Older Guy Brings Me Out

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Sep 3, 2023


The usual disclaimer applies. This story involves sex between two males. If this is not your thing, read no further. No copying or sharing without the author's written consent. If you are not 18 years old or older do not read!

An older guy brings me out Chapter 8

It'd been several months since our trip up to pride. Life around the house was pretty normal. I was fully out now and I kinda had the attitude of don't like it, fuck you dude. My dads were a hit with my mom and Jimmy was a huge hit with my friends. Most had started calling him pops and my Bestie Cody, well he was always trying to get him, called him gramps.

It was a pretty rad day when Jimmy finally agreed to go surfing with us. Oh he usually went and would wait on the beach while we surfed but between me and Cody, we got him to finally say yes. So the deal was it would only be us three. No one else would be there. Well like all plans, especially round here, that wasn't the case.

Cody had spent the night so we could sneak off without anyone knowing. Well seems the night before a storm that was gonna hit us changed and went different and the word was out, surfs up! We'd set dad up with a board, but he'd have to tough it out as we didn't have a wetsuit big enough for him.

As we all walked out of the house, all our buds came rolling up. Well they all saw Jimmy in new board shorts and my old board under his arm and they knew what was up. I honestly expected him to turn around and give up, but he stood in the middle of the front yard, raised his hand and shouted 'COW-A-BUNGA DUDES!' I cringed when he did this, but this was how he was. He was crazy and one of the reasons I loved him so much.

Well the gang began hooting and shouting back at him. Jimmy dropped the board and got into this funky surfer stance.

"Come on boys surfs up! We're gonna go shred us some curls that are off the richter." I again cringed but the guys were all pumping their fists and shouting back at him. Jimmy spun around and charged at me. Cody ripped my stick from me just as Jimmy bent and grabbed me over his shoulder. He ran us around the yard, the gang still excited and cheering at us.

We got to our spot, Zmudoski beach, and quickly ran over the dunes to the beach. The swells were sweet and although kinda big for a newbie like Jimmy, they were spaced far enough apart so there shouldn't be much trouble. Everyone had swarmed around him and was telling him what to do. Jimmy's head was on a spinner and kept snapping from one to another. I didn't want him to get overwhelmed with all the information they were giving, so I walked closer to pull him back.

"Guys, guys," Jimmy said with a laugh. "You boys, MY boys, are awesome dudes, and I want to surf with each one of you." Jimmy took another step back and wrapped his arm around me. How he knew I was there, yo I'll never know. "I promised Brad that he could be the one to show me and take me first, OK?"

The guys all started to chuckle at his choice of words. Jimmy turned a deep red and shot them all a look.

"Oh funny boys, you know what I mean. He and I are going out and..." Jimmy's head shook as the guys all busted up. I knew things were cool and he was just embarrassed, but I was going to make it right.

"YO DUDES, all he's trying to say is he's got my stick and I'm gonna..." I couldn't finish as laughter drowned out my words. Then came the inevitable back lash, as my guys were famous for dishing it out.

"Oh he's got your stick alright dude..."

"Hey hey we don't be needing to know what he's gonna do with your stick..."

Luckily this attack was soon being directed at themselves as they quickly began teasing each other. I lead Jimmy to the edge of the water and gave him the basics. How to ride the board out, how to duck dive, and then the all-important pop up. Cody was there but let me do the teaching. I soon realized that because of his bad hip, dad was not popping up as fast as he should. Cody stepped in and between us we found a way that would help him best.

We headed out, the rest of the gang already out and riding. We made it outback, finally, Jimmy having trouble duck diving his board. Yo that's where you grip your board and as the wave approaches you shove the nose down as deep as you can, and when the wave is right there, you shove your body under following your board. Then as the wave passes over, you press the tail down too to get it underwater. Then once the wave is passed you pull up on the nose and you pop up.

The guys were soon all around us. There was no pressure for Jimmy to go and surprisingly there was no teasing or calling him a goober. I was proud of my guys. Jimmy sat on his board and watched as we all took shots at the waves.

I was coming back after a nasty wipe out to hear Pete, one of the guys, telling Jimmy that the surf was rough and that he shouldn't feel like he had to ride. I paddled up alongside them and could see Jimmy's apprehension.

"Dad, it ain't whether you ride or not, that's just the bonus. It's the being out here, with all them, and this," I flipped a handful of the ocean up at him. "That's what I am here for." I saw him take a deep breath and look back. I could see his determination and he suddenly began to paddle hard.

Pete and I were yelling at him to 'slow down' and then paddle harder', hoping to get in in the best position for the wave, which was going to be a monster. I could see beyond him the rest of the guys, as they watched some shaking their heads and pointing. Cody and one other began paddling wide to be in position if he wiped out and could then get to him quickly.

"He's got it," Pete screamed as Jimmy crested and dropped over the head. I was panicked, but the guys near shore were pumping their fists which must mean he was up and riding it.

Suddenly his board appeared, shooting straight up the leash pulling tight then crashing back down out of sight.

"He bit it," Pete yelled as we paddled quickly forward. I looked to see Cody and Brice were near where Jimmy was and Gunner on shore giving a thumbs up. I admit I started breathing again, and even smiled when I saw Jimmy crawling back up on his board.

What shocked me was when he turned around and headed back out to where Pete and I were! I didn't hide it, I gave him a huge hug once he was back with us. He tried twice more to ride a wave, the last time actually managing to stand, although hunched over, for about 10 seconds. This last time, he bit it really hard as he was closer to the shore.

Pete and I rode in just as Cody was floating him in on his board. My board, the one Jimmy had ridden was snapped in two, and washed up a short time later. I was worried he would hate me for dragging him out here, but, He was all smiles and laughing. He went on and on with the guys' bout how awesome it was. His wonder at how we all can do it and make it seem so easy, and his definite decision that this was not for him.

"I'd love to come watch you guys surf, but this wolf is staying on the beach from now on." The guys were totally cool and I knew Jimmy had been elevated a couple more notches on their respect meters. Ha, if that was even possible. What amazed me even more was back in the parking lot as we all stripped outta our wetsuits. There was not one person who was worried bout Jimmy being there with us as we stood naked, changing. I didn't realize just how comfortable the guys were around my dad until that moment.

Things were going just fine, when Pete began talking about watching Jimmy on his first run, and how when he wiped out I called him 'dad'. I struggled with what I was going to say. I had not called Jimmy dad around the guys and was worried this might cause problems.

"Ya? That's way cool," Gunner spoke up, patting my back. "Fuck, I so wish my dad was as cool as him." Gunner stepped quickly up to Jimmy and hugged him low on his waist, laying his head on Jimmy's chest. "Will you be my daddy? PA-LEEESE?" Laughter erupted from everyone even Jimmy who wasted no time in pulling me to him.

"I already have a son, and Oh boy is he more than enough for me!" I was stoked to hear him say this to my friends and even more so when he actually lifted my face and kissed me. Yo like right there, with everyone watching! My only stress was hoping I didn't pop a boner.

We all split up, Cody coming back to our place. HA 'our place'. Ya guess that's what it is now. Anyway we headed back so he could grab a shower and change for work.

Cody was sitting in Jimmy's recliner, which sits next to the bed where I was laying, playing with a leather strap that always hangs from a table light. He was putting it on like a bracelet, wiggling his arm making it slip back and forth. We were just talking about things when Jimmy came in with coffee fir us.

"Is that the strap that was on the light?" I looked over and then back to Jimmy. He wasn't mad just asking.

"Yeah," Cody said, still messing with it.

"You do know that is not a bracelet right?" Jimmy's voice had a slight laugh to it now.

I looked to Cody and the leather strap on his wrist and up to where it hung normally seeing two large silver rings also hanging there. I had never really noticed them and Jimmy never wore the strap or the rings, but now I wondered how would you get the silver ones on his wrist?

"I think you need to know, that's a cock ring and so are the other ones." I could hear Jimmy trying to cover a laugh as Cody stood up fast.

"Ah... ah what?" He did not remove it, just stood looking at it, while Jimmy sat on the bed near him. I rolled over and curled around my dad watching. Dad motioned for Cody to hand him one of the silver rings, and taking it, held it in front of Cody's crotch.

"They are cock rings," he began. "They allow blood in to give you a hard-on, but restrict it from going back out."

"Yo dam gramps, you gotta pretty big dick if that's your ring." Cody was astonished, but I know Jimmy's size and no offense, but that ring was way to big. Dad started laughing.

"No, you slip your balls through, one at a time," dad motioned with his fingers. "Then before you are fully erect you push your cock through. As you get hard, your cock will swell and the blood is restricted. You can stay hard even after you cum." Dad paused and looked down at me. "Something you don't ever have a problem with." I blushed but Cody had heard and seen worse so I wasn't worried.

"Then what about this one," Cody asked looking at the leather strap.

"That one you can put on after you get hard. The different snaps make it adjustable." Dad handed Cody the metal ring. "Here, give it a try." Jimmy sat for about two more seconds after Cody took it from him, then he stood to leave.

"Wait," Cody nearly whispered. "How's it go again?" He looked up at Jimmy and his face blushed. He waited a few seconds and nodded to dad to sit back down.

"I am not sure I want to be here for your trial fit. I don't think it is my place."

"Chill," Cody said, seeming a bit nervous. "It ain't like you haven't see my dick before. What if I fuck it up and don't do it right?" Dad looked to me and I gave him a nod and a smile.

"Got a point there dad, you is the expert."

Dad sat back down and I moved so my head lay in his lap. He told Cody to drop his shorts. Once they were kicked away and Cody stood naked before him, dad told him to push one of his balls through the ring at a time.

The first went through, no problem. The second was as easy. Each time Cody tried to get it through, the other seemed to want to come out. I was thinking it was cuz his balls were so big.

"Yo this ain't working dude, my nuts is too big." Jimmy smiled and lifted his hands as an offering to help. Cody dropped his junk and the ring just hung from his nut. Jimmy reached up and gently manipulated Cody's nuts.

"Oh fuck dude," Cody moaned in clear pleasure as Jimmy worked his second nut through the ring. "Of fuck that felt good. He stood there, his hands on his hips looking at my dad messing with his junk.

"If you want to finish and wear it right, you better hurry before you get to hard." Jimmy's voice was still soft, but I could hear the seduction in it. I didn't care, fuck dude, my dick was so hard watching this, I was about to start rubbing it.

"Well," Cody said looking at both of us, "Finish it then."

Dad took Cody's thick semi-hard cock and began pushing and pulling it through the ring. Cody never took his eyes off him, as his cock quickly got harder and harder. Dad adjusted the ring, making sure none of Cody's bush was stuck under it, then reached up and gave Cody's cock one final long slow stroke.

"Awe fuck," Cody groaned. His cock throbbed and began shooting long ropes of cum all over dad and my face. Dad froze, his hand still gripping the fat cock in his hand, Cody's hips fucking back and forth as he continued to cum.

I lost all sense of decency, and quickly pulled my cock outta my shorts and began to stroke it. I could see my dad's eyes looking at the cum dripping off Cody's cock and knew he wanted nothing more than to suck it. I felt his free hand slide down my chest and push my hand off my cock.

Cody kept up the fucking motions, his eyes darting from my dad to my cock. I thought I was ready for anything, but when Jimmy dropped to his knees and moved to start sucking my cock, I came as soon as his lips slid over my head.

"Yeah bro, give him your juice. Yeah bro pump it in him." Cody's voice was low and sexual. Reminding me of the times we'd jacked together. His voice and the sounds of Jimmy sucking my cock seemed to make my orgasm last so much longer.

I stroked Jimmy's head and his eyes focused on my face. I gave a slight nod towards Cody and smiled. Jimmy understood I was saying it was OK. He released my cock and again sat on the bed facing Cody. I moved and worked to get my dad's cock out.

Go for it Cody, let him blow you. Dude promise you, best fucking head you've ever had.

Please feel free to email me with your comments @ strike1463@aol.com

Also check out my other stories here on nifty, just search for my email on the search page. Check out my web site www.littlewolfpublishing.com for more information on e and my other writings and books.

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