Older Guy Brings Me Out

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Sep 16, 2013


The usual disclaimer applies. This story involves sex between two males. If this is not your thing, read no further. No copying or sharing without the author's written consent. If you are not 18 years old or older do not read!

An older guy brings me out Chapter 7

After dad's proclamation of loving me, we fell asleep with me laying on top of him as I now did every night. When I first started sleeping with him, we spooned as dad always slept on his side. Then one night I was laying on him and maybe it was mean of me, but, I was waiting for him to tell me to move. When he didn't I fell asleep. My face was always pressed to his neck and my cheek was on his shoulder. Dad would wrap his arms around me and we slept.

Tonight I lay there, his voice replaying in my mind. "I'm falling in love with you". David had come back and looked completely worn out and I swear he was walking funny. As soon as he was asleep, I got up and grabbed my shorts and flip flops. I couldn't find my jacket so just threw on this coat dad always wore. It was a Carhartt twill style jacket, with a warm flannel liner. Yeah OK it was way too big for me, but after I put it on and dads scent filled my nose, I felt like he was wrapped around me. I felt safe wearing it.

I snuck out of the room and went for a walk on the darkened city streets. Why did he tell me he was falling in love with me? Had he been in my head somehow and knew what I was thinking? Dad was like that somehow. He always seemed to know when something was wrong and even sort of knew what it was. He always knew just what to say to make everything better, and most times just his touch made everything in the world right. Don't take that the wrong way, OK, I still respected David and what he and dad still held on to, but deep inside me, I wanted it to just be me and my dad. I'd taken all kinds of crap from some friends saying he was my sugar daddy and I was only putting up with him for his money. Truth is, dad made a good living, but he wasn't rich by any standards. I paid my share of the bills, most we split three ways. I had chores around the house like dad and David so to say he was paying me for sex is just fucking stupid. I won't lie to you, when I left mom's she made me start paying for my phone and took me off her insurance. These two bills alone killed my savings. Then with college, well I wasn't sure how I was going to pay for that.

So one night dad had me sit with him and David and he told me to lay out what I still owed on my car and what I paid for insurance. He didn't tell me why he wanted to know all this but I told him anyway. After he and David talked a long time by themselves finally calling me back to sit with them. Dad told me he was going to pay off my car for me, but that I would still make payments on it, only to him. We would register the car in both our names so he could put it on their insurance and lower my bill.

I was so stoked by this and dad and I spent the next day running around taking care of all this. I felt weird watching him transfer money at the back and having them make a check for the lay I bought my car. I had a bad feeling in my tummy and felt like I was going to puke. This only got worse when I went in the dealership to pay it off and they refused it. Something about early pay off or something. I went out to dad and told him what they said and was so depressed because I thought I was going to be free of them and the four hundred dollar a month payments. Dad was amazing as usual and calmly walked in to talk to the fat greasy Mexican man in the finance office. I stood there and watched as dad manipulated the conversation as the man got more and angrier at dad. Through it all dad remained calm and cool speaking slow and steady and never raising his voice.

The finance dude began speaking in Spanish to a lady in the office and oh holy shit dad lost it! Oh he was screaming and shouting at him but what shocked everyone including me was he did it in Spanish! I never knew dad could speak Spanish! He went on and on and although I had no clue what he was saying, I knew it was not nice.

The fat dude suddenly threw up his hands and barked something at the woman and snatched the check from my dad's hands. We left with a sales slip stating the car was paid for and another letter that the title would be sent to us ASAP.

Back in dad's truck I asked him what all he said.

"Eh, I liked his hair cut and asked who cut it for him." I didn't press the issue. I had never seen dad get pissed before and did not want to see it again anytime soon. Most times dad was able to just manipulate the situation to his favor and thus make the other person do what he wanted or look amazingly stupid.

At the insurance company, dad added my car to his policy and made sure I was covered to drive his truck. The awesome thing was it only raised his bill fifty bucks, a lot cheaper than my one hundred and seventy two I pay every month.

I was sitting in the cold on a bench near Fisherman's Wharf when I head a familiar sexy voice behind me.

"Nice coat." It was dad! I turned to look and saw him leaning on a tree behind me.

"How long have you been there," I asked.

"We followed you from the hotel, he nodded to the other side of the street where I saw David standing in the shadows. "What wrong? Are you OK?" He walked up and sat beside me, David coming over and form behind began rubbing my shoulders.

"I know what he told you," David said mussing my hair. "We talked about a few weeks back." David leaned down and whispered in my ear. "Thing is, we both love you. OK granted Jim might love you a teeny tiny bit more, but not much." The mood lightened and we all chuckled. David moved around and knelt between my legs. "Thing is, you can give him what he wants and needs and can't get from me. For that, I love you. You have made this man a happy person again. Something I haven't seen in years." David hugged me.

"You know guys, when I left the room I couldn't find my coat and its fucking cold out here." Dad said with a shiver in his throat. I looked and realized dad was just in a t shirt. "Besides, it's almost four in the morning and we need to be up at seven so we have time to eat and get on the boat to Alcatraz." We headed back to the hotel which really was only a block away, David teasing me about how stupid I looked in Jim's coat. I didn't care how I looked, I like wearing it and how it smelled of him.

Alcatraz was awesome and fucking spooky at the same time. They give you this MP3 player that has a tour on it, but I had my own personal tour guide, my dad. David went off on his own to take pictures as dad walked me through the whole place. We were at one area not on the tour, a part of the original Army fort, and dad was telling me all about the history of it. Several people stopped to listen to him tell me this stuff. As we started to move off a Park Ranger came up and asked dad if he worked for the park service. That he'd overheard dad talking about the old fort and how accurate he was. Dad just chuckled and said no, that he was just a history buff. Yeah right, my dad could walk into any class and teach history. He has a way of making is interesting and fun. It's like all in how he tells it. He makes you feel like you are right there.

After the tour, dad and me were walking around outside in this area that is not usually open because of nesting birds. From what dad said the prisoners and families of the people who use to be here had some really cool gardens. This was where we now were and he suddenly pulled me into this little area out of sight of other people. Dad began kissing me passionately our tongues wrestling in our mouths. I felt his hand slide into my shorts and wrap around my cock. We broke our kiss and I backed up against him. He pulled my cock out over the waist of my shorts, hooking it under my balls. He jacked me off right there in the semi open, my cum flying out and landing on the plants in front of me. I wanted more, but by now there were more people heading our way so he tucked my cock away and kissed me again.

"I want to take you and make love to you everywhere on this island," dad told me as we kissed again.

"If you don't stop talking about it, I am going to make you do it right now."

On the boat ride back, dad stood behind me on the rail, the boat was rocking making dad dry hump me as we sailed back to San Francisco. While they tied up the boat dad whispered that if the ride had been one minute more, he would have cum. I deftly slid my hands between us and rubbed his cock through his jeans and made him cum while he bit my ear. I don't know if anyone knew what we were doing but there was one guy who smiled at me as we started to walk off the boat.

The rest of the day was spent sightseeing, China town, the Golden Gate, Union Square. I even got to ride a cable car and hung off the side as it traveled up the street. Dad let me shop is some trendy stores back up in the Castro. I got some really awesome board shorts and this sexy black boxer brief that said daddies boy on the crotch. Back down at the wharf I shopped for some souvenirs for my mom and buddies and found this shirt shop that would make your shirt while you wait. When it was done I put it right on and surprised dad and David with it. It was white with dark red letters that said 'Every boy needs a super hero. I have two, my dads!'. Dad's eyes got wet when he saw it but didn't cry, he just hugged me so tight. Now David, sap that he is, balled like a baby! We all had dinner at these outside fish markets and then we gorged on cold stone ice cream.

Back at the hotel, we were all beat, but we were all super horny. David invited his new bear friend Phil over and they screwed on one bed while I raped my dad on the other. That Phil guy was hung like a fucking horse and was slamming his cock into David's ass without mercy. David was flopping around under him like a rag doll as this dude fucked him raw.

Me and dad took it more slow and made love. I pushed dad's legs up and ate his ass until he was moaning he wanted me to fuck him. His ass was strong with a days' worth of sweat and that only drove me crazy. Right before I fucked him I made him suck my cock and had him get it all wet. I then pushed it into his ass and drilled it as deep as I could go. Suddenly dad raised up and looked at his cock which had been drooling pre-cum for a while now. He made this deep groan and I watched as his cock swelled and began to shoot his load without no one touching it. I pumped my load deep inside him, making sure it would stay in him for a long time.

Dad pulled me into the bathroom and we got in the shower. He quickly got on his knees and began to clean my cock. I was not hard as I needed to piss. I pushed dad off my cock.

"Hang on daddy, I gots to piss."

"So fucking piss baby, piss all over me. Mark me as your property." I didn't know if he was joking or not. "Come on my stud boy, piss on me!" His voice told me he was very serious, so I grabbed my cock and slowly began to piss.

At first it just dribbled out and dad sunk down under me so my piss dribbled on his face. I couldn't hold back longer and soon it just gushed forth blasting on his face. I watched as he grabbed his cock and began stroking it while I sprayed him with my pee. I was starting to really get into this when he opened his mouth and took my cock head in. I could see him swallowing my piss which I could not stop if I had too. By the time I was done, I was so boned and dad just kept sucking. I soon was holding his head as I fucked his mouth drowning him with my second load that night.

The sounds from the other room were loud as Phil continued to fuck David hard. We could clearly hear David moaning like a bitch in heat while Phil was grunting loudly. Dad had stood up and had pulled my body to his. I loved him holding me that way, his hands rubbing over my chest as his hard cock slid between my cheeks. I was in heaven. I felt a warmth between my legs and knew dad was pissing. I felt it running down my legs and squirting around my balls. Dad pushed his cock head into my hole and began to piss into my ass. The feeling was unique and the full feeling I was now getting was making my cock hard. Until that night I never thought of piss as being even remotely sexual.

Dad continued to fill me up, starting and stopping his flow as he began to bite my ear and nibble on my hair. I turned my head and kissed him, the strong flavor of my pee still in his mouth. I ground my ass back harder onto his cock as he finished emptying his bladder. I picked up the pace and soon he was ramming his cock deep inside me. His hands were working together on my cock, stroking me ever closer to another orgasm. When I could not take it anymore, I tightened my hole on his cock and shot my load. Dad roughly pulled me back against him and drove his cock in, his head hitting that special spot. My body shuddered as I felt like a second orgasm was hitting me. I could feel his cock head pressing my spot hard and swear I could feel each shot of his cum as he bred me.

He remained in me while his cock softened then slowly he withdrew, a flood of cum and piss gushing from my twitching hole. I turned in his arms, standing on my tiptoes so I could fully kiss this stud that I loved more and more each day. Dad wiped the hair from over my eyes.

"Are you OK baby," he spoke in a soft voice.

"That was amazing! How do you do it? How do you find new things to do to me every time we make love? New ways to make me cum harder and harder each time, make me love you more and more each second?" Dad didn't answer. He just started kissing me again.

When I woke up I was alone in the bed. I saw David still asleep over on his bed, Phil must have left after dad and me finished in the shower and went to bed. I stretched my sore body pulling the comforter over my head. I could smell my dad's scent and the remnants of our love making under here. My cock hardened but I had no desire to jack off. I reached to the floor and groped around for the hoodie dad had worn last night. Finding it I pulled it under the covers with me, working it over my body. As with his jacket, I felt as though he was right here with me.

I must have drifted back to sleep because the next thing I knew there were sounds coming from the room. I heard dad and David talking softly. I pulled the covers down and the bright sun streaming through the windows blinded me.

"Good morning sunshine," David called out to me. I groaned and forced my eye open to see him fully dressed and that dad had gone out for coffee and Danish. I crawled out of bed and shoved a Danish in my mouth before going to take a piss, dad's hoodie more like a dress on me than a shirt. "What is it with you wearing Jim's clothes? They don't fit you and make you look ridiculous." I flipped David off as I walked back into the room.

"I think he looks sexy," dad commented sipping his coffee, as he came up and kissed me.

"Please," David snickered, "You'd say he looked sexy if he wore a sack." They both laughed as dad handed me my coffee and I leaned back against him.

I have to admit, I tend to be a bitch about coffee, and I guess it comes for working at a roasting company, but leave it to dad to find really good coffee. The Danish were really good too. As I continued to lean against him his cell rang. It was the chef. Dad began talking to him setting up were we'd meet and all that. I was digging the feeling of his chest vibrating against me as he talked and laughed.

"OK so they are going to meet us at the Van Ness entrance in an hour, so we better get moving." I reluctantly stood up and after shoving a second Danish in my mouth, started digging in my pack for what I was going to wear. I knew I'd wear my new t shirt and then chose my lime green with black stripes Billabong board shorts which I knew dad loved seeing me in as they really showed off my crotch and ass. Flip flops and my shades completed my outfit. David was going all fag, with these Pride colored shorts and black t shirt that had an S F P D patch on the back, yeah the dudes got a thing for cops. Dad, well he was just fucking all sexy hot. He wore his harness, but for now had a shirt over it, his camo pants (which made him look really hung) and boots. He wore his camo hat and his Oakley's to finish it off. I ain't lying, he was so fucking sexy hot I was boned and it showed! I couldn't resist and I grabbed his harness and pulled him lower so I could kiss him. We loaded up with bottled water and sunscreen and headed out to grab a cab.

Pride was so awesome! So many gay guys of all shapes and sizes. We met with the chef and his daughter and had a fucking blast! Dad stripped off his t shirt and right off was getting looked at and whistled at. OK, OK I admit, I was very jealous at first. I mean all these guys were hooting at MY dad. What the fuck assholes, back the fuck off he is all mine! It wasn't long before I realized I was getting looked at too and how dad was a little jealous and that made me relax. Oh I could tell trust me. When he got jealous he'd pull me too him. It was awesome, like he was saying back off fucker this boy is all mine.

I ended up taking off my shirt as it was really hot and dad was super stoked. He walked with me his arm around my waist and not trying to sound conceited, but, we were a hit! People were taking our picture, and staring at us, blowing us kisses, it was so awesome. I realized soon enough that wearing my flip flops was not such a good idea as my feet began to hurt and get sun burnt. Dad could see this and made the suggestion that we slip out and go buy me some new kicks. We all agreed to go get some grub outside of the festival while we looked for a place to buy my sneakers. Dad hoisted me up onto his shoulders and we all headed to the gate. I felt like a prince, sitting up there my hands on dad's head, dad's hands holding my legs my crotch pressed to his neck making me boner up big time. I felt like a little boy, I was so proud of this man my dad and could feel his pride in me.

We ended up in union square and found a store where dad bought me some awesome Vans. My feet were feeling better so we all headed out and decided on sushi for lunch. I was hanging with Heather and noticed what good friends the chef and my dad were. Their personalities clicked and they were constantly teasing and picking on each other. Heather told me at one point that they were born on the same day, ten years apart, and twelve hours difference to within twenty minutes. I listened to stories of when they worked together and the jokes they played on each other. How my dad would freak the chef out by seeming to read his mind.

Dad acted the same with them around and was always holding my hand and kissing me which seemed to go unnoticed. After lunch we were all heading back to Pride when I suddenly had to piss. Dad said he had to also and grabbed my hand pulling me down this dirty alley. We ducked behind a dumpster and dad dropped to his knees. He quickly had my cock and balls hanging over my shorts, my cock head in his mouth. I knew the drill and let loose with my pee. I was instantly hard and although nervous started fucking his face. Several times people walked by, most not paying us any attention but a few stopped and watched my dad sucking my cock.

I was about to cum when the Chef came walking up and stood beside me. He gave me a wink and hauled out his cock and started pissing while watching dad sucking me off. Watching him hold his cock and piss was so hot. I could clearly see him almost stroking his cock as he pissed his fat cock shooting out this thick dark yellow stream. I was again about to bust my nuts when the chef finished and shook his cock, the last squirt of his piss hitting my leg. I grabbed dad's head and shoved my cock into his throat. My load going right down his throat. Chef just watched me cum as he stroked and shook his cock.

"I always loved watching him suck off the young guys at work," chef chuckled. I tossed my head back as dad cleaned my cock. The thought of being blown out in public was awesome, and even better was having someone right there watching. Dad lovingly put my cock away and pulled my shorts up. We met up with Heather and David as they shopped in some woman's store, Heather buying some sexy undies to entice her boyfriend. Which didn't seem to make her dad very happy.

The decision was made to separate and then meet up for dinner later. David made a call and headed off to meet up with his bear friend, while me and dad headed back to the hotel. I knew he was tired and I wanted him to rest. See, dad was the type of person who never let on that he didn't feel good, and always made sure everyone was happy even at his expense. I knew he'd been hurt several years ago and had injured his hip and lower back. I knew he had trouble walking for extended periods of time and that is all we'd done today was walk. Plus he carried me on his shoulders which I bet didn't do him any good either. I knew what he needed and as soon as we got in the room I went to work.

I stood him by the bed and slowly began removing his clothes. Nothing was said between us, he just stood and let me have my way. I took off his boots one at a time and then pulled his sweaty socks from his overheated feet. I saw him wince in pain when I lifted his leg to take his pants off, and that caused me pain as I did not want to hurt him. I finally had him naked, his cock hanging over his sweaty balls, his musk filling my nose, I had to fight to keep from gobbling it up. When I sat him on the bed I again saw the pain in his face although he tried to hide this from me. I stood and pulled my shirt over my head, feeling his hands on my hips, touching me as he always did with admiration and love. I gave in and let him untie my shorts, sliding them down my legs, his hands gliding over my skin. He lifted my legs one at a time and removed my kicks, pressing his face to my feet.

This was not what I wanted. Well, I mean I did, I always loved having sex with my sexy dad, but right now all I wanted was to take his pain away. Dad pulled my ankle socks off and began kissing and licking my feet. His tongue swirled in and around my toes as he sucked each one into his mouth. I fought with every ounce of my strength to not get hard. I knew once I did it would be over and I would give in to him and let him take me. I touched his head.

"Wait, please." Dad stopped and looked at me, his face showing uncertainty. "Come with me please," helping him to stand I lead him to the bathroom.

I got him in the shower and directed the spray to hit the areas I knew where he hurt. I had him leaning fully on me our fronts pressed together, his head resting on my shoulder, as I used my hands to massage his hips. My fingers worked this area under the hot water until I felt the bone or whatever it is pop back into place. Dad groaned when this happened, but I knew it was a groan of relief and not pain. When the water began to cool, I dried him, taking my time, using the soft towel and my hands to continue the massage.

Back on the bed, I knelt over him and fully worked his back, hips and legs, his body popping and cracking as I went. His tense muscle giving into my kneading fingers, relaxation taking over. I rolled him over and started working his chest, neck and shoulders. His eyes never once stopped looking at my face, as he lay under me. I was working on his chest, my young cock and balls draped over his as he began to harden. I rose up and looked down to see his cock pushing up on my sac as my soft cock head kissed his. I was losing control and my cock began to harden. I scooted back slightly and pulled his cock to point at mine.

I gently pulled his skin back to expose his head, then pushed my cock to his so our piss slits were pressed together. I wanted to know what it felt like to have a skin like his, and began to pull his skin back over his head and mine. I shuddered as his hot skin enveloped my head, covering it tightly. I pulled it over my cock as far as I could and released my hand. His skin stayed over my head as my cock continued to harden. I felt his cock throbbing, pushing against mine, and a warm slickness coating my cock head in the folds of his skin.

I held our cocks by the heads, and slowly fucked back and forth working my cock in the skin of his cock. The feeling was intense, like nothing I'd ever felt before. A feeling of jealousy swelled in me as I thought how lucky he was to have this foreskin. I wondered how he kept from being hard all the time. I thought back to watching him piss beside me, his hand pulling the skin back, exposing the head when he pissed. I was now squeezing our cocks tightly, watching as his skin worked over my young cock. My balls were churning, my breathing was heavy and hard. I released our cocks as just as my cum exploded into his skin flooding it, watching it pour out from around my cock under his skin.

The feeling was overwhelming, nothing can describe how awesome this felt. Then it only got better as dad moaned and his cock began to cum with mine. Our cum mixed and flowed out from under his skin, our cocks throbbing as we came, together. I leaned back as my orgasm slowed, my cock pulling out from the tight grip of his skin, making me tremble as it sucked over my head.

I lifted up and looked at our junk. Our cum was covering my shaft and dripping from my balls. It looked so hot, there was so much cum! Dad pulled me so I was squatting over his face and using his tongue, began licking our juice from my balls. I moved so as he sucked my nuts I could suck his cock, chewing on his skin as I did. I got off working my tongue up into his skin, running it around his head getting all our cum. I was soon rewarded with a fresh load of dad's man juice and although it didn't shoot out of his cock, I loved sucking it out of his skin. Dad continued to work my balls and even got some action in on my ass. When I came I held my cock just out of his mouths reach and loved watching him as he tried to suck my cock as I came. I lay on top of him, something he loved me to do. I lay my head on his thigh and closed my eyes breathing in his musk. Dad's face was in my crack and as I fell asleep, I could feel him still licking my hole.

I dreamed of dad fucking me on this beach of white sand. The sun was beating down on us as he did. I was screaming that I was cuming. I woke up to dad's tongue deep in my hole, his hands spreading my bubble butt apart, his teeth nibbling on the skin around my ass. My cock was pressed to his furry chest as I bolted awake, lifting up to shove my ass hard on his face, my cock beating against his sexy chest as I spewed my cum all over him.

I suddenly had to piss like a race horse and without even thinking about it, repositioned myself with my cock hanging over his mouth. I let go with a small dribble and dad drank it down. I watched as I let more and more go, my stream getting more forceful each time. Dad's gasps and moans were such a turn on to me. I watched my yellow stream filling his mouth only to disappear as he swallowed it. Looking at his cock I could see a tiny bit of pee held in the folds of his skin. I stabbed at it with my tongue and savored the unique flavor.

Dad pulled my cock into his mouth so I could finally release full force, as I continued to lick his wrinkled foreskin of the pee he was allowing out.

"Just give it to me," I begged, "I want it!" Dad moaned and as soon as my mouth sucked his cock in, he let go and I was drinking his strong piss. There was a quick moment of what the fuck and I doing, but it vanished as the moment took me over. I felt closer to him than I ever had. He was sucking me trying to make me pee more, but I was empty and exhausted. I crawled around and lay on him face to face. I could smell his breath and when we kissed could taste my piss and cum still in his mouth.

We slept until early evening. While we showered and dressed David called and said he'd meet us at a place called Sliders for dinner with the chef. The plan was dinner and dancing at some club in the Castro. As we rode down in the elevator, I hugged my dad. I didn't care that we were not alone, I kissed him and told him I really loved him.

Thanks to everyone who has written to me about this series! You're emails are wonderful!

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Next: Chapter 8

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