Olly and Henry

By Olly Ollerson

Published on Jul 6, 2021


Olly and Matt 1

These are true stories (except the names of people and places) of my adventures when we were 14 in a British high school.

If you've got this far, you realise these memories contain descriptions of sexual adventures between teenage boys. If you're offended by them, then read no further (FYI - you're totally on the wrong site!)

If you're happy to read on, then I hope you enjoy them. I hope they bring a smile to your face and a tent in your pants, just like they have for me. Let me know what you think.

One last thing - this is only possible because of the amazing Nifty website. If you can spare a couple of pounds, dollars, or whatever you spend to help this site continue, it would be appreciated.

I'm Olly. It's been a while since I wrote a story on here, so here's another short series of stories about another one of my adventures as a young teenager -- this time, with Matt.

I grew up in the North of England, in a relatively small market town. I was popular enough -- with the girls at least. I had a few friends who were guys, and despite hanging out with the `popular girls', none of the popular lads even knew I existed.

I did my GCSEs and A levels at the school, so I was there for seven years all in all (age 11 -- 18). It may seem hard to believe that despite messing around with a few guys during my time in high school (and when I say `messed around'... I mean MESSED AROUND!), I never thought of myself as gay, or even bi. Even when I was on my knees with a cock in my mouth, or standing with my eyes closed, enjoying the feeling of being sucked off, I never questioned my sexuality. I just knew that I liked what we were doing.

If you've read my other series (called Olly and Henry -- and if not, check them out!), you'll know that I had a friend, Henry, who I messed around with quite a lot. Our relationship was weird -- no friendship at all -- the only time we interacted was when we were horny. Once we'd shot our loads, we went our separate ways, ignoring each other until we were ready to empty our balls again.

Things with Matt were different. We were friends first, then one afternoon we crossed a line, and things changed between us (hold your horses... I'll get to the good bit!). We stayed friends, but with lots of benefits. This started when we were probably around 12, and continued until I started uni at 18. Over the next few chapters, I'll share some of the fun we got up to. I'm guessing, as a fellow fan of Nifty, you know exactly what I mean by `fun'!

Chapter 1: the tent

Matt and I had been friends for years. We'd been to the same primary school, then were put in the same form at high school, which is when our friendship started to grow. We would go to each other's houses after school, hung out on the weekends, and had sleepovers. All very normal, and not in the least bit sexual, until the summer holidays that is!

I realise that I may come across as some sex-crazed teen (not quite the case!), but I was friends with Beth, who lived on the same street. Her parents worked late, so she was always home alone between school finishing at about 6pm when her parents would return home. We'd walk home together, and I'd hang out at hers, eating junk, watching TV... being teenagers. I can't remember exactly how it started, but it became normal for Beth to get changed with me in her room. Initially, it was a quick flash of her underwear between taking off her school shirt/skirt and putting casual clothes on. The time spent in just her underwear grew, as did my cock inside my pants. Beth would strip provocatively, while I sat in silence, watching her. This gradually progressed to her taking all of her clothes off, and laying on the bed so I could play with her. It never felt all that sexual -- don't get me wrong, I really liked fingering her, but I never wanted to stick my dick in here. We used to pretend we were making the sex education films we saw at school, talking to imaginary cameras as my fingers explored the content of her knickers. She used to finger herself so hard, she'd go all red in the face, then look relieved. I remember thinking how lucky girls are to be able to masturbate to orgasm wherever they wanted, without fear of squirting a load of jizz -- all the feelings with none of the mess!

Anyway, this particular weekend we had a tent up in my garden -- the kind of tent that was big enough for a family, with an inner tent that made two bedrooms. Beth, Matt and I were in the tent one Saturday. Matt had brought a load of Chomp bars with him (for those of you not from the UK, Chomps are chocolate-covered caramel bars), and we were messing around in the tent and garden, talking about whether we'd all be allowed to sleep in there. Beth needed to go home for dinner, leaving Matt and I in the tent. We continued talking about how cool it would be to sleep in the tent, and decided to try out laying in one of the bedroom compartments.

It would be so cool to sleep in here with Beth and you' Matt said. Why?' I asked so we could, you know, mess around with her.' I've messed around with her a lot before' I confessed. No way -- tell me about it' Matt begged, in a low whisper. I started explaining how we regularly played the sex education game after school. I'd love to see what it feels like' he said, I bet it's amazing.' It's alright' I said, then we both started to laugh.

Has she -- has she touched you?' Matt asked. What do you mean?' You know - touched your dick.' No' I explained she kind of just lets me do the touching.' I bet you get hard though, don't you?' Matt half asked. Yeah, usually.' I know I'd get hard.' Matt said, absent-mindedly, stroking the all-too-clear bulge in his shorts. Would you let her touch you?' he continued you know, would you let her stroke your dick -- I bet it would feel so good.' as he rubbed the front of his shorts, speaking in a barely-audible tone now. Has anyone ever touched your dick?' he asked. This was getting a bit weird now -- the tent suddenly felt hotter than it was a moment ago. I could feel my dick stiffening in my shorts, and saw Matt's eyes keep glancing down towards my waist. 'Erm, just me' I said with an almost embarrassed smile (at this point, that was true). Me neither' he said. Shall we get a drink?' I asked. Cool' said Matt, then we left the bedroom compartment, going into the main bit of the tent for a coke and another Chomp bar.

`When she gets back, let's ask Beth if she wants to stay over tonight' Matt half-asked. I agreed and let my mind wonder about what might happen if they both stayed over. I could feel my dick twitching at the thought. I could see Matt was thinking and twitching too... you can't hide anything in jersey shorts!

We walked back into the bedroom compartment, I lay down, and Matt copied me, laying at the other end of the compartment. I know,' Matt said, lets tell her we'll sleep in one side, and she can sleep in the other. We could play a trick on her and tell her you and me are together.' I don't know what you mean.' I said, confused. You know, that you and me mess around too.' But we don't.' I said flatly. We could pretend though.' How?' I don't know -- lie next to each other? Hold hands? Kiss?'

You and me kiss?' I asked, feeling a little uncomfortable, like he was playing a trick on me. Yeah, just as a joke' he said, like this.' Matt edged towards me by crawling over. You need to close your eyes when we do it' he said, then closed his eyes and put his lips on mine. The taste of his warm, wet, caramelly lips was amazing. After a second or two we stopped, and stayed silent, neither of us knowing what to say. I'll zip the door' he said, standing up to zip the outer door and the inner bedroom door, before laying right next to me again. I think for Beth to believe us we need to practice it again' Matt said. I was unsure how to respond, and totally unable to speak at this point, so I kind of smiled and nodded. Matt moved his head towards me `let's do it like they do on TV' he said, coming toward me, this time with his mouth open for a proper kiss this time.

We kissed each other passionately. Wetly. Noiselessly. Hungrily.

Although we opened and closed our caramel-tasting mouths in sync, we kept our arms firmly to ourselves -- it was like the rest of our bodies were paralysed in fear, whilst our mouths did all the work. It was so hot in the tent now. I could smell Matt -- not a bad smell at all, just him, which I'd never noticed before. I opened my eyes briefly and saw that he, like he told me, had his eyes closed, apparently lost in the moment. I closed mine again, concentrating on the taste and smell... and not moving my hands towards my dick, which was aching and felt wet.

Although I had never experienced it before, my dick was wet with precum (not that I knew what precum was at the time). I thought I'd let some pee out, so decided I needed to get out before Matt noticed the wet patch on my shorts. I broke the kiss, unzipped the tent doors and ran inside to the toilet, leaving Matt alone in the tent.

I saw myself in the mirror of the bathroom. I was red and sweaty -- my hair was all over the place and I looked like I'd run a marathon. I looked down toward my crotch, the bulge of my semi-hard dick, and wet patch visible.

My heart was racing, I could hear the woosh of my heartbeat in my head. I felt dizzy and dirty and wrong. I'd kissed a boy -- or at least a boy kissed me, and I kissed him back. It made me hard -- harder than I'd ever been with Beth or at any other time in my life. I sat down on the toilet and instinctively squeezed my now almost soft cock, jumping in my fingers as I did so. I dropped my shorts to have a pee, and was horrified by the clear, shiny slime that covered the end of my dick and the inside of my shorts. Like most Brits, my cock was uncut. It felt good to move my foreskin up and down over the bright cherry red end of my cock, made so slick with this magic slime. Lost in the tingly feeling of my handjob, for a moment I forgot about what had just happened outside.

Are you okay, Olly' Matt said nervously from the other side of the door. I suddenly felt hot again. Instinctively, I moved my hand from my dick and pulled up my shorts, even though I was behind the locked bathroom door. I didn't reply. erm, I'm sorry' Matt continued. I'll go home shall I?'. I didn't speak, fearing that I'd cry, but opened the door. I immediately looked to the floor, no longer sure I could look at Matt after what we'd just done. do you want me to go?' he asked. Do you think what we did was wrong?' I said, my voice quivering despite my best efforts to at least sound in control. I think we were just playing -- just messing around.' Matt said, sounding equally nervous `it doesn't mean anything you know.'

I felt really ashamed of what we'd done -- there was no going back now, no way to ever not kiss a boy' again -- no matter what happened from now on, even if it never happened again, it will always be there. I felt like I was going to cry again. I don't feel very well' I said. Do you want me to go?' Matt asked, sounding disappointed. probably -- I think i need to be on my own'.

Matt dropped his shoulders and walked out of the kitchen, towards the backdoor. With his hand on the handle he said `it doesn't mean anything if you don't want it to. Let's just pretend it didn't happen. We can just forget about it.' I tried to smile, but was unable to -- all my efforts went into not crying. I could feel my eyes stinging and hear my heartbeat in my head again. I did a half-nod-half-shake of my head, then watched Matt leave the kitchen, closing the backdoor behind him. Now home alone, I walked though the kitchen into the living room, sat on the sofa and cried. I sobbed.

I knew that no matter what happened from now on, that kiss changed me. I felt sad that it had happened, sad that I stopped it and sad that I let Matt go. What if I never saw him again. What if we weren't going to be friends again. What if he never kissed me again. What if...

After a while I calmed down, distracted by the rubbish I was watching on TV. My phone buzzed in my pocket. It was a message from Matt. `Sry about this aft. I didnt mean to kiss you. Friends? Can I come bk round?'

To be continued...


Well, that's it for this chapter! I'd love to know what you think, good or bad. Feel free to email me your thoughts to OllyOllerson@gmail.com.

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Next: Chapter 12: Olly and Matt 2

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