Older and Owned

By subservient bottom

Published on Jul 2, 2023


The events depicted in this story did not happen. It is a work of fiction. However, I do hope this fall to be involved in a situation similar to what is depicted here. Maybe I am giving my master some ideas

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Older and Owned, Part 3

After I delivered the beers to Louis and Paul I finished mowing the back lawn.

"Good job, fag. Now take the mower to the front," Louis said.

"Please, Master, I have to pee," I said in all honesty.

"Go the end of the lawn and find a tree, idiot."

"Sir, I told you that I have a obstruction in my bladder and I urinate through a catheter. There are some in my suitcase."

"Oh fuck, what a worthless cock you have. Not only can't you fuck, you can't even piss. Go get one of your whatever you call them and Paul and I will meet you in the bathroom."

I retrieved a catheter and proceeded to the bathroom where the two of them were waiting for me. I dropped my skirt and panties and took the catheter out of its blister wrap.

"Sir, I can't get to it with the cage on,"

Louis had the key in his pocket and opened the cage, talking it off my cock.

"OK, this is how it works," I said.

As I had done many times over the past four years, I inserted the catheter into the tip of my cock and began to glide it in. It was 16 inches long and went in smoothly. When about half of it remained outside my cock, the piss began to flow. After about a minute it stopped, meaning my bladder was empty. I started to pull the catheter out when Louis raised his hand.

"Hold it," he said. "Does it go in any farther?"

"I think so," I said. "I stop pushing when it hits the bladder."

"Show me how far it goes."

I pushed the catheter and it went considerably deeper into me. When it would go no farther only about two inches of the catheter were dangling outside my cock.

"Great," Louis said. "Paul, hand me that cock cage."

Louis refitted the cock cage around me. There was just enough room for it to fit around the little bit of catheter that extended outside my pee slit.

"Well look at that," Louis said. "Now you can pee whenever you want and keep your cage on. What do you think, Paul?"

"I think he should take that miserable excuse for a cock and get busy on the front lawn," Paul said with a laugh.

"Ok, fag, you heard the man," Louis said. "Put yourself back together and get to work."

After putting my panties and skirt back on, I retrieved the mower and went to work on the front lawn, which was slightly bigger than the back. Occasionally pedestrians would stop and stare in wonderment at this senior citizen pushing a lawnmower with his titties hanging out of the holes in his t-shirt and wearing a miniskirt and sneakers.

There were gasps and howls of laughter.

Then a car with some kids obviously from the local college roared by. At least one of them had gotten a glimpse of me, because the car went to the end of the street, made a U-turn and pulled up right in front of Louis' house. Three young men got out and stared at me.

"What the fuck is that?" one of them said, as he took out his cell phone and took a video of me at work.

"Hey kids, wassup?" Louis yelled from the porch. "Why don't you guys take a closer look? Faggot, stand still for a minute while these fine young men check you out. Go ahead guys, don't be shy. It's show and tell."

They approached and walked around me as I stood still. One of them started playing with my titties, while another slapped my ass.

"Hey, lift your skirt, show `em what you got, Louis said."

I lifted the skirt to just above my wais. "Higher you cum dump."

With both hands, I had the skirt lifted so it was flush against my stomach.

"Holy shit," one of them said. "Look at those panties. Aren't you a sweetie."

"And see what is under them," Louis yelled. "Take a look."

Down came my panties, exposing my cock cage and the tip of the catheter.

"Well if that don't beat all," the biggest of the youngsters said. "He peered into my midsection then snapped some pics with his camera."Hey, dance you pervert."

So I jumped and pirrhouted, doing my best imitation of an awkward ballerina. All my moving parts were bouncing, to the delight of my audience.

As the kids started to head back to the car, one of them said. "You know, we're almost out of beer."

The bigger of the youths turned to Louis and said, "Say, Mister, could you come with us and buy us some brewskies? We will pay for them. We all just forgot to bring our id's."

That was a lie, none of them was close to being 21.

"I wouldn't mind at all," Louis said. "But why don't you take the faggot with you. He'd be happy to do it, wouldn't you?"

I nodded weakly. Then Louis tossed one of them my wallet. "Here's his id in case he needs it, haha. . And there's some money in there. Let him buy your beer."

The four of us got into the car, me in the back with the biggest of them, the other two up front.

"Could we make this as quick as possible?" I said. "I don't want to be out in public too long."

"Sure," the bigger one said, then started laughing.

We pulled into a strip mall, with a liquor store at the near end. But instead of pulling into one of the several vacant parking spots that were right in front, the kids drove to the other end of the mall, about a city block's distance.

"Let's walk, you need the exercise," the bigger one said as they all exited the car. The mall was fairly crowded with a mixture of families, couples, adolescents and grammar school kids. Needless to say we attracted a lot of attention as the kids ambled leisurely down the sidewalk with me trailing behind. Catcalls, jeers and whistles greeted us as we made our way. When we got to the liquor store one of the kids handed me my wallet and indicated I should go to the checkout counter.

They went to the back of the store, grabbed two cold cases of Bud Light, and put them down on the counter. "We'll bring the car around the back," they said and left me to pay.

The clerk, a big beefy guy with an oversized belly gave me a good long look. "What the fuck are you?" he said, with a sneer. "And all the beers are for you, right? You ain't supplying minors with alcohol, are you? I could get in trouble."

"No sir, they are for me and some of my friends. The kids are just helping."

"Yeah, right," he said in a tone of disbelief. "Let me see your id, just in case."

"I assure you, I'm old enough," I said.

"I don't give a fuck about that. I just want to know where to find you if I need you. No id, no beer."

I showed him my license. "I might have known you were a piece of California fruitcake," he said as he scribbled down my name.

"Where are you staying here?"

"With Louis out on 17th Avenue."

"I know Louis. He does pick some strange houseguests. If I hear you are doing anything to corrupt those lads you will regret it," he said as he handed me my license back.

The clerk helped me carry the beer to the loading dock, and the kids loaded it in the car.

"They don't get a drop," the clerk yelled as we drove away.

The seating arrangement in the car was the same as it had been on the drive to the store, except, Lugo, the bigger young man who had shared the back seat with he was buckled into the middle right next to me rather than on the other side. That was not a good sign.

He rubbed his crotch and looked at me, "My dad says queers give better head jobs than girls," he said as he leaned toward me. "They know what makes a cock happy. Is that true, Faggot?"

"I..I..I don't know," I stammered.

"The fuck you don't."

He suddenly unzipped his pants, undid his belt and slid his pants and shorts down to his knees. What I saw almost made me gasp. It was a nine-inch monster cock that any man would be proud of. "Go ahead, suck it, make love to it," he said. Then he yelled to the driver. "Take the long way home. I am going to be awhile."

I must admit that the totality of my situation was erotic in a perverted sort of way. Here I was, a man of retirement age, being forced to service an oversexed adolescent and who knows who else. My tiny cock, encased in the cage and fitted a catheter was starting to tingle as best it could.

I was enthusiastically into it, moving my head up and down his shaft vigorously, using my tongue to stimulate him.

"Oh, my Gawd, my dad was right, Jeezus," he moaned. The kid in the shotgun seat was looking back. "That's right, Lugo, fuck that queer's mouth."

Lugo had stamina, and my mouth was getting tired. Finally he moaned, "I'm gonnaaa CUM!"

I could feel spurts of semen coming out of his cock. "Shoot it in the fag's face," the kid in the front seat yelled.

Lugo pulled out of my mouth and unloaded a huge load. He sprayed me from my hair to the bottom of my chin.

The kid in the front seat laughed, snapped a pic with his phone. Then he showed me what I looked like. It was quite a pathetic sight with cum dripping from virtually all over my face.

Just then we pulled up at Louis' house.

"OK, get out you worthless piece of crap," Lugo said. "But we'll be back soon because you have to take care of those guys, too."

I staggered out of the car onto the sidewalk. Louis who was standing in the middle of the lawn roared with laughter.

"You've been sucking little kids' dicks, you pervert," he said, not giving me a chance to tell him that there was nothing little about Lugo's package. "Whores like you need to be punished. Come in the house and we will deal with you."

End of Part 3

I much appreciate any feedback, even negative. Don't hesitate to email olderbottom4u@hotmail.com. And please try to donate to Nifty. If you can't afford a large amount, just throw in (figuratively) a few bucks. It is for a good cause.

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