Older Guy Brings Me Out

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Aug 11, 2013


The usual disclaimer applies. This story involves sex between two males. If this is not your thing, read no further. No copying or sharing without the author's written consent. If you are not 18 years old or older do not read!

An Older Guy Brings Me Out

It was finally happening. His hands were gently caressing my skin. His eyes, sparkling blue, watching my face for any reaction. His fingers brushing over my nipples causing me to moan softly.

"All you need to do is tell me to stop and I will." His words mere whispers, soft and caring. "I do not want you to feel you have to continue or reciprocate. Tonight is all about you." I felt his hot lips kiss my abs. His tongue swirling in my belly button making me shiver with pleasure.

I continued to watch this handsome man, who I'd only known a short time, as he gently removed my t shirt. His hands playing over my skin, his lips now sucking on my nipples each in turn. I felt as his hand slowly slid over my jeans down my leg, then slowly coming back up sliding over my swollen crotch and with a slight squeeze, I came!

"Awe fuck no!" I cried out, my hips thrusting my cock up into his hand as my orgasm continued. His hand continued to milk my cock through my jeans even after I'd finished. My mind was screaming that I was such a stupid idiot for having no control, but also knowing that this man had complete control over me.

I'm Bradley, just your typical surfer boy from California. Five foot five inches tall, nice body, shaggy brown hair and green eyes. I never put much thought into my sexual orientation and considered myself straight. Had a girl friend who was a bitch and the sex we had was all about her and never about me. I mean she would demand I eat her snatch for hours, then want me to fuck her till she came. That was it. When she came it was over. The one and only time she sucked my cock, it lasted all of two minutes and only after I scrubbed it. I will admit, that when I was maybe thirteen, me and my best bud would jack off together but never anything more than that. So until that fateful day when I met Jim, that was my life.

So let me tell you how we met. I was a Barista at a really cool coffee shop near the beach. I'd only been working there about a week when my manager, this very gay guy named Jose started telling me about a customer who was going to be coming in.

"OK so the next guy to come in is a very special VIP. He has been coming in since this place opened and is very particular about his drink." I turned to look at Jose and could see his eyes were scanning through the front windows. "Don't worry if he comes in and walks out, like I said he is picky about who makes his drink. There are only a few of us who he lets do it. Oh and listen, he is all mine. Got it?" Jose gave me a slight nudge as he stepped up to the register.

I was finishing a latte for another customer, my eyes focused on creating the artistic swirled design I was creating in the foam when all my co-workers shouted out "JIM!" Startled I looked up to see this older guy approaching the counter. He was a large man, maybe close to six feet tall and although large in size he carried himself well and I automatically thought he'd served in the military at some point. The Camouflage hat was low over his face, resting on his very dark Oakley's. He sported a neatly trimmed goatee which was speckled with grey and his legs looked powerfully strong. I knew this was one person I would not want to piss off.

He walked up to the register and this charming smile spread on his face as he cheerfully greeted Jose. They exchanged polite conversation this man's face never turning to look at me, but somehow I could feel his eyes staring at me from behind his sunglasses. Jose suddenly grabbed me by the arm and dragged me next to him.

"Jim, this is Brad. Brad started last week."

I now could really feel this man's eyes looking me over. I was uncomfortable but at the same time excited.

"Hi, um nice to meet you," I barely managed to stutter out.

"Hi there, I'm Jim. Don't believe anything Jose says about me, OK?" He then broke out with this infectious laughter that filled the room. Looking back at Jose Jim's tone became stern. "Teach him how to make it just like you do." He then paid and walked over to the pass where he struck up a conversation with another co-worker Dustin.

On subsequent visits it was clear I had learned to make his drink to his liking as he began to request that I make it for him, even if Jose or on of the others who made it for him were working. Then one afternoon, I was working a rare shift where I was alone for a few hours. The shop was empty and I had some rad tunes pumping out of the sound system. I about crapped myself when I heard Jim call out to me.

"Hey there handsome!" I spun around and there he was at the register. I quickly composed myself, trying hard to hide how nervous he made me feel. He stood there his camo hat as always pulled low over his eyes, his dark sun glasses hiding eyes. Today he wore a tank top and I was struck at the large tattoo that extended up from his elbow on his right arm, over his shoulder then seemed to appear on his left shoulder and down to the elbow of his left arm. It was definitely tribal in design but what it was I had no idea.

I was so focused on his tattoo that I didn't even see him remove his sunglasses, something I had never seen him do before/, and when I did finally look to his eyes, I gasped at just how blue and hypnotizing they were. They almost seemed to peer into my very soul. It wasn't until after he'd left that I realized I had a major hard on! I was freaked out! Holy crap some I got a boner from a dude!

After work I'd gone home and honestly before I knew it was naked and jacking off thinking about this guy Jim sucking my cock. I didn't have time to freak out because almost as soon as the vision appeared of him sucking me I came. Oh I shit you not, I fucking came huge!

From then on whenever he walked in, I was super hard and sometimes had to go to the restroom to jack off. I began to notice how Jim was paying more and more attention to me and how upset Jose was with Jim's very obvious flirting with me. Most of all how he would tip the tip jar, then when I gave him his drink, he would slide a tip just for me into my apron. Over time I learned he was married to a guy and honestly I did not like his husband. He always seemed drunk and was never nice to anyone. So the day he came in looking for Jim and found us talking about video games, I was taken back when he openly invited me to come over to their house to play X Box with Jim.

"You really need to come over and play video games with Jim. He has no one to play them with and needs someone to come kick his butt." Plans were made for me to come by after work, and they left.

Now I was here, we'd played video games for several hours but nothing had happened. Jose had told me that if you stood still long enough around Jim he would be jumping all over you, but all he'd done was pat my back and shoulder. Maybe it was because his husband was here? No, we were in the bedroom and David had left us hours ago, closing the door when he left.

"This is nothing like I thought it would be like," I finally said.

"How's that?" Jim asked still focused on killing zombies. I suddenly was freaked out and couldn't talk. "You mean coming here and me not trying to get into your pants?"

"Yeah..." Jim chuckled.

"Kiddo, you have nothing to worry about. I like you as a friend. I will never do anything to make you uncomfortable and I will never try anything until you say it is OK."

I lay there next to him for several minutes, lots of thoughts running through my mind. I was snapped back to the present when I felt Jim's hand caressing my back.

"Hey, you OK Kiddo?" His voice was soft and understanding. I looked at him, his hypnotic eyes assuring me I was safe with him.

"Yeah, I'm good." I paused for a second, not sure what to say.

"Good, cuz I am getting my ass kicked by this fucking horde and need my partner to help me out." I looked back to the game and began to play again.

"It's OK with me if you want too." My voice cracking as I spoke. Jim gave no outward sign of reaction and just kept playing. I was wondering if he'd even heard me when he spoke.

"You ever been with a guy before?" I shook my head no. "OK no worries, I have a few rule to tell you before anything happens."

Jim told me that I was in control and if I felt uncomfortable I needed to tell him to stop and he would. That he did not expect any reciprocation and finally since we were friends that he would not allow it to affect our friendship. If I was OK with all that we'd see what could happen. He gently rolled me onto my back and held his hand up.

"Take my hand and put it where you want it."

Now I'd fucking busted my nuts before he'd even seen my cock! My mind was freaking out. He was going to laugh at me. He would hate me for cuming so fast, but I couldn't help it. I looked to his face to see him looking back at me a huge smile on his lips.

"Wow, someone is horny!" I know I blushed, I could feel the heat in my face. "Well that's so awesome. You're how old?"

"Nineteen," I said.

"YES!" Jim exclaimed, his hand squeezing my still hard cock. "That means you can go again." I watched as he straddled my legs and began to open my jeans, pulling them down and off my legs. He gently lowered my cum soaked boxers finally exposing my young six and a half inch cock still wet with my cum.

"Hang on, let me go wash it first." My mind going back to my girlfriend and her demands for a clean cock. Jim put his hand on my chest and held me down.

"Don't you move." His voice stern but still friendly. "I'll clean you up." With that he lowered his head and began to lick my shaft and bush, cleaning up all my cum.

I was so loving this. His tongue was hot and licking me in all the right places. After licking my balls clean, something I have never felt before, Jim put my cock head into his mouth and began sucking it.

"OH fuck stop, I'm gonna cum again," I scream loudly, but Jim just kept sucking, taking me deeper till my cock was in his throat which is where I shot my second load. I lay there, my hips fucking my cock in and out of his mouth as my balls drained of my load. I could feel his hands under my balls pushing my legs apart, his fingers lightly rubbing over my shitter. My mind refused to see this as an intrusion. It blocked all thought of this being wrong, allowing only the pleasure of his strong fingers to come through.

I was spent, looking down I saw I was soaked in sweat, which beaded up and ran from my smooth chest and abs. Past that I could see Jim slowly lifting his head, my hard cock still throbbing and pulsing in after orgasm. Jim's eyes were looking into mine as he slowly began licking the sweat from me, dragging his tongue over my skin.

"How was that?" He asked taking a brief pause from licking me. I reached down and began to caress his head, his short hair like a soft bristled brush. As he continued to lick me, my hands seemed to be on auto pilot, began exploring his still clothed body. Eventually one hand found its way to his crotch.

"No, not this time Kiddo. Tonight is all about you. I will get all I need from pleasing you." I felt his hand taking mine, pulling it from his crotch. "Tonight I want to make you feel like you have never felt before," his seductive voice whispered as his lips began kissing my chest.

"OK, but I want you to be naked like me. I need to see you. Feel you against me." My hands began pulling at his shirt almost ripping it from his body. Jim fought against me, trying to remain clothed but I won and his shirt flew across the room. With all my strength I fought against him and finally managed to get him on his back under me, his head turned and no longer looked at me. As I sat on his crotch I looked at this handsome man below me. His chest and belly covered in a soft golden fur. Large nipples capped his pecs, and a painful scar transected over his belly. I saw other scars too, smaller going horizontally below the larger vertical one.

I ran my hands ups his belly over his chest, his fur soft and silky to my touch. I don't know where it came from, but the words just came out.

"Fuck dude, you are so hot!" I ran my fingers over his nipples as I spoke.

"If you say so," came a sharp reply. I ignored his words. Somewhere deep inside me I could feel his pain. The pain that comes with people hating you for how you look.

"I do say so, so shut up." Jim slowly turned his head back to look at me, his eyes sparkled when they met mine. I took one finger and softly traced down over the large scar. "What happened?"

He explained he'd had four operations to repair a rupture in his colon and how during the first surgery he'd almost died. He begged me not to look at them but I could not take my eyes from it. I gently rand my finger over it again.

"Dose it hurt?" I asked as I felt along its length.

"No. Not when you do it." I slid back onto his thighs, bringing my hands to rest at his waist. I slowly began to open his jeans exposing the colorful boxers he wore. He grabbed my wrists and shook his head no, but I just smiled at him.

"I want this. I want to see you as you see me. I really want to feel you naked against me." Jim's hands fell away and I continued to work his jeans off. I felt him through his boxers, his hard cock about the same size as mine. I reached in and felt his cock for the first time. The first cock besides my own I'd ever touched. He was uncut. I'd seen other guys with skin but never hard and never up close like this. I quickly pulled his boxers of and gazed upon this amazing man below me. He was so handsome and sexy. For whatever reason, I fell onto him and hugged him tight, our bodies pressing hard to each other's, our cocks humping against the other.

"For someone who says they have never been with a guy before, you sure know how to make me feel good." Jim's hands exploring my back and butt. I told him I had jacked with a buddy but never anything more. I also told him of the sex, if you can call it that, I had with my girlfriend.

"Oh Kiddo, I am so sorry." Jim's arms hugging me tight. I then told him how after the day I saw him alone, how horny I'd been and ho when I jacked off I had thought of him. "Truth be told, I jack off thinking of you almost every day," Jim confessed. He grabbed my waist and lifted me with ease. He spun me around and brought my butt closer to his face.

I could feel his hands on my ass, his hot breath on my crack. I had no idea what he was doing but I was not afraid. He spread my cheeks and I felt his goatee tickling my butt as he pressed his face to my ass. Then the shock of my life. I felt his tongue lick over my shitter! HOLY fuck! No one had ever touched me there except him just a few minutes ago and now he was actually licking my hole!

"OH fuck dude, what are you doing. Don't stop!" I moaned as his tongue began swirling over my hole.

"MMM, I was hoping you'd say that," Jim said from between my cheeks. "I have dreamed about eating your ass since the first day I saw you."

I could feel his thumbs spreading my ass and his tongue pushing against it. Then suddenly it was in me. I arched back pushing my butt hard to his face as my cock throbbed and erupted in yet another huge cum without even touching it. As I came, his tongue was going in and out like he was fucking me with it and all I could do was wriggle my ass harder against it.

I finally was able to move and lay down on him his cock in front of my face. It was just out of reach of my mouth, but I grabbed it and began stroking it as Jim continued to eat my butt. I watched as I rolled the skin back and forth over his head, seeing the pre-cum dribbling from the slit as I did. Jim's breathing was getting harder and I could feel him moaning into my ass and with a loud grunt his cock blasted my face with cum. I didn't freak one bit. I actually loved it and even used my tongue to lick what I could into my mouth.

After he finished, I regretfully pulled from his mouth and moved to lay on him face to face, where he quickly licked his cum from me. As he did all I could think of was wanting him to kiss me. For some reason I wanted the first kiss to be from him to me. My mind was consumed with these thoughts and they soon began to fade as he just held my face and looked at me. I was about to say something when he did it. He pulled me into the hottest kiss ever. His hands were all over me and I just lay there like a dork, frozen. He quickly stopped:

"I'm sorry, I kind of lost control there." I watched as his face reddened. I simply smiled and began kissing him back as he had just kissed me.

After a long while of just laying with him, I decided maybe I should go.

"I better go. I don't want to cause trouble with you and your husband."

"You're fine." Jim said. "He and I haven't slept in the same bed is a long time. Besides, he is the one who invited you to come over. I was sort of hoping you'd crash here tonight." Oh I could not have dreamed for anything more, and snuggled tighter against him. "Think you might want to sleep with an old man?"

"You're not old," I teased him.

"I'm older than you think." Jim then told me he was forty seven, wow I thought he is older than my mom! I don't know my dad so I don't know how to compare him.

"That's not old. Besides I like you just as you are."

We quickly showered and climbed into bed. Jim pulled me on top of him and I was soon sound asleep my face pressed to his neck, his arms holding me tight.

When I woke I was alone. It was dark and checking my phone I saw it was time for me to get to work. Yeah I work the morning shift five thirty till two. I got up and saw a light from another part of the house and wandered half-awake to it.

Jim was up and making coffee. I stumbled in and pressed against his back.

"Morning," I mumbled, breathing in his scent.

"Hey Kiddo, good morning!" Jim's voice cheerful.

"Well, I see you come over and spend one night with my husband and now you feel right at home?" This new voice shocking me awake, I turned to see Jim's husband behind me sipping coffee dressed in actual pajamas.

"Oh shit, um hi, um good morning. I um, well oh my God, fuck!" I blabbed, suddenly realizing I was still naked and had my usual morning wood.

"Oh look, he's blushing!" Jim just shot him an evil look and his husband shut up.

After chugging the coffee and getting dressed, I was ready to leave. I was met by Jim and his husband who told me I was welcome anytime I wanted to come over.

"As a matter of fact, why not just leave your pack here and just come back after work," he stated. "I'm sure Jim would like that." Jim smiled and gave me a quick nod.

I left, leaving my pack there as requested. Fuck this was going to be a long shift!

Please feel free to email me with your comments @ strike1463@aol.com

Also check out my other stories here on nifty, just search for my email on the search page.

Next: Chapter 2

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