Older Guy Brings Me Out

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Aug 17, 2013


The usual disclaimer applies. This story involves sex between two males. If this is not your thing, read no further. No copying or sharing without the author's written consent. If you are not 18 years old or older do not read!

An older guy brings me out Chapter 4

It was Wednesday, and I was working as usual. We were swamped with tourists from the tour busses that now rolled in on a daily basis. That's the bad thing about living and working on the coast, tourists! I was working my ass off and yet again the AC wasn't working so the espresso machine was making this place hot as hell. I was so busy with my line of coffees to make I didn't see him come in, but when I heard that sexy voice say 'my usual please' I knew my dad was here. I looked up through the hair that dangled over my eyes to see him looking at me, giving me a wink. FUCK ME! There goes my cock, soft to hard in point one seconds. I gave him a smile and nodded for him to come to the coffee pass so we could talk.

"Sorry we're so busy, I'll do your drink in just a minute."

"No worries Kiddo, I'll go next door and get some things I need for dinner and come back in a bit." I looked up at him as his fingers brushed the hair outta my eyes.

"Thanks dad," I said without thinking, suddenly hearing the hush that befell my co-workers. Fuck it I thought, they all knew I was sleeping with him anyway. I gave Jose a quick look and saw his jealousy etched on his face.

Slowly the crowd cleared and I cleaned up waiting for Jimmy to return. When he did I quickly set to making his drink.

"I have to go to moms after work," I told him. "She's been calling me all fucking morning. I am not looking forward to it." I wasn't. I knew what was up. My girlfriend had called and bitched at her about what I had said and now mom wanted to hear it from me.

"You want me to come with you?" Jimmy asked, his hand resting on my shoulder? Leaning to my ear; "I'll give you a blow job just before you go in so you'll be nice and relaxed." I burst out laughing. Hey it was funny! I could just see that happening and just how goofy I'd be after.

"Yeah, ah, no. Well yes you can come, I'm gonna need support but the blow job is for later." Jim mouthed me a kiss as he slide my tip into my pocket as he does, his fingers finding my cock and felt it up. Then leaning back to my ear;

"Don't be touching that until later, save it all for me." He pulled back and winked again making me blush. Then saying good bye to the rest of the crew he left.

Now I was sitting in front of my house, trying to find the courage to go in and face my mom. I walked in to find her fussing around in the kitchen. It was weird; she actually hugged me and told me she loved me. Well we sat and talked for a long time. She wanted to know what had happened. That Crissy, my girlfriend, had called all upset saying I'd broken up with her. I took a long deep breath and told my mom everything. Well wait, not EVERYTHING, but everything as far as me and Crissy went. How I was merely a toy to her and how she treated me. I told her about the sex, or actually lack thereof and how it was all about her and never, never ever me.

Mom sat and listened, she was good at that. She'd let you spill it all out then would tell you how she saw things and offer advice. I took yet another long deep breath.

"So I guess she told you what I told her and why I ended it right?" Mom nodded.

"Is it true? Did you really mean it?"

"Yes." There I said it. Deep inside I cringed, waiting for her to flip out and freak on my ass, but she didn't. She just sat there as she always did. "Mom, this is all new to me, but see... I met this guy at work. Oh mom you're gonna love him! He is so sweet and kind to me. He is always smiling and treats me like a prince."

"Sounds like a nice person, what does he look like?" She leaned closer like she was really interested.

"Oh he is so hot, mom. Short hair, stocky, a lot taller than me and oh mom he has these eyes. These blue, blue eyes that just like make you melt." Mom smiled and took my hands.

"I'm happy for you baby. I don't care who you want to be with or love as long as they respect you and love you back." I was stunned, speechless. She didn't even bat an eye at this. "So, when do I get to meet this Casanova who has stolen my son from me?"

"Right now if you want, he's waiting in my car." I stood up, excited to show off my man to her but suddenly fear ripped through my body. "Um, I should tell you, he is a little older than me." My mom nodded as she sat fixing herself. I ran to the car and told Jim to come in and meet my mom. If he was nervous it didn't show. He was a relaxed and calm as I ever saw him. I led him into the kitchen and oh fuck you could have heard a pin drop.

"Mom, this is Jim, Jim my mom."

"Pleasure to finally meet you Mrs. Denning." Jim extended his hand but my mom did not take it. She just sat there staring at him a look of anger spreading over her face. After a few seconds of silence she stood.

"Get out!" she screamed! "Get the fuck out of my house you filthy troll! How dare you touch my son!" Tears were streaming down her face as she repeated what she'd said. Being the gentleman Jim was he stepped back.

"I am sorry you do not approve of me. I am sorry if I have upset you, this was not my intention at all." He gave me a look and left me there with my distraught mother. I reached for her but she jerked away.

"I warned you! I told you there are perverts out there just looking for young boys to prey on. No look, you let one sink his filthy claws into you." She moved to the counter, her back to me.

"Mom, Jimmy is not like that at all, he is so good to..."

"GET OUT! Just get the fuck out right now."

"MOM," I screamed my anger over taking me. "I..."

"Bradley, go, leave. You can come get your stuff later, when I am not here and won't have to look at you." She was sobbing now. "I can't even look at you. Go on get out. Let me have time to process all this fucking madness."

I left her there and headed to my car. I wasn't crying, I wasn't sad. I was pissed that she actually had the nerve to treat this man the way she did. I found Jim leaning on my car in the driveway. I could feel my mother watching me as I walked up to him. He said nothing to me, just opened his arms to hold me. His hands caressed my back as he rested his chin on my head, my body pressed hard to his.

I felt defeated. I did not want her to see me this way and think she'd won. I pulled from Jim's embrace and pulled his face to mine. I kissed him with the same intensity as when we were having sex, nudging his arms lower. He got the message and his hands were soon kneading my ass. I couldn't see mom's reaction, but the thump on the window and the sounds of the blinds dropping told me she had seen my display. We got in my car and Jim rubbed my leg.

"Let's go home." Home? Yeah home. He was right.

At the house we were met by David on the front porch.

"How'd it go," he asked trying to sound positive. I assume the look on our faces told him what he needed to know and he gripped me in a tight hug. "It'll be OK buddy," he whispered. "She'll come around, just giver her time." He pulled back and looked into my eyes; "Come on, this is your home now." He left his arm around my shoulder and we went in.

I was looking out the kitchen window when I felt Jimmy come up behind me. In a flash of movement I had him pressed back against the counter. I dropped to my knees and yanked his shorts down. My mouth sucked his cock into my mouth and reached up to grab his balls, something I had learned he absolutely loved.

I still to this day don't know why I needed to suck his cock at that very moment I just needed too. I had to feel his hard cock fucking my mouth. Feel his hands hold my head as he rammed his cock back and forth. I needed him to cum and fill my mouth with his juice. Looking up I could see him gazing down at me. I also felt when David came in to stand next to me. I looked to see his cock was fully hard, a long drip of pre-cum hanging from the wrinkled foreskin covering his head.

I went back and forth between them, sucking until I felt they were ready to cum then quickly switching to the other. I worked them this way until Jimmy lifted me up. He actually put me over his shoulder and carried me to the bedroom, David following singing a little song of 'someone's gonna get it'.

I was thrown onto the bed and my clothes were savagely ripped from my body. David moved next to my head and fed me his cock as Jimmy smeared lube on my cock. What was he doing I wondered. I soon saw him moving over me and felt as he put my young cock at his hole. Holy shit he was going to let me fuck him! I looked to his face and saw him wink at me as he pushed back letting my rock hard boy cock slip into his daddy ass.

Oh fuck me the sensation was out of this world. He kept looking at me.

"Ready," he asked me in a very sexual way, and then slid my whole cock into his ass! That did it, I was so ready to bust my fucking nuts right then! Jimmy pulled up and reached to pinch my cock in such a way that even though I wanted to cum and needed to cum, I couldn't. "No, you can't cum until daddy says you can." He released my cock and began to hump himself on me. I could feel his tightness, the heat of his ass surrounding my cock. I could hear the sounds my cock made as it fucked him.

David, pulled out and lay to the side watching me fuck my daddy. Jimmy had leaned over me asking if I was OK. Making sure I loved what I was doing. All I could do was grunt . We fucked like this for some time, Jimmy making sure I didn't cum. Then he pulled off my cock, leaving me wanting more. I lost control and sprang up, pushing him to his back. I grabbed his legs and wrapped them around me. I watched as I pushed my cock into his ass again. Watching as each inch slid in, than when I could push no more, I fell forward to my arms and began to fuck him, just like he always fucked me. Jimmy was under me, his face near mine, my hair dripping sweat as I fucked him like an animal. I watched my sweat drip from my hair and hit his face, then saw as his tongue snaked out of his mouth licking them up.

He pulled my head lower and let my hair drag over his face and neck, his eyes rolling back in his head, a loud groan coming from deep inside him. I felt his cock, pressed between us throb and his ass clench my cock with such force. I felt a wet hotness spreading between us and knew my dad was cuming.

"Fuck me harder baby boy, fuck your dad's ass hard." Jim's words hit my ears as he began licking my face, drinking up my sweat, and his hands on my ass forcing me deeper still. More hands on my ass, spreading it.

"Fuck me, you should see his balls! They are like part of his cock now." I heard David say as his fingers stroked over my nuts. That did it. I couldn't hold back anymore and I started to cum deep in my dad's ass. I couldn't move as David had come up behind me and was now sliding his cock into me. I relaxed and let him in and just like that he was cuming in me.

We collapsed in a sweaty heap, all of us breathing hard, gasping for breath. David withdrew from my ass and after kissing my back and saying thank you, he left us. I just lay on my dad, my cock still rock hard in his ass. I could feel him squeezing my cock with his ass. I began to give little thrusts back and forth.

"Yeah baby, come on fuck me again." His hands were stroking through my hair as he continued to whisper encouragement to me. "My little stud, come on fuck me again, I want all your boy juice in my ass, leaking out as you fuck me." I didn't move off of him, the feel of his soft fur on my chest was so awesome to feel. I rocked my hips back and forth, working my cock in and out of his ass. "Yeah Brad make love to me. Make love to me like you have never made it before with anyone."

I didn't last anywhere near as long as the first time. There was too many sensations, so much seduction from Jimmy, I bit his neck as my balls emptied into him a second time. There was no force to my fucking. My cock was merely sliding in and out as I came.

"Yeah my sweet sexy boy, make love to me."

I must have passed out, for when I opened my eyes Jim was lying next to me wiping a warm cloth over my skin. I climbed on top of him and began to kiss him. My mind was clear. This is want I wanted. This is who I wanted to be with. Am I admitting that I am gay? Who knows? Does it really fucking matter? For the first time in my young life I felt complete. I felt loved by the person I was with. I felt like my feelings mattered.

"What are you thinking about sexy." Jim asked me brushing the hair out of my face.

"Nothing really. Just how happy I am right now." As we lay there I thought back over my life. The times with my best bud when we'd jack off and how now I could clearly see how much I had wanted to touch his cock, make him cum and yeah even wanted to suck him off. How when I was surfing, I'd secretly be checking out my friends. How I must have hidden all these thoughts deep inside. Meeting Jimmy, this sexy man under me, who opened my eyes, no my life to all this. The many, many times I jacked off thinking of him doing it with me. That first night, shit every time we did it and now this.

Fuck you mom, I am so happy. I don't care if you hate me now. I am where I want to be.

Please feel free to email me with your comments @ strike1463@aol.com

Also check out my other stories here on nifty, just search for my email on the search page. Check out my web site www.littlewolfpublishing.com for more information on e and my other writings and books.

Next: Chapter 5

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