Old Saint Nick

Published on Dec 16, 2004


Old Saint Nick

Part 7

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail bldhrymn@aol.com or bldhrymn@yahoo.com

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that I have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. These are all new stories. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

I think Trevor recognized a fellow lost soul in Butler and he seemed to have just the right touch in dealing with him. Trevor was good at handling conventional situations. He guided Butler through the funeral arrangements. He also found out the name of Ralph's financial advisor. Ralph died without a will, so all would go to Butler.

We had a small grave side ceremony. Trevor and Butler went to see a lawyer friend of Trevor's afterwards. The Lawyer called the financial advisor and got the details. I was worried about Ralph dying without a will, since I understood this could complicate matters greatly. Ralph didn't have a will, but luckily his wife did. She had left her estate to Butler with life use to Ralph.

Apparently most of the cash, investments and property were in her name. This was a way to protect it, if Ralph had to go to jail. Mrs. Saterwhite left everything to Butler and the boy was suddenly well off.

Trevor wasn't that good about understanding his own problems with his family, but he was great when it came to understanding Butler's problems. Ralph was what my Grandmother referred to as a "real piece of work." After listening to Butler's stories it was clear Ralph had a split personalty. To his wife he was charming and loving. He regarded his son as a rival and manipulated situations to Butler's disadvantage.

Butler had escaped from this bad situation when he was 17 and left home, but he had been bumming around for the last ten years. He had done all the things an unhappy boys do. It showed. I noticed Butler looked at Trevor with undisguised admiration. In many ways they shared the same life story. Both had rebelled against defective fathers, but Trevor had done it successfully in Butler's eyes. Trevor was use to being regarded as a failure by his family. Butler saw him as a success and this was good for both of them.

He understood Trevor's job with a non profit organization renovating houses for the poor was the perfect way to twist the knife in Mr. Nance's back. Apparently, Ralph was anti-Catholic too, like Mr. Nance. That was icing on the cake. There was a strong element of physical attraction too. I had noticed Butler hadn't mentioned any girlfriends. He worked construction and mentioned buddies, but no girls. Butler went back to Charlottesville the next day.

He called me that night and asked if he could do anything for us if he moved back to Richmond. I told him I would find something for him, either at the Abbey or at Millennium. Two days later he appeared at the Abbey in an old, F-150 Ford pick-up with a tarp over all his possessions in the rear. He wouldn't move back into his parent's house so he camped out in the semi abandoned monks' quarters.

He went to work for Bruno. Poor Bruno was still shocked at leaving Ralph dead in the crawl space. Helping Ralph's son made him feel better about that. Bruno and Butler got along well. I felt that too was a good sign. I also liked having Butler near by. He ate at the Abbey and spent a lot of time with Trevor, so I could keep an eye on him.

The work level in the last weeks before Christmas was terrific. We hoped to get a building done before the holiday and we were close. The construction workers were going at full throttle, but Chuck, Edgar and I were completing the plans to the next phase. There was a deadline to get approval from the Planning Commission to meet in the 22 of December. If we missed it, we would delay the next phase until March, since the commission's term would end in January and the new commission wouldn't meet until March. It was all work and no play for all of us.

On December 23 tenants move into the first completed building. There had been considerable suspicion of our objectives by the tenants, but the renovated units were an unqualified success. The designs were clever, attractive and economical. Chuck and Edgar added broad front porches and fenced yards to the units making them look like houses, rather than apartments. The construction workers provided a decorated Christmas tree in each unit, so when the tenants saw their apartments for the first time a twinkling tree greeted them.

The newspaper and the TV stations had a field day. There was a shortage of heartwarming stories for the Christmas season, so we had "Old St. Nick Makes an Early Stop in Richmond" and, "Overloaded Sleigh makes a Delivery of Joy." A picture of me with some construction workers appeared captioned, "Old St, Nick and his Elves." The workers were mostly bearded and a bit grizzled. They looked like a rough collection of elves, but the picture and the story got nationwide distribution.

Since most of us hadn't been able to do much shopping or make preparations for the holiday, I asked anyone who didn't have plans to spend it at the Abbey. We would have a party on Christmas Eve before the Midnight service and then dinner on Christmas day.

I was bushed on the 23rd. After the tenants moved in and the reporters left, I returned to the Abbey, had dinner and planned to be in bed by 10:00. At 9:30 Johnny called and asked if I had room at the next day's festivities. "I was going to see my daughter, but my ex appeared suddenly and that wouldn't work out," he explained. Of course I said there was room.

"Do you think it's possible I could spend the night?" he asked next. "Never mind. It's an Abbey. Forget I said anything."

"Plan to stay," I replied. "I don't think it will be a problem, and if it is, I don't care." Johnny thanked me.

I went to take a shower and walked in on Trevor and Butler. Butler quickly turned to face away from me. Trevor saw me and smiled. He was half hard.

"It's been along day," I said.

"It was a good day," Trevor said. "I really didn't believe it would get done. It was worth it." Butler turned to face us. His cock was at half staff too. I had a feeling it was on its way down, not up. He was thin, with a blond beard and pale blue eyes. He was looking much better than he had when I first met him. Regular meals and hard work helped him.

Butler's skin was pale white with dusting of dirty blond hair in the middle of his chest and at his nipples. They were pink as was his cock head. Uncut, the head was slipping back into the skin as his cock shrunk.

"I don't think I've worked this much in years," Butler said. "It's odd, but I enjoyed it. We were working so fast, you could see the project finishing before your eyes. It was like speeded up time lapse photography." He took a long look at me.

"I told you he's a Polar Bear," Trevor said.

"I think the official line is I'm the reincarnation of St. Nick," I said, laughing.

"I'm not sure I like being an elf," Butler said with good humor. "But at least I was closer to being an elf than some of the other guys. I think the average weight of the crew was 250."

"Santa's helpers needed to so some pretty heavy lifting," I said. "Everyone was working at full speed. It's time to relax."

"I was trying to get Butler to relax, but you walked in," Trevor said, winking at me.

"Well, take it from me, Trevor has some relaxation techniques that really do the trick," I replied. "If you need a recommendation, I can give it."

"Really?" Butler asked. As he asked, his cock began to shoot up like a rocket. The pink head popped out of the enshrouding skin. I didn't know what to say, but my cock said it for me. My cock head tends toward the blueish-purple and it made an appearance.

Sean walked into the shower room. "I see the party has already started," he said. He went over to Butler and stroked his cock. Since Butler was occupied, Trevor came over to me, bent down and swallowed my cock.

"I guess you guys are from the liberal wing of the church?" Butler asked.

I laughed. "Do unto others as you would have them do to you, is our motto," I replied. As I said that Butler dropped to his knees and began sucking Sean's cock. I don't think this was the first time he had done that. Butler looked skilled.

"Let's not use up all hot water," Trevor said. "Let's go to my bedroom where we can get comfortable. We all dried off, put on our bath robes and went up stairs to his room. He had brought in a queen-sized bed from his former apartment that almost filled the entire room. Butler got down to sucking Sean again. He had his ass in the air and his hole wide open. Trevor had a tube of K-Y. He put some on his finger then worked it into Butler's ass.

"Does he like that?" I whispered. Trevor just smiled and nodded. He coated his cock with lubricant and then poked his member into Butler's hole. Butlers sighed in satisfaction. It was clear both men loved it.

At first I was shocked at the casualness of the penetration, then I got excited. Trevor noticed my bloated cock.

"Would you like to take him for a test drive, Abbot?" Trevor asked. "Butler told me he likes them thick."

"No, no," I said. "You two look like you're enjoying it." Butler glanced over at me. He saw my cock and I knew he wanted it. I suddenly wanted to fuck him. I lubricated my cock and Trevor pulled out. I took his place at Butler's ass.

His ass hole looked tiny, pink and delicate. I centered my cock head in the hole and pushed. Nothing happened. "It's too tight, I'll hurt him," I said.

"Push hard!" Butler said. "Trev, get me the Jungle Juice." Trevor pulled out a small brown bottle, opened it and held it to Butler's nose." He took a deep sniff. "Push really hard!" Butler ordered.

I did as he demanded. My cock popped through the sphincter and rammed deep. His ass was tight, hot and juicy. It was as if my cock had been out in the cold and suddenly was in a hot, tropical jungle. My cock got even harder. Butler was quivering.

I tried to pull out, but Butler pushed back to keep my cock deep in his ass. He wanted it, so I quickly pulled out half way, then rammed it in again. Butler moaned. I had guessed right. I rammed him a few more times, then shot off. Trevor returned to Butler's ass and continued the fucking.

After a few more strokes, they both shot off and we all lay on the bed, catching our breath.

"I hope you're okay, Butler," I whispered. "I don't know what got into me."

"Don't worry," Butler replied. "As long as I know what got into me, all is well. It was good."

"I didn't mean to take advantage of you," I said. "You're so young." I was feeling guilty. Butler was young and had just lost his parents.

"Abbot, I'm not a virgin, but I never took one as thick as yours, Butler replied. "Never tried aged meat either."

"How was it?" Trevor asked.

"Damn good," Butler replied. He looked at me. I must have looked unconvinced. "Relax, I like the bottom and your cock hit some new spots."

"I can't get use to talking about sex," I said. "You liked it?"

"I sure did and it looks like you're ready again," Butler said glancing at my cock. I was hard again. I was embarrassed, but Butler was interested. He pulled up his legs against his chest and exposed his ass. "Let's try it again and see if it works a second time." I was shocked Butler was so blatant about his wants, but it turned me on.

Trevor coated my cock with lubricant and I pushed my cock deep into Butler for the second time that night. It was just as good. Trevor gave Butler another snort of the Jungle juice and offered it to me. I didn't know what it was but I took a sniff.

Since the old Abbot died I had been enjoying sex and getting bolder, but I was always up tight and nervous. When the chemical smell hit my brain, I lost all my inhibitions. All I wanted to do was make love with Butler and make him as happy as I could.

He was moaning and twitching. I was trying to get deeper into his body. He was undulating his hips, so my cock would touch every part of his ass. Several times he rubbed his prostate against my hard shaft. I was beautiful. There was no question in my mind, he was enjoying it as much as me.

Sean and Trevor were linked cock to mouth and they were as excited as we were. I thought I would shoot off easily given my excitement level. I was wrong. Since I had shot off only minutes earlier, it took a long time to have a second orgasm. Fortunately for me, all the excitement was there, I just lacked the urge to ejaculate. We fucked for a good thirty minutes

Before this evening, sex had been so exciting and intense it had been a blur to me. I have to admit I thought of it in church like terms of love and family. With Butler if discovered sex could be fun and enjoyable without being true love. We physically enjoyed each other. We weren't in love, we were just using our genitals to give pleasure.

For the life of me, I can't understand why this was regarded as sinful. It seemed to my relationship to Butler was evenhanded and open. My cock rang his chimes in the same way his ass massaged my cock.

I went off to bed after my second climax. I left Butler in the loving hands of Trevor and Sean. I suspected the night wasn't over for them. I slept well, without dreams.

Next: Chapter 8

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