'll be pleased to know I completely ignored my hard on, other than for hygiene purposes you understand. I definitely did not cum, and that's the main thing! After dressing and eating breakfast, I went upstairs to brush my teeth before heading to the bus stop to Henry's. I totally get whey he'd wank on here. It was rare I got a bus anywhere, and when I did, I was always with someone, so having a sneaky wank was never an option (unless I'm on with Henry maybe -- now there's an idea!), but sitting here today, alone on the bus, I get how it would feel so good to make the most of the vibrations and knock one out, right here.

I looked around the bus and wondered if anyone was doing it right now. My already hard cock seemed to engorge even more as I travel the 10 minute bus journey to Henry's village. Five minutes from the bus stop and I was outside his house. I'd never been here before, but it looked nice. It was a posh village and the houses here looked new. There was no car on the drive. I was so excited for today (you might be able to tell). I wondered how Henry would be out of school -- he was always such a dick there, not interested in anything more than `meeting', so let's see what today brings. I rang the doorbell and waited.

A few seconds later, Henry opened the door. He was wearing jogger shorts and a hoodie, with nothing on his feet, holding a glass in his hand. Come in' he said, stepping back, inviting me to enter. I stood and waited to take my lead from him. I followed him into the living room. Drink?' he asked. erm, water?' I said, feeling a bit confused. I hadn't come to drink and catch up. I've come to drain my camel hump-like bollocks, filled with oceans of cum and were aching like crazy. He left me in the living room while he went to get me some water (I assume). Nice house -- it was so tidy! He came back, put my drink on a coffee table in front of me and sat down on a chair at the other side of the table. After a couple of seconds, I sat too. Still no words had been spoken. I continued to look around, glancing over at Henry repeatedly, who I kept catching staring at me. What the fuck was this about? Knowing he was watching me, I sat back and adjusted my cock to start the ball rolling, but he just sipped his drink. Do you want me to take my shoes off?' I said (bit random). `Yeah' he said, asking me to leave my Converse in the hall. I stood up, knowing my erection was tenting, walked to the hall and bent over, pointing my arse towards the living room. I had no idea if he was an arse man or not, but I needed to try something that would make him get his cock out... Well, make him get MY cock out was more the focus to be honest.

As I was bent down, undoing the laces of my second shoe, I saw Henry stand and walk towards me. I pretended not to, taking my time to remove my shoes. He came up right behind me, putting his groin on my ass. I could feel his hard cock in-between my cheeks, which he thrusted a couple of times before laughing nervously. I'd not really thought about being fucked before, but being as horny as I am today, I think I would have let him do anything he wanted to me. Hello there big boy' I said, turning and groping his cock through his shorts, before reaching the waistband to get my hand in. As if a reflex, he grabbed my wrist. Not here' he said, walking past me and up the stairs, still holding my wrist, a little too tightly. As soon as we got to his room he let go. I stood at the door as he took a few more steps in, now standing in the middle of his room. Again, silence. I didn't even have a drink to distract me now!!

So...' I said. can I take your clothes off' Henry asked. I can do it!' No! let me' he said as he stepped closer and removed his hoodie, leaving the top half of his slim body naked. I undid the button on my polo. `I'll do it' he said, as he removed his shorts, covering his clearly hard cock that I couldn't wait to touch. Having not worn underwear, he was now standing completely naked in front of me, while I was fully dressed.

He couldn't look in my eyes, but stepped forward again, and stroked my cock through my shorts, like he was in a trance. He followed the line of my cock with his finger, before pulling my tee-shirt over my head, then pulling my shorts down, leaving me in my boxer briefs with a trademark damp patch. What I'd had in mind was a quick fiddle that would result in me shooting a load of cum, then seeing what happens from there. This sensuous undressing malarkey was not my thing -- this was just about sex for me, and I thought it was the same for him.

It was tortuous, as even though it wasn't my thing, having him stand so close -- close enough to smell him and feel the heat from his body, and have him touch my body was hot. If I wasn't ready to shoot before, I certainly was now, and starting to worry that I might do it without touching my cock. I'd never been naked in front of anyone before, not like this anyway.

After undressing me (again -- weird), I expected him to pounce on me or my cock, but instead he moved towards his bed and sat down. Do you want to sit?' He asked. I didn't speak, but moved to sit next to him. Can I kiss you?' he asked. No.' I said. It's not that I don't want to' I lied, seeing his embarrassed/disappointed expression, it's just that I really need to cum -- I haven't shot a load since Saturday' I confessed. Wow!' he said.

He stood up before kneeling in front of me, grabbing my knees and forcing them apart. He took my cock into his mouth and sucked, moving his head up and down. I couldn't help letting out a gasp and started to pull his head off stop, I'll cum.' I said. isn't that the idea?' he responded, with a glint in his eye. He pushed me backwards, so I was reclined, laying back on my elbows. He took my cock in his mouth again, sucking harder and bobbing on my engorged dick more vigorously. Not a minute passed before he took me to the point of no return. I felt my whole body stiffen as my cock pulsed again and again and again, more powerfully than I've ever experienced before. Laying back with my eyes closed, I could hear Henry struggling to cope with the volume of cum I was firing in his mouth whilst still bouncing on my cock. I kind of liked the thought of that -- him being overwhelmed by me.

In the midst of sexual climax, the feeling of someone sucking on your dick is one of the best feelings in the world. However, that quickly passes as the orgasm fades, feeling painful and very sensitive. Involuntarily I pushed him off my cock, leaving the last bit of cum oozing from my cock.

Now sat up, I could see he was wanking himself while he sucked me. Do you want me to do that?' I asked. You're okay' he said, `but will you stand over me?' not quite sure about this, I did as he requested and, as he laid sideways on the bed with his head over the edge, I stood next to the bed, legs open so my balls were hanging over his nose, and my softening cock over his mouth.

I really didn't want him to touch my cock, still sensitive post jizz. I watched as he wanked himself, feeling him turn his head and turn his nose up towards my taint, reminding me of the other night, at home. He started to moan, then kind of sat up, pushing his face into the skin between my balls and bum. He shot streams of cum further than he did when we were at school, one splashing my thigh, marking me with a white streak of cum. Predictably, once he'd finished cumming, head still between my legs, he squeezed the cum from his cock, then, to my surprise did the same to mine with the same hand, expressing my cock, adding to the blob on his finger. He sucked the cum noisily, clearly enjoying his post-sex snack. Then he tapped my things, which I took to mean step back.' I went to get dressed. don't do that' he said -- not in an authoritative way, more pleading.

Why? What did you have in mind?' I asked, as he sat on the bed. Erm, Netflix maybe? Or Xbox?' I didn't say anything. I could get us snacks?' he asked expectantly. Let's just not get dressed yet though - I've never spent time naked with someone else.' he confessed. `Me neither!' I thought.

It wasn't the being naked thing I minded -- if anything, I liked the idea -- you know me and my cock after all! It was the what to do in between' thing that I was unsure of. It's awkward as fuck with him when we're dressed normally, never mind now, in his bedroom without clothes. Feeling I didn't have much of a choice, I sat down. Xbox?' I said. He sat next to me, legs touching while we played a random game. Distracted, he was okay -- more human. More likeable. I glanced at his body, and of course his cock. `Never seen him soft!' I said.

Turned out that's all that was needed to start round two...


Well, that's it for this chapter! This is my first Nifty story, so I'd love to know what you think, good or bad. Feel free to email me your thoughts to OllyOllerson@gmail.com.

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Next: Chapter 8

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