Older Guy Brings Me Out

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Aug 13, 2013


The usual disclaimer applies. This story involves sex between two males. If this is not your thing, read no further. No copying or sharing without the author's written consent. If you are not 18 years old or older do not read!

An older guy brings me out Chapter 2

I was right, work completely sucked and minutes seemed like hours! Jose knew something had happened but I don't think he knew whit who, and I was not about to tell him. I continued to muddle through my shift and was concentrating on steaming some milk for a mocha I was preparing when I felt eyes upon me. You know the feeling, right? Well I lifted my eyes and there looking through the bottles of flavors was Jim! I lost all control over myself. My knees buckled and I lost my grip on the steaming pitcher which hit the floor with a thud sending scalding hot milk everywhere. Laughter erupted from everyone and I know I turned several shades of red as I wiped foamy milk from my face.

Jim had come in for his usual, which he told Jose at the register I was to make. As I made him his drink we chatted.

"I was just wanting to make sure you are doing OK," Jim's voice full of concern, spoke quietly so only I could hear. "I don't want you to be all freaked out or anything." I snickered at this.

"No way dude, last night was freaking awesome! Thank you!" I could feel the redness coming back to my face as my mind raced over all that had happened with him last night. My cock was already rock hard just at seeing him and now was trying to rip out of my jeans. "Is it OK if I come over later?" I knew the answer to this question, but I had to ask. The look I got from Jim gave me my answer. "I get off at two but I have to take my car in for a tune up and to get the oil changed first." Jim gave me a weird look, than began asking me questions about my car. What year was it, the model and stuff like that. He then made me promise to come by his house first. I agreed and handed him his drink, and he flashed me some cash in his hand and slyly slid his hand into my pocket where he gave my boner a nice squeeze. Oh holy fucking crap, I shit you not I almost busted my nuts right then. The feeling of his hand on my cock was almost too much to take. He gave me a wink and said he'd see me after work.

The rest of my shift went rather quick. I know Jose figured out what was up with me and where I'd been last night and who I had been with. I say this as soon after Jim left Jose passed behind me and said:

"You are such a fucking slut. You so know I wanted him." I kept my tongue and merely turned to give him a broad smile.

When I pulled into Jim's driveway I saw in the back of his truck several small boxes and containers of oil. On the side of the drive way were large tool boxes on wheels, and other things you'd see at a garage. Jim and his husband were there as I parked, following Jim's direction to park behind his truck and 'pop the hood'. Jim explained that he would not let me go to a garage and pay tons of money to get a tune up and stuff, that he was able to do it for me. I was a little unsure but these feelings soon went away as I stood and watched him work.

I'm no dummy, but OK I don't know much about cars. My dad was never there for me growing up so I never had the dad son fix the car time that other guys get. Yeah my dad was a drunk drug addict and actually split when I was just a little kid. Now here I was with this guy, actually getting treated like a dad should treat his son, and honestly it was freaking amazing. I mean everything he did he took time to explain to me, and even let me help do some of the work. He answered my questions without making me feel stupid and I liked that a lot. Even more amazing was when we were finished I asked him what I owed him, knowing I would have been facing a huge bill at the garage.

"Eh, just cover the parts."

"Huh?" I asked him not understanding.

"Forty seven twenty thee, but we'll be square at forty seven."

"OK, but what about your time? "

"Nothing, I love doing this shit." Jim put his arm around me as he pulled me to him. "And no, that doesn't mean you have to do it with me again. I just like helping out." I dug in my pocket and paid him the money and gave him a hug that I think shocked him. Later, while he was showering, his husband told me that was just how Jim was. He would help anyone he could. It was a great feeling and I was quickly getting used to being there. David, Jim's husband seemed to like me a lot as a person and seemed to not mind one bit that I was attracted to Jim. It suddenly hit me I was wearing the same clothes as I had on yesterday. I needed to go home and change and get fresh stuff for tomorrow as I was hoping I would spend the night here again.

My plan was to run home super-fast and just run in and grab stuff and run out. If I did it right I could make it there and back here before mom got home and thus not have to explain anything to her just yet. See, even though my mom and I aren't too close, she is still my mom and I have never lied to her and was not going to start now.

I explained what was up to Jim and David and sped home, I actually didn't live too far away, only about a twenty minute drive. I crashed through my door and started stuffing clothes in a gym bag. Socks, underwear, stuff for work, tooth brush you know the basics. I was almost done and outta there when I heard a sound that made my heart stop.

"Bradley? Honey you home?" FUCK me, mom was here! Before I could freak out too much she was in my room giving me a hug.

"Now just where were you last night mister?" She asked ruffling my hair. "And when are you going to cut this mop of yours?" She was referring to the length of my hair. See my hair was rather long, and was about two inches short of my shoulders. I really liked it this way but mom and my girlfriend hated it.

"Oh um... I was at Jimmy's playing X box and it got kinda late so I just crashed there."

"By the looks of it, you are going back?" Mom said seeing my packed gym bag.

"Yeah," was all I could manage to say.

"OK well have fun." Mom kissed me and left me to finish grabbing my stuff. I actually breathed a sigh of relief thinking that it was easier than I had thought. This relief was short lived as mom cornered me by the back door.

"Who is this Jimmy? I don't ever remember hearing about him."

"Oh sorry, he is this dude I met at work. Really cool dude, awesome zombie killer."

"Oh, OK well bring him by so I can meet him."

"MOM," I groaned, "I'm not ten ya know." I tried to pull away from her but she held me there.

"Yes I know, but you are still my son, my little man. There are those out there that would only want to hurt you. Evil old men who seek out young na‹ve boys like you and seduce them with games and presents. Then once they have you relaxed, BAM! You wake up naked in some grungy dirty hotel room."

"MOM, cut the crap. Jimmy ain't like that. He's just a cool guy I met at work." I stalled off any more questions by kissing her and pulling from her grip. As I drove back to Jim's I started laughing about how crazy my mom would be if she ever found out Jim was older than she was!

Back at Jim and David's, they began teasing me and my over-stuffed gym bag. David saying stuff like oh looks like someone is ready to move in already. Jim made room for my things in his dresser, sitting on the bed watching me unpack. Finished I turned to see him watching me, a happy look on his face. I sauntered up between his legs to stand before him, brushing his hands away as he reached out to hold my hips. Taking a step back, I gave him a sly look, my hair falling over my eyes seductively.

"You know my mom says there are old men out there that only want me for my body and to use me for sex." I began to slowly un-tuck my t shirt from my jeans. "That they'll lure me in with candy and video games, then when I am all comfy they'll rape me and then leave me." I pulled my shirt over my head and threw it on his head. I could clearly hear him breathe in as he seemed to smell my shirt. My only thought was man it must stink. Jim pulled my shirt off his head and crumpled it into a ball tossing it to the side. I took one more step back and began to slowly un-button my jeans, opening them slowly, his eyes fixed on my hands as they did. I began working them down turning as I did shaking my ass at him.

"Oh Brad you are driving me crazy," Jim sighed. I let my jeans fall and kicked them off now only standing in Joe Boxer boxer briefs. As I stepped closer Jim leaned forward and pressed his face to my crotch and again I heard him sniffing me. I suddenly became conscious that I had not showered and must have some really rank ball sweat. I tried to back up but he held me firm, moving his face over my crotch and hardening cock. When he released his grip on my hips, I pushed him back onto the bed.

Opening his jeans I yanked them and his boxers off quickly. Kneeling I held his cock in my hand. Now remember I have never sucked a dick before, but after last night, I could think of nothing else. I pulled his skin back and took him in my mouth. Jim whispered I didn't have to do this but I know I wanted to.

I sucked his cock for a while, Jim urging me on helping me to take more and more of him in my mouth. Then suddenly he moved and pulled me off his cock, my lips and mouth trying to get his cock back like a starving baby going for moma's tittie.

"Hang on baby," Jim coo'd at me. "Let's not rush the end so quick, OK?" He pulled me up on to him, and I looked down into his beautiful eyes. My urge now was to kiss him. Not like I kiss my mom, or that lame shit my girlfriend calls kissing. I wanted tongue. I'd only frenched one other person before, some chick at a party I went to. I wanted to kiss him like that.

I mashed my lips to his and shoved my entire tongue into his mouth. Yeah yeah I know what a moron, right? Well after a second of shock on Jim's part, he took control and began kissing me so much better than that slut at the party. Oh my God, it was so hot. His tongue was almost wrestling with my tongue. I could taste his spit and feel his breath coming into me.

I broke our kiss to literally rip his shirt off. I wanted him naked, needed him naked. I had to feel his skin against mine. As soon as it was gone, I threw myself against him, rubbing my body on his as we began to make out again. His hands were all over me, then pulling at my underwear to get them off, me kicking like a bronco to free myself of them. Then I felt it. His cock was pressing against my crack. I froze for a second not sure of this new sensation.

"Oh hey," Jim began, taking my head and lifting it from his. "I will never do anything that you do not want to do, so just relax." Wait, did he just read my mind? We went back to kissing, my cock humping between us, my pre-cum lubing his skin so my cock slid with ease. Before I knew it, my hands had spread my cheeks and now Jims cock was rubbing over my shitter. I could feel my hands pushing on his cock trying to make it go in me. I wanted this. I wanted him to fuck me, NOW!

Jim again broke our kiss and looked deep into my eyes.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to feel you have to let me, OK?" All I could do was nod my understanding. I was so horny right then I needed it bad. I could see the sweat dripping from my hair; feel my breathing as I gasped for breath, my hands still trying to shove his cock into my shitter. "Ok baby, OK, but let me at that ass so I can open you up a bit first." Jim pulled me up and had me squatting over his face. His tongue began dancing over my ass, poking against my shitter. He was pulling me down onto his tongue which slipped into my ass and almost made me cum when it did. I could feel his thumbs working to open me up as his tongue continued to fuck in and out. Grabbing my cheeks, I sat down hard on Jim's face.

"Oh fuck yes eat me daddy," I groaned. Where these words came from I have no clue, but at that very moment this stud under me was my daddy and I was his son. As I ground my as on his mouth I watched as Jim fumbled on the night stand for the lube. Taking it from him, I pumped several shots into my hand and smeared it onto his cock. Pulling from his mouth I wanted no more fore-play. Jim moved me with ease and set me over his cock.

"When it starts to go in, I want you to push like you're taking a crap. Then slowly let it slide into you. You are in control; take as much or as little as you want. You're a virgin, and you're going to be tight as fuck. That's a good thing, but I am so ready to cum, you're going to make me cum right away."

"I don't care, just fuck me dad." Was all I could say. I was poised over his cock waiting. I could feel him rubbing the head of his cock over my ass. Him cooing to me words of assurance and relaxation, but these were lost in my desire to feel him in me. As he lifted his hips, pressing his cock harder to my hole, my mind suddenly screamed to stop! I was filled with fear! What if when he got in me and I liked it? Was I gay? I struggled with these thoughts as I felt him pressing harder against me. Part of me wanted to freaking get up and run out, never to come back, yet still another part was screaming for him to fuck me now. I gritted my teeth, waiting for the searing pain that I knew was to come, but never once took my eyes from his eyes. Those tranquil pools of hypnotic blue that melted my heart every time I looked at them. His hands on my hips drew me back to the present. His lips moving, his voice softly drowning out all the confusion in my head.

"Baby, are you OK?" His eyes held a worried look in the that told me he was concerned for me. He was worried he'd hurt me, but why? Then as I became more focused, I realized his cock was in me. Not deep, just the head, but still he was actually inside me. There was no pain like I had thought, yes it was a strange feeling but the more I looked back at him, the more that strangeness became pleasure. I relaxed and did as he had told me, and as I pushed I could feel him sliding in slightly deeper. My mind raced to thoughts of me with my girlfriend and how she must feel when I fucked her. Trust me this thought did not last long as I knew there was no comparing the two. I grunted and Jim urged me to relax again. I pushed again, harder this time and felt his cock slide even deeper, his face contorting as my ass opened for him. Then with his hands pushing me down, he slid fully into me and holy crap, his cock touched something inside me and I lost all control.

"OH GOD, Yes, daddy fuck me!" I cried out as my cock throbbed and my cum shot out of my cock and shot well past his head. I moved his hands from my hips and leaned forward, the pleasure of this movement only intensified my orgasm. I began humping my ass on his cock, not big moves but more smaller ones, making his cock to keep hitting that spot deep in me.

My orgasm slowed and I saw that we were both soaked in sweat. Jim wrapped me in his arms and with his strength rolled us together so I was on my back and he was now over me, his cock never once leaving my ass. He lay with me, our eyes locked as his hips began to fuck his cock in and out of me. At one point he pulled out all the way and I groaned for him to put it back in. I was not ready for this to end, and that was the honest truth!

Jim had his face next to mine, his heart was racing, his breath sounded like mine when I am having an asthma attack.

"Oh Brad, I have been dreaming of this moment for the longest time." His words interrupted with grunts. "Oh God, I'm gonna cum," he moaned into my ear as his thrusts became harder.

"Yeah daddy, cum in me now!" I spoke these words into his ear and I wrapped my arms and legs around him. His lips suddenly on mine, out tongues lashing at each other's as he began to cum deep in me. Finally he collapsed on top of me, spent and gasping for breath. I held this man, this awesomely sexy man who had just fucked me. I did not want to let him go, ever.

Jim soon lifted up and was kneeling between my legs slowly pulling his cock from me. Oh I did not want that, I wanted him to stay in me forever. Lying beside me, taking me into his arms, we rested; is hot breath on my neck where his lips pressed to my skin.

It was dark when I woke up. I was lying on top of Jim, our bodies pressed together. The room smelled of sex. Man sex! I had to piss really bad and tried to get away from his embrace.

"Where do you think you are going?"

"I gotta piss bad." Jim released me and I ran to the toilet just making it before I lost all control.

As my stream splashed loudly in the water, I felt Jim come up behind me his hands caressing over my chest and abs, sliding down to hold my cock as I continued to piss. Jim was kissing me as we stood there, his hand slowly stroking my cock as I pissed.

"I hope I didn't hurt you," his voice soft and gentle.

"No way, I fucking loved it. You were so awesome and made sure I enjoyed it."

"I was worried that when I woke up that you'd be gone and I'd never see you again." His voice sounded sad.

"Funny," I said, my piss now stopping, "I was worried that after we finished you would tell me to go."

"GO? Are you nuts? I have with me this sexy young boy, who for some strange reason finds this old decrepit man sexy. Why would I want you to go?" His words soft like silk, eased my worries.

"I think you are more than sexy." I leaned up and kissed him, Jim lifting me into his arms moving us into the huge shower.

The hot spray washed over us as we continued to make out. Jim holding me in his arms my cock humping between us. Breaking our kiss, Jim began to wash me from head to toe, his hands gliding over me as he did. I knew I needed to get dressed for work but didn't want to leave. Jim knelt and took my aching cock into his mouth, sliding it down his throat. He expertly milked my balls as his mouth sucked my cum out of me.

Please feel free to email me with your comments @ strike1463@aol.com

Also check out my other stories here on nifty, just search for my email on the search page.

Next: Chapter 3

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