Older Guy Brings Me Out

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Aug 14, 2013


The usual disclaimer applies. This story involves sex between two males. If this is not your thing, read no further. No copying or sharing without the author's written consent. If you are not 18 years old or older do not read!

An older guy brings me out Chapter 3

It's been three weeks since that first time with Jimmy. He was like a drug to too me. I was so addicted to him it was crazy. No it was more than the sex, and that was always awesome, but it was just how he was as a person. Like an older brother or a dad would be. I was over my worries about his husband. He and I had become good friends too. Over these three weeks I learned that they still love and care for each other, but that they'd grown apart. They now slept in separate rooms and only had sex on special occasions.

During these three weeks I had become part of their family and was at the house every day. I did still go home and sleep once in a while, just to keep my mom happy, but she knew something was up, she just wasn't asking yet. My girlfriend, well that's another whole story.

I'd been dealing with my thoughts about who I was. Was I gay or straight? Jimmy had told me that I shouldn't worry about labels and just to be who I wanted to be. To do what I wanted to do and fuck the rest of the world. Well the more I thought about it, and trust me I thought about it a lot; I realized the difference between my girlfriend and Jimmy. With her it was all about her. I mean everything was her, her, her. Her ideas were the only ideas, even when she asked me for mine. Sex was all her, eat my pussy, fuck me now, OK stop I am done, go finish in the bathroom and when I did she'd call me a gross pig for doing it. Then there was Jimmy who made everything about me. My ideas meant something, my opinion mattered, and the sex, well shit, you know about the sex... mind blowing. Although we didn't fuck every day, this man made sure I was satisfied, and loved being able to do it.

OK so last night I did it. I ended it with my girlfriend. Yep and oh let me tell you it was not pretty, but I fucking enjoyed every second of it. See she called me like she always did. Told me she was in need and I was to hurry and do "my duty". So after taking her to dinner, which as always cost me a mint, we were back at her place. I'll skip the fore play not that there is much to skip, and get right to the good stuff. She shocked me when she told me I could fuck her. Yep no eat me or nothing just get to it and do it. Well I was surprised when my cock didn't get hard. I mean this was a first for me! I felt nothing inside, there were no more questions. It was like a light switch had been flipped and I no longer wanted what she had to offer. I knelt there looking at her laying there waiting. I looked to my cock hanging limp over my balls and all I could think of was Jimmy. His mouth on my young cock, sucking me. His cock fucking my tight boy ass. His hands touching me, and his lips as we kissed. I got up and began to get dressed.

"What the fuck are you doing?" She nearly screamed, her hands clutching the sheets. "Get up here and fuck me NOW!"

"No, I am done with you. Lose my number and don't call me anymore."

"Who is she? What's the name of the cunt you're fucking? I will find her and I will kill her!" She was crazed with anger now, her eyes flashing red. "Tell me you bastard, I want to know." I buttoned my jeans and chuckled.

"Jimmy," I said flatly, tossing my t shirt over my shoulder and sliding my feet into my flip flops. "HIS name is Jimmy." The look on her face was well worth the year of demeaning treatment I had gone through with her. Her mouth was wide open as if ready for some massive cock to be shoved in. I turned and took two steps towards the door then turned my head to look back at her. "Have a great life." As I left, I could hear her shouting insult after insult at me. Calling me every name in the book, telling me she wished I was dead. I was at the front door when she grabbed my shoulder. She was crying, now begging me to stay. Apologizing for the things she had said just now, that she was angry but could see now she was wrong. I turned to look at her.

"You see, the thing is, Jimmy wants me for me," I beat my fist against my chest. "I am more to him than this," and I grabbed my crotch and humped it at her. "I am a REAL person to him, not just some status symbol like I am to you. Some 'THING' to drag around and flaunt to your friends. Lookie I snagged me a surfer boy aren't you jealous? Lady, you are destined to live a long lonely life and for that I am very sorry. Now if you will excuse me, I am outta here." I turned and walked out, leaving her there, in the front door, naked.

I drove around for a while proud of myself. I had stood up to her and was happy I had. I stopped in at home to grab some things I needed and to let mom I'd broken up with her. Mom took it well, better than I'd thought she would. I didn't divulge who I left her for, and thank god she didn't ask.

I got to Jimmy's and now more than ever I felt free. The front door was locked as was the gate to the back yard. This was strange and I wondered if I should head back home. Fuck it I thought and proceeded to jump over the six foot fence. I found Jim and David, my boys, on the deck in the back. I could tell they were both happy to see me and that only made me feel better than I already did.

"Oh look at that," David chuckled, "Something happened, he looks like he is gonna burst." I stepped so I stood between where they sat facing them. I took a deep breath but before I could say anything, David spoke.

"Wait, before you bust all over us, there is something we want to give you." David looked at Jimmy who smiled and nodded. David held his closed fist out to me and nodded for me to take what was hidden in his hand. When I held my hand under his fist, he released his grip and a set of two keys on a ring fell into mine. "We want you to have these." I looked at the keys in my hand, momentarily dumb. "Keys to the house buddy," David explained. "We already told you that you're welcome here anytime and this proves it." I stood there looking at the keys.

"Thank you," was all I could say.

"So what is it that you were going to tell us?" David asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah, right." I took a deep breath and told them of my ending it with my girlfriend. I told them every last detail. David jumped up and hugged me.

"Yes, yes, YES! Oh you don't know how happy we are to hear this!" He grabbed my head and kissed me on the lips. Nothing sexual, just like a happy kiss, but it did make my cock start to get hard. He then spun around and as he left his arm over my shoulder and rubbed my still bare chest with his other hand:

"Baby, we did it! Now we get our toaster oven!" I looked at David and then to Jim, my confusion clearly etched on my face, toaster oven? David kissed me again and even in my state of total confusion my cock rose to full hardness and was clearly obvious.

As David began doing a crazy dance and singing some stupid song about the bitch being gone, Jimmy came up to me and kissed me with deep passion. I was still very confused until Jimmy explained that it was a joke, and how they had converted me to being gay and for that they got a toaster oven. It made more sense, but I will admit I was still a bit confused.

"You know," I told them as they continued to hug and kiss me, "until tonight I had questions. Then kneeling there looking at her all spread out waiting for me to fuck her, it just clicked. I was not turned on by her or what she offered. I mean I've always wondered if maybe I might be bi, but tonight, I know what I am." David looked at me, his face seemed serious.

"Are you sure? Positive? No questions left?" I laughed at him and nodded. I grabbed his hand and put it on my crotch, his fingers gripping my boner as he sucked in air.

"Yep, by the feel of things I'd say he was sure." He gave my cock several slow strokes, and then quickly pulled away. "I'm sorry," he said as he looked at me then Jimmy. Jimmy just looked at me to be sure I was alright.

"It's cool dude;" and I put his hand back on my crotch. Jimmy gave him a slight nod, and David knelt beside me, his hand freely exploring my boner.

"How about we take this inside and not give a free show to the neighbors." Jimmy helped David to stand and we all headed into the living room, where David again knelt and began to open my jeans.

I don't know what was making me hornier. The fact that another guy was touching me or that Jimmy was right there watching his husband touch me. Whatever the case, I loved it. David soon had me naked and was now stroking my young boner. He was rougher than Jimmy; his hands calloused from working as a landscaper, but the touch was still gentile and the fact that it was a guy touching me brought me closer to cuming.

My eyes were closed as Jimmy came up behind me, his arms hugging me tight, his naked body pressing to my back. His soft fur teasing my skin as our bodies met. His face nuzzled my neck, his breath hot on my skin as he sniffed my long hair. I relaxed into his embrace as David's hot mouth slowly began to suck my cock.

"You doing OK kiddo?" Jim's ever seductive voice asked. I nodded, not wanting to speak. Not wanting to break the bubble of pleasure that surrounded me. I felt Jimmy squat a bit lower and felt as his hands spread my ass. I felt his cock rub against my hole, its wetness making it slide with ease. I was so torn. I couldn't focus on both of these men and the pleasure they were both giving to me. How was I to choose? Jimmy and his cock at my shitter or my cock being loved on by David, this was just too much. My breathing got heavy and I could actually feel my balls getting tight. I knew I was going to cum soon and wanted to make it last longer.

Just when I knew I couldn't hold back any longer and that I was going to cum, David stopped sucking me and pulled back. I looked down at him his mouth shiny with spit and drool. He looked so fucking hot kneeling before me, this much older guy, kneeling there worshiping my young body and cock.

"MMM, oh fuck me, his cock is so delicious," his hand wiping across his mouth.

"I know," Jim said his cock head now pushing into my ass. I was still looking down at David as Jimmy's hand came around and forcefully grabbed my balls making lift up from the pleasure of his touch. "Just wait till he cums babe, Oh his juice is so sweet." As I relaxed from his touch on my balls, his cockhead forced its way into my ass making me tense and groan from the feeling. I felt him pull back slightly from me and heard him spit I assume onto his cock which soon after began to slide deeper into my tight ass.

"Oh yes, please fuck me daddy!" My voice was gruff, husky in tone. "Please fuck your gay boy. Do it to me like I need it done." I looked back down at David who was now naked. He was Latino and his dark olive skin was sexy to see. I finally got a look at his cock which was larger than mine, a long skin hung over the head and I watched as a long clear drool of his pre-cum dripped from the folds. He was standing there his fingers skillfully pinching my nipples, driving me deeper into sexual passion.

I reached out and took his cock in my hand, the heat from it almost burning me. I could feel every vein in his throbbing shaft as he began sucking my nipples.

"Oh god kiddo," Jimmy huffed in my ear, "I'm gonna cum!" He made one last deep thrust, finally hitting that spot in me and I could feel his cock shooting in me. I heard David moan and felt his cock throbbing in my hand as his cum coated my cock. David took over stroking his cock, beating it against my cock as he still sucked my nipples.

"Oh fuck! Oh fuck, daddy I gotta cum," I screamed this as my fingers dug into Jimmy's body behind me. Sudden warmth surrounded my cock and straining to look down I saw David now sucking my cocks head, the feel of him putting his teeth behind the rim and pulling back was too much and I came. My body jerked and twitched with each blast of my boy juice. I felt my shitter clamping tight on Jimmy's cock his hands holding me tight to him. David now swallowing my whole cock drinking the last bit of my load as my cock slid into his throat.

I was spent. Never before had I had such awesome sex. NEVER! I was thinking it was over, but David continued to suck my cock as Jimmy's cock came out of my ass. I was having trouble standing, my legs felt like jello, I had to hold myself up by holding on to my men.

Jimmy was now kneeling behind me his face firmly planted between my cheeks. I was shocked to feel him licking and sucking on my hole, but the pleasure of his mouth had me pushing back against his mouth. They soon had me ready to cum again and my cock began to cream in David's mouth.

I was completely gone now. I collapsed into Jimmy's arms as he carried me to the bedroom. Laying me on the bed, he began kissing my whole body. I watched as David came up behind Jimmy and made eye contact with him.

"May I fuck your dad Brad," his voice was sincere and I nodded. Jimmy took my soft cock into his mouth as David fucked him, he lovingly sucked my cock. David's thrusts pushed Jimmy on and off my cock which never got fully hard, but even still I did cum again.

David finished fucking my dad and kissed us both before leaving for his room. Jimmy moved me so I now lay on top of him, my head beside his.

"Are you OK, baby?" I exhaled shoeing my complete contentedness.

"More than you will ever know."

From the living room I heard my cell phone ringing and knew it was my mom by the ring tone. My one fear, my one dread, now coming front and center. I knew that my girlfriend had called and told her what I had said to her. Now my mom was freaking out about her son being gay. Almost as if Jimmy could sense this, who knows maybe he did. I mean he did have this way about him that he seemed to know everything I thought; he wrapped his arms tight around me.

"You are never alone for I am always with you," his lips kissing my head. "Even in your darkest moment when you are surrounded by darkness fear not, for I am always at your side." I rose up and looked down at his face. "Everything will be alright, I promise you."

Somehow I knew he was right. I somehow knew that he would make everything right with the world. I lay back down, his arms hugging me again, and just like magic, everything was right.

Please feel free to email me with your comments @ strike1463@aol.com

Also check out my other stories here on nifty, just search for my email on the search page. Check out my web site www.littlewolfpublishing.com for more information on e and my other writings and books.

Next: Chapter 4

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