Old Saint Nick

Published on Nov 12, 2004


Old Saint Nick

Part 3

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail bldhrymn@aol.com or bldhrymn@yahoo.com

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. These are all new stories. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

Bruno was a find. He and Richard had been playmates as children. Richard became a monk, but Bruno wasn't a monk at all. I had spent much of the preceding quarter century worried about sin in general and sex in particular. Abbot Frederick warned and admonished about the dangers and potential for sin and sex. In his mind I think the two were the same. Sin was sex and sex was sin.

Bruno didn't see it that way. At first I though he was simply amoral. He seemed like a wild animal without moral judgement. A lion in the jungle is just a lion, neither bad nor good. This was a misjudgement on my part.

Bruno saw sin as treachery, deceit and betrayal. Spreading false rumors, not standing up for ones friends, and not helping those friends in times of trouble, these were Bruno's sins. Sex wasn't a sin, unless you betrayed or deceived another. He thought sex was sinful if your objective was something other than mutual pleasure.

We talked about this sitting in the locker room. "You know John, if you were sucking my cock to get a better price, that would be bad," Bruno said. "If I shot my load hoping to get you to hire me that would be bad too. It seems to me we both enjoyed it with no ulterior motives. It can't be bad."

"It hard to think of it like that," Richard said, "but I see your point."

"Remember when we were kids. We were just playing around, seeing what felt good," Bruno said. "Our rule was, if I do it to you, you get to do it to me. That seemed fair then and still does."

"Except for Lonnie Bernini," Richard remarked. "He never played fair. He'd touch your cock, but would run away before you got to touch him. Whatever happened to him?"

"Lonnie's been married four times and has gone bankrupt twice," Bruno said. "I saw him a few months ago. He looks like shit. It was sort of sad. I've always looked like shit. He was a dream boat in high school."

"I don't think you look like shit," I said, trying to be polite.

"Nice try, John, but I know better," Bruno replied. "John Williamson, my boss, says I'm so ugly I'm almost attractive. When god passed out masculine characteristics, I got a double dose." He looked down at his hairy pelt. "Maybe a triple dose. I've done pretty well. I've got lots of friends, and some really good playmates. If you're into manly men, I'm that almost to a fault."

"Are your friends sex partners?" Richard asked.

"Yes. Some of them. I've never found Mr. Right, but I have friends. It's satisfying for all of us," Bruno said.

"It sounds as if you have a great many friends," Richard said. "Is it like a fraternity?" Bruno was silent for a few seconds.

"That's one way to look at it. Millennium Construction is a gay firm, almost everyone there is gay," Bruno said. "It's a good place to work. We all help each other out."

Bruno left. Richard and I went upstairs. "Did you enjoy that?" Richard asked.


"Bruno's cock," Richard answered.

"I did. I enjoyed it more that I guessed was possible."

"That's the way it was when Bruno and I were kids," Richard said. "I still think back on it."

"I've been thinking about spiritual things for so long I've forgotten how good physical contact can be," I said. "I'm not sure I ever experience much physical contact. My parents were reserved and I didn't have many close friends."

Richard laughed. "Well you jumped in with both feet," he said. "You skipped the shaking hands and hugging and got down to cock sucking in record time." I must have looked shocked. He added, "I've had these desires and urges for so many years and wanted to do what you did for so long. I feel like a weight has lifted from my shoulders. I feel free."

"You wanted to do that?" I asked. "Suck?"

"I wanted to do that," Richard said. "I'd thought about it, but was too nervous to actually do it. Did you like it?" I nodded. We rejoined Sean and Timothy in the dining room. The cook had been buying better food and the meals had become a joyful occasion. The food was simple but fresh vegetables and fruit and a well-cooked pork roast seemed luxurious.

The conversation was good too. Sean and Timothy had been shocked at the conditions of our properties and were eager to improve them. They were both serious and sincere by nature. The prospect of righting wrongs excited them.

"It's going to take a lot of work over a long period to get things right again," I said. "I think we have some good professional advice. The contractor and architect we met today seem more than competent. I'm afraid we are understaffed here. There are only four of us."

"I don't mind a challenge," Sean said.

"I don't have a mind for finances. There's going to be bills galore," I said.

"I can help with that. I have a degree in accounting," Timothy said. "I didn't seem satisfying as a life's work, but I can dust off my accounting skills for a good cause." We talked for a while. Richard was interested in social work, so he was going to work with the tenants to find new housing during the construction process. Most of the tenants were low income and many were immigrants. He was going to see how we could help.

I was going to look after the design and construction aspects of the project. Sean would be my assistant. I didn't know if this was going to work out, but it was a start. We could adjust our tasks as necessary.

We were flying blind, since no of us had any real world experience. I was a bit worried Millennium Construction and MacAfee's architectural offices were too upscale for the project. They were well known for high profile restoration and design projects. Max assigned two young architects to our project. Edgar Callahan was interested in affordable housing and Chuck Hollman was a specialist in architectural preservation and building renovation.

After a week of working with them I was comfortable. Millennium assigned Bruno to the project with a job captain in the main office, Gus Grund. My job was to make decisions. It was slow going at first since I knew so little about the construction process. They were patient and explained everything in detail. After a while it got much easier. I trusted these men's judgement and felt safe going with their recommendations.

None of these men were married and they had no problem putting in long hours when needed. As we were the Abbey of St. Nicholas, I wanted to get some improvements made by Christmas. Max didn't think it was possible to do a lot in that short period, but we selected several trial projects to get the ball rolling. We were going to do one building in a large deteriorated garden apartment complex, and two individual houses. It was a whirlwind effort, but if we succeeded it would be worth it.

The rush of work transformed the abbey. It bustled with activity. Richard and the novices were cheerful and excited. The work did everyone good. We still said our prayers for the soul of our departed benefactor, but they were heartfelt now. We were using his fortune to bring improved lives to many.

The improvement to our lives wasn't only spiritual. There was a strong physical and sexual aspect to it. After much thought and prayer, I discovered the flaw in Abbot Frederick's approach to life. To him real life was only spiritual, anything physical was evil and to be avoided. I realized physical contact with others was necessary to be truly human. To enjoy the company of others and even to enjoy sexual intimacy with others is part of being a human.

These were all new discoveries for me. There may have been an inkling in the back of my mind I was missing something, but it was truly a revelation. I had some help in making this discovery. I walked in on Bruno and Chuck.

I had been under the mistaken assumption that renovating a building was primarily a project involving the owner, an architect and a builder. I hadn't realized the city played a role in the process. We had extended conversations with the planning, building and zoning departments. Most were supportive, but there was a certain element in the bureaucracy which seemed to be obstructive.

At the last minute we were required to file for and exception to a zoning regulation. This required my signature. I was out of town for two days and when I returned at six in the evening the signature was needed on a document which had to be submitted by 9:00 the next morning. I singed it and called Max. It had to be part of the architect's application and Max suggested I drop it off at Chuck's house that evening, so he could get it in the next morning.

I hadn't realized it, but Chuck lived about six blocks from the monastery. I walked over to his house and knocked on the door. No one came for a while and I thought he might be out. Finally the door opened. Chuck was wearing a bathrobe.

"Abbot John, what's the problem?" he asked. Chuck looked puzzled.

I gave him the document and explained the problem. He looked it over and asked me in. "I'm not handling that part of the project Edgar is, let me call him and see if this is everything we need," Chuck said. "It can't hurt to be too careful with the city." I came in and went to the kitchen. He offered me a beer which I gladly accepted.

While he called Edgar, Bruno appeared, soaking wet and wearing a towel. "Is this a job meeting?" he joked. I explained the problem. He understood. "Are you dealing with Saterwhite?" he asked.

"How did you know?" I asked. Ralph Saterwhite was the city official who required the exception.

"That's his modus operandi. He lets things move along until you're almost ready to start, then he throws a monkey wrench into the works," Bruno explained. "He needs to prove he's a real man."

"This is what we need," Chuck said. "I'll get it to Edgar tomorrow first thing. It sounds stupid, but if anything in the application is out of order they will reject it and make you resubmit. Edgar really appreciates you getting it to us. We'd have been delayed a month otherwise. Would you like another beer?"

"I'd love another," I said, then I reconsidered. "Maybe I better not. I should get back, I've interrupted you."

"You haven't interrupted us at all," Bruno said. "We were just relaxing in the pool in the back yard. It's been a long day. Why don't you join us? Come and look at it anyway. Chuck's pool is a wonder of modern technology." We went to the back of the house and found a diminutive pool, perhaps four feet wide and nine feet long. It was in a greenhouse like addition. There was a green and leafy trellis over the greenhouse, so it looked jungle like.

Chuck flipped a switch and the water began to flow. Bruno dropped his towel, jumped in and began to swim against the current. "It's a full sized Olympic pool in a miniature form," Chuck said. Bruno stopped swimming and Chuck turned off the water flow.

"Do you like to swim?" Bruno asked.

"I use to, but it's been a long while," I said. "It is a neat looking device."

"Jump in a give it a try," Chuck asked. "It's like a water filled treadmill." I was going to say I didn't have trunks. But Bruno was naked and I was sure Chuck was naked under the robe. We were in a neighborhood of tightly packed townhouses, but th e pool was completely private. I decided to give it a try.

"There's a mini cabana in the corner for your clothes," Chuck said. I got undressed and slipped into the pool. It was cool but not cold, very refreshing. Bruno was on the side of the pool and Chuck started the water flow. I started to swim. I have never been swimming in a mountain stream before, but this was they way I thought it would be. After a while, I stood up and he turned to water flow off.

Chuck had dropped his robe and was nude. He had struck me as a dapper man, thin, of average height, bald and with copper colored hair and a well-trimmed beard. He was always very neat, but never looked overdressed or too fastidious.

Chuck had a swimmer's body except for the unruly covering of red hair that started below his neck and ended at his toe nails. He was as hairy as Bruno, but had none of Bruno's neanderthal characteristics. He had a long, thin cock, cut, and low hanging balls. He brought over another beer for us and sat on the edge of the pool.

We had a nice conversation about things other than work. That was a good change for me. As Chuck and I talked, Bruno was paddling around in the pool. He got next to Chuck and began to suck the red head's cock. Chucked patted Bruno's head almost as if he were an affectionate dog and we kept on talking. After a few minutes, Bruno stopped sucking Chuck's cock and transferred his attention to mine. It was lovely.

"I guess you've noticed, things are a bit casual here," Chuck said. His cock was hard, a thin seven inches, which curved down rather than up. He put one arm around my shoulder and with the other he stroked the hair on my chest. "If we're bothering you, just say so," he said. He began rubbing the hair on my back. I was in heaven.

Chuck slipped into the water and Bruno got out. Chuck began sucking my cock. Bruno stood and straddled my body so his cock was at my mouth. I couldn't resist the invitation. I sucked him as chuck sucked me.

"John, I should have warned you, Chuck is into hairy men," Bruno said. "He likes them as much as I do. He likes his men manly and you've done pretty well in that department, for being a monk and all that." I was getting really close to shooting, so I got them to break apart.

"I've never done anything like that before," I murmured.

"Let me warn you," Chuck replied, "It can be habit forming." He paused. "Only if you're lucky." We all laughed. I got in the water, lifted Chuck out of the water and nursed on his cock. It was hard as steel, but drooling precum. I had never considered the stuff which oozes from a cock. I had thought of it as piss and had no interest. The rich and sweet cream drooling from Chuck's organ was altogether different.

"It gets kind of messy when I get excited," Chuck said. "I hope you don't mind."

I looked up at him. "I'll get use to it." I said.

Bruno smiled. "Let me tell you, John. It took some doing to break Chuck of his bad habits," he said.

"What habits were those?" I asked.

"He was too neat. He liked what I call button down sex. He liked sex well enough, but he was afraid of dripping something or splattering you. When sex is good, it's nothing but drooling and shooting cocks and juicy holes. Mess is a part of it. A dripping cock is a sign of a job well done." As Bruno said this, I deep throated Chuck and he oozed a bucket load of precum when I pulled back.

"You seem to have cured him," I said. Both men laughed.

"I'm afraid he did," Chuck said. "I was my mom's dream kid. Always neat, always clean. When I met Bruno, he turned me on so much, it was either his way or the highway. I have to admit sex is better when you let yourself go and just enjoy it. I had a lover once who combed his hair while I was fucking him. He was a nice guy, but he always wanted to look his best. I was trying to fuck him to the moon and he was worried about messing up his hair."

"I don't have much hair to worry about," I said.

Chuck leaned over me and stroked the hair on my back. I sucked his cock again. "You have it where I like it," he said. It struck me as odd someone would find me attractive. It was a pleasurable thought. Leaning close to my ear he whispered, "Do you like to get fucked?"

I whispered back. "I really don't know. I've never done it." I was silent for a few seconds. "Does it feel good?"

"The way I do it, it will," Chuck whispered. Somehow, I knew before I left Chuck's house that evening, I would know what being fucked was like.

Next: Chapter 4

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