Old Saint Nick

Published on Dec 13, 2004


Old Saint Nick

Part 6

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail bldhrymn@aol.com or bldhrymn@yahoo.com

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. These are all new stories. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

Johnny took Julian's advice to jump in with both feet to heart. He wasn't a skilled cock sucker at first, but he was a fast learner. I felt a kinship with him since we both discovered gay sex late. After a lifetime of doing without, the flood gates opened for me and for Johnny. We are definitely living proof that you can teach old dogs new tricks.

Unlike me, Johnny wasn't shy or reticent about sexual activity. He liked it. Once he got over the initial hesitation he was driven and insatiable. He was a former Marine and a little pain and mess didn't bother him one bit.

He sucked me and swallowed my load, then Julian's. He shot off, covering half the bedspread with drops of his cum, but that wasn't enough to satisfy him. I didn't have a stop watch, but after his spectacular orgasm, he was rock hard within a minute or two. I wasn't sure what to do next. Julian knew.

"It seems to me you're enjoying yourself?" Julian asked, rhetorically.

"Shit yes!" Johnny exclaimed. "I got divorced five years ago and it's been a long dry spell. Damn, my wife on one of her rare good days never made me feel that good. What's next?"

"I was going to suggest we fuck some," Julian said. "Somehow I have a feeling you'd like that." Julian was smiling and knew Johnny's answer before he asked.

Johnny looked serious. "I'd love that, but I'm not sure I'm ready to get fucked," he said. "Is it rude to fuck a guy even if you don't want to get fucked? Are you a bottom?"

"I'm a bottom," Julian stated. "Are you a bottom, Abbot?" I nodded. "I don't think you're required to get fucked, especially of you are with two bottoms," Julian continued. "Who do you want to try?"

"I'm not going to hurt anyone's feelings, am I?" Johnny asked. We both laughed.

"It's nice of you to ask, but we're both big boys," I said.

"This may sound strange. Well, I'm a good Baptist boy, but the idea of screwing a monk is kind of a turn on," Johnny admitted. I laughed again.

"I'm afraid having sex with a priest is a curse afflicting Catholics too," I said. "I'm game. You're thick. Can you take your time?"

"To be frank, taking my time isn't my strong suit, but I'm willing to give it a try," Johnny replied. Oddly, Johnny's back ground as a building inspector came to the fore. He wanted to know the rules and how to do it right.

I would have told him to use lots of lube and take it easy. Julian had made a study of it and he gave Johnny detailed instructions and a theoretical explanation of anal sex. He had been with Jorge for twenty-five years and had been a bottom the whole time.

As an academic Julian was interested in the science of sex as well as the pleasure generating aspect. "I've come to the conclusion the prostate is the most important sex organ from the viewpoint of pure pleasure," he said. "The cock is a multifunction organ, serving both urinary and reproductive functions. The prostate is only useful for sex."

"I thought the prostate existed just to give a doctor his jollies during a physical exam," Johnny commented.

Julian smiled. "I'm afraid that's the way most men see it. The prostate adds the slippery good to sperm when you shoot off," Julian continued. "Just before you ejaculate, the prostate fills and gets rock hard. When you feel it fill and harden, the guy's going to shoot off. For me and Jorge, that few seconds before you shoot is the best part of sex." I was on the bed with my legs spread. Julian got Johnny to lubricate his finger and work it in my ass.

"Feel for the prostate. It near the cock," Julian instructed.

"How will I know when I hit it?" Johnny asked.

"It's the size of a nut, but the best way to see when the Abbot reacts," Julian said. Johnny looked a bit skeptical when Julian told him this. Johnny's finger was thick and it felt good. It suddenly poked my prostate and I moaned.

"Bingo!" Johnny exclaimed. He pressed it a few more times. "I think it's in working order," he said.

"It looks that way to me," Julian added. "I like getting finger fucked, but a cocks much better."

"Bigger?" Johnny asked.

"That may be part of it. There're no hard edges on a cock and no fingernails, but I'm not sure," Julian continued.

"Not sure about what?" I asked.

"Technically a dildo does the same thing, but that's not been my experience," Julian explained. He was lubricating Johnny's cock. "I'm not sure how much is physical and how much is physiological. Sometimes it's almost spiritual. The connection with another person is necessary to give sex the final jump in intensity. I don't know of anyone who prefers a dildo to a cock. If they do, there is something wrong."

Julian told Johnny to put my legs on his shoulders and placed his cock at my ass hole. "Just pus and see what happens," he said. Johnny did as he was told. He didn't push hard at first, but each time he pushed he added force. Julian squirted some lubricant onto Johnny's cock head. I wanted his cock in my ass, but my ass was not so sure.

"Many ancient people worshiped the phallus. In anthropology the said it was part of fertility cults, I'm not so sure," Julian mused. "Cocks generate the most intensely pleasurable feeling a human being can experience. Primitive people must have thought that was divine. Nights were, long, dark and cold. When you were huddled with your cave mates, cocks were always handy."

Johnny's cock hit just the right angle and his head popped through my sphincter. "You're okay?" he asked.

"Yes. Just rest a little, then go deeper," I answered. "It is big."

"Do you want me to pull out?"

"No. It's going to be fine. Just let me get use to it," I said. Truthfully, I wasn't sure it was going to be fine, but something inside me wanted to feel the tick organ. Johnny pulled out, added some more lubricant and pushed it in again. This time it felt fine. He saw I had relaxed and pushed deeper. He watched my reaction again, then began to thrust slowly.

"Damn!" Was his only comment. He picked up speed.

"Every time to get close, slow up, Johnny," Julian said. "Make it last." Julian put his hand on Johnny's ass and slowed him. "It's not a race." I moaned. As Johnny continued to fuck, the sensation gradually built up. I had vaguely assumed all fucking was the same. Johnny's thick cock engendered all new feelings, very different from either Chuck or Bruno's cock.

Julian was watching Johnny for signs he was going to climax, so he could slow it down. I would be getting close myself, when johnny was reaching the same state. I soon relaxed Johnny and I were on the same wave length. It was an odd sensation to be screwed by a man who I hardly knew, yet was nearly perfectly in tune with my desires. When I wanted him to go deep, he went deep. When I wanted his to slow, he slowed.

Julian instinctively knew when we were getting close to climaxing and was able to hold it off for a good half hour. Sometime in that period I lost a sense of where my ass and Johnny's cock met. I remembered joking about Star Trek's mind meld, but I had the odd sensation Johnny and I were merging. The wedding mass spoke of two becoming one, but I never dreamed one would be made up of a 250-pound building and inspector and me. I glanced at Johnny and knew he was feeling the same thing.

It was so good it didn't seem strange. "I can't hold off any longer," Johnny cried. He shuddered as I shot a ribbon of sperm high into the air. We almost ejaculated in unison. When the orgasm trailed off to small ejaculations and then to a leisurely drool of sperm form out cock, we rested.

"I've never felt anything like that," I said. "Nothing has ever come close."

"Damn, I was married for twenty years and . ..," Johnny said. "I don't believe it was that good."

"I think you two boys just discovered the meaning of life," Julian said. He was smiling. "Better late than never."

I had to get back to the Abbey, but I knew johnny and I would get together again. I just didn't know how. The next day was a let down after the triumph of the completion of the first unit. There was much work to be done. Life changed for Johnny two days later. The City Manager keeled over dead.

I didn't know the Manager by anything but reputation. He was a control freak and had surrounded himself with yes-men. When he died unexpectedly, the City Council found an acute weakness in leadership abilities in the upper levers of city Departments. Johnny was a leader of men, and he became the acting Manager. He took over enough work for three men, since tow of the Manages minions resigned when they didn't get the manager's job.

That meant Ralph Saterwhite became the Acting head of Inspections. It was a bad day. Ralph was not a forgiving man. Our architects and contractors were as good as they come, but everything became a protracted struggle. Ralph must have stayed up at night thinking up off-the-wall interpretations of the code.

He was a bitter man who wanted to get back at what he perceived as slights. Life was hell for a month, then suddenly it was fine. Ralph was replaced and a new inspector appeared. My faith in prayer was justified one more time.

Johnny came to visit me a week later. "Abbot, I'm here in an official capacity. I need a favor from you." Johnny asked.

"You've helped us so much, I don't see any problem with helping you any way we can," I said.

"Well, this is a hard one. You remember our friend Ralph?" he asked.

"I sure do."

"Well he was caught with his hand in the till. He was taking "fees" for approving defective work." Johnny explained. "It's an open and shut case, but there are complications. His wife is terminally ill, with maybe a year left. She's a sweet lady and this would ruin whatever time is left. The Judge is willing to let him make restitution, with community service. I was hoping you could use him for community service?" Johnny asked. "I'm trying to get him involved with something that wouldn't arouse suspicions for his wife."

"I hate to say it, but I'll help," I said. "Why did he do it, was he in financial distress?"

"Not at all, he's a miser," Johnny said. "It was done for pure need to acquire."

"Is his wife that kind?"

"She is," Johnny said. "Ralph's never lifted a finger to help anyone, she's baked cookies, brought food and babysat whenever they needed it for just about everyone in the inspection department. As you can guess, things are strained in city hall. It will help morale."

I agreed to help. Ralph appeared the next day and I assigned him to Richard. Richard and Bruno found a job for him inspecting units and making work lists for repairs. Bruno was in charge of day to day activities and had no love for Ralph, so Ralph put in his time to the minute.

A week later I met Ralph's wife. She had brought cookies to the men working with her husband. I happened to be there and we talked. She was delicate and frail, but cheerful. "I don't seem to want to east as much as I once did, but I love to cook," she said. "It's good to be appreciated." She was looking at the men wolfing down her chocolate chip cookies.

"It's so nice Ralph is doing some charity work. He's been so busy at work he hasn't had time in the past to do much. I've been sick recently so I have not done as much," she said. "He's leapt into the breach, as it were." We had a pleasant chat. I could see Johnny's problem. She was charming, pleasant and clueless. I found out they had an estranged son. He was still close to his mother.

Mrs. Saterwhite was so pleasant. It was hard to reconcile her view of her husband with what we knew of Ralph. Bruno found out the reason. He had stopped in to get Ralph and saw him in his house. He was a different person near his wife. The minute he left the house he transformed into an ass hole again. Bruno also discovered denial is not just a river in Egypt. Ralph was planning his retirement and expected to be traveling with his wife. He was going to retire in two years and Johnny had told me she had less than a year left.

Mrs. Saterwhite died at Thanksgiving. A heart attack got her before the cancer did. Denial may be a way to deal with unpleasant truths, but you can hit a stone wall when reality strikes. Ralph came in to put in his hours the day after the funeral. He was inspecting a crawl space. Bruno realized he hadn't seen him for an hour or so and went to look for him. Ralph was stone cold dead in the crawl space.

Getting him out was a bear. It was cold and rigor mortis had set in. They ended up taking out the floor. The autopsy found he too had a heart attack. I had to contact his son. One of the neighbors thought he was in Charlottesville. He had been called Junior, she thought. I looked in the phone book and found an R. Butler Saterwhite and called.

It was he. After introducing myself I explained his father was dead. "The old bastard is dead," a rough voice said. "How's mom taking it?" I was speechless.

"How's she doing?" he asked, sounding concerned now.

"I'm sorry, I had no idea no one told you," I said. "Your mother died last week." The phone went dead.

About five minutes later he called back. "I'm sorry, it was too much to take at once," he said. "We haven't seen each other in a long while. Mom would sneak over to see me when she could. What happened?" I explained everything. He said he'd come over.

Two hours later he arrived at the Abbey. He looked more like his mother than his father. Butler was clean, but ragged looking. His clothes were worn and he didn't look that healthy himself. My guess was drugs or alcohol. Trevor was with me and we all went to the morgue. I helped him with funeral arrangements.

He didn't want to go to his parent's house. "You can bunk with me," Trevor offered. "The Abbey's not luxury housing, but the price is right." Trevor had moved into the Abbey a few weeks earlier. He was having trust fund problems, so the Abbey solved some problems for him. Butler agreed to stay with us.

Trevor was straightening out his life and I didn't mind having him under my eye. I noticed Butler glancing at Trevor. I think I caught a glint of interest. At diner Butler ate as if food was a novelty. He reminded me of a mistreated puppy.

Next: Chapter 7

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