Ollie Goes West

By Vincent Dirk

Published on Sep 24, 2019


DISCLAIMER: this story is fiction and original. It is part of an on-going story with other chapters to be included. The characters are based on western movies and books I've came in contact with. It is pure fantasy and it includes gay male erotica.

All of the content is original. All names, places and all the stuff came from my mind and if there's any resemblance to something you know of is pure coincidential.

If you're under 18, please leave. If that's not your case, enjoy it.

All the standard legal requirements, ramifications, and warnings apply.

My e-mail for contact is vincent.dirk@outlook.com . Please come and give me some feedback and some chatting is also welcomed!

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OLLIE GOES WEST by Vincent Dirk

Chapter 09: Introduction to the ways of the west

Marco knocks on Oliver Puppleton's office at the end of the afternoon of Oliver's first week there. He is finishing the last details, putting some new books on his shelf and some paper over his desk. Everything is ready for Monday when he would finally become an active lawyer.

"It is all looking quite fancy. This town's not ready for a lawyer like ye." Marco plays with the accent of some of the men that lives there before passing an arm around Oliver's shoulders. By the smell coming from his mouth, he had clearly been drinking all day. Ollie had noticed it was an usual thing and he was always astonished how Marco managed not to simply pass out over at his office.

Still, here he is, cheerful for the company as he leads Ollie out of his own office and waits for the boy to lock the door. "I am glad you're not a stuck up nose from the East. I'm enjoying your company quite much, my lad." His hand goes down and he pats Ollie's ass – a thing that Ollie was already growing used to, especially in liking.

Marco was unlike the men Oliver had known so far in town. He didn't mind looking like a masculine cowboy all the time. He was happy with not wearing one of those big old hats. He didn't speak about horses like they were everything important to discuss. In fact, he had sat down in quite a few afternoons to discuss Oliver's take on one or another philosopher. At the end of one of those afternoons, he left the office with a smile. "And I thought I would never have a serious conversation again..." As much as he sounded conceited, he wasn't. He was charming and funny with the humbler people in town – and everyone loved passing through his office for the usual gossip. He was a galant man also, always ready for a nice chivalry remark.

The booze problem was something everyone looked through. He never caused a scene and everyone was good with that.

"You don't mind walking, do ya? My house is down on the south. A quick walk for me, but than again, everything is a quick walk in here. Twenty minutes or so down the main street." He points south just in time for Uncle Stefan to call Oliver.

"My lad, where are you heading now?"

"Oh, damn, I forgot to tell him." He whispers to Marco before looking up to his own place. In one of the windows, Uncle Stefan is looking down at Marco and him. "Uncle." Ollie says out loud. "Mr. Thorone has invited me to dinner with his family. I'm going now."

"Oh, but it is so late."

"The sun has not even gone, Sir." Marco replies in a loud voice. "Your kid is safe with me."

"Don't be late. Oh, you'll come back at night? What about the bandits?"

"He can sleep at my place. We have a big house and a spare room. My wife will manage." Marco replies as he stood next to Ollie. "Mr Puppleton, don't worry. Oliver is with friends." He puts a hand on Ollie's shoulder and turns the boy around.

"Oh, be careful, Oliver, please." Uncle Stefan calls out but all Marco does is shake his hand in the air as a fairwell signal.

The walk home consists in a fair walk straight ahead. They go on talking and Marco is waving his hand at almost all of the passersby. Everyone knows everyone in town, that is for sure. And even Ollie was getting acquainted to all of them. Even the lady who had seen his hard cock for half of a stagecoach's trip took him a pie on one occasion.

"Hi, lady Markus, how is the children?" Marco calls, blinking at a young fat woman that crossed their path. After she had answered and was in a good distant, Marco cleared his throat and lowered his voice.

"So your uncle doesn't know yet?"

"Not yet, no. But as you can see, he keeps making life a bit hard."

"Do you think he would mind knowing?"

Oliver chuckles, looking at the man beside him. "You bet. It is funny but he has always been very connected to me. And I think at some point in my youth I was attracted to him. But he was very severe. Once I woke up wet and that only was enough for a heavy beating."

"Uuuh, that doesn't sound to please for a kid. But a beating done right?" He chuckles, holding his bulge and letting it go after a moment. They had been going now for no more than ten minutes when Marco turns left and Ollie follows. "This is the good part of town. Let's say that after you leave where our offices are, the town is divided by the main street. Here the good people with moral costumes and money live. You might have come to this side for the church already." He points to one direction where the church is, even though it is closer to the center than where they were now.

"The houses are bigger and everyone has a gun for themselves and they shoot after it's dark." Marco says, waving his hand at a fella who was locking his gate. "Funny enough, it isn't the area Garrett's gang comes for."

"Really? Why?"

"Oh, Garrett is the pet of a richer man. He is not an ordinary scum. He is a paid scum."

They enter through a gate that Marco locks before they follow a smaller road. A house with two floors appears in the center of that area. There is a garden too but it isn't as green as other gardens Ollie was used to. Still, it is a nice sight compared to the view he had where he lived.

The lights on the first floor are on. They head towards it but Marco stops, holding Ollie's arm and than guiding him to another part. "Let me show you some stuff first. My horses." And with Ollie being held by the hand, he guides him to a small building where there are three horses resting. As soon as they are out of sight from the main house, Marco pulls Oliver in and they kiss.

It is a sloppy kiss. Especially considering that Ollie was not expecting it. He is pushed against the wood and he tries to keep up with Marco's tongue. As fast as it started, it ended. Marco takes a step back, the back of his hand on his lips. He chuckles and looks at Ollie. "You're a darn hot boy and your uncle is a pain in the ass hanging around all the darn time."

Even though it had been sloppy, it was enough to light a fire on Oliver, especially considering it had been a few days since he was not doing anyting with another man. "Oh, you should have done that sooner."

"Oh, should I?" Marco chuckles, pulling Ollie by his suit and passing his hand to make it look proper. "You're a good lad, Puppleton. You make me want to call you Pup with those innocent eyes. Like a good pup who likes bone too much." He finishes patting Ollie by giving him a light slap on the face.

"Come now, boy. Let me introduce you to the wife and the kids." He gets off of the small building and Ollie follows. When they are about to reach the front door, it opens and a young boy waits inside.

Mike Thorone is the young boy. He looks a lot like his father – the same eyes and the same messy hair. He is well dressed, the dinner apparently being an occasion in the house. The lad is 16 years old and he offers his hand for Oliver to shake. "Hello, mr. Puppleton. Daddy has been saying a lot about you."

His voice is in that phase of change. It could be high and deep in the same sentence and Oliver smiles as he shakes the boy's hand. "Well, I'm glad to meet you, mr. Thorone."

"You can call me Mike."

"Than you can call me Oliver."

"Ok, mr. Oliver. Come on in. Mom's waiting to meet you."

Marco chuckles when Mike calls Oliver "mr Oliver" and than the boy walks inside, being followed up close by his dad and the visitor. Oliver takes a good look at their house. It is probably the first place he has been in town that looks more like a home. There are couches and paintings on the wall. It still looks fairly humble and simple compared to the places Ollie used to be on the East Coast, but even still – it is cozy and welcoming and the touch of a woman is everywhere. "Ollie, this is my wife, Katherine Thorone."

"Enchanted to meet you, Mrs. Thorone."

The woman approaches him. She is not smiling – in fact, her face doesn't look as if she was glad to have Ollie around. She is a tall woman with a big waistline and a severe face. Still, she moves her body in the big black dress she was wearing, nodding at the compliment and replying with a movement on the corner of her lips.

"It is so nice to have another one of my husband's friend at home. I wonder what he brought you up here for after dinner."

Ollie looks at Marco, who simply rolls his eyes and dismisses those words with a movement of his hand in the air. "That one is my oldest. Come here, Peter. I'm dying to introduce you two." He winks at Ollie and Peter stands up and come to them. He is tall and handsome but he looks more like the mother than with Marco. He has severe black eyes but he is of easy smile as his father. He shakes Oliver's hand with vigor.

"He's 18 now. Just a couple of months. And I'm sending him to Boston by the end of the year. He'll have a good education there. And he'll come home to help this town grown. As you're doing, Ollie." Marco seems really proud of Peter and his plan for the boy. And Peter nods and smiles at that while looking at Oliver. They are inquiring eyes and also very curious, going up and down Ollie's body as he holds the lawyer's hand. "And..." Marco continues. "He's almost your age, Oliver. So I think if you two want, you could go out sometime and have some fun like boys your age need."

Marco puts one hand at each of the boy's shoulders as he looks at the duo.

"Are you trying to make your son like you, Marco. Because honestly, you know I disapprove of such habits."

"What are you talking about woman?"

All four men are staring at her. The movement on her lips is there on the corner, as judgemental as her stare. It has a meaness to it as she opens her lips again. "You know what I mean, husband. And be sure, by God, I won't let my boys turn into their father."

"Mother, that's enough. We have a guest."

"Probably one of their own. I wonder what Father John would say."

"In fact, Ollie was in Father John's house for the last couple of weeks while trying to find a home." Marco crosses his arms. He knows the wife doesn't have all the information and she still trusts Father John to be a figure of purity and safety from all of her husband's deviations. "Now, if you don't have anything nice to say, why don't you go to the kitchen and see how the dinner is. We are all hungry."

"You tell your servants to do that, not me." She replies immediately, sitting on a couch and looking away. "Make yourself at home, Mr. Puppleton. I bet my husband can help you on that."

"Indeed I can, woman. Now, if you are going to mistreat one of my guests, you sure as hell can go to the damn kitchen. And I will call you when we are done."

She looks back at Marco and Ollie sees it – why her black eyes looks so severe. There is contempt in them as she watches Marco and the boys behind him. "If I even hear of my boys involved in your business, Marco..."

"You'll do what, Katherine? Tell me. Go ahead and tell me, please." Marco's voice is raising now. He looks back at his boys and Ollie, all watching the scene from a few steps away. "Go. To. The. Kitchen." He orders, and this time Katherine stands up and starts to make her way out. "We talk about this tonight, Katherine."

She leaves talking to herself, not even looking back. And Marco lets out a loud sigh, putting his hands on his head and messing up his hair before turning back to Ollie and the boys. "Sorry for this, Mr. Puppleton. Marriage is not always the easiest thing to deal with." Another sigh and a roll of his eyes. "Pete, go get me and Ollie glasses of whisky. You can bring to us in the library. And you and Mike keep yourselves busy, ok?"

Marco puts a hand on Oliver. The boy is tense. He had never watched a scene like that out of his own house. He feels like an invader and he is definitely afraid of Katherine Thorone now. Still, he follows Marco to the other room – a small room with walls covered in all types of books. Marco pulls a chair for him and Ollie and he takes a cigar out of the desk to have a smoke.

"Do you want one?" He asks without looking at Ollie.

"No, Sir, I'm fine." Ollie's voice is almost a whisper as he sits on his chair and looks around, hands on his knees as he is thinking if he should say something or not. A couple of minutes of awkward silence passes as Marco lights up his cigar and Peter comes in with two glasses. "Thank you son. And please forgive me for what happened. Me and your mom..." Marco sighs, patting the boy's face with care, his eyes looking down for a moment. "I am really sorry."

"It is okay, Daddy. I know how Mom can act."

Marco smiles and guides Peter out. "Please knock when dinner is ready. I need to talk business with mr. Puppleton." And with that said, he closes the door, locking it up and moving back to the chair in front of Ollie. He takes a deep breath with his cigar and blow the dark smoke out, opening two buttons of his white shirt and relaxing.

"Drink." He says and Ollie immediately does, obeying that order automatically. The taste of the drink is not good and it comes burning down his throat but Ollie keeps it in his hand and takes a sip every now and than.

"Now, tell me, Ollie. Tell me everything." He finally say, his eyes on Ollie's face, ignoring completely the subject of his wife and family. "How are you doing in town? Good? Is the office alright? How many cocks have you sucked so far?"

The last question made Ollie take a big sip of whiskey. He makes an ugly face at that which made Marco laugh. "I made Peter drink it too and the first time he was making the same ugly face." Marco almost finishes his drink and put a half empty glass on the desk. "Now don't be shy. I know – I can tell when someone's into cock. We recognize each other."

He winks and pats his own crotch. "I took my fair share. I came to town with Katharine and it took me maybe three months and a couple of confessions to one day finally suck on Father John's cock. And from them on..." He whistles and chuckles, moving his hand as if to point all that it went all downhill from there. "I do love it though."

Oliver laughes too. The warmth on his stomach made everything better after that scene.

"Father John was just my second."

"Oh, yes, Sundance was the first to have a go in your ass. Was the cowboy good?"

"Excellent. He made me feel completely... good. I don't even know how to describe it, but his cock is just... perfect."

"Now you're making me jealous."

"And who else?"

"Father John and, hm, Big C."

"Big C?" Marco sits up straight on his chair, looking avidly at Ollie. "What did he do?"

"Nothing much. He licked my butt and fingered me until I came. Honestly, it was just that but it was one of the hottest things I've done so far. That old man can surely..."

"That old man can." Marco agrees, sitting back. "If there is one constant between all newcomers in town is Big C. Believe me, I know. He tried to take me to his side – a journalist to tell his lies for him. And we fucked. Well, he fucked me several times." Marco reaches for his drink and finishes the glass.

"His lies?"

"You'll find out in time, boy, that Big C is far from the good man he plays out to be. Quite on the contrary. This town is what it is because of his family and he won't let it grow simply because he makes enough money on us to want us to be on a leash."

"I don't follow."

"We are in Big C's area. Ask around and everyone will confirm it. You know? I tried to open a school here since the morning I arrived. It took me almost fifteen years and the main fight was Big C and his campaing to keep people stupid here. He wants cheap workers and high pays and he makes us pay to him everything he wants."

"Oh, but this is not very american of him."

"Oh, no, boy, it isn't."

"And how come all men end up with him?"

Marco chuckles. "We are on his leash. And I can tell you how it all started. Seeing you are fond of Sundance, I guess this story can surely interest you."

Ollie looks at Marco, surprised. "But Sundance hates Big C."

"Indeed. And the reason why is quite simply, my boy. Big C was the one that turned Sundance's first love into a nightmare. He and his damned father." Marco stops, smoking on his cigar and watching Ollie attentively. "Now, hear me out, Ollie, because this is a tale of the men of the West."

Next: Chapter 10

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