Ollie Goes West

By Vincent Dirk

Published on Sep 17, 2019


DISCLAIMER: this story is fiction and original. It is part of an on-going story with other chapters to be included. The characters are based on western movies and books I've came in contact with. It is pure fantasy and it includes gay male erotica.

All of the content is original. All names, places and all the stuff came from my mind and if there's any resemblance to something you know of is pure coincidential.

If you're under 18, please leave. If that's not your case, enjoy it.

All the standard legal requirements, ramifications, and warnings apply.

My e-mail for contact is vincent.dirk@outlook.com . Please come and give me some feedback and some chatting is also welcomed!

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CHAPTER VII: Jack's visit

The whorehouse of the town is an old building on one of the far edges of the little place. Around it there are a few cheap hotels and bars that mainly people from out of town comes through. It is not a very well-known region and despite all that happens in town, only a few men of it dare to go through it looking for a good sex, between men or women. And that part of town it is known for easy sex.

The whorehouse is a two floor building. It used to be a fancy hotel once, when there was still the possibility of gold or something valuable in the area. But when more gold was found further West, the town was left with only a few people and Big C's father dominated it. He also bought the hotel and gave it to one of his lovers who was now an old fat man named Carson. He worked with male and female whores. All of them coming from town or somewhere eles, running from a tragedy.

One of them was the beautiful and blond Clementine. She didn't have a second name and her parents were from town but were killed a long time ago when she was only 9. She was taken by Carson and by her 14 birthday, she was already a pro at servicing men's cock. Still, time and age were good to her. And she got lucky. She turned beautiful and was one of the most wanted girls around. But also the most expensive, which gave her few clients and lots of time to spend talking to men down on the bars.

One of those were Garrett, the terrible outlaw who took a liking on her. Not the sexual type even though they had done it before. Garrett prefered boys and Clementine was fine with it. She loved to hear from Garrett's adventures though. And Garrett loved to hear the girl chat about her own life and all the men she fucked when he wasn't around.

That Thursday Night, Garrett had a strange look on his face. After a couple of drinks, he took Clementine by the arm and away from the table they shared with his gang. "Ouch, what is up, my dear? Are you interested in trying to revive an old fling?" She chuckled at him when they were far from the men.

"No, I need to ask you a favor."

"Oh, another one of your favors. They cost me dearly, y'know?"

"Clementine, did you see bout the new guys in town. Young lawyer that came in naked?"

Clementine chuckled. "Oh, I haven't seen but I've heard. What a big piece you made. The poor innocent boy caused quite an impression. It was the talk of the town for days. I wish I had seen it..."

"Look, he's still in town?"

"Why, of course! His office is about to be opened. Lots of people are interested, even though I'm not sure they know what lawyers are for."

"Do you, babe?"

"Well, I- I do." She replied with a serious face and than started laughing. Clementine's laugh was loud but also warm. It made men look at her and smile at her, wanting to laugh with her. Even Garrett, who almost never laughed, was laughing at that point.

As she stopped with the little spectacle, Garrett handled her a heavy book.

"I don't know how to read, darling, but it was sweet of ya to..."

"It is for the boy."

"The lawyer? You're giving his stuff back? Why?"

"Shush, girl, that's ma business. Now look here. Give him that before next Thursday, y'hear me?"

"Oh, you're so mysterious my friend. But yes, I think I can walk to town. I mean, for a couple of silver."

"You dirty slut." Garrett said that with a smile as he put his hands in his pockets and took out three small coins. "Now be ma good gal and do what I says." He leaned in and kissed her cheek. "Be a smart gal for once. Before next Thursday okay?"

Garrett left her with the coins in hand. She put them on her dress before opening the book. There was something written on it but Clementine couldn't read it. It looked also dirty and rushed, to make matters worse. She finally gave up, took a glass that the bartender served her and went up to her room, putting the book in a safe place and standing on her door, waiting for a client to complete the few pieces of silver she had received for her help.

"This looks more and more like an office, hm?" Marco entered through the door and leaned on the table. Oliver and Uncle Stefan had been working on cleaning and arranging the office for a few days now. Uncle Stefan had left for the day to go to the next town to bring some stuff Oliver's father had sent him.

"It's not much yet. But I guess little by little I'll creat a good space here." Oliver stopped cleaning his desk and sat up on his leather chair. "How's work going, Marco? No news of today?"

"Hm, the usual. I'm pretty sure Mrs. Smith has found out about Mr. Smith's escapades to the whorehouse. Yesterday night, as the report says, the poor Mr. Smith was beaten by the terrible Mrs. Smith. Also, Kirk's horse is gone. Again. I wonder where does he find so much money to keep buying them and what on earth does he do for them to run like that? Maybe I can write a piece on that."

"Maybe you could." Ollie laughed as he stood up and stratched under the attentive eyes of Marco.

The journalist walked into the office and leaned on the table in front of Oliver. "You know, with all this work of yours, we didn't get a chance to keep doing what we started."

"My uncle is everywhere all the time. Even Father John has pointed that out." "You've met the old rascal again?"

Ollie shook his head. "Unfortunately, I haven't shot a load since we moved in."

"You have a room of your own."

"Believe me, Uncle Stefan is driving me nuts. And not in a good way."

Marco chuckled. "It is strange how a guy can be even more hollisome than our own fucking priest."

Ollie shrugged. "Well, my family is very connected to religion. It is crazy this life I'm taking here. But honestly, I knew that I was inclined to such feelings since I was a young boy crawling on all of my uncles's and granpa's laps, rubbing my ass on their crotch, smelling their perfume. Just those thoughts give me a hard on."

"Oh, do they? May I finally see it?"

Oliver sat down on the chair and looked outside through the window, he was quick to put his cock out and jerk it off a bit to Marco, who sat there licking his lips and watching the cock with its red head swollen and green veins all over the white skin. "You're bigger than I thought."

"Thanks." Ollie chuckled, putting it back and unzipping his pants. "Do you give it or receive it?"

"Both. Honestly, one in the front and one in the back, that's my ideal situation." Marco chuckled, taking his liquor out of his jacket and drinking it. "Y'know, I like you Ollie. And I was wondering if you'd like to come home and meet my children."

"Do they know about the ways of the...?"

"Nah, no, not yet. I'm not sure if I should introduce them, unless they are like me and show signs that this is indeed what they want." Marco shrugged. "They are going East, to the big city. I don't want them getting in trouble."

"Oh, if they are taught well..."

"Look at ya, boy. You are already a deviant fucker like us. We do destroy those innocent looks of boys faces."

"I'm glad you all did, to be fair." Oliver shrugged again. His eyes moved to the window and he saw Sundance coming in his direction. He jumped up which made Marco look over his shoulder with a grin.

"It is the famous Jack Sundance we have here. You have been gone for a while, my friend." Marco held Jack for an instant and let go, turning back to Oliver. "I'll leave you and your client now. But hey, maybe we meet on tomorrow or Saturday for that dinner? I pass here tomorrow morning and let you know, Ollie."

"Yes, Marco, please, I'd love to go!"

Marco leaves the office and Sundance stands there by the door. He is big, almost as big as the door. Way bigger than Ollie in muscles and masculinity for sure. He walks in after cleaning his boots and take his hat off for Ollie. "Long time no see." Ollie's heart is suddenly beating faster. His hands are sweaty and that feeling on his guts is back. He feels dizzy too, but not in a sick kind of way. No, he feels that the world is weird, revolving around Sundance in such a strange way.

"I've been busy." He said, clenching his fists to control himself. "The new office has got me busy."

"It looks fancy."

"And empty."

"You didn't come back to visit me."

Ollie looks back at Sundance's face. The older male had shaven completely, looking more presentable then when they met. Ollie could see his face now and he was deeper into it. He was handsome, brute but in the best kind of way. His eyes are flashing over Ollie as if he was a dog looking for something of its owner.

"I thought you'd be busy with Ms. Sally." The words slipped his mouth with carelessness. And it was as if a shadow had passed over Sundance's face. He looks down and clears his mouth, holding the hat in front of his belly with the two hands.

"Sally Mae was just paying a visit. Her mother and she like to come 'round. She thinks she will be living there soon."

"Will she?" The question came out with the same carelessness tone, but eager as well. He envied Sally for the chance of marrying that man and sleeping on his bed every night. To belong to him. Ollie envied the fact she would care for Sundance and get fucked by Sundance and have a family with that cowboy.

Jack was looking at the young lawyer too. He sensed the eagerness but he had his hands bind. He comes closer. Ollie doesn't move away, just watches. Soon he is being carried into the corner of that small room, a corner that the passersby on the street wouldn't see well. And Ollie feels his back against the wall. He closes his eyes, his hands closing in fists, holding Sundance's shirt. He takes a deep breath and that manly scent comes into his nostrils, invading his whole being, making him sigh and breath in again. Sundance takes his chin and Ollie just follows the natural order of things. Their lips lock and Ollie holds tight, moaning into that mouth he longed for since day one.

Was that Sundance's answer to his question? Did Sally Mae not matter at all?

Sundance's face is hairless but it still scratches Ollie's soft cheeks. The bruteness of that man is enchanting. He feels the hands on his lower back and they reach his ass. Ollie pushes back against it. Jack understands what that meant and his hand forced its way in through the waistband, reaching Ollie's ass, fingers looking for the hole, reaching between the cheeks, going through the crack, slightly sweaty thanks to all of Ollie's handwork on the office. And it is finally there. Sundance takes the hand back, licks his two fingers and pushes them back into Ollie's clothes, this time straight to the point, fingers playing by the entrance.

"I want you." Ollie begs with closed eyes as his hands drifted between them and pulled Sundance's cock out with some difficulty. It is free and big and hot in between his fingers. They kiss while Ollie was being fingered. Their tongues locked while Ollie masturbates that big cock. "I want you." He repeats between the kiss.

"Yeah, boy." The cowboy whispers back and Ollie's heart bursts into a million happy pieces.

Ollie pushes his ass back even more and he feels Sundance's thick finger breaking his entrance and pushing in. He moans louder at that and pushes his ass against that finger, opening his eyes to stare at Sundance who had been looking at him all along. "Yeah.." He growls, clenching his muscles around the finger and than letting go so it could get deeper.

They are both lost in that corner of the world that they made it theirs that the sound of a carriage out in the street didn't bother them. Not even to notice that someone had crept in and was watching that discreet movement. They were only taken aback when someone cleared their throat.

"Hm-hum." Big C is standing there, watching them. His chubby figure standing tall as usual.

"Oh, God." Ollie whispers while pushing Sundance's hand away and jumping out of his arm like a stray cat. He looks from Big C to Sundance who was still turned looking to the wall, putting his cock back in place. "Mr. Crasswoods, I'm sorry, Sundance here was helping me move things around and we got stuck messing with the wall and figuring out how..."

"Your business is your own, boy. I just came by to congratulate you on your opening but if you're busy, I can wait right outside for my turn. I do like a hole filled with a load to play with it."

Next: Chapter 8

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