Older Guy Brings Me Out

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Sep 3, 2013


The usual disclaimer applies. This story involves sex between two males. If this is not your thing, read no further. No copying or sharing without the author's written consent. If you are not 18 years old or older do not read!

An Older Guy Brings Me Out Chapter 6

I'd been living with Jimmy and David for four months. We were like a family now. I'd never been happier in my life. Seriously, even the two weeks I spent in Hawaii surfing were not comparable. Everything was awesome, mom was still a big part of my life and was often over visiting. She scored herself a new boyfriend who really treated her as she deserved. I was out more and more and really didn't care what anyone thought. Actually I was loving the attention I got when I'd call Jimmy dad or he'd kiss me at work. I was super stoked that we were going to go away, all three of us, to San Francisco for Gay Pride and staying there for three nights. I'd never been to pride, duh I just came out, hell I'd never even been to San Francisco and we only lived 2 hours south. Looking at the pictures dad and David had taken on prior trips made me want to go even more.

It was the day before we were to leave and I rushed home to pack again. Yeah, yeah you heard right, AGAIN. Shit dudes I must have packed four or five times the past week, think I was just a bit excited about going?

I walked in the house and about shit myself. Dad was in the kitchen and fuck me did he look hot! He was wearing this army camo hat that he always wore pulled low on his face, his flak jacket Oakley sunglasses tight to the brim of his hat. He was shirtless but wore his harness and he wore matching camo pants and his work boots. Fuck my cock was hard and trying to burst outta my jeans seeing my hot fucking daddy standing there looking all tough and butch. I dropped my pack and jumped at him. I grabbed his harness and pulled him down to kiss me. Our lips crushing against each other's as we made out.

"Well, what do you think'" he finally asked me breaking our kiss. "This is what I wear at pride."

"Fuck me dude, you are the hottest man in the world!" I stood back and looked him over. I knew I would need to fight off jealousy because he looked that fucking fine and knew everyone would want him.

Dad quickly began stripping me of my clothes right there in the kitchen. He flung my shirt to the floor and dropped to his knees where he tore into my jeans freeing my sweaty cock and balls. He mashed his face under my sac and I could hear him sniffing my scent as he deftly began removing my kicks and socks. I was soon naked with my wolf daddy kneeling at my feet. It drove me wild that he dug my scent. He seemed to like me funky and loved to lick my pits and sac as well as my feet as soon as I came home from work.

He quickly reversed his hat and began sucking my whole cock down his throat. The way his mouth was sucking and his hands were pulling on my balls I knew I wouldn't last long. I grabbed his head and was roughly fucking his mouth building myself up for a mind blowing cum. His finger to my hole pressing against it pushed me over the top. I pulled my cock out and began blasting my load onto his face.

"Yeah daddy get my boy cum. Come on you know you want it!" I shoved my cock back into his mouth, a shocked gasp of air beside us almost unheard.

"Oh my'" came my mother's shrilled cry of dismay. I looked to see my mom standing there not five feet from us, mouth agape, eyes budging.

It felt like I stood there frozen forever, but it was only a couple of seconds. I had to fight to break free from Jim's grip on my thighs, my cock popping out of his mouth with a loud sucking pop. I was still cuming and my spurts shot up and all over dad's face as I stumbled backwards, tripping on my own feet, falling to the floor, my cock flopping all around cum still oozing from the tip. I tried in vain to cover my dick but the cum and dad's spit made it so slick it kept popping out. I scampered back outta the room;

"Fuck mom what the hell? Don't you like fucking knock?" I ran to the bedroom completely shamed and not wanting to face her. Dad came in and was laughing so hard which just made me madder. How could he find anything funny about this? My freaking mother just saw me getting a blow job and cuming all over his face! Dad just hugged me to him but I fought him. I didn't want a hug, I wanted to hide.

"Hey," he said sternly, "You need to calm the fuck down." His tone shocked me, he'd never raised his voice to me ever. I looked at him and he was still smiling. "It's OK kiddo, I think she was more shocked than you were." He told me to get dressed and come back out.

I put on some shorts and followed him back to the kitchen where my mom was actually drinking wine from a bottle. She turned a bright red, which I knew I was too. We hesitated to make eye contact but soon we were all busting up laughing about it. I relaxed and so did she.

"You know," she finally said. "It's funny. I mean OK so I know you said you were gay, but it just like didn't sink in I guess. Well until right now and I walk in and see what I saw."

She'd come by to bring some things she'd found of mine that she kept in her safe. Paper work I would need in the fall for school. She ended up staying for dinner and things pretty much returned to normal. Mom did continue to tease me about what happened and even got a good shot in on Jimmy. It was so funny, we were eating dinner and mom just ever so calmly said; "So Jim, you need to teach me how you are able to take it all like I saw you doing." Holy crap she asked right as he was drinking his iced tea! He choked and tea shot out his nose and everything! David who found the whole thing funny made a comment about how he'd seen Jim swallowing ten inches, but I think I saved him best by hitting the table - bam, bam, bam "fucking batteries." That shut her up real fast. Let me explain.

See it was my fourteenth birthday and I had a couple friends over for a sleepover. Mom had hit the wine really hard that night and when she went to bed we could all hear her talking. It was like someone was there but we knew she was alone. We snuck down the hall to outside her room and could hear a slight whirring sound coming from behind the door. Then she was saying stuff like oh yes, mmm, harder. Then suddenly the whirring slowed, sputtered and stopped! There was a loud BAM, BAM, BAM, and we heard her groan really loud; "fucking batteries!" We scampered back to my room when we heard her heading for the door. She left her door open and we quickly snuck back to her room and there on the bed was this huge dildo! Evidently the batteries had died on her. So whenever she needed to be put in her place I just repeated what I had heard that night.

The trip to the city was pretty normal. We all sat in the front seat of the truck with me in the middle straddling the gear shift. I actually shifted when we were on the highway but in town Jim took over which was awesome as he always felt me up a lot when he shifted. I would have been so lost up there, but dad drove around like he'd lived there all his life. We were almost to the hotel but stuck in dead slow traffic when David announced he had to pee. Sigh, this is a big issue as when he has to go he has to go. Dad was stressed big time and there were no bathrooms to be found. He ended up dumping my thirty two once drink and I had to hold the cup while he pissed in it. Talk about being helpless!

Accident avoided I found myself getting a boner holding the cup, seeing his cock pissing and the hot pee filling the large cup. We got to the hotel, dad's mood was stressed, but he snapped out of it really quick like he always did. These two guys came running up to us and as one unloaded the luggage from the back the other talked to dad and took the keys. We were soon checked in and led up to our room which was huge and had windows that looked out into the bay.

I could see huge ships going by, sail boats and right over there was Alcatraz and the Golden Gate! David came up and put his arm around me.

"Were going to Alcatraz tomorrow." I looked at him and couldn't talk. He told me this was my weekend and whatever I wanted to do we'd do. There was so much to do, I didn't know what to say. We left the hotel and went to lunch at Joe's Crab Shack, then we took this old street car train thingy up to the Castro!

I've never seen so many gay guys in my life. All different kinds of people, butch, queer and even some really big crazy looking drag queens. Dad warned me to hang close and not to freak if I got hit on. I wasn't worried, I had them both nearby and dad look rough and tough enough to scare off a lion. We went into all different kinds of stores which mainly catered to gays with trendy clothes and such. Then we went into this one place and it was all sex toys and videos. Flat screen TV's played pornos high up on the walls all around the store.

"OH MY GOD, Jimmy Jones," Screamed this black queer guy from behind the counter and he ran out almost knocking people over, right up to dad and got him in a huge bear hug! I was shocked. I mean who was this fag and why the fuck was he all over MY dad? He was kissing his face all over and rubbing his back and dad just smiled and hugged him back. Well I was trying to deal with it and was doing OK until this dude grabs dad's ass! Oh no you didn't just do that!

Dad pulled away and the guy moved me aside with a limp wrist and a quick look up and down mumbling something about how hot I was, and went up to David who was giggling like a girl as he got the same treatment as Jim had. Jim cleared his throat,

"Trevor? Let me introduce my son, Brad." Dad moved me in front of him and the black guy spun around to face me his shock very clear. He shook my hand with a very limp hand and felt my forearm as he did. He quickly looked at Jim then back at me. He kept holding my hand but stepped back and made an exaggerated leaning back look at me from head to toe and yeah spent a good long time looking at my crotch.

"MMM, my now you just stand there and let Aunty Trev look you all over." He cupped his hand under his chin as he inspected me, making little comments about how yummy I looked and what a young buck I was. He then pulled me to him so I was pressed to his side and he looked to Jim and said, "Keeping, renting or mmm selling?" I pulled myself from this weirdo and moved back to Jim's side.

"Oh now back off Trev, this young man is not for you."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... Such a waste of such a fine young twink, wasted on you of all people." OK that did it, I was fucking ripping pissed at this bitch. I stepped in between him and dad and let it go. I was so ready to rip this fuckers head off.

"Yo fucker, back the hell off a him, that's my fucking dad you are talking to. I ain't no fucking twink either got it? I ain't for nobody but him and if you fucking touch me or him again I'll kick your ass." Trevor took a step back again a shocked look on his face. I felt dad's hands on my shoulder and a sudden calm washed over me. Fuck I needed to learn to control my emotions. I saw David behind the fag and he seemed impressed by my outburst,

"OH hey now little one, get them panties of yours un-bunched, real quick, OK? Jimmy Jones go way the fuck back. He knows I am only playing. I felt Jim's hands on my shoulders give me a slight squeeze and I got the message it was all good.

"I'm sorry if I freaked on you." I said finding it hard to make eye contact.

"Oh sweety, Auntie Trev ain't butt hurt. Well at least not yet, if you know what I mean." He laughed and snorted as he flamed out, waving his hands all around me. "Honey, you must be new. Just come out did you?" I looked to dad who was right behind me. I looked back to Trevor and nodded. He squealed this high pitched shriek and did some weird rubber dance. "Oh Jimmy Jones how do you score all the hotties. Bitch you need to be leaving some unmarked for us po-foke. Now, Brad is it? Honey, you're Auntie Trev ain't no bad thang, OK? She just likes having fun with Jimmy Jones. Oh now you come with me one second." He wrapped his arm around me and led me into this isle full of videos. He began pointing at some. "Now you looka here sweet cheeks, see this sexy young dude right here? See smooth, young, trim? Now looka here, again the same, and here? Now honey you are young, and smooth and trim." Pointing back at the videos, "Twinks," and then to me, "twink. Stud, you are so a twink and it is a title you need to wear with pride! Now how about you toddle off and find some toys to play with while me and your men chitty chat." He patted my ass in a friendly way as if he thought I was easy to shoo off.

I spent the next half hour or so walking around the store checking everything out. I noticed dad was checking to make sure I was OK and that he had this worried look on his face. I let him know with little kisses and winks I was fine. The few other customers that were there were all sporting obvious boners and that made me giggle to myself. David who had never been more than a few feet behind me came up while I was looking a huge display of lubes.

"Are we advertising?" I looked at him and he glared down at my crotch. Holy fuck my cock was tenting out in my shorts big time! I got very self-conscious and wanted to hide. David reassured me it was fine and how at night these places were very crusie. Dad soon came over and apologized for Trevor's rudeness. I blew it off, but let him know I was ready to go when he was.

Our next stop was to a leather store so he could have his harness repaired. My first thought when we walked in was how erotic the leather smell was and my cock began to swell. I was next amazed at how big this place was and how much stuff was here. Dad told me this wasn't just a leather store, but had all kinds of fetish and bondage items. David quickly left us saying he was bear hunting and slunk away towards a big hairy man. Dad and I walked to this alcove that contained tons of harnesses and other body straps and stuff. Dad hugged me to him and I could feel his boner hard against me.

"Look around and see if you find something you like." He knew I wanted a harness. I had ever since I saw him in his and how sexy it made him look. I'd worn his many times but it was far too big for me. From behind us a young voice spoke up.

"Hello Papa Wolf," the voice low and very sexual. We turned and I expected to see some big burly bear standing there but no, this was a twink maybe twenty five years old. He stood about dad's height and his shocking purple hair was styled like a goth. He wore black skinny jeans and a skin tight black under-armor sleeveless shirt. His black Doc Martins were worn well but still looked good. His studded belt was buckled with a tarnished buckle that said 'PIG'.

"Hello Justin," dad began, "nice to see you again." They chatted back and forth about everything, the kid saying he'd seen David cruising and just knew his Papa wolf was somewhere near. While they talked I noticed just how nervous this kid was talking to my dad and wondered if in the past there had been trouble. Dad told him he was there to see about getting his harness repaired, that a snap had come off. Justin asked if he'd brought it and I don't know who got more excited me or this kid when dad peels off his shirt. Holy fuck he was wearing his harness! I boned up right then seeing this and noticed the kid getting hard too as his cock began moving in his jeans.

Dad showed him the missing snap and after taking off the harness he gave it to the kid.

"Not a problem," he claimed and he took it with him as he disappeared through some doors off this area. Dad remained shirtless as we began to look at the harnesses again. I almost shit when Justin reappeared proclaiming it'd be about a half hour. Dad hugged me to his side and introduced me as his son, but did it in a way that said I was very special and he clearly wanted Justin to know it. He then told him to set me up with a harness and that he'd be back after checking up on David.

I could clearly see just how nervous this kid was as he began showing me different styles and materials.

"I want on just like my dad has," I finally said. Justin took a step back and then looked me up and down. He motioned for me to turn around.

"Take off your shirt please," he hesitantly asked. I paused but did as he asked. He pulled a tape measure from somewhere on his body and began taking measurements. His hands were warm but they were still shaking badly.

"Now you know his harness is more of a Dom's harness right?" I just shrugged my shoulders. "Well are you a Dom or a Sub?" I again shrugged my shoulders. A smile came over his lips and he seemed to relax just a bit. "Don't worry, I'll get you fixed up right." He retrieved a harness almost exactly like dads and had me try it on. After a few minor adjustments for fit, Justin again stood back and looked me over.

"Yeah, um no," he stated. "See for your size I think a narrower strap is a better look." He motioned for me to take it off while he searched for another one. Again he adjusted this for fit and stood back and smiled. I could clearly see his cock in his jeans and he was really boned. He led me to a full length mirror and I got to see what I looked like and yeah man I looked hot, well except for the bright orange board shorts I was wearing. Justin gave a quick look out to the main store and then quickly grabbed something off a rack and tossed it to me. "Here quick put these on, them shorts don't work in here." I held in my hands a very small pair of leather shorts. I looked around for a dressing room but saw none. "Go quick just strip, I want to surprise Papa Wolf."

I really wasn't too sure about this but right then I saw another guy being led by a sales guy and the dude was butt ass naked. I striped and heard Justin whistle.

"Yeah, now I get why Papa Wolf likes you." I slid the shorts on and they were really tight, but Justin told me that they were my size. He had to help me get them closed and fuck his fingers kept touching my cock and I almost shot a fucking load right then. He scampered away and led my dad back who almost passed out looking at me.

"All he needs is some 'fuck me boots' and he's complete." Justin told dad. I could tell dad was liking this look and the bulge in his jeans was saying he wanted to fuck me right then. Dad took his time running his hands all over my body and finally told Justin we'd take it.

"We kinda have to," I whispered, "I just spooged in them." I did! While dad was feeling me up I lost control and came. This news excited both my dad and Justin, and dad slid his hand in to my shorts and pulling it out saw it was covers in my juice, which he quickly licked off his fingers.

While I changed, Justin watching the whole time, Dad picked up a few things he wanted and we headed to the counter to pay and pick up his repaired harness. David told us he see us later and nodded to the bear he'd been hunting.

Dad and me left and we headed back to the hotel where we showered and changed into some nice clothes. He took me out to this really cool restaurant on the water and although I felt outta place just being with dad made it all perfect. Once again, dad proved that he knew everyone in the world. As our waiter delivered our drinks, dad asked if Chef Darrel was working. The waiter said he was and dad asked if he would give him a message. The waiter nodded and dad just said tell him Jimmy is here. The waiter walked away and dad told me that this chef was one he use to work under as a sous chef a few years back. Now he was here as the executive chef.

We were talking about what was to come on our trip and about David and his bear when this waitress, a young girl my age squealed and came running up to us. Dad's face lit up and he stood to grab and hug this girl even kissing her on the cheek. Turns out she was the chef's daughter and had also worked with Jim at that restaurant before.

"Does dad know you're here?" Her voice was so excited and she continued to bop around like some puppy on crack.

"Yeah I just sent a message back with our waiter," dad told her.

"Wait, where's David," she asked suddenly giving me a not so happy look. Dad explained that he was here, that we were up for pride, but he was off visiting a friend. I again got a 'look' from her.

"This is Brad, and he is my son." She turned and smiled, her demeanor changed and she was no longer hostel towards me. She gladly shook my hand and introduced herself as Heather.

"Wait, you don't have kids. I remember you telling me that." She again looked at me and then back at dad who gave her a sheepish grin. It must have clicked because she got a huge smile. Dad explained that he and David were still together and doing fine but that I had slipped into his world and made his life extra special. She made us promise to not leave without seeing her again and then ran off to her tables.

Our waiter came back and told us he was moving us to a different table and to please follow him. He led us back to a raised section of the dining room that had a large table set up.

"This is the chef's VIP table and he will be creating a meal especially for you." He wandered off and soon a stocky guy dressed in a white chef's coat came walking up. He was younger than dad by several years but it was clear he and dad were best of friends. They hugged real tight and I even saw a tear come out of dad's eye as they said hello.

They chatted for a few minutes, I was introduced and the chef shook my hand hard. He told me that he'd known Jimmy for many years and what good friends they were. He then told me how lucky I was to have him in my life and to never take that for granted.

"Trust me Brad, when I hired Jim, I gave him a special task of being my eyes. I wanted him to help me get rid of someone who was trouble. Someone who I had given up on and thought was un-teachable." I looked at dad and saw sadness in his eyes. "Over the next few months I watched in shock as Jim took this kid under his wing. Jim was so patient and understanding with him and soon, the kid's skills were a thousand times better. His attitude had changed for the better, he was a new person." I could tell something was really bothering dad about what the chef was saying. "I watched as everything Jim worked hard to build up in this kid came crashing down around him. Jim still never gave up, being right there to pick up the pieces just to have them thrown back at him." The chef grabbed dad's hand and squeezed it. "That's who you are Jim, that's who you will always be. That's why you and me are the friends we are." The chef looked to me again, his eyes were wet but he wasn't crying. "You will never find a better person in the whole world then that guy sitting right there. The smarts he has locked up in his brain would make a genius shudder. Treat him good and he will stand by your side when all hell breaks loose. Fuck him over, and well, he will make your life hell. As will I." The chef laughed and dad smiled. The chef stood up and gave a signal and our new waiter began bringing our food.

We ate like kings! Oh my God it was so good. With each new plate the chef came out and explained what it was and how he had prepared it. By the time we were done I was so full I felt like I was going to pop. The chef invited us on a tour of the kitchen and we followed him back. Now I knew my dad had cooked and everything he made at home was awesome, but I had no clue he was a chef! I clung by his side as the chef took us around and he and dad talked about all the things in the kitchen. I was amazed at how busy and crazy it was but still how organized. We ended up in the area in the back where they were prepping meat and chicken. The chef and dad were laughing about the guy cutting up the chicken.

"Oh shit I remember doing that," dad told me. "Chef would always save that job for me." After some light hearted joking the chef challenged dad to a race. I stood there and watched as dad and the chef each cut the bones out of these chickens in a certain way. It ended in a tie after three chickens.

We said our good byes and planned on meeting up on Sunday at Pride to spend the day together with the chef and his daughter. Dad and I left and walked a short distance along the pier. I stopped and grabbed him, spinning him to face me.

"You have always been really special to me." I hugged him so tight I thought I might snap him in half. I leaned up and kissed him, right there, out where all the people could see us.

"WOW what was that all about," dad asked running his fingers up through my hair.

"I just want you to know how much you really mean to me is all." I kissed him again, dad lifting me up, my legs wrapping around his waist. "Can we go make love now?"

We made it back to the room with our clothes still on, but I think we were both naked before the door shut. Dad laid on his back and flicked his tongue giving me the signal he wanted to eat me. I squatted over his face and let my cheeks relax on the sides of his face. His tongue danced over my shitter causing me to shiver. I felt each time it touched me, swirling over my hole, seemingly tracing each pucker as he teased me. I ground my ass hard on his mouth, his breath coming in huffs up my crack as he began to fuck my boy cunt with his tongue. I rode his tongue until I knew I was going to cum. I ripped myself off his face and flipped around to get my cock in his mouth.

Dad however had other ideas and quite easily moved us so he was now over me between my legs. He spit on his cock and with all the gentleness in the world, slid his cock into my ass as he lay on top of me. His weight felt good and his cock filled my ass perfectly. He was looking in my eyes the way he did when we first met. Like he was looking into my soul. I melted in his arms as he began making love to me.

I was moaning like a banshee, begging for him to make love to me forever. My own cock was aching to cum, my balls churning, but dad knew just how to edge me and make me last. He rolled us so now I was on top of him. My long hair soaked with sweat dangled in his face, his mouth taking it in and sucking from it my sweat. His hands were clawing at my ass and I knew he was going to cum. I held his face still, now I looked into his eyes.

"Cum in me daddy, fill me up with your man juice." I began squeezing my ass on his cock milking it for all I was worth. "Make love to me, your boy, your son." I watched his eyes as he grunted loudly, his cock throbbing as it shot deep in my tight boy ass. I began to kiss him while he came, his hot breath filling my mouth and lungs as his orgasm went on, seemingly forever.

After he'd finished, his cock remained hard and twitching in me. He lifted his head and kissed me again, his hands stroking through my wet hair. He pulled back and just looked at me.

"Bradley," his voice was so soft, caring. "I can't help it. I'm falling in love with you." These softly spoken words filling my ears, swelled my heart and my cock exploded between us.

Thanks to everyone who has written to me about this series! You're emails are wonderful!

Please feel free to email me with your comments @ strike1463@aol.com

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Next: Chapter 7

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