Old Saint Nick

Published on Dec 29, 2004


Old Saint Nick

Part 10

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail bldhrymn@aol.com or bldhrymn@yahoo.com

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that I have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. These are all new stories. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

Marco came to bed with me. When Johnny joined us, he was pleased as punch. Marco had a young man's insatiable appetite for sex. We fucked Marco to sleep, then Johnny fucked me to heaven and back. When I woke the next morning, Marco wanted to be fucked again. As I took care of him, Johnny took care of me.

I didn't expect the attack from the rear, but I didn't object either. It was uncomfortable at first until Johnny picked up my rhythm. I would slide my cock into Marco, then Johnny would slide into me. Marco would moan when I hit his prostate. I moaned when Johnny hit mine. Marco's quivering ass and Johnny's rock hard meat stimulated my cock. Our sensations began to merge. It was hard to tell what was generating the waves of pleasurable sensations engulfing me.

I felt Johnny get ridged, the way he does before he shoots, so I gave Marco five or six hard thrusts. His ass began to contract and he cried as his balls forced their contents through his cock. Johnny was totally still. He was channeling all of his energy into flooding my ass with his seed. His cock twitched in my ass.

Wedged between the contracting ass and the twitching cock, my cock all but exploded. I almost passed out the feelings were so intense. We all collapsed in a pile of sexually exhausted men. I think I may have slept some.

When I woke up, or came to, whichever it was, Marco was gone, but Johnny's cock was still in my ass. We got up, put on robes and went to the shower room to clean up. Sean was there, slowly pumping his cock into Marco's ass under the hot water. From the look on their faces, both were getting a preview of heaven.

Buzzard came in for a shower as Sean shot off. Buzzard slipped in cock into Marco's hole as Sean exited. Marco looked back, saw it was Buzzard and smiled. Buzzard's cock was long and thin and he liked long slow strokes.

"Abbot, this has been a great Christmas," Buzzard said. "To tell you the truth, I wasn't enthusiastic about it, but Buster made me come. He said we weren't going to have dinner at Arby's and a six pack of beer like last year. This has been great."

"I'm glad you liked it," I said. "It hasn't been what I expected either."

"I was raised Baptist and had heard Catholics were different," Buzzard continued. "I didn't know they were this different." He looked at me and must have seen the shocked look on my face.

"Just joking Abbot," he said quickly. "I know you aren't this different. Some things puzzle me though. You can be mean, sanctimonious and pompous and be a good Christian, but you can't be sweet, kind and have fun with your friends. If there's too much fun, it's off to Hell with you."

"It seems that way to me sometimes," I said. "For all of my life sex was bad and dirty. I was scared even to think about it, not to mention do it. Since Abbot Frederick died, all hell has broken loose, and suddenly I'm looking forward to every day with joy, not dread."

"The old Abbot must have been an odd one," Johnny remarked, "I don't know if you can be a good Christian and a slum lord." Buzzard picked up his pace and then shot off. He whispered something in Marco's ear. Marco smiled and when Buzzard pulled out he bent over so Marco could fuck him.

When Marco thrust deep, left over cum dripped from Buzzard's snake. That turned me on. Buzzard continued talking as Marco fucked him. "Back home the most upright member of the Baptist Church went to jail for embezzling from the volunteer fire department," Buzzard added. "He was the treasurer and he got one complete fire truck's worth of money. Stealing is bad enough, but think of the number of wasted bake sales? My Momma must have cooked thousands of cookies more than five years for that truck. "

"What did he steal it for?" Johnny asked.

"He was porking his secretary and they were going to go off to Brazil or some place like that," Buzzard said. "He was my Sunday school teacher when I was eleven and even then I knew a real prick when I met one. He hated my guts. Shit, I was eleven years old." Marco began pumping furiously. He then went ridged as he shot off. Marco left it in until he was totally drained. I watched Buzzard squeeze his ass to milk the last drops of cum from the Mexican's cock.

"Nice job, amigo," Buzzard said as he stood up straight. He looked at me in the eye. "I really love this place."

As often happens in Richmond, the temperature reached sixty this day. The snow vanished like magic leaving slush and wet roads. With the 60 degree temperatures even the slush vanished by three in the afternoon. Everyone got home and life at the Abbey returned to normal. The week between Christmas and New Year's was quiet and restful. We all needed that. The activity level dramatically changed after the Abbot's death and a rest period was good.

On the 3rd work returned in full force. The main construction projects got under way. We had learned what we needed to do on the trial project. That was hard. Now we made the jump from a $500,000.00 trial project to $4,500,000.00 of major construction. Fools go where angels fear to tread and it was a daunting project. Fortunately the architects and builders were at home with this sort of construction and all went as well as can be expected.

There were bumps. I came to regard existing buildings as mine fields, filled with problems. My favorable opinion of Bruno and Chuck grew as the project progressed. They weren't hysterics and they had no interest in drama. Both like to solve problems. Neither felt the need to whine about them.

We had some changes at the Abbey. Marco and Jorge joined us as lay brothers. One of Jefferson's friends joined us too. Rufus was a strong, handsome and attractive man with limited intellectual abilities. He had lived with an Uncle who had died. He couldn't live on his own, so Jefferson brought him to the Abbey.

My other problem child, Butler was doing well with Milennium. He was working with Bruno and learnign a lot. He spent much of his free time with Trevor and that was good for both of them.

I was uneasy about this, since I knew nothing about dealing with a person with his problems. I was also uneasy about him dealing with the sexual life in the Abbey. Jefferson told me not to worry. "We've been playing show and tell since we were five," he said. "Rufus can hold his own." Rufus turned out to be a good addition. He liked to work and he liked things clean and neat. No one else at the Abbey seemed to have that trait.

Rufus was an inveterate fixer upper. The poor physical condition of the Abbey offended him and set to work. He was happy doing work no one else wanted to do and was good at it too. Rufus loved the company too. While he didn't participate the conversations, he like to listen. On his own, he would watch cartoons on the television, but if there were people nearby he'd sit nearby and observe.

One other addition was odder. Buzzard joined us. An elderly lady who should not have been still driving ran him over. She forgot to put the car in reverse and ran him over. He had a broken leg, cracked pelvis, broken ribs and arms. The list sounded like one of those odd things you fine in insurance policies. There was much other damage too. He required a long recovery and rehab period. He had lived with Buster and Buddy, but they had full time jobs and couldn't take care of him. Millennium Construction was looking at a nursing home, but Buzzard wasn't the nursing home type. At t he Abbey, we always had someone who could take him to rehab or to a doctor's appointment. Thus, Buzzard became a resident.

God moves in mysterious ways. Buzzard and Rufus hit it off from the start. Buzzard was the low man on the construction telephone pole. He had nothing to do but get to appointments on time. Rufus worked best with constant supervision. I once told him to sweep a floor and he did it six times. Buzzard became a supervisor for the first time in his life. He spent his time telling Rufus what to do and showing him how to do it.

The older man wasn't the brightest bulb in the electric store and he gave instruction in all the detail Rufus needed to get it right. The young black man loved learning new things, so the two were happy.

The two men were sexually compatible too. Sex was as natural as breathing to Buzzard. He was taking pain killers that made it difficult to keep and erection, but he had no problem feeling a cock in his ass. Rufus was the only man at the Abbey strong enough to keep Buzzard steady in the shower. They were naked once or twice a day and nature took its course.

I was worried about this, so I talked with Buzzard and he told me about it. "I kind of think when Rufus got shortchanged in the brain department, God gave him extra cock," Buzzard said. "As far as I can tell, Jefferson is the only one who treated him right. He liked Jefferson a lot. He thinks Jefferson is really his brother. That ain't true, but that's what he thinks."

"Rufus likes man sex. All the girls made fun of him and he knows he shouldn't have babies," Buzzard continued. "Jefferson has treated him right and shown him the ropes, but he's had some bad times with other men. He was in a crew with a foreman who liked to fuck him dry. I've known men who were like that. They fucked a guy then called him a faggot. You wonder what a man like that is thinking."

"We got in the shower and Rufus is uneasy. The foreman was a white guy with a long cock, so when he saw my snake, it wasn't love at first sight, I played it cool. A few days later he was more relaxed. At least he knew I wasn't going to jump him."

"I'm afraid your jumping days may be over for a while at least," I said.

"Abbot, Rufus doesn't add two and two together real well. Any way after the shower I find myself with his cock at my mouth level, so I take a lick," Rufus continued. "It scared him a first, but I let my tongue work its magic. I'd only seen him half hard before. He's a wonder. Now he gets scared again when he got close to popping. I tell him to calm down. I want to taste his cock cream."

"My piss?" he asked.

"I told him I wanted the white stuff, the cream. Well, by that times he started to shoot off and I gobbled it all down." Buzzard said. "I don't think anyone had sucked him while he was shooting off before. He liked that a lot. Rufus played with my cock some. I can't get it hard, so he stopped. I told him any time he wanted to give me the white stuff, I was willing. I don't think he believed me, but that night he came to my bedroom with a hard on. I may not be Mother Theresa, but I came to his aid, if you get my drift."

I smiled. "I thought you were a great humanitarian."

"When Rufus finds something he's good at, he can learn fast," he continued. "He got worried I wasn't getting hard. He tried to suck it. I have to give it to him. I don't think he'd ever sucked a white cock and it was hard for him. He just felt he should. I told him about the pills, but that went way over his head. Then I told him I'd like it if he eased his cock into my ass."

"Rufus didn't believe me at first, then he wasn't sure a black cock should go into a white ass. As I told you, he had some bad experiences in that department and seemed to think it was a one way street. He said he didn't want to do it, but it really hard to hide your real wants when your naked and a man. I knew better. Well, to make a long story short, I greased him up and put my legs on his shoulders. That was more of a chore that I thought it would be, but I did it. I had underestimated how much of me was broken when that lady ran over me. I was a bit worried. Rufus is a big man."

"I hope it was good." I said.

"Great. It was great," Buzzard responded. "It was as if a delicate ballerina had the cock of Godzilla. He opened me up slowly and eased it deep. The horse cock hit all the right places and there was nothing broken on the way. I loved it. He was shivering in excitement. He told me it was good, really nice."

"I'm not exactly a virgin, but Rufus is a keeper. He got me going and kept me going until I shot off."

"You got an erection?"

"More like three-quarters of an erection, but damn it felt good," Buzzard said. "When I popped, he pulled out and ate it up. I told him to shove it in again and give my ass a cream bath. He smiled and shoved it in. By that time he was really close, so he popped easily."

"All is well?" I asked.

"As far as I'm concerned," Buzzard said. "He's a happy camper and I'm a happy camper. A few of the other men have played some with him, Timothy and of course Marco. I keep my eyes open. I don't think anyone here would try to use him badly, but if they do, they'd better look out. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I say. If someone does something bad unto Rufus, I will do it unto them, double."

I felt better. The two men enjoyed each other and Buzzard had a sense of fair play to keep things on the up and up. As far as I cold tell, everyone at the Abbey was even handed. There were several couples such as Trevor and Butler or Buzzard and Rufus, but everyone was willing to help each other out.

Next: Chapter 11

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