Ollies Lost Innocence

By Mason Hatfield

Published on Jun 24, 2023


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This is a work of fiction. You may contact the author about the story.

Ollie's Lost Innocence Chapter 10

Ollie slowly woke up, his eyes fluttering open as the morning light filtered through the curtains. As he stretched out in bed, he felt a warm body pressed against his back. Memories of his passionate night with Tyler came flooding back, and he couldn't help but smile. Tyler stirred beside him, his eyes still closed as he wrapped a muscular arm around Ollie's slim chest and nuzzled the back of his neck. "Good morning," he murmured sleepily, holding the smaller boy tightly against him. Ollie blushed as he felt that substantial morning wood pressing against his bare back. Despite the exhaustion from their passionate night, desire stirred within him once again. He pressed himself closer to Tyler, feeling a surge of arousal course through his veins.

Tyler's lips brushed against Ollie's neck in a lazy kiss before he whispered huskily into his ear, "Mmmm... You're so hot, baby boy." Ollie's breath hitched at Tyler's words, his heart racing with excitement and desire. He turned in Tyler's embrace to face him, their eyes locking for a moment before they both leaned in for a slow, sensual kiss. As their lips moved together softly, Ollie felt an electric current pass between them. His body responded instinctively as he tangled his fingers in Tyler's hair and deepened the kiss. Their tongues danced together passionately as the room filled with the sounds of their shared pleasure.

Tyler pulled back slightly, his gaze intense as he brushed his thumb along Ollie's cheekbone. "You're so beautiful," he rasped, mouth dry from the night's sleep. Another blush spread across Ollie's cheeks at the compliment. He couldn't help but feel captivated by Tyler--by his raw masculine dominance and tenderness all at once. It was a combination that made him weak in the knees every time. "Thank you," he replied softly, feeling warmth radiate through him from head to toe.

Tyler caressed Ollie's cheek gently before trailing delicate kisses along his jawline and down to his neck. His touch sent shivers down Ollie's spine as tingles of pleasure coursed through his body. He moaned softly, surrendering himself completely to this intimate connection they shared. Their bodies pressed against each other intimately beneath the sheets--they were entwined not just physically but emotionally too--a dance that had become second nature between them over these last few months. In those moments when it was just the two of them lying there together--in complete vulnerability--Ollie's worries about Tyler's possession, Antoine's confession, or the Rossi twins' flirtation faded into the background. His focus was solely on Tyler and the intense connection they shared. As their passion intensified, Ollie's hand slid down Tyler's body, feeling the defined muscles beneath his touch. He couldn't help but be in awe of Tyler's physicality--the sheer strength and power that he possessed.

But it was when his hand reached its destination--when he wrapped his fingers around Tyler's thick cock--that Ollie truly felt a surge of desire course through him.Tyler groaned softly at the sensation, arching into Ollie's touch. The size of him never failed to amaze Ollie--it was something that stretched and filled every part of him--an intoxicating mix of pleasure and slight discomfort that only heightened their connection. He loved how his fingers couldn't reach all the way around as he stroked Kyle's length. Ollie leaned forward, capturing Tyler's lips with his own, their mouths moving in sync as they explored each other passionately. The intensity of their kiss mirrored the desire that pulsed between them. He could feel Tyler growing even harder and thicker beneath his touch. Every movement elicited a low groan from Tyler's throat, fueling Ollie's excitement even more. Tyler broke the kiss for a moment to catch his breath before whispering huskily against Ollie's lips. "You're so good at this, lil Ollie," he murmured, his voice laced with satisfaction and need.

A surge of pride washed over Ollie as he relished in the praise from Tyler--the man who held such power over him both physically and emotionally. He intensified his strokes along every inch of Tyler's cock while simultaneously grinding himself against him--desperate for release but also craving deeper connection. Tyler's voice, thick with desire, pierced through the air. "Get your mouth down there," he commanded in a low growl.

Ollie didn't need to be told twice. He eagerly shifted his body downward until he was face to face with Tyler's throbbing erection. The anticipation and hunger within him grew as he took hold of Tyler's cock, guiding it towards his waiting lips. Ollie's tongue flicked out to taste the sweet pre-cum that glistened at the tip of Tyler's cock. His lips formed a tight seal around him, engulfing him with warmth and wetness. He started to move his head slowly, taking in more of Tyler's length with each pass. Tyler let out a low moan, his fingers tangling into Ollie's hair as he guided his movements. The sensation of Ollie's mouth on him sent waves of pleasure coursing through his body--every lick and suck driving him closer to the edge.

As Tyler slowly thrust into Ollie's throat soft sounds of pleasure filled the room. Ollie focused solely on pleasuring Tyler, taking every inch deep into his throat, hollowing out his cheeks as he sucked fervently. Tyler's moans grew louder. He could feel the intensity building within him, his release imminent. "You're doing so well, baby," Tyler groaned breathlessly. "Such a good boy for me. My boy."

Ollie felt a surge of pride at being praised by Tyler in such an intimate moment. Being called 'his boy' sent shivers down his spine as he reveled in Tyler's claim to him. He intensified his efforts, using every technique he had learned to bring Tyler closer to the edge. He applied gentle pressure with his tongue on the underside of Tyler's head, knowing just how much he enjoyed it.

Tyler's grip tightened in Ollie's hair as a powerful wave of pleasure washed over him. "I'm close," he gasped, his voice strained with desire. "You want my load, slut?"

As Tyler's words washed over Ollie, a surge of desire coursed through him. He wanted to show Tyler just how much he craved his load--to prove that he was indeed the eager slut that Tyler desired. He pulled back slightly, maintaining eye contact with Tyler as his lips formed a mischievous smile. "I want it, daddy," he whispered seductively, his voice filled with need and anticipation.

Tyler groaned as those words hung in the air and Ollie resumed his ministrations--his mouth enveloping every inch of Tyler's throbbing cock once again. He worked tirelessly to get Tyler down his throat fully and used his hands to stroke his shaft as he pulled off again and again. Ollie's eyes watered from the effort, but he was determined to bring Tyler past the brink. His hands worked in perfect sync with his mouth, stroking and sucking as if his life depended on it.

Tyler's pulled on Ollie's hair as he felt himself teetering on the edge. "Fuck," he groaned through gritted teeth. "Here I come."

The words sent excitement coursing through Ollie--satisfaction that he had pushed Tyler right to the edge. He continued his relentless assault, focusing all of his attention on pleasuring every inch of him. And then it happened--Tyler let out a deep growl and released into Ollie's waiting mouth. The hot spurts filled Ollie's throat as pleasure washed over both of them like an electric shock. He swallowed every drop greedily, savoring the taste while still maintaining eye contact with Tyler--a silent declaration that he would do anything for this man who held such power over him.

As their breathing gradually returned to normal, Tyler gently slid his fingers under Ollie's chin and lifted him up so they were face-to-face once again. There was an intensity in his gaze--an unspoken connection--that made Ollie feel vulnerable yet cherished at the same time. "You're incredible," whispered Tyler hoarsely against Oliver's lips before closing what little distance remained between them for a tender kiss filled with gratitude and affection.

Ollie melted into the kiss, his heart swelling with love and desire for Tyler. In that moment, all of his doubts and worries faded away as he reveled in the warmth of their connection. His body still hummed with pleasure from servicing Tyler, but now it was mixed with a deep emotional fulfillment.

Tyler pulled back slightly, resting his forehead against Ollie's as they caught their breaths. "You're mine," he whispered softly, his voice filled with possessiveness yet still tender. The words sent a thrill through Ollie--a reminder of the power dynamic between them that both excited and comforted him. He smiled up at Tyler, feeling safe and cherished in this intimate space they had created together.

"I'm yours," Ollie replied without hesitation, his voice filled with conviction. "Completely."

Tyler's smile widened as he brushed a thumb along Ollie's cheekbone lovingly. "Good boy," he murmured before capturing Ollie's lips once more in a passionate kiss--this time slower and sweeter than before.As their lips parted, Ollie gazed into Tyler's eyes with a mix of adoration and desire. He could still feel the lingering heat of his own, unreleased arousal, but a sense of comfort and familiarity was taking over.

Tyler's fingers gently traced patterns on Ollie's cheek. "What do you want for breakfast, baby?"

Ollie's stomach growled in response. He hummed softly and leaned into Tyler's touch. "Bacon, egg, and cheese?" he asked.

Tyler grinned and nodded. "Bacon, egg, and cheese it is," he replied before pressing a tender kiss to Ollie's forehead.

Ollie smiled to himself as Tyler pulled on a pair of sweatpants--his big, swinging cock disappearing beneath the fabric--and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. The last twelve hours had been incredibly satisfying to him, both sexually and emotionally, and he was actually feeling excited about the future rather than apprehensive. He slipped out of bed and pulled on his underwear from last night before going to join Tyler.

As Ollie made his way to the lobby of Tyler's apartment building, he couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment radiating through him. The morning had been filled with passion and tenderness between him and Tyler, leaving Ollie feeling more connected to him than ever before. But as he stepped into the lobby, his thoughts were interrupted by a familiar face walking out of the elevator.


Surprised, Eddie turned and saw his roommate before blushing and shifting his feet. He looked slightly disheveled--his hair tousled and clothes wrinkled.

"What are you doing here?" Ollie asked curiously as he approached him. "I got your text last night when you left the mixer."

Eddie ran a hand through his messy curls. "Yeah... Well," he said sheepishly. "After you and Tyler disappeared last night, I kept dancing with Max and Troy and..." he trailed off.

A smile tugged at the corners of Ollie's lips as he remembered that the couple lived in this building and realized what his roomie was implying. "Oh my God. Eddie!!" he squealed.

Eddie's cheeks flushed an even deeper shade of red as he tried to stifle a nervous laugh. "Yeah, um... things just kind of happened," he admitted, his voice filled with a mix of embarrassment and excitement.

Ollie couldn't help but giggle at Eddie's reaction. "I can't believe it! You had a THREESOME?!"

Eddie's face turned even redder as he tried to hide his embarrassment. "Yeah, well..." Eddie stammered, unsure of how to explain the situation. "Max and Troy invited me up after we left the mixer. We were just hanging out in their apartment, and one thing led to another..."

Ollie's eyes widened with curiosity as he leaned in closer. "And?"

Eddie let out a nervous chuckle before continuing. "Well... Let's just say both know what they're doing."

A mischievous grin spread across Ollie's face as they walked out of the building together and headed towards campus. He kept teasing Eddie, nudging him playfully with his elbow. "Come on, spill the tea, luv! Was Max in charge?"

Eddie blushed even deeper, his embarrassment evident as he glanced at Ollie. "Okay, fine," he admitted sheepishly. "Troy is definitely the ring leader--like he knows exactly how he wants it to go--total power bottom," he laughed. "But Max..." he blushed again. "He really took charge of me."

Ollie laughed, thoroughly enjoying Eddie's discomfort. "Oh wow, I can only imagine," he said with a wink.

Eddie rolled his eyes and playfully shoved Ollie. "Alright, enough teasing me! What about you? How was your night with Tyler?"

A soft smile tugged at the corners of Ollie's lips as he thought back to their several passionate encounters over the last twelve hours. "It was... incredible," he replied dreamily.

Eddie raised an eyebrow, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. "Incredible, huh? Well, you certainly look like someone who had quite the night," he said teasingly as he gestured towards Ollie's slightly disheveled appearance.

Ollie blushed but couldn't help but grin at Eddie's playful comment. He tucked a strand of hair behind his ear and shrugged. "Well, you're one to talk, mister!" Ollie joked back, making Eddie blush. "But yeah, it was definitely intense," he replied honestly. "He goes so hard, but he's treating me so well lately."

Eddie's expression softened as he listened to Ollie speak. "I'm glad to hear that, babes," he said sincerely. "But you know I still worry about you sometimes, right?"

Ollie nodded and reached out to squeeze Eddie's hand reassuringly. "I know, Eds. Love you, bae."

Eddie smiled, his eyes filled with warmth. "Love you too, Olls," he replied softly. "So," he continued. "You're not very conflicted about Antoine Jessup anymore, huh?"

Ollie's smile faltered for a moment as Eddie mentioned Antoine. He had been so caught up in his passionate night with Tyler that he had momentarily forgotten about the confession from his classmate. "Um, well..." he began, unsure of how to respond. He glanced down at the ground, biting his lip nervously. "Yeah, I...I don't know," he admitted quietly. "It's complicated."

Eddie looked at him as they walked. "Yeah... that confession yesterday really threw you for a loop."

Ollie sighed, feeling a mix of emotions bubbling up inside him. Part of him wanted to open up to Eddie and seek his advice, but another part just didn't want to delve into the complexities of his feelings for Antoine. "Yeah," he replied softly, avoiding Eddie's gaze. "It was unexpected... I mean, he caught me off guard."

Eddie studied Ollie's expression carefully before speaking again. "Look, luv," he said gently. "I know you have strong feelings for Tyler... But it seems like Antoine really cares about you too."

Ollie felt a knot form in his stomach at Eddie's words. Based on everything he'd experienced about Antoine that was true. But it also felt like Eddie was trying to subtly guide him away from Tyler. "Yeah, but..." he trailed off, pausing.

Eddie reached out and gently placed a hand on Ollie's arm, offering comfort and support. "But what?" he asked softly.

Ollie took a deep breath. "But I love Tyler. I know our relationship is intense and sometimes... complicated, but there's something about him that just draws me in."

Eddie nodded understandingly but pressed further. "And what about Antoine? Do you have any feelings for him?"

Ollie hesitated for a moment before answering truthfully. "I... I am attracted to him," he confessed quietly. "And there is this intellectual connection between us. But Tyler and I aren't like Max and Troy. We don't have an open relationship... at all."

Eddie's eyebrows furrowed as he listened. "I get that, babes," he said gently. "But remember what happened with Peter? Tyler, like... coerced you into a situation with another guy. It wasn't exactly... consensual."

Ollie winced at the reminder of that encounter--when Tyler's friend had shown up at his apartment while Ollie was cross-dressing and blowing him. Tyler had basically dominated both of them by coercing Peter into eating and fingering Ollie's ass until Ollie'd cum. His face flushed with a mix of embarrassment and arousal. "I know," Ollie replied softly, his voice filled with remorse. "But Tyler apologized for that... And he said it wouldn't happen again."

Eddie squeezed Ollie's arm reassuringly. "Sure. But you deserve more than just being an accessory in someone else's desires, luv," he said firmly but softly.

A conflicted expression crossed over Ollie's face as he considered Eddie's words--knowing deep down that there was truth behind them. He wished things were simpler--that love and desire didn't come wrapped in such complicated packages. Regardless, he didn't really want to talk about this anymore with Eddie. "I know you're looking out for me, Eds," he finally admitted with a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "And believe me--I'm trying to figure things out."

Eddie nodded, understanding Ollie's need for space and his own journey of self-discovery. "I know you'll figure it out," he said with a reassuring smile. "Even if you have become a big cock slut," he joked, sticking his tongue out.

Ollie feigned offense, playfully gasping and placing a hand over his heart. "How dare you!" he exclaimed dramatically. "I'll have you know that I am not just any big cock slut... I'm an exclusive big cock slut," he teased.

Eddie's eyes widened in mock surprise as he held up his hands defensively. "My apologies, Your Highness," Eddie replied with a chuckle. "You are indeed the most exquisite and loyal of all the big cock sluts."

They both burst into laughter, their playful banter lightening the mood between them. Ollie took advantage of the moment to turn things around on Eddie. He raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Speaking of big cock sluts," he began, smirking playfully at Eddie. "You don't get to call me out for that anymore, Mister Threeway."

Eddie's cheeks flushed crimson, a mix of embarrassment and amusement crossing his face. He playfully nudged Ollie with his elbow. "Hey now, I can't help it if Max and Troy found me irresistible," he teased back.

Ollie laughed, enjoying the light-hearted exchange between them. "Oh please," he replied with a playful roll of his eyes. "You're just lucky they found your accent charming instead of insufferable."

Eddie chuckled, his cheeks still tinged with a faint blush. "Well, after that dry spell, I'll gladly take lucky any day," he said with a wink.

Ollie grinned and elbowed Eddie playfully. "Lucky you, indeed," he teased. "So, is this going to become a throuple? Should I expect more scandalous stories?"

Eddie laughed, shaking his head. "I don't know about a throuple," he replied with a playful smile. "But who knows? I'm definitely not turning down the opportunity if they offer again... it was... it was really good, babes." He blushed again.

Ollie raised an eyebrow, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Well, well," he said with a teasing grin. "Sounds like someone had quite the time." He nudged Eddie playfully. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, babe."

Eddie chuckled and shrugged sheepishly. "Yeah... it was definitely something different for me," he admitted.

The two friends continued their banter back and forth as they walked through campus together. As they approached their dorm building, Ollie felt grateful for the comfort of their friendship. Even though he knew Eddie wasn't really on board with his relationship with Tyler, fun moments like these reminded him how lucky he was to have Eddie by his side.

"Eddie," he said softly when they reached the entrance of their dorm building, stopping them both in their tracks.

"Yeah?" his roommate turned towards him curiously.

"I just wanted to say... thank you." A warm smile spread across Ollie's lips as he met Eddie's gaze earnestly. "For being such an amazing friend and for always looking out for me."

Eddie's expression moved into a tender smile. "You don't have to thank me, gurl," he said, reaching for Ollie's hand again and interlacing their fingers. "That's what best friends are supposed to do--look out for each other!"

Ollie nodded appreciatively before pulling Eddie into a tight hug. "Love ya, bestfriend," he whispered against Eddie's ear.

"Love you too, roomie," Eddie replied softly, tightening his embrace around him.

Finals week had been keeping Ollie apart from Tyler--he hadn't seen his boyfriend since breakfast on that Friday morning. Between studying and writing all weekend and actually taking his first final exams of college, Ollie was very preoccupied. Though he missed Tyler's presence and touch, he knew he needed to prioritize his education first. That's how he'd ended up at a table in the library next to Antoine on Tuesday afternoon to proofread one another's final stories. He'd made sure to text Tyler and let him know, reassuring him that the meetup was only for class; the last thing he wanted was for Tyler to get physical again with Antoine, even though he'd promised to never do that again.

So Ollie was sitting at a table in the quiet corner of the library, surrounded by other studying students at their own tables and desks. He was engrossed in reading through Antoine's latest short story while his own work sat in front of his classmate.

From his seat next to him, Antoine leaned over Ollie's shoulder, his presence warm and comforting. "So what do you think?" he asked nervously, biting his lip.

Ollie looked up at Antoine with a smile. "I love it," he said sincerely. "Your writing is so captivating and filled with feelings."

A blush crept onto Antoine's cheeks as he muttered a thank you before turning to read Ollie's story.

As they proofread each other's stories, their conversations flowed easily between critiques and discussions about character development or plot twists. They laughed together at witty dialogue and shared their thoughts on themes explored within their respective pieces.

Ollie couldn't help but notice how Antoine's eyes sparkled when he spoke passionately about his story, and the way his face lit up with excitement. It was an endearing sight that made Ollie appreciate their connection on a deeper level. As they continued reading and discussing each other's work, Ollie found himself getting lost in Antoine's words. His writing had a rawness to it that resonated with him--a vulnerability that mirrored some of the emotions he'd been wrestling with lately. "You really captured the essence of longing in this scene," he said, pointing to a particular paragraph in Antoine's story. "I felt every ounce of passion pouring out from your character."

Antoine looked both surprised and pleased by Ollie's comment. "Thank you," he replied sincerely. "That means a lot to hear." He sat quietly for a moment as Ollie kept reading. "I think I get all of that out through my writing because I've always kept so much of my own feelings inside," he said, interrupting Ollie's reading.

Ollie paused, his eyes meeting Antoine's. He could sense the vulnerability in his classmate's voice and saw a glimpse of something deeper hidden within him. "I understand that," he said, setting aside their stories for a moment. "Sometimes writing can be our way of expressing emotions we struggle to share in other ways."

Antoine nodded, looking appreciative of Ollie's understanding. "Yeah... it's like these characters become an outlet for all those unspoken thoughts and desires." He sighed, running a hand through his hair before continuing. "But sometimes I wonder if it would be easier to just say things out loud instead of hiding behind fiction."

Ollie reached out and placed a comforting hand on Antoine's arm. "I think there is bravery in both--finding the courage to write down your truth or speaking it aloud," he replied gently.

Antoine looked at Ollie with gratitude shining in his eyes as he smiled warmly at him. It was moments like this that made Ollie appreciate their connection even more--their shared passion for storytelling but also their ability to empathize with one another on a deeper level. "Thank you," he whispered sincerely, squeezing Ollie's hand briefly before letting go.

Ollie looked into Antoine's eyes, his mind racing with a mixture of emotions and thoughts. He couldn't deny the connection he felt with Antoine--there was something about him that made Ollie feel understood in ways he hadn't experienced before. But at the same time, there was Tyler--the intense, possessive lover who had captivated Ollie's heart and soul despite their complicated relationship.As they sat there in the library, a part of Ollie yearned to lean closer to Antoine--to explore what could be between them beyond friendship and writing partners. But another part of him hesitated--a fear of losing himself entirely to his desires and betraying Tyler.

Just as those conflicting thoughts swirled within him, an unexpected buzz from his phone broke through the silence of the library. It was a message from Tyler--one that sent shivers down Ollie's spine.

"Come to the bathroom - 10th floor - handicap stall," read the text.

Ollie's heart raced as he glanced around nervously, hoping no one had noticed his sudden change in demeanor or seen what appeared on his screen.

Antoine furrowed his brow curiously upon noticing Ollie's reaction but remained respectful by not prying into it further. The conflicting emotions intensified within Ollie--he wanted nothing more than to go see Tyler right away--after all this time apart during finals week--but at the same time, being pulled towards Antoine tugged at some deep-rooted desire inside him too. He knew whatever awaited him behind that bathroom door would take precedence over everything else--that possessiveness which both terrified yet excited him simultaneously wouldn't let go so easily either way.

With trembling hands grasping onto each other underneath the table, Ollie took a deep breath and made a decision. "Antoine," he started, his voice slightly shaky but determined. "I... I need to go to the bathroom." He avoided eye contact, feeling guilty about leaving their proofreading session unfinished.

Antoine's expression softened, his concern evident. "Is everything okay?" he asked gently.

Ollie hesitated for a moment, grappling with the complexity of his situation. He didn't want to be completely honest about the real reason behind his sudden departure from their proofreading session. "Yeah, uh... I think something I ate for lunch isn't sitting well," Ollie replied, forcing a weak smile. "I'm really sorry to cut this short, Antoine."

Antoine's face badly hid his disappointment as he reached out to touch Ollie's arm gently. "Hey, don't worry about it," he said softly. "Take care of yourself."

Feeling guilty but also relieved by Antoine's understanding response, Ollie nodded appreciatively. "I can make more comments on your story tonight!" he said as consolation. "You're such a good writer!"

Antoine smiled, his disappointment shifting into appreciation. "Thank you, man," he replied genuinely. "You're awesome."

With one last lingering glance at Antoine's warm expression, Ollie quickly gathered his belongings and stood up from the table. "I'll catch up with you later!" he called over his shoulder as he hurriedly made his way towards the elevator.

As he walked through the stacks on the tenth floor toward the remote bathroom Tyler had mentioned--his heart pounding loudly--he tried to push away any lingering thoughts of what could have happened between him and Antoine if circumstances were different. The allure of Tyler's dominance had an undeniable hold on him--a mixture of desire and fear that kept pulling him back into their tumultuous relationship no matter how much a part of him yearned for something simpler and gentler with someone like Antoine.

Entering the bathroom nervously yet eagerly searching around for signs of Tyler's presence or anyone who might catch them together illicitly. He approached the final stall in the row--the handicapped one--and he was about to rap on the door when it swung open revealing Tyler's broad form, wearing a comfy fisherman's sweater and auburn pants. Relief washed over Ollie momentarily, replacing all other concerns, when those deep brown eyes met his blue ones for the first time in days.

"Hey, baby boy," Tyler greeted Ollie with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "I see you've been busy."

Ollie's heart froze as he realized that Tyler must have seen him sitting closely with Antoine. He swallowed hard, feeling guilty and on edge. "Yeah... we were just proofreading each other's stories for class," Ollie replied cautiously, trying to gauge Tyler's reaction.

Tyler raised an eyebrow, the possessiveness in his gaze evident. "Proofreading? Is that what you call it?" he asked sarcastically, his muscular body cornering Ollie in the stall.

Ollie felt a knot forming in his stomach as he struggled to find the right words. He knew how possessive and jealous Tyler could get--how easily things could escalate into aggression if pushed too far. "It was just for class," Ollie reiterated softly but firmly. "I told you... I promise there was nothing more going on."

Tyler stepped closer to him, their bodies almost touching now. His voice dropped lower as he spoke through gritted teeth. "I don't trust that guy for a second," he warned darkly.

Fear coursed through Ollie's veins at Tyler's threatening tone--the most scary thing was that Tyler wasn't wrong... Antoine did have feelings for him... but Ollie wasn't about to tell him that! "He's just a classmate, I swear-" Ollie began before being cut off by a sharp kiss from Tyler--a mixture of dominance and tenderness all at once. The forcefulness of the kiss caught him off-guard momentarily until he melted into it willingly under Tyler's grip--he'd been craving this touch for days.

As they kissed passionately in the bathroom stall--ignoring any concerns about privacy or potential interruptions--Olli tried desperately to push away thoughts of Antoine lingering somewhere deep inside him. He focused solely on Tyler--the familiar taste of his lips, the heat of their bodies pressed against each other. In that moment, nothing else mattered. Their lips moved hungrily against each other's, their tongues dancing in a passionate rhythm. Ollie moaned softly into the kiss, his desire for Tyler overpowering any lingering thoughts of Antoine. He could feel his body responding eagerly to Tyler's touch. His heart raced with a mix of excitement and fear as he surrendered himself completely to the dominant man before him. They broke apart momentarily, gasping for breath but locked in an intense gaze.

"You're mine," Tyler growled possessively, his voice laced with both desire and warning.

Ollie felt a shiver run down his spine at those words--words that simultaneously thrilled him and sent caution through his veins. He knew he belonged to Tyler--their connection was undeniable--but part of him was curious about what a 'normal' relationship would be like...something less complicated than this tumultuous one filled with possessiveness and dominance. But every time he tried to pull away from it all--to distance himself--he found himself being drawn back by the intoxicating power that emanated from Tyler's very presence.

"Yes," Ollie whispered breathlessly in response, surrendering once again to their magnetic connection. "Yours." The world around him faded away as he lost himself in the older man's dominance.

Tyler pressed Ollie up against the cold wall of the bathroom stall--a stark contrast between pleasure and discomfort--as he trailed hot kisses along Olli's jawline towards sensitive spots on his neck. Each nip elicited delicious sensations throughout Olli's body--an electric current running beneath sensitive skin. Feeling overwhelmed yet exhilarated by these conflicting emotions coursing through him, Ollie clung onto whatever control remained within reach--gripping tightly onto locks of brown hair while pushing his hips forward into Tyler's firm grip--and ground himself into Tyler's bulging hardness.

Tyler pushed Ollie down to his knees on the bathroom floor, eliciting a gasp from him. With one hand firmly gripping onto Ollie's hair, Tyler used the other to unzip his pants and pull out his hard cock.

"If you're really mine," Tyler growled, "then you're gonna prove it, baby boy."

Ollie felt both excitement and fear at those words as he looked up into Tyler's dark eyes--the possessiveness in them almost overwhelming. He knew what was expected of him--he had been here before--but Tyler hadn't been this rough with him in a while and Ollie truly felt like he was owned in this moment. As he leaned forward eagerly towards Tyler's imposing presence all thoughts of anything else faded away completely.

With no hesitation or resistance left within him, Ollie was filled with raw desire and obedience. He pulled Tyler's underwear down and took hold of his godly cock with trembling hands while staring up into his lover's face, stroking it slowly. He started off slowly at first--licking around the tip--but quickly found himself lost in lustful hunger, taking more and more of it into his mouth until he could take no further inside on his own.

Tyler let out a deep groan above him that sent shivers through Ollie's body before tightening grip on his hair pulled him harder against into Tyler's body, pushing himself mercilessly all the way down his throat making choking and gurgling noises escape past his lips as he struggled under the treatment.

"That's gotta be one of my favorite sounds in the world," said Tyler--his voice laced with dominance as he held Ollie's head firmly against his crotch. "Show me what a fucking slut you are for this big dick." Tyler finally let Ollie pull back, gasping for air as he did. His eyes were filled with a mixture of lust and submission.

"You like that?" Tyler asked in a low voice, his hand still firmly gripping onto Ollie's hair. "You're such a good little cock-sucking whore."

Without warning, Tyler spat on Ollie's face--another sign of his dominance over him--and smirked at him before smacking his face with his heavy cock, leaving a wet smear of spit and precum. Ollie's eyes widened at the sudden roughness from Tyler, but he couldn't deny the pleasure that coursed through his body. He felt a sense of gratitude for being able to please Tyler in this way--despite how uncomfortable and vulnerable it made him feel.

"Thank you," he rasped out between gasps for air before opening his mouth wide again to take more of Tyler's huge length into his mouth.

Tyler didn't hesitate--he fucked Ollie's throat roughly and mercilessly, eliciting moans and whimpers from the younger boy as tears streamed down his face. His grip on Ollie's hair tightened further as he thrust deeper inside him--the possessiveness shining brightly within those dark brown eyes staring intently down at him. "You're mine, little slut," he growled again fiercely, "and don't ever forget it." Ollie could only nod weakly in response, submission and obedience powering him completely as he continued taking everything that was given to him with unyielding determination.

He felt his heart race even faster as he heard the sound of footsteps entering the bathroom. He wanted to pull away from Tyler--to hide and avoid being caught in such a compromising position--but he couldn't bring himself to stop what he was doing. He could hear a guy unzipping his pants before urinating into one of the nearby urinals--his stream echoing against porcelain walls.

Tyler didn't seem fazed by it all--his focus remained solely on Ollie's throat wrapped tightly around him, opening with each thrust. It was as if no one else existed in that moment except for them--not even whoever had just entered that bathroom. As Ollie continued servicing Tyler with desperate hunger--hearing nothing but his own muffled moans mixed with Tyler's primal grunts--it became clear that they were taking a risk...a risk which both excited and terrified him equally.

Suddenly, Tyler pulled Ollie up to his feet and spun him around so that he was facing the wall of the bathroom stall. The sound of running water from a nearby sink filled the air as Tyler pulled down Ollie's jeans and underwear, revealing his bare ass. Without warning, Tyler spread Ollie's cheeks apart and dove in with his tongue--licking and teasing at his sensitive hole. An intense pleasure shot through Ollie's body as he pushed back against Tyler's face eagerly--he wanted more. The sounds of the guy washing his hands provided a strange juxtaposition to Ollie's pleasure-filled moans. The knowledge that they were being watched, or at least heard, only heightened the thrill and riskiness of their encounter.

Tyler's skilled tongue continued its assault on Ollie's puckered entrance, flicking and swirling in ways that drove him wild with desire. Each lick sent electric jolts through his body, making him tremble against the wall as he fought to stifle his moans. Ollie gripped onto the edges of the stall tightly for support as Tyler delved deeper into his most intimate space. He could feel himself surrendering completely to Tyler's dominance--to this secret rendezvous where there was no room for anything but raw pleasure.

As Tyler alternated between slow circles and fervent thrusts of his tongue inside Ollie--his sucking on that ring of flesh--Ollie struggled to contain himself. His hips rocked back involuntarily in search of more contact--aching for release from the intense stimulation. Ollie's moans grew louder and more desperate as the pleasure intensified. He could feel himself teetering on the edge of ecstasy, his body craving release.

Outside the stall, the guy who had been washing his hands paused mid-dry upon hearing Ollie's unabashed moaning. Ollie heard footsteps approaching as the door to the adjacent stall swung closed and locked. He froze, panting against the wall--the guy was right next to them in the other stall! He was choosing to stay and listen! Tyler continued his oral assault on Ollie's quivering entrance with renewed fervor. The knowledge that they were being watched only heightened their arousal--the thrill of exhibitionism adding another layer of excitement to their already intense connection.

In a bold display of dominance, Tyler leaned back slightly and let out a guttural growl. The sound reverberated through the small bathroom stall as he forcefully spit onto the boy's exposed hole. Ollie's breath hitched in his throat as he felt Tyler's warm saliva drip onto his sensitive skin. Tyler used his fingers to rub the spit into Ollie's hole, spreading it around.

As Tyler's fingers slowly slipped inside Ollie, he couldn't help but moan even louder. The combination of pleasure from his boyfriend's touch and the added arousal of being listened to by a stranger sent waves of ecstasy coursing through his body. The sound of a zipper being pulled down next to them only pushed their desire further. Ollie could hardly believe what was happening--the thrill and excitement were almost overwhelming. He pressed his chest against the wall, arching his back as Tyler skillfully worked his fingers in and out, stretching him with each thrust.

Tyler leaned in closer to Ollie's ear, his voice dripping with dominance and lust. "You like being watched while I finger fuck you, don't you? You're such a filthy little slut," he whispered seductively.

Ollie whimpered in response, unable to deny the truth behind Tyler's words. The combination of dirty talk and the intimate sensations sent shivers down his spine. "Yes," he breathed out obediently. "I love it... being your slut."

A low groan emanated from the neighboring stall--a clear indication that their actions were not going unnoticed by their voyeuristic audience. The thrill of being heard intensified as Ollie realized just how much pleasure they were providing for this stranger.

Emboldened by their shared exhibitionism, Tyler quickened the pace of his fingers inside Ollie--thrusting and curling into his pleasure spot. Sensations surged through Ollie's body, his moans growing louder despite knowing they could be easily heard by their hidden witness. As he continued pleasuring him relentlessly--with skillful strokes against his prostate--it was as if time stood still for both lovers caught up in this daring tryst--an explosion waiting to unleash within them.

Tyler pulled his fingers out of Ollie's quivering hole, leaving him desperate for more. He looked deep into Ollie's eyes, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "Tell me how much you want it," Tyler commanded in a low voice, his dominant energy radiating through the small bathroom stall.

Ollie swallowed hard, feeling both vulnerable and deeply aroused by Tyler's demand. "Please," he pleaded breathlessly. "I need you inside me... I want to feel your cock." Every word Ollie spoke was laced with desperation and desire. "Please, Tyler," he whispered urgently. "I need you to fill me up... I want to feel you stretching me open... Take me, claim me as yours."

Tyler's eyes darkened with a mixture of possessiveness and lust as he heard Ollie's desperate pleas. He stepped closer, his own need evident in the pulsing cock between his legs. "You are mine," he growled, his voice thick with dominance. "And I'm going to fuck you until you can't think straight, baby boy."

Ollie moaned in response, Tyler reached into his pocket and retrieved a small bottle of lube. As he squeezed some onto his hand and spread it over himself generously, anticipation grew between them like an electric charge in the air. They could both hear the telltale sound of jerking off from the next stall as their unknown witness enjoyed their efforts.

Tyler positioned himself behind Ollie, pressing his throbbing cock against the slick entrance. With one hand on Ollie's hip, Tyler used the other to guide himself inside. Ollie gasped as he felt Tyler slowly enter him, inch by glorious inch. The combination of pleasure mixed with a tinge of discomfort sent shivers down his spine. He braced himself against the wall, surrendering completely to the sensations coursing through his body.

"Oh, fuck," he moaned as Tyler filled him completely. The mix of pleasure and the knowledge that they were being watched heightened his desire even further.

Tyler's grip tightened on Ollie's hip, his voice low and commanding. "You like knowing someone is getting off to us?" he asked, thrusting into Ollie's petite body with deliberate force.

Ollie nodded breathlessly, unable to fully articulate a response amidst the overwhelming sensations coursing through his body. "Yesss... it feels so good," he managed to say between gasps for air.

The sound of their voyeur moaning from the next stall only added fuel to the fire--their shared desires filling the small bathroom space.

Tyler picked up pace--each powerful thrust sending waves of ecstasy crashing through Ollie's body. Pleasure surged within them both as they lost themselves in this illicit act--an intimate moment made more intense by an audience hidden just inches away.

"Fuck," Tyler grunted as he continued pounding into Olli relentlessly--their sex reaching new heights fueled by exhibitionism and uninhibited lust. "Take this big dick you little bitch," he groaned. "Your boy hole is so fucking good."

Ollie let out a string of helpless moans, his body trembling with every forceful thrust from Tyler. "Yes," he cried out, completely surrendering to the pleasure and dominance that consumed him. "Fuck me hard... I'm yours!"

Their voyeur's own moans grew louder and more desperate in response--a clear indication that their raw display of desire was driving him wild. The shared experience heightened the intensity for all three of them. As the pleasure continued to build, Ollie's own arousal became overwhelming. His little cock throbbed with need, precum dripping onto the tiled floor beneath him.

Tyler's eyes flickered down to see the evidence of Ollie's desire pooling on the ground. A wicked grin spread across his face as he reached down to Ollie's cock and scooped up some precum with his fingers. "Look at what you've done," Tyler taunted in a low voice, holding his slick fingers up to Ollie's lips. "Taste yourself, lil slut." Ollie obeyed without hesitation--his tongue darting out eagerly to lick Tyler's fingertips clean. The mixture of their combined flavors sent shivers through him. As Tyler continued to thrust into Ollie's eager hole, the pleasure became overwhelming. Each powerful stroke hit deep within him, bringing forth a symphony of moans and cries from his lips.

Ollie's mind was consumed by a mixture of ecstasy and desperation--aching for release as he surrendered completely to Tyler's dominance. His body moved in perfect sync with each forceful thrust, meeting him eagerly with every movement. Tears streamed down his face as pleasure and pain mingled within him. The intensity of their connection, the raw power that Tyler possessed over him--it was both overwhelming and intoxicating. "Please," Ollie gasped between sobs, his voice filled with need and surrender. "Y-You're so big! Oh my goddd, Daddy... S-So hard!"

Tyler's grip on Ollie tightened, his thrusts becoming more relentless. He reveled in the power he had over Ollie--the way he could push him to the edge of pleasure and pain.

"Yes!" Tyler growled, his voice filled with dominance and desire. "You're mine... my little fucking slut." His thrusts became more focused, targeting Ollie's prostate with precision. He knew exactly how to push all the right buttons, driving Ollie towards the edge of ecstasy. "Cum for me," Tyler commanded in a low, demanding voice. "Cum like the slut you are."

Ollie arched his back even further as waves of pleasure crashed over him. His body tensed and released as he obeyed Tyler's order without hesitation--his face contorted in voiceless ecstasy and his hard cock throbbing uncontrollably as hot spurts of cum shot out onto the bathroom floor beneath them. As his orgasm ripped through his body, he couldn't help but cry out in pleasure. His moans echoed loudly within the confined space of the bathroom stall, blending with the sounds of their voyeur who seemed to be reaching his own peak.

But Tyler wasn't finished yet. He maintained a relentless pace, pounding into Ollie with unyielding force. The combination of intense pleasure and lingering sensitivity from Ollie's release sent waves of both ecstasy and agony coursing through him.

The neighbor's moaning grew even louder--a clear indication that he was reaching his climax too--which only fueled Tyler's primal desires further. With each powerful thrust, he aimed to push them all over the edge--Ollie included--in this exhibitionist display.

Ollie clung desperately to the stall as he legs struggled to hold him up and Tyler continued claiming him mercilessly--their bodies slamming against each other amidst a symphony of sinful sounds: wet skin slapping together, guttural groans mixing with fervent cries for more--proof that they were completely lost in their shared debauchery while another man shared this illicit moment with them.

Tyler buried himself deep inside Ollie one final time before letting out an animalistic growl--an expression of pure satisfaction--as he came inside him, an eruption filling him up until it overflowed.

Breathing heavily after such intense release--for what felt like hours or mere moments--they stayed locked together momentarily--like a sculpture frozen in time where nothing else mattered except for these stolen moments filled with raw passion. Finally catching their breaths--with sweat glistening on flushed skin and their hearts pounding--Ollie turned to face Tyler, a mix of emotions swirling within him as his lover's big cock slurped out of his ruined hole. The realization of what they had just done washed over Ollie, a wave of conflicting emotions crashing against his conscience. Guilt mixed with satisfaction, shame intertwined with desire.

Tyler leaned in close to Ollie's ear, whispering softly amidst the panting breaths and lingering heat between them. "You're amazing," he murmured sincerely, brushing his lips against Ollie's cheek. "No one can make me feel the way you do."

Ollie closed his eyes briefly--grateful for Tyler's words but also burdened by the weight of their complicated relationship. He knew there was something special between them--a connection that transcended physicality--but it came at a cost, one that left him grappling with questions about his own happiness and fulfillment outside of this intense dynamic.

As they pulled apart from each other within the confines of the bathroom stall--their bodies still tingling from shared passion--they took a moment to compose themselves before stepping out into reality once more. Wordlessly, Tyler reached for some toilet paper and handed them to Ollie--an unspoken gesture filled with tenderness amidst all their raw desires. Ollie accepted them gratefully and began cleaning himself up while thoughts swirled through his mind and pleasure lingered in his body.

As Ollie cleaned himself up, Tyler reached out to gently wipe away the tears that still streaked down Ollie's face with his thumb. "Are you okay?" he asked softly as he surveyed Ollie's flushed and vulnerable state.

Ollie nodded slightly, appreciating the display of care amidst their intense encounter. "Yeah... just processing everything," he replied honestly. "It was... intense."

Tyler pulled Ollie into an embrace--a welcome show of vulnerability for someone who exuded dominance--and held him tightly against his strong chest. The warmth and comfort provided solace amid the storm of emotions swirling inside both men. The sounds of a flushing toilet, stall door and retreating footsteps broke through their tender moment--signaling that their voyeur had decided it was time to leave without uttering a single word or revealing themselves further.

With one final squeeze, Tyler released Ollie from his arms but kept a hand on his shoulder--an anchor grounding them both in this intimate space within such public surroundings. He continued to provide a sense of comfort and reassurance, his touch gentle yet possessive. He leaned in closer to Ollie, his voice dropping lower as he spoke. "You are so fucking incredible," Tyler whispered into Ollie's ear, the remnants of their earlier dominance still lingering beneath his tender words. "No one can take it like you do... no one else makes me lose control like this."

Ollie felt a shiver run down his spine at the mixture of tenderness and desire in Tyler's voice--his body responding instinctively to the power that emanated from him.

"But remember," Tyler added firmly but softly, pressing a kiss against Ollie's temple. "You're mine--and I'm yours."

Ollie leaned into Tyler's touch, his heart swelling with a mixture of emotions. He appreciated the reassurance and affectionate words from Tyler, but he couldn't help but question the complexities of their relationship.

"I know," Ollie replied softly, looking at Tyler with gratitude in his eyes. "You're my everything, Tyler Shays," he murmured, leaning in for a kiss. Tyler returned the kiss with a tenderness that belied his earlier dominance. Their lips met in a gentle and lingering embrace--a moment of intimacy amidst the chaos of their passionate encounter.

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