Older Man Meets Some Skateboarder Friends

By jon

Published on Oct 30, 2024


Older Man Meets Some Skateboarder Friends

The 4 skateboarders noticed that Jon was watching them in the street as he walked by, and he looked like he kind of revered them even though they were like 19 or 20 years and he was like 2 or 3 times their ages.

"Hey, will you watch us skate tomorrow afternoon?" one of them said suddenly while looking at Jon. Jon was nervous, not believing they were talking to him. But they were friendly sounding and on an impulse, Jon said ok. They told him the time and where the skate park was, which Jon didn't know anything about before then.

The next day like he was told to do, Jon walked the 12 blocks to the remote skate park. He had on his jeans and a good fitting polo shirt and some athletic shoes. He felt good in his clothes and thought he looked good, maybe even a little younger than his age.

When he got to the skate park, Jon sat down on the side and watched Jason, the one who had talked to him in the street yesterday.

After a while, Jason, who was shirtless, called out to Jon sitting on the side, "Can I show you something up close?" and Jon walked into the center of the skate park, hoping it wasn't about teaching Jon to skate, since Jon wasn't athletic. Jason said to sit down and he'll show him.

Jason lifted his foot up toward Jon's mouth and asked Jon politely "will you lick my feet?". Jon's heart was pounding, at first not sure what to think of it, then looking into Jason's dark brown eyes and realizing Jason wanted him to submit to him, like this was some sort of sex domination or something. On any other day, Jon would have just acted like it was a joke and said "Umm, no" while laughing, and went back to the side. But this was not one of those days. Something flooded over Jon as he looked into Jason's beautiful eyes and looked at his shirtless body. He wasn't even aware of the 3 other skateboarder friends looking on from the grass.

Still looking into Jason's eyes, slowly, he opened his mouth, moved his tongue out, and started licking Jason's shoe. He was kind of in disbelief about what was happening, but at the same time was in the most sexual state about it you possibly could be in. Yes, he was in a sexual state about being told to lick a skateboarder's shoes, and about the look in Jason's beautiful dark brown eyes. Jason egged him on in a soft, reassuring voice to keep licking, and this went on for a minute or two, then Jason put his foot back down on the ground, grabbed Jon's hair and egged him on again to keep licking both feet, reassuring him the whole time.

Now Jason told Jon to take off his shirt and he slowly reached out and started pulling Jon's shirt off. It was definitely not what Jon would have done, but Jason already had it off somehow. Then Jason said to stand up and stand next to him, facing the 3 others so they could clearly see the 2 of them – clearly see who was telling who what to do, and who was doing it and what they were doing.

Jon was nervous about the 3 others who had been watching, and suddenly having his shirt off. When he didn't stand up immediately, Jason said firmly and loudly, "I said stand up, faggot", and that made Jon move faster, looking at Jason's face submissively.

In the bright sun, the three could clearly see the twink god Jason shirtless, and then there was Jon shirtless who was just very average, older, and maybe needing to lose 4 or 5 pounds.

While the others watched the show, Jason put his middle finger in front of Jon's mouth tantalizingly and said loudly, "suck it". Without even thinking, Jon obediently opened his mouth, tilted his head forward and stood there licking and sucking it, since he was in an even deeper sexually submissive state now about the whole situation.

At this point, one of the three sitting in the grass was now laughing hard, and all of the three were watching the show mesmerized. That one was Noah.

They all walked over as Jason and Noah, still laughing, told Jon to get down on his knees. Noah said to beg for it like a dog, laughing again as he said it. Jon sat there on his knees, looking up at the skaters, begging for something, he didn't know what, while the 4 skateboarders looked at each other and laughed at how stupid Jon looked.

It also did not go unnoticed by the 4 skateboarders that Jon put his hand on his crotch a few times. He clearly had a hard dick, as hard as his little dick could get.

Noah and his friends realized that their own dicks were getting hard watching this. It was definitely not for the same reason as for Jon, in fact it wasn't in the biggest way, because they definitely weren't doing the same thing. Jon was licking the skaters feet and begging like a dog, and Noah and his friends were watching this show.

Noah stepped toward Jon and slowly unzipped his pants and took out his dick and within a minute he was pissing on Jon's body, slowly moving up in the direction of Jon's face. He smiled pleasantly at Jon while doing this as if this was a normal every day thing to do. Noah realized that by smiling, Jon would like it more and might want to do it every day, and might even beg Noah and the others for them to piss on him.

If Jon had any nervousness about the whole thing and what was happening, he looked into their eyes and saw how friendly they were, and realized, yes, it is normal for young skateboarders to piss on him at times when they want to do that, it was normal for them to ask him politely to lick their shoes, and he wanted to do it more times when they wanted to.

Finally, after all 4 of them had pissed on Jon, Jason handed him back his shirt and patted him on the head, and they walked away laughing and looking back at him. Jon saw them looking back and how good they looked, the same thing he was thinking the day before when he saw them in the street.

Luckily it was already evening now, and Jon made the walk back home in the dim light without anyone noticing him or his wet clothes. Jon felt like he was friends with the skateboarders, especially Jason and Noah, remembering that they were all nice to him. He hoped to see them again in the skate park, or even in his home.

Next: Chapter 2

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