Old Saint Nick

Published on Dec 10, 2004


Old Saint Nick

Part 5

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail bldhrymn@aol.com or bldhrymn@yahoo.com

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. These are all new stories. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

Julian was effusively grateful after the event in the shower room. He was with his partner for almost 30 years and after Jorge died, he had no idea what to do. Julian thought of himself as an old man and hadn't considered the possibility anyone would have sex with him. The event in our shower room was almost a rebirth for him.

The next day I discovered more about our new helpers. Trevor Nance was our ambassador to upper crust Richmond. While he gave the impression he was laid back, he could do a remarkable amount of work without breaking a sweat. We had control for a while, at least, of his drinking problem, but I'm no fool and knew we had to be careful.

One afternoon I met his father, D. Anderson Nance III. He came by to leave a message for his son about a party at the Club. Anderson was pretentious, overbearing and rude. Curiously, he seemed to think he was being polite, but was oblivious to his manner. He would have been offensive if he hadn't approached the ludicrousness of a Monty Python routine.

It took no time at all to find out the Nances had plenty of inherited wealth and poor Trevor didn't meet the family standards. He didn't want to go to the right school, take the right job and marry the right girl. Trevor had an older brother who did all the right things, and Trevor was an unmitigated failure and disappointment.

I was going to come to Trevor's defense, but the boy's father wasn't listening to anything other than his own voice. It was a waste of effort. After meeting Anderson Nance, it was easy to understand some of Trevor's problems.

I gave Trevor the message when he returned. "You met the socialite from Hell?" he asked. "I'm sorry to subject you to that. Did he let you get a word in edgeways?"

"No, not even close," I said. "I think I did get to say hello. I'm sure he's a nice man."

"To tell you the truth, I'm not too sure he's a nice man," Trevor replied. He went off to run some errands. When he returned around five, he had clearly been drinking. This was an unwelcome development and I wasn't sure what to do about it.

Timothy came to the rescue. He said he needed some help with some work he was doing and asked Trevor to help. Trevor said he was too busy, but Timothy insisted.

"We'll give you a free dinner if you stay." Timothy promised. Trevor laughed. The quality of our food was a running joke with Trevor who didn't much admire our simple meals. He agreed to help.

Dinner was simple, but I thought it was good and Trevor seemed to enjoy it in spite of his gourmet preferences. We had a glass of wine with the meal and that seemed to relax Trevor. I knew binge drinking was his problem and wondered if a display of moderation would be helpful.

After dinner Trevor and Timothy went to work on some confused billings. Timothy had a mind for numbers and I guessed he was just trying to keep Trevor out of trouble. The scheme worked. I was tired and went to bed early that night.

Waking up early the next morning, I went to take an early shower and found the room already occupied. Trevor had apparently spent the night and had my tendency to wake up early. I walked into the room and started him.

"Sorry to scare you," I said.

"No problem Abbott," he said. "I didn't know anyone was up this early."

"It's an old habit. I like to quiet of early morning," I said. We continued to talk. He was well tanned and healthy looking, but not muscular. I suspected he spent a lot of time at a pool, but not much time in the water. At first Trevor averted his eyes, but he relaxed and looked at me.

"Boy, you're a hairy one," he commented. Trevor was smooth except for his bush.

"I wasn't born hairy, but that's they way it turned out," I said. "Does it bother you? Some people find it unattractive."

"No, not really," he said. "My Dad always referred to hairy men as missing links."

I laughed. "He may be right about that," I replied. "That may be me!" Glancing at Trevor, I noticed his cock was firming up. He had low hanging balls and a long cock with a very defined cock head. He was cut.

He was looking at my cock. Looking up he saw I had noticed and he turned red. "I have to apologize. It may sound stupid, but I've never seen an uncut cock before," he stammered. "In the flesh, I mean."

"It's all the same equipment, just different wrapping," I replied, smiling. I pulled the skin back exposing my cock head.

"Damn," he said. He was so fascinated by my cock he didn't realize his cock was rapidly getting hard. "You've got a thick one."

I chuckled. "As I said, the equipment is basically the same, but there are a slew of different models on the market," I commented. "I guess you could think on my cock as a convertible." I pulled the skin forward, enshrouding the gland again.

"Can I try it?" he asked. I nodded. He came across the shower room and stroked my cock, retracting the skin. "Does it feel good?"

"What do you think?" I asked. I was firming up rapidly. He sank to his knees and began to suck me. He worked his tongue into the skin and concentrated on the skin and the gland it enclosed. He seemed fascinated and skilled. I wasn't the first cock he had sucked. Tense at first, when I began to stoke his hair, he relaxed.

He was a gentle sucker and it was almost as if I was being milked. Richard came into the shower. He was uncut too and when he joined us I could sense Trevor getting more excited. Since Richard was soft, Trevor could get his entire tongue into the skin with the head. When Richard was fully erect, Trevor returned to my cock.

"You know what's going to happen if you keep on doing that?" I asked. He nodded. "Do you want me to warn you when I'm going to climax?"

"No, just feed me, Daddy," he whispered as he continued sucking. A few seconds later I began to pop. I was embarrassed and afraid he might choke. I didn't think I had ever shot off so much for such a long period of time. Trevor later told me he was a cum pig, and my orgasm was the best he had ever experienced. He thought I was a superman.

Richard shot off when he saw me ejaculating. Trevor's face was covered in Richard's sperm as I delivered volley after volley of man seed directly into his throat. Richard must have guessed more about Trevor's sexual preferences than I. He collected the dripping sperm on his finger and fed it to Trevor.

Something splattered on the under side of my balls. It was Trevor's cum. He had shot off hands free with enough force to shoot straight up and hit my balls. If I had any questions about him enjoying it, this settled it. We cleaned up and went to morning prayers.

The Lord works in mysterious ways and I felt good. I had much stronger feelings of brotherhood that I had experienced before and I thought I had found the keys to Trevor's drinking problem. I remembered Bruno's conversation about using people for sex and how much he disliked it. It came to me you could use sex for beneficial purposes too. Sex could be a tool to bring you closer to your friends and it was a tool which might be powerful enough to wean a man away from drink.

I had a brief vison of Abbot Frederick looking down on me with disapproval in his eyes, but it vanished in a second or two. A warm, loving relationship was a better way to find God than Frederick's cold, austere and loveless approach.

The Senior Building official, Johnny Hargrove, was good to his word and the projects got underway. He also carried through on his promise to personally inspect the projects. I was a bit afraid this would be a mixed blessing. Fortunately. He turned out to be knowledgeable and reasonable. Johnny and Bruno got along well. Bruno knew a lot about the nuts and bolts of construction and they were able to work out solutions for problems as they arose.

We encountered massive termite damage in one of the buildings and had to demolish the structure rather than repair it. This slowed the schedule, but by October we had a sample apartment ready. It was vastly better than I had been able to visualize. Chuck and Edgar had done a wonderful job of making small and simple changes which transformed the place. You couldn't recognize it as the hell hole we started with.

We got another good article in the paper on the project. Chuck had taken good photographs of the building before the work, and the contrast between the before photos and the view after was stunning. I made sure Chuck, Edgar and Bruno were in the photo the paper published. I wanted credit to be due to those who did the work.

The caption for the photo was, "Architects and contractors show their work to Old St. Nick." That wasn't what I wanted, but there wasn't much choice after the photo was published. It seemed as if I was stuck being St. Nick. I hoped the real St. Nicholas wasn't offended.

The evening after the article appeared Julian had all of us over for a celebration. His house was in the far West End of the city and was impressive. Jorge had been a wealthy man and had good taste. The place was beautifully furnished and decorated. Jorge and Julian traveled extensively and brought back many interesting things.

By now I knew Richard, Timothy and Sean were with the program, as were Trevor and Julian. Edgar, Bruno and Chuck were fellow travelers, but I didn't know if Jefferson or Jonathan were gay. It didn't take long for me to realize were all shared the same likes. Jefferson clearly was smitten by Chuck and Jonathan couldn't take his eyes off Bruno. We were one happy family.

It was a good party. I stayed late to help clean up after everyone else left when we heard the doorbell. Julian went off to answer it. When he returned, he was with Jimmy Hargrove, the building inspector. That I would not have guessed in a thousand years.

He was asked to the party but had been unable to get there earlier. There was some food left, so I fixed him a plate. I might not be the most sensitive man in the world, but I suspected he wasn't here just for some food. I felt something in the air.

Julian was a nice man, but he wasn't the most masculine man you would ever meet. Jimmy was a beefy, gruff, no nonsense man. I couldn't tell if Jimmy was interested in Julian or just curious. I was planning to get back to the monastery and let them work it out, but Julian had other plans. He moved his hand, so he could cup my balls. Bruno did it subtly, but in a way Jimmy could see. Jimmy would either look away and pretend he didn't notice, or react. He looked away, but looked back out of the corner of his eye. Julian fondled my balls again.

Jimmy glanced at us, then put his arm around Julian. We all sat down for a drink.

"You guys look as if you get along well," Johnny said. "Are you good friends?"

"We aren't that close, just friends," Julian replied. "Friends and playmates."

"Do you guys take a ride on the wild side sometimes?" Johnny asked. "You swing both ways?"

"Not at all, I only like men. You?"

Johnny looked confused. "I guess I'm sort of curious," he said.

"How curious?" Julian asked.

Johnny smiled. "You must have guessed, I really interested," he admitted.

"Well, I'd be glad to give you a guided tour!" Julian replied. "If the Abbot doesn't mind?"

"Not at all. I'm new to this too," I replied. "I could use some guidance. I like it, but am not sure I know what I'm doing."

"Well, I know what I'm doing," Julian responded. "If it's worth doing, it's worth doing well, I always say."

"I'm not sure I want to get that far into it," Johnny said. "I'm just curious."

Julian smiled. "Johnny, I don't want to insult you, but I bet you're a lot more than just curious," Julian stated. "Jorge, my lover of 25 years said he was just curious at first. If you want to try man to man sex, you might as well jump in with both feet. Let yourself go and enjoy it."

"Do I sound like one of those girls who wants to have sex, but still be a virgin?" Johnny asked.

I laughed. "That describes me!" I exclaimed. "I want to do it, but be able to take it back, pretend it didn't happen."

"You felt guilty?" Johnny asked.

"Yes, but an odd guilt," I replied. "I felt guilty because I didn't feel guilty. I thought I should have felt guilty, but I felt nothing but enjoyment and pleasure. It's as if 55 years of religious training has been for naught."

"My dear Abbot, you're lucky,"Julian said. "There are thousands of men and women who dream their entire live about experiences they are too afraid to experience. I've always felt sorry for the sad and empty lives they live."

"That describes me," Johnny whispered. "I'm a middle-aged man who has only dreamed."

"Until tonight," Julian said. "Let's go to the bedroom and get naked."

Johnny briefly had a look of panic on his face which was rapidly replaced with a smile. "Jump in with both feet, you said?" We all went to the bedroom.

"I'm not in shape any more," Johnny said as he stripped. "I was a football played in high school, a weight lifter. How I've got a gut. I'm embarrassed to get naked."

"If I told you I looked like Tarzan as a youth, I'd be lying," Julian said. "I hate to be frank, but I'm into sex, not aesthetic admiration of the human body." He stopped and laughed. "There's one part of the human body I am interested in!" he said as he reached out and cupped Johnnie's genitals.

"Let's get on the bed and get this party going," Julian said. Johnny all but jumped on the bed. He was massive and still solid. His gut didn't bother me. His cock was as solid and massive as his body. Uncut, he possessed a Polish sausage resting on bed pair of potato sized balls.

The second Julian's tongue touched his cock, Johnny was hard. He put his head back and closed his eyes. I knew exactly what he was feeling. He had dreamed for years of the way a man's mouth would feel sucking his cock. I had dreamed the same thing, but hadn't been able to admit, even to myself, I wanted to experience those feelings. I also knew the experience was even better than I had dreamed and that Johnny felt the same way.

I went over to him and played with his tits. Johnny moaned. He looked at me, then at my cock. He opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue. I got on the bed and straddled him, so he could suck my cock. Johnny was a happy man.

Next: Chapter 6

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