Old Saint Nick

Published on Jan 30, 2005


Old Saint Nick

Part 11

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail bldhrymn@aol.com or bldhrymn@yahoo.com

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that I have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. These are all new stories. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

We were a happy group. After a month or two of intense work, either the work load lessened, or we got use to it. It seemed much easier and not as overwhelming. Problems continually popped up, but I no longer felt the panic as I did when we started the work. I knew there was a solution and felt confident about our architects and contractors.

Building is expensive, but we had so much in the bank, that was no problem. Oddly, we also began to get donations from the public. This was a new experience. I was shocked when an old neighbor of the Abbey died and left her estate to us. She had changed her will when we began renovating. It wasn't a large estate, but she had two houses in our residential area. House values had gone up, the bequest was $800,000 plus. We named a community center in one of the apartment complexes for her.

I also realized the change our renovations were making in their neighborhoods. Blighted properties blight everything around them. When we improved our properties, the entire neighborhood began to improve. It was a happy situation for us, the neighbors and the city.

Our order began to prosper too. We were praying less, doing more, but the sense of doing good for our community intensified religious feelings. We attracted several men who were religious, but wanted to make a difference. Julian joined us. He was retired and had no family and loved his work with us. As a college professor he enjoyed very high status with most of our Spanish-speaking tenants. He was a natural teacher and adapted himself to dealing with the poorly educated immigrants well.

Harry, a friend of Johnny's joined us too. He was a retired accountant for the city. He had lost his wife several years earlier and wanted companionship. A nice man, he was weak on social skills and finding friends was difficult for him.

Johnny said Harry's marriage was loving but not sexual. Harry and Johnny had an almost accidental sexual relationship. They had met at the Y, but hadn't realized they both worked for the city until later. After retiring early, Harry had run out of things to do. Johnny got him to help us out and do some volunteer work for us. He loved it. Harry was one of those odd men who loved numbers. When he arrived, the bookkeeping problems vanished. Julian was almost the same age and the two men struck up a friendship.

Harry was a dapper 67 year old with close-cropped hair and a military style moustache. He was slim and in good shape.

One of Butler's friends, Ted, joined us. Ted was a hippy trapped in the wrong decade. He wanted to be helpful and relevant, but had no idea how to do it. He had drifted aimlessly for fifteen years, looking for something. We have an orderly life at the Abbey and that transformed him. With direction he was a different person. He was great with youth and helped with the social problems which afflicted some of our tenants. Ted worked well with Jefferson. Any amount of work was all right with Ted as long as he could be of help.

A man called Chester joined us. He knew Jefferson and found us through him. Chester Brown was a retired Master Sergeant from the Army. He had put in his years, but found retirement unsatisfactory. He was a natural leader of men and needed to lead. He became involved moving tenants and was good at it. He could pack things up, load a truck and move a family with no fuss and no muss.

Chester was an imposing black man with a shaved head and thick, white beard. He knew how to get the most out of his soldiers when he was a Sergeant. He transferred these skills to our tenants.

While all three men joined our order because they wanted to make the world a better place, frankly, the social and sexual aspect of life at the Abbey was attractive to them also. Harry and Chester led socially and sexually limited lives. While Harry and his late wife were devoted to each other, the physical relationship was limited and his sexual experimentation was limited to brief encounters with Johnny.

Harry was painfully shy and thought of himself as unattractive. When Johnny touched his cock in the steam room of the Y, Harry later told him it was the first time anyone had touched him. Chester was much the same. He liked young men, but would never act on his desires when he was in the Army. He had thirty years of built up lust which came out when he met Jefferson.

Ted had the opposite problem. He always acted on his sexual urges, but had terrible judgement in men. Butler told me Ted would find a user, fall in love, give the guy all his ready cash, and then have the guy take off.

"If you ever have a question if a guy a looser, just introduce him to Ted," Butler said. "If Ted falls in love with the guy, he's an ass hole. Ted's sweet, but needs to be protected." Thin and lanky, he had a full head of dark hair and a thick beard. He looked quite young in spite of this, giving the impression he was trying to look older.

I was surprised the first time I ran into Harry in the shower. He was one of those rare middle-aged men who looked better naked than dressed. He was in good shape, with a moderately hairy chest, very hairy gut and a meaty cock. When he was nude, he was always at half staff. That tended to be inspirational.

Sean and Timothy, the younger men, always responded to stimulation. I'm a little embarrassed to say it, but I was close behind. The first time this happened with Harry nothing developed other than looking and admiring. The next time, we just looked until we got back to the locker room. Buster was on his back on the bench with his legs spread wide as Rufus pumped his cock into his ass. Harry was shocked and fascinated. Buster was an enthusiastic bottom and obviously enjoyed it. Rufus was in seventh heaven.

Sean went over to the fucking couple and played with Rufus' tits. Rufus moaned and shot off. I hadn't realized Sean knew Rufus' hot spots. Rufus pulled out. The white cum was still drooling from his slit and looked good against his purple-black cock head.

"Who's next?" Buster asked. "I wouldn't mind taking another." We were all hard by them, but none of us was as hard as Harry. Buster saw that and gestured for him to come over. Harry was hesitant, but Buster was convincing.

"I'm all lubed up, don't be shy," Buster said. Harry slowly positioned himself at Buster's hole and tentatively positioned his cock. "Just shove it in, I can take it," Buster urged. Harry did as he was told. His cock head vanished into the ass. A second later, Harry shoved the rest in.

"It's good, ain't it?" Buster asked.

"Oh my God," Harry whispered. He pulled out, then shoved it in again. "It's wonderful!" Harry was well endowed, but when he pulled out a second time, it looked as if his cock had grown a size. He had a large cock head. It glistened with Rufus' man seed. You could see Buster's hole opening up and enveloping it. Sean was behind Harry, rubbing his back. I was next to Buster's head. Buster started licking my balls.

"I'm going to shoot." Harry moaned.

"Let the juices flow," Timothy said. "Fill him up!" You could see Harry twitch with each ejaculation. As Harry shot off, Chester entered to locker room. Chester's cock went from soft to rock hard so fast I was afraid he hurt himself. When Harry pulled out, Chester went in, without invitation from Buster.

Buster was naked, on his back with his legs wide open in the middle of a ring of men. One by one we took our turn filling his ass. It sounds as if this was a gang bang, but Buster was just as interested in the last as the first. It seemed more like group therapy. Buster looked really happy. I happened to be the last. His ass was still tight, but cum from four men lubricated the way. I shot my load as Buster unloaded. Rufus was there, licking the cum as it drooled from Buster's cock.

Later that night, Harry came up to me and talked. "Is it always that good?" he asked.

I smiled. "It's not always that good, but it is good. Buster is an appreciative bottom. You made him a happy man."

"It seems to me he made us all pretty happy," Harry remarked under his breath. "It's not what I expected."

"What did you expect?" I asked.

"Everyone was so open and casual about it," he said. "My experiences have been in dark corners, trying not to be discovered. I never saw anything like that before. I can't believe I joined in."

"You enjoyed yourself, didn't you?"

"I didn't know I could enjoy that much," he said. "Do you think I'll ever get a chance to do that again?"

"To tell you the truth, I think if you stay with us, it would be hard to avoid doing that many more times," I said. "We're a friendly bunch." Harry went to his room. About ten minutes later Chester knocked on my door. We had a similar conversation, with one variation.

Chester was worried about guilt, or, more correctly, lack of guilt. "I was terrified of my lusts for so many years. When my cock slipped into Buster's ass, it felt like the most natural thing in the world," he said. " I didn't realize he'd like it so much. He was trying to grab my cock and hold it in. I thought he'd be in pain."

"Buster likes it just fine!" I said, "He's a trooper."

"I knew it was going to be good for me, but I thought I'd have to hurt the guy," Chester continued. "It was smooth as silk in there, hot and welcoming. He really wanted it." The black man was wearing a robe and as he talked, his cock got hard and peaked out. He glanced down and rearranged his robe to cover the cock.

"I thought sex with men was a sin, but I don't feel that at all," Chester said. "Is that wrong?"

"I misunderstood just about everything there was to misunderstand about sex," I said. "With no experience, in my mind, I turned it into a dirty exercise in manipulating another person. Somehow, it didn't occur to me my partner would be as interested as I was. I didn't realize he would get as much pleasure out of it as me."

"I can't see sex between friends as a sin," I said. "There are sexual predators who use their partners and toss them away afterward. Some men take advantage of the young and vulnerable, but it can't see who it can be wrong between consenting adults."

"We all have a cock and a sex drive. It's great when two men are in synch," I said.

"Does that happen often?" Chester asked.

"It seems to happen more often than not here," I replied. "No one here seems to have an ulterior motive other than to enjoy each other. None of us had any experience before so we been experimenting and learning by trial and error."

"It the errors that worry me," Chester said. "I'm a big man. I don't want to hurt anyone."

"Just take your time and get the lay of the land," I said. "Rufus had some bad experiences when he was younger, so he's uneasy about bottoming. Some guys like big meat, others like a cock which is easier to take." His robe opened again exposing his hard cock. It was a solid seven inches. Uncut, his skin was stretched parchment paper thin across his cock head, with only a third of the knob showing bare. I looked at it and smiled.

He noticed my smile. "And what's your pleasure?" Chester asked.

"I'm not sure I know enough about it to have much of an opinion," I said as I reached over and stroked his meat. The skin pulled back totally exposing his cock head. A bead or precum oozed from his slit.

Someone knocked on my door. "Come in." I said.

It was Ted. He saw Chester's hard cock. "Am I interrupting something?" he asked.

"I don't think so, Chester and I have been talking about sex," I said.

"I heard Buster had a good time this evening," Ted said.

"Chester was surprised Buster enjoyed it so much," I said. "He though only the top felt pleasure."

"As a true blue bottom, I can vouch for that from personal experience," Ted said. He looked at Chester's cock. "And the bigger the better." We talked for a short while and Ted and Chester wandered off. I had a feeling Chester would know much more about anal sex by the end of the night.

Johnny's life changed dramatically when the City selected a new Manager. He became the head of the Building Permit division again. His six months in charge as acting manager were a success, the city government was working well and he distinguished himself. A month later he was unemployed. He took early retirement. The new manager got tired at hearing people telling him how Johnny did it.

Johnny was philosophical about it, but he wasn't happy. He understood the situation, but was taken by surprise. You feel bad when you are fired after doing a good job. Fortunately, John, our contractor, and Max, the architect, were much involved in community affairs. They were working with a nonprofit housing corporation that was badly in need of leadership.

The Corporation for Housing was leaderless and Johnny would fit the bill. They were working on affordable housing, so it was well suited for him. He got settled in quickly and he soon discovered the joys of being his own boss. Without the rules and regulations of city government, Johnny felt free and soon got some projects underway.

I was able to help things by contributing several vacant lots we owned to his organization. We also gave him office space in a former Abbey building. This was good for him and for us. This also meant Johnny and I got together with great regularity. We were able to coordinate our rehab efforts with his new construction projects. Johnny got several Civic organizations involved too.

Johnny spent a lot of time with us. Our friendship grew, as did our sex life. The more we were together, the better it got. Practice makes perfect and we got in some quality practice time. The shower room at the Abbey was a continuing inspiration. Men have greatly varied sexual interests. I would see something there, then try it out with Johnny later. If Johnny was there we usually joined in.

I had finally reached a point when I could admit I liked sex and sexual pleasure. Johnny told me he liked sex too. He admitted he liked cocks and their variety. I had thought of sex as being a single, sinful act. As I learned more. I began to realize the diversity of sexual activities. Johnny realized a single sex act, like fucking, caused a multitude of reactions depending on the men involved and their cocks. The shape and size of the cock determined the quality of the response.

I was talking about this with Johnny, Chester and Harry. Johnny was a former Marine as was Chester. Our conversation turned them on. Chester and Harry tended to be sexually timid. They never said it, but I think both were worried about appearing effeminate. Johnny was 100% man and a leader of men too. When they heard him talking about cocks he liked, they were a bit shocked, but they also felt it was acceptable to be interested.

Chester and Harry liked to top and were curious about the bottom. It was difficult for them to take the leap and try it. There was a little joking about the top-bottom divide. Everyone has preferences but most of the men at the Abbey were accommodating. Versatile, might be the best way to described it. They were willing to pinch hit when needed.

After talking with Johnny, Chester and Harry were ready to take the plunge.

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