Oliver and Jake

By john alvarez

Published on Aug 8, 2007


Warning: This story containes explict content involving characters from the show Hannah Monatna. This story is compleatly made up and has nothing to do with the real sexual life of the people mentioned in this story. If you have a problem with the sexual orientations between men then please leave this page now! If not enjoy!

It had been over a week since Jake and Oliver started fucking and since Jackson had walked in on them having a three-way with Robby Ray. Since then, oliver and Jake were careful to where and when they would fuck. They would occasionaly grope eachother durring school when they went to the bathroom and would also jack eachother off in the bathooms or behind the gym after school when everyone left and wee sure that noone was arround.

"Hey Oliver!" Miley called out one day after a concert when she saw him at the snack table after a concert. "Where have you been lately? It's like you dissappear now when something big is about to go on." "I've... uh... been busy with some stuff thats all" Oliver replied. "Here come with me" she said as she grabbed his hand and dragged him to a corner where they could talk privatly. "Okay so heres whats up. I got a Hannah-thing and wanted to know if you wanted to tagg along" she asked. "Doesnt Lily normally go with you to your Hannah-things?" Oliver asked back. "Yeah she does but she but she got sick last night and I didn't feel like going alone." Miley explained. "And Hannah's friends arent going to be there either?" Oliver asked "Sweet Nibblets Boy! Do you want to go or not? I mean seriously Hillary Duff is going, Mandy Moore, Kelly Klarkson, Jesse McCartney, Jake, ..." she said. "Woah wait. Who?" He asked trying not to sound excited. "Jake. You know, Jake Ryan, from school" She said. Not knowing if Miley was ready for the truth about him and Jake, Oliver replied with, "No! Not him! Hillary Duff is going?" "Yea! Duh! It's kinda her party afterall" Miley said. "Sure I'll go" Oliver finally said. "Great! It's tomarrow night at nine, so you be at my house arround five or six so we can get your disguise on and mine too. Oh and the limo will pick us up arround sevon." Miley explained. With that they both said their 'good-byes' and left.

Oliver woke up the next day with his mom calling him from downstairs. "OLIVER! PHONE!" she yelled. "WHO IS IT?" He yelled back as he got out of bed. "IT'S YOUR FRIEND JAKE! WANT ME TO TELL HIM YOU'RE ON THE CAN?" "NO! ! ! I GOT IT! ! !" he yelled back. He picked up the phone and greeted Jakes voice. "Hey? Whats up" Oliver asked once he heard his mom hang the phone up. "Nothing baby, what about you?" Jake asked "Nothing just woke up" Oliver said back. "Oh you were? Im sorry I'll let you get back to sleep" "No it's fine. I was about to get up anyway" Oliver said with a chuckle. "What time is it anyway?" Oliver asked. "It's almost 3:30 pm" Jake said "Oh man! I over slept" Oliver said loudly. "Were you supposed to be some where today?" Jake asked. "Yea, I'm supposed to meet up with Miley in less than an hour right now." Oliver said quickly while he jumped out of bed and began stripping out of his shirt and boxers. "Oh you do? Okay then I guess I'll talk to you tonight" Jake said. "Okay. Love you" Oliver said "Love you too" Jake replied before hanging up.

Once Oliver was ready to head out to Mileys house when he noticed a note from his parents:


Your dad and I have to go out of town. W'ell be back by next saturday

-Mom Oliver tossed the ote away and grabbed his cellphone and quickly typed a text to Jake asking if he would want to spend the week at his house. As Oliver Walked out onto the beach towards Mileys house, He felt his phone vibrate. He opened his phone and saw Jakes message letting him know that he was up for it. Oliver was so excited by this time that he didnt notice that he was outside of Mileys house allready. He closed his phone and rang the doorbell. Moments later, Miley answered the door and pulled Oliver in with out a hello. She draggeed Oliver up the stairs and into her room. She closed the door behind them and just stared at Oliver. "Miley? Uh... is everything allright?" Oliver asked. "Not in here, Oliver. Fallow me" she said as she walked to her closet. "Why are we in your closet?" Oliver asked as he fallowed her into her small closet. "No, not my closet, My Closet." she said confusing Oliver. She pushed some cloths aside and revealed her Hannah closet. "Woah!" was all Oliver could say as he looked arround. he noticed a chair in the middle of the closet. Miley pushed him right into it. "So...uh... are you going to tell me whats up ?" Oliver asked nervously. "Im just thinking what the best disguise for you would be." Miley said while staring at Oliver.

After what seemed like and hour, Miley flipped a switch and watched her revolving cloths rack move. After she flipped the switch again, She walked up to the cloths and unhooked a pair of dark-blue jeans with a black shirt and unhooked a white blazer-jacket and handed tem to Oliver. She then walked over to her hats and grabbed a black cap and tossed it to Oliver. "Try those on," Miley said "and we'll see if we can switch a couple of stuff if we don't agree" "Okay" was the only thing Oliver could say. As Miley walked out of the closet and closed the doors behind her, Oliver stripped down to his boxers and slipped on the dark-blue pants and put on the black shirt and hat. He then threw on the jacket last and walked over to the mirror. Oliver thought he looked more like a rapper. "So what do you think, Oiver?" Miley said as she walked back in after ten minutes. "I like it, but what about my face. If im spotted or pictured by the paparazzi when i walk in with you, people will think that we're going out" Oliver said. "Your right... what should we do to disguise your face. Oh! What if we use one of my dad's fake goatees?" Miley suggested. "Sure why not?" Oliver said.

Once they had Olivers disguise ready, Miley told him to wait for her downstairs while she got ready. Once She finnished getting changed into her Hannah outfit, Oliver and Miley/Hannah went out to the driveway and hopped into the waiting limo. Once they reached the party, they quickly got out of the limo and sped thier way through all the wild fans and the paparazzi. Amazed on how big the inside room was, Oliver never noticed that Hannah had gone with one of her celebrity friends. As Oliver headed to the food table, he felt someone grabb his butt. Knowing that it wasn't Jakes normal grip, he quickly turned arround and saw Jesse McCartney wink at him and turnd arround. Oliver could feel himself turning red as he turned arround and kept walking to the table.

As he ate, Oliver watched the Celebrities and their guests walk through the doors. He then saw Jake walk through the door and began to walk his way when he heard Hannah call out "Hey Jake!". Jake turned to see who had called him and saw Hannah and almost 5 feet away, he also saw Oliver standing allone. When he looked back at Hannah, he waved back at her and walked towards Oliver. "Hey Jake!" Oliver said once Jake was close. "Hey! Like the disguise, but I still recognized you" Jake said with a small laugh. "So are we heading to your place after the party or do you want to stay in a room here?" Jake asked. "Uhhh...I guess if you want to stay here for the night we can" Oliver replied. Once they agreed, they waited awhile and talked with other celebrities. Jesse McCartney was the last person they were talking to before they left for their room for the rest of the night. "So what room are you guys stayin' in?" Jesse asked the two younger boys. We're in room 621. What abouty you?" Oliver asked. "I was actually plannin' on headin' home after the party" Jesse repplied. "Why don't you stay in our room instead for the night?" Jake offered. "Yea sure. But you sure it's cool?" Jesse asked. "Yeah sure! Why not?" Oliver replied back. Both Jake and Oliver knew what was really going to happen as soon as Jesse fell to sleep.

Once they got bored enough, Jesse, Jake, and Oliver left the party room of the hotel they were in and headed upstairs. they quickly found their room and swiped the card-key through the card-reader. The inside of the hotel room seemed more like a suit than a hotel room. It had a living room and two bedrooms, one regular and the other was more of a master bedroom. Oliver walked to the master bedroom and looked arround. The bed was big enough to hold almost four people. There was also a small walk-in closet and a huge bathroom with a shower to hold alot of people. Oliver started walking back to the main room and stopped dead in his tracks. He saw Jake sitting down on the couch with his pants arround his ankles and Jesse on his knees inbetween Jakes legs. Jake was breathing heavily while Jesse deep throated Jakes thick and hard 10 incher. Oliver couldn't beleive Jesse was doing this on his own will. Oliver then noticed the buldge in Jesses pants. This began turning Oliver on even more. He walked over to Jesse and knelt down next to him and began rubbing Jesse's package. Jesse, who had his eyes closed, quickly opened them and took out the long cock in his mouth. He looked down do see Oliver's hand rubbing his crotch. Jesse then got up and undid his pants and pulled them down and revealed his 9.5 inch long and 5 around cock with huge low-hangers. Oliver's eyes widened at the site of such a thick cock. Oliver watched Jesse kneel back down infront of jake and began deep throating Jakes cock again. Oliver noticed that Jesse had spread his legs far apart aswell. He crawled underneath Jesse and grabbed his cock. Oliver began to suck Jesses cock and began to play with his balls with one hand while he rubbed Jesse's virgin hole with the other.

Jesse and Jake began to moan loudly as the were both being sucked off. all of a sudden, Jake pushes jesse off of his dick and gets up. He walks to the center of the room and turns arround and kneelsdown, his dick pointing straight out like an arrow. Jesse then crawled over and began to suck again. Oliver got up and positiond himself behind Jesse. He aimed his dick at Jesse's virgin hole and began to slowly push. Jesse felt like he was being torn in two as he felt Oliver's thick dick head in his ass. Jesse began to moan really loudly. The more Jesse moand the more he was pleasuring Jake. "Oh yea! That's right you prettyboy suck my cock!" Jake said inbetween his moans. Jake could feel his cum rising in his dick. He grabbed the back of Jesse's head and rammed his mouth once more and started to cum in Jesse's throat. Jesse pushed himself off and let all of Jakes cum shoot into his mouth. Once Jake stopped, Jesse began to swallow Jake's sweet cum. Oliver then took his dick out of Jesse's ass and flipped him arround and began fucking Jesse again. Oliver ran his hands allover Jesse's hot body as he kept fucking him faster and faster. Finally Oliver could feel himself ready to cum. He pulled out and began shooting allover Jesse's face and body. Oliver kept shooting his cum on Jesse. He was shooting more than ever. Once he stopped, Jesse was coverd in both sweat and olivers cum.

Jake then crawled over to Jesse and started to lick the cum off of Jesse's face while Oliver grabbed Jesse's thick cock and started sucking on it. It didn't take Jesse that long to start cumming. When he did, Oliver pulled off of Jesse and let Jesse shoot his cum all over his face. By the time he had finnished shooting his cum, Jake had licked off the rest of the cum off of Jesse. Jesse then got up and traded spots with Oliver and began to lick off his own cum off of Oliver's face and chest. When the thre were finnished licking the cum off of each other, they had become too exhausted to move but they got up anyway and walked into the master bedroom and crawled into the bed together. jake and Oliver fell asleep instantly next to Jesse, who was in the middle, and rested their heads on Jesse. Jakes head on Jesse's upper stomach and Oliver's head on Jesse's chest.

There you go. Lemme know how you liked it and im up for any suggestions for part five

Next: Chapter 5

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