Olly and Henry

By Olly Ollerson

Published on Dec 11, 2020


These are true stories (except the names of people and places) of my adventures with `Henry', starting when we were 14 in a British high school, right up until we left sixth form to start university.

If you've got to chapter two, you realise these memories contain descriptions of sexual adventures between teenagers. If you're offended by them, then read no further (FYI - you're totally on the wrong site!) Don't read them if it's likely to get you into trouble, no one wants that!

If you're happy to read on, then I hope you enjoy them. I hope they bring a smile to your face and a tent in your pants, just like they have for me. Let me know what you think.

One last thing -- this is only possible because of the amazing Nifty website. If you can spare a couple of pounds, dollars, or whatever you spend to help this site continue so we can continue to share and enjoy our stories.


Part three: the room off the corridor

Standing in the entrance to our form room, I followed Henry into the dark, cluttered corridor. How had I never noticed this before? There were so many things whirring around my head. I was nervously excited at the hope of seeing Henry's dick (surely that's where this is going, right?), the images of Henry's cock peeping out above his waistband in the classroom, and seeing it poking out under his boxers from his unzipped fly were burned into my brain. At the same time, I felt like I was doing something really bad -- in a classroom when we shouldn't be, in a bit of the school that we're not allowed in, and (with any luck) I'd soon be in a room, with my cock out, with another boy doing the same. How on earth would I explain it if we got caught? There was no way I wasn't going to follow Henry though. I needed to see what he was hiding in those trousers.

It was like my senses had heightened. I was aware of every shadow, every noise and smell. I'd walked past this short corridor, probably only 10-ish feet long, twice a day since September when it became my form room. I'd ignored it, I suppose because it was irrelevant and uninteresting -- always dark, and I suppose I was focused on getting into the classroom to see friends etc. Even though the corridor was really part of the entrance to the classroom, it smelled completely different. A bit damp, unused -- like a garage or outbuilding. Foisty. I had to really concentrate to get through. I wanted to be quick, keen to see the room Henry told me about in a whisper not an hour ago, but there was so much junk in the way I needed to be careful. I wasn't so worried about tripping over, more making a noise, alerting people to where we were.

We reached the door.

Henry stepped into the room and I followed. `Shut the door' he said, and I obeyed. I copied Henry as he put his bag down behind the door. I felt so nervous -- my mouth was dry and I was ever so slightly trembling. Now it had come to it -- where we could actually do... things... I wasn't sure I could. There would be no turning back from this. Fantasies are one thing, but this was real. Given how Henry had been for the last two weeks in RE, I thought he'd take the lead. He kind of just stood facing me, a few feet apart, touching his visible green boxers through his open fly every now and then. Not to entice me I don't think -- probably because it felt good and, like mine, his cock was wanting to be touched.

We both stood, not saying anything. I put my hand in my trouser pocket, to adjust my rock-hard penis, aching to be freed from my pants. Still not sure what was going to happen, I stood still, taking in the room, glancing at Henry, who was also just starting there. I could hear kids playing a game of afterschool football or something just outside the frosted glass window in front of me. The room felt cold, especially compared to the warm summer weather outside. Probably a mixture of it being a disused concrete structure with no direct light, and my adrenaline rush.

We'd been standing there for a couple of minutes, in silence apart from the noise from outside. We looked at each other and smiled -- this broke the ice, and we quietly giggled. In silence, and standing a few feet apart, Henry slipped his index finger inside his fly, pulling the top of his boxers down and used his other hand to grasp his dick and pull it out. At this point I still couldn't really see it, as most of it was covered inside his fist. He then started to move his hand up and down, slow and rhythmically, down just enough so the top of his hand was just below the tip of his cock. He gave it a squeeze to express a small bead of glistening precum, which, as he continued to move his fist backwards and forwards, made the head of his cock shine. I was in disbelief, paralysed by intrigue, I just stood there and watched until Henry asked, more nervously than I expected, if he could `see mine'. This freed me from my staring, and I fumbled around using one hand to unzip my fly and pull my cock out too which was wet with precum.

Now, pulling my hard shaft out of the small gap in my fly was not easy. I would much preferred to have pulled my trousers and boxers down, freeing my cock and balls and allowing me to move more easily, however, I was following Henry's lead. At least this way, if someone came in, or we needed to get out quickly it was easier than having to almost redress. I mirrored Henry's movements, moving my hand slowly up and down, stimulating my cock. Precum had already spread across the head of my dick, and as I moved my hand upwards, more precum was produced, which oozed out of the top of my foreskin, and onto the hand I was wanking with, before stretching into a long drip, which landed on the dirty concrete floor in front of me. Like when it rains, the wetness of the precum made the concrete much darker where it landed.

I was kind of embarrassed by my precum. Did the fact I had more mean I was gayer than Henry? Or that he was less into it that I was? I soon learned that of course this wasn't true -- some people just make more precum, and that I am a bit of a gusher'. I felt my face flush as I watched the precum drip off my fist and cock, but glanced at Henry who was watching in amazement, still moving his hand slowly over his dick. He looked from the floor, to my cock, then at me. Cool' was all he could say. I just smiled.

Henry stepped forward, so we were standing a little less than arms length apart. We were facing each other. He moved to stand next to me. He was close enough for me to smell him. He smelled of washing powder and chewing gum. I sidestepped closer to him. We were both right handed, and Henry was standing to my left. We were not touching, but he was close enough to me that I could feel that he was moving his right arm to stimulate his cock. `I need to cum' he said. Staying exactly in the same position, we wanked ourselves off, both standing completely upright and facing forward towards the window, with the exception of our heads, both looking at the others' cock.

I'm not sure how long it took (although I know it wasn't long at all), but just as I started to feel that unmistakable feeling of `no return', Henry thrusted his hips forward slightly, spraying four ropes of white cum on the floor and the wall in front of us. That pushed me over the edge, and I started cumming too, releasing six gushes of cum from my cock. The feeling was incredible, I couldn't help but let out quiet moans in time with the strong spurting sensation I could feel in my cock and pelvis. I felt a little dazed afterwards, almost faint -- you know that feeling, when you can see spots of dancing light in the corners of your vision. After taking a moment to enjoy the post-orgasmic feeling, I was suddenly aware of standing with my gradually-softening cock in my hand next to a guy from school doing the same. I started to feel a little self-conscious but was distracted by our cum on the wall in front of us. With the exception of things I'd seen online, I'd never see anyone else's cum before. I'd always assumed that everyone's looked the same as mine (not that I'd ever questioned it). Henry's cum was much whiter than mine, and looked thicker too. He didn't shoot as much as me either. My cum was creamier in colour than his. I could smell it now -- kind of bleachy. It's not a smell I was that aware of before, but now, smelling it with the foisty dampness of the room we were in made it smell dirtier. Like we'd done something wrong.

I looked away from the wall to Henry, then down to his dick. As I watched, he squeezed it, producing the last of his cum from inside his cock. He kept squeezing until the grape-size glob of cum was on his thumb and index finger. Letting his semi hard cock flop down, he put his hand to his mouth and sucked the cum off his clenched fist. Again, this wasn't seductive (we'd just shot our loads) -- I got the impression that it was what he always did.

I'd never tasted my cum. I often wanted to - and used to imagine lying on my back with my bum and legs in the air so I could cum in my mouth and on my face, or that I'd cum into my hand and lick it off afterwards. It always seemed like a good idea until I had cum, then I couldn't think of anything worse! I wasn't grossed out like I imagined I might be, and thought I should try it later on tonight when I relive this encounter in bed.

In silence, we put our cocks away and picked up our bags. You go first' Henry said, then we're not seen together'. Okay' I responded. Thanks. See you tomorrow'. `Yeah' said Henry, and I walked out of the room, closing the door behind me. The corridor seemed much shorter now. Soon I was back outside, squinting slightly from the bright afternoon sunshine and took some deep breaths of fresh summer air. I had absolutely no idea how long we'd been in there. As I walked around the corner of the geography classroom, passed the playing field, I saw the group of kids playing football. I glanced back towards the classroom building and could see the window of the room we were in. It was covered in overgrown plants, and just looked like an old, disused room from the outside. Totally unremarkable. There was no way to see in. I wondered if Henry was still in there, and what he was doing. I wondered if any other kids had found the room and had fun in there. I kept waking and glanced at my watch -- it has only been 20 minutes since we left the RE classroom. TWENTY MINUTES?! Probably the most exciting and daring 20 minutes of my life so far, and certainly something I'd remember forever.

I felt a whole mixture of feelings as I walked the 10 minute journey home. I didn't think of myself as gay or bi, or anything else really. I only ever looked at gay porn on line, and thought about guys when I was feeling horny, but I never thought about what that meant about my sexuality. I mean, doing what we just did was pretty gay. Does that mean I'm gay now? It was seedy too. I felt dirty and a bit ashamed of what I'd done. Not ashamed actually, more guilty. I remember feeling the same way when I discovered how to masturbate a year or so ago. Mixed with all of these negative feelings was the fact that what just happened was fucking hot! I'd got to see a real cock and watch him cum. To top it off, someone got to see mine and watch me shoot my load.

It would have been cool to have touched Henry's dick, to see what it feels like and how it compares to mine. I'd also really like him to wank me off. I've overheard loads of guys saying it's much better when someone else does it for you. How do I make that happen? Watching videos and reading stories online (thanks again Nifty!), I knew that guys liked to get their dicks sucked. I was up for letting Henry suck me (obviously), but wasn't sure about me doing the same to him. It was the cum thing for me. I just don't think I could have it in my mouth. I needed to know one way or the other, so decided I was definitely... maybe going to try mine tonight. Once I'd done my homework, if my already stiffening cock would let me. I needed to make sure I had a good load, so I saved my usual after school wank for later. I know I'd just shot my load at school, but all these thoughts since made me just as horny as usual when I got home. I must resist, for now.

On getting home, I went to my room as usual, and got changed. Normally, this is where I'd dive into. My boxers and my cock would spring to life after being neglected all day and I'd work on it, realising jizz over my chest, or on the mirror if I wanted to watch myself cum (I love doing this, but it's a pain to clean up!). It was like my dick knew I was in my room and `did its thing'. Instead of jacking it, I got dressed and went down to do my homework. Usually I'd wear joggers or shorts after school, but I knew my cock was not going to rest until I emptied my balls again. I decided jeans were the only thing to hide the bulge.

I was aware of dick all evening. Not in an uncomfortable way, where I was aching to cum, but a kind of satisfied way, knowing that I was going to enjoy playing with myself tonight, and knowing that although I'd be alone in my bedroom, earlier that day someone had watched me do exactly the same thing. After my homework, I ate dinner, then watched a bit of TV with my family, before going upstairs, a little earlier than usual. Once upstairs, I closed my door and curtains and took off my clothes, except my boxers. Laying on my bed, I slipped my hand into my boxers and pushed my index finger under my foreskin. It was skill kind of slippery from cumming earlier. I took it out and smelled it. I'm not sure how to describe the smell, but I know for sure that I like it.

I pulled the waistband of my boxers down, so my now hard dick and balls were out. Taking hold of my rod, I gently squeezed to release a bead of precum. With my spare hand, I touched it and kind of scooped it with my finger. I brought it up to my nose. No real smell - certainly not like cum. I looked at it closely - it was completely clear. I liked the way it felt between my fingers and how it made things slippery. Having psyched myself up all day, I brought it up to my mouth and put the tip of my tongue on the precum on my index finger. It didn't really taste of much -- kind of sweet and warm. I liked it. It felt sexy and naughty. I pressed my finger and thumb together and opened them so there was a ribbon of the slimy clear fluid between them. I stuck my tongue in between them, then sucked my finger and thumb individually to get the precum off. I can't believe I've never tried it before. One of the benefits of being a horny 14 year old boy was that the precum flowed like water. I squeezed my cock again, releasing another blob onto my finger, which I immediately licked off. So many discoveries over the last few days, and something else I liked!

All this playing with precum had meant I was now fully erect, my hard cock defying gravity, pointing towards my face and begging to be touched. I pushed my boxers down to my ankles and kicked them off onto the floor. I decided to lie sideways on, on my bed, so I could lay with my feet and bum on the wall, so I could point my cock to my face and cum in my mouth. I'd seen plenty of people do it online, but realised in reality, it was far more difficult and uncomfortable than I looked! I battled on and started to stroke my cock with my right hand, cupping my balls with the left. It wasn't long until I felt my sack get tighter, knowing that I'd soon be cumming. Laying with my legs at a right angle to my body and my pelvis elevated, I aimed my cock as much as I could towards my open mouth. I could feel the orgasm coming and knew the first jet of spunk was coming. I missed my mouth completely, landing on my ear. I readjusted and got my nose before managing to get two ropes of cum in my mouth. I didn't like the taste -- salty and bitter, and a thick consistency... Why do people rave about this? I could feel it dripping off my ear into my hair, and the glob of come on my nose was starting to dribble down my cheek.

Reluctantly, but with no alternative, I swallowed, then spun around on the bed and sat up, using my dirty boxers to wipe the cum of my face and ear. I squeezed the last creamy drops of cum out of my cock, wiping them on my boxers too. I pulled it to my nose and enjoyed the smell -- so why not the taste? Perhaps it's one of those things that gets better with practice, although I'm pretty sure I never want to try it again (spoiler alert... I did. A lot!).

Cleaned up and tired, I pulled on a clean pair of PJ shorts before getting into bed. I played on my phone for a bit before going off to sleep, satisfied for now, and keen to see if what happened at school this afternoon changes things with Henry tomorrow. We'll soon see I guess!


Well, that's it for this chapter! This is my first Nifty story, so I'd love to know what you think, good or bad. Feel free to email me your thoughts to OllyOllerson@gmail.com.

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Next: Chapter 4

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