Older Guy Brings Me Out

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Aug 24, 2013


The usual disclaimer applies. This story involves sex between two males. If this is not your thing, read no further. No copying or sharing without the author's written consent. If you are not 18 years old or older do not read!

An Older Guy Brings Me Out Chapter 5

It's amazing how much your life can change in just a short amount of time. I was content where I was at, OK maybe I wasn't ready to stand on top of a mountain and scream 'here I am ready or not', but the closet door was at least open now. I was fully accepting of my new life, and so far, most everyone was accepting of me. I mean yeah OK the obvious nay sayers like my mom and Crissy and a couple of my surfer buds who walked away when it was brought up, but that's all really. I can honestly tell you none of that bothered me. OK, OK yeah my mom kicking me out of the house and basically saying she hates me did bug me some, OK it hurt a fucking lot.

So yeah the other morning while I hung with my surf buddies and it was suddenly brought up that one of their girlfriends had heard me and Crissy broke up, I got nervous. I hedged around the subject for as long as I could but it finally got to a point where I got frustrated and said it.

"Yeah OK, I dumped her alright? Yeah I dumped her for a freaking dude OK? So yeah I'm a fag, deal with it." I was actually expecting a riot, a mass exodus of friends but like I said only a couple wigged out and started bitching that they don't hang with queers. These were flakes anyway; dudes that surf only for the chicks. It only took me a second to realize I didn't care what they thought or said. The rest of my buddies, these were the main core group, were wicked supportive. I was suddenly inundated with questions of who I was hooked up with. Did they know him, was it one of them? I assured them all that they were safe. I began telling them how Jim and I had met, but not the details of who Jim was. This was received well until my best bud, Craig, looked at me and said;

"D U D E!!!! You're shacking up with that old guy from your work!" A sudden hush fell on all of us. Hell I swear even the sea gulls stopped cawing. All eyes were on me, everyone waiting for an answer.

"Yep, that's my man," I said.

"Fuck me dude," Craig continued, "he's like old enough to be your dad!" More deafening silence.

"So fucking what, I like being with him and he likes being with me. So what if he is older?" I felt a hand on my bare shoulder.

"Yo dude," my good friend Cody said. "As long as he is good to you and you really like being with him, fuck the world. Does he make you call him daddy?" Every one broke out laughing, but it was a good friendship laugh. After we'd finished changing I was surprised to see that everyone was going to follow me back to Jim's so that they could meet my 'boyfriend'. Now I will admit I was freaking out about this. I quickly called Jimmy as I drove, and filled him in on what was happening. I wanted to give him the chance to say no, stop, don't do it, but instead he was just the opposite. He welcomed the opportunity to meet my friends. I didn't have time to even try to talk him out of it because his house was not even a five minute drive from the place we'd been surfing.

Our procession filled the driveway and as everyone started to gather I became extremely nervous.

"Are you guys really sure you want to do this? I mean it's cool I guess, but like are you really, really, REALLY sure?"

"Dude, buddy, pal," Cody threw his arm around me as he led me towards the front door. "You know all of us got your back always right?" I nodded. "Well we got your back too. See we gotta come and make sure it's all legit and all that, OK?" I looked at up at him and he patted my chest and smiled. I looked back and saw everyone was right there. Oh fuck I hope this goes OK. I had flashes in my mind of them not liking Jim and of them beating the shit out of him.

I let them all in and took a huge deep breath. I was the last to go in and by the time I got into the living room I could hear introductions being made. Why I was so freaked out I don't know. Everything was cool. Jim was meeting my friends and they all seemed to like him, a lot! After everyone had been introduced Craig spouted off.

"Yo Bradley, do you just like come in and like not like hug and kiss him?" Once again panic hit me. I looked to Jim who was hamming it up like he always does, arms wide, goofy face, making obscene kissy lips. All the guys were laughing hard which eased my tension. I stepped up to Jim and he grabbed me in his arms and lifted me up.

"I missed you Kiddo," and he kissed me right there, on the lips, with tongue, in front of everyone who erupted in a loud cheer. Jim then led us out to the back deck, telling everyone to get comfortable and he'd whip up some grub because he knew we were all starved, and he was right we were.

As they all relaxed and began talking about the mornings surfing, I went in and cornered Jim. I let him know I was so sorry for dumping all of them on him without notice and hoped he really wasn't mad.

"Kiddo, these are your friends and I can only hope in time will be my friends too. They are welcome here anytime they want." I didn't know what to say and just hugged him.

Jim fed us like Kings. Eggs, pancakes, bacon, all of which we devoured in short order. All of us were kicking it on the deck, even Jim who sat next to me. I was super stoked they all like him and was even more excited when they somehow convinced him to come surfing with us. Jim did protest saying he'd never surfed but they were all soon fighting over who was the best of us and would get to teach him.

Part of me was sad to see them all start to leave, but another part was saying 'go, get the fuck out me and my dad so need to fuck right now'. Finally Cody, who was the last to leave, stated he needed to get to work and headed out. I wasted no time and jumped on my dad right there on the deck.

I so didn't care if anyone saw; I needed to have him and if I had to wait to get him to the bedroom, well that would just take too fucking long. I sat on his lap facing him and mashed my lips to his. I think my eagerness surprised him, but he got my message and was soon attacking me right back. I soon had both our shirts off and was busy sucking his nipples, grinding my ass on his lap. I could feel his hand as it slipped in my shorts and his fingers sought out my ass.

"Wanna fuck your son daddy?" I lifted up and helped him get his cock out while simultaneously getting my shorts off. I watched, stroking my cock as dad spit several times into his hand and began lubing his cock. His slicked fingers made quick work of wetting my ass and then grabbing my hips, dad lowered me onto his pole.

Oh fuck did I need this and oh fuck did it feel awesome. Dad's slicked up dick slid right in me and only stopped when I was sitting hard on his lap. I leaned back, dad's powerful arms supporting me as I did; the pressure on his cock in my ass was unbelievable! This was a new sensation for me and I loved it. Bracing my feet against the back of the seat he was in I began to fuck myself on his cock. I was in control with dad just holding me up. His cock was beating against that magical spot deep inside me and somehow each time it would hit against it, dad would make his cock throb which just rubbed his dick harder against it. I swear no one had touched my dick which was pouring out pre-cum, when I fucking groaned. My cock burst and I came so fucking hard! I even shot like three times up on my face, my cock flopping all around spraying my cream everywhere.

I was still cuming when dad pulled me off his cock and when it popped out it smacked against my cock. I grabbed his dick and it too started shooting cum all up over my dick and nuts running down my crack and over my ass. Dad, super stud that he is, wasted no time and moved me on to my back on the seat he'd been in and with his cock still oozing cum shoved it back into my ass; all that cum was like a mega lube and dad just kept on fucking me till we'd both cum a second time.

It had been two days since my fight with mom and I was heading over to her house with Jim and his truck, to get my stuff. We arrived and she was pleasant enough, even asking Jim if he'd like a cup of coffee. I bit my tongue to keep from asking if she'd poisoned it and left them, reluctantly, while I headed to my room to pack my shit.

I honestly can't say how long I was away from them, but when I went back I found them sitting at the dining room table and holy fuck mom was laughing! I stood there as she continued to laugh and chuckle, and seeing me she tried to stop but only succeeded in snorting and laughing even harder. Something inside me told me that somehow Jimmy had used his talent and personality and somehow won her over to his side, our side. Seeing me Jimmy excused himself to use the bathroom, thus giving me and mom some alone time.

"Hi baby," mom said motioning me to come for a hug. A hug? Really? You have got to be kidding me.

"No, mom," I stated. My tone letting her know I was pissed. "The other day you up and shut me out of your life because I told you I was gay and with an older guy. Now you just expect me to forget all that and go back to the way it was?" I threw up my arms in disgust. Actually I was stoked she had come around, but I was not going to let her off easy. I was heading out of the room planning on making a dramatic re-entrance, when she sternly called my name.

"Bradley Scott Skinner, you march that ass right back over here." I froze, just like I always did when mom was mad enough to use my whole name. I turned and went back to the table to face her. "Now you listen to me mister man, I admit I over reacted when you came out. I know it must have been hard for you to face me. I regret most of what I said to you and to Jim, and I have already apologized to him for my behavior. Sitting here with him today opened my eyes and I can really start to see what you must see in him. I admit, when you first told me, I had nothing but bad thoughts of this old man seducing my baby. Yet after you left and I saw how he comforted you, I began to see things differently. I saw how he kissed you and it reminded me of how your father use to kiss me when we first met." She patted the chair where Jim had been sitting. "Then today I actually got to interact with him and I can actually see how he feels about you." She took a brief pause and then continued. "Honey, to say I completely understand this choice you have made, I can't. Not yet anyway. I don't understand why you want to be this way and face the ridicule you will face, but after talking to Jim, I know you will not face it alone. I am sure he has been through it all before and can actually guide you." She leaned forward and hugged me. "You are my son, my baby boy, and I will always love you no matter what, understand? Just love me back and let me have some time to process all this."

"I do love you mommy, but you hurt me bad." I could feel the tears coming out of my eyes. "You need to understand that this ain't a choice. This is who I am. Who I always have been, I just really didn't know or maybe I did and just hid it away. I can tell you that when I met Jimmy something inside me woke up. He is a good man and he ain't never forced me to do anything I didn't want to do." I was sniffling now as snot was coming outta my nose as much as the tears outta my eyes. I sat back and wiped my nose. Mom was crying too, she knew she'd hurt me and I think that just about killed her deep inside.

I saw he smile and felt Jimmy's strong hands on my shoulder.

"You OK Kiddo." His voice soft and tender. I nodded. "How about you, mom? You doing OK?" Did Jim really just call my mom, mom? She also nodded she was and stood motioning us to come give her a hug.

After as we all talked, Jim's phone rang and he excused himself saying it was David.

"Who's David," mom asked as Jim stepped out of the room.

"Jim's husband," I stated flatly, suddenly realizing what I had said. I turned to see a look of shock and confusion on moms face. I quickly detailed to her the situation and I was really surprised when she actually seemed to understand.

"It's nice to see they stuck together after all the years. I wish your father had done that." She fell silent as I could see her thinking back about him. I honestly never knew him as I think I've told you. All I really know is after I was born he changed. Drinking and drugs drove them apart and one day he never came home. From that point on it was me and mom.

Jim came back and invited mom over for supper, which prompted her to start bragging about me being this great dessert maker. She accepted and left us to finish taking whatever I wanted but making sure I knew this was my home too and could leave anything I wanted too.

I took Jim up to my room. I was like a little boy wanting to show him everything and him listening to me go on and on.

"Yeah and this is my bed," I told him as I flipped off my kicks and flung myself on the bed. "It was right here when I first jacked off thinking of this hot stud who was so obviously flirting with me at work." I lifted my t shirt up and slid my other hand into my shorts.

"Oh yeah," Jim said seductively. "Just what were you thinking of as you lay there stroking that cock of yours"

"I was thinking of you being here with me and..."

"Wait," Jim whispered, "let me try and figure it out."

I watched as he slowly began taking off his clothes, then climbed onto the bed. He told me to relax and let him do this. He took off my shirt and began caressing my chest. His hands worked their way down over my crotch and felt my boner and balls. Taking off my shorts, I was going commando that day, he slowly began at my feet, licking over every inch. Sucking my toes, which I have to say, was a first for me. Kissing and licking over my feet and up my legs. He avoided my cock which was a disappointment, but not for long as he continued to kiss and make love to my body with his lips. Kissing up and sucking my nipples, giving them tiny bites which almost had me cuming. Kissing his way up over my chin, and then stopped to gaze into my eyes.

"How am I doing? Is this what you were thinking about that day?" His hands began to stroke through my long hair, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Yeah," I exhaled, "just like that..." Holy fuck I was lost! If this is what seduction was, give me more. Dad kissed my lips, just a quick peck and he began working his way back down over my chest and abs. I could feel his hot breath on my cock as he began sniffing it, each exhale swirling over my boner. My balls had come up tight to my dick and Jimmy kissed my shaft between them. He moved to lie beside me so his head was on my tummy, and he lightly kissed the tip of my dick.

"OH FUCK,"I screamed as my cock forced out this huge stream of cum. I ain't talking a big drop like I normally do. Fuck that, this was like I was pissing cum! I heard Jim make this deep moan and felt as he took my dick head in his mouth. I swear every time I came it felt like I was pissing cum and each time Jimmy moaned and I could actually feel him swallowing it.

"Damn baby boy, you came a lot," Jimmy said after as he looked at me his face covered with thick white cum. I was stoked to see it, that was my spooge on his face and he liked it.

Jimmy moved to kneel by my head and let me suck his cock. It wasn't long before he was cuming and I was eating his load of daddy cum.

I took him into the bathroom and we shared a shower. Taking our time to wash each other well and make out while we did. Dad ended up on his knees and sucking another load of my young cum, telling me it was the sweetest boy cum he'd ever had. We spent the next couple hours naked, packing the stuff I wanted to bring with me, making sure we took breaks to rest and make out.

Just before we left, dad pulled my shorts down and took his time sucking one more load out of my now hurting balls. I can't tell you the feelings of having sex with him in my house, in my room, on my bed! Next time we're here I will make sure he makes love to me there.

Please feel free to email me with your comments @ strike1463@aol.com

Also check out my other stories here on nifty, just search for my email on the search page. Check out my web site www.littlewolfpublishing.com for more information on e and my other writings and books.

Next: Chapter 6

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