Old House

By Luke Sanders

Published on Aug 31, 2003



Old House By: Luke Sanders lsanders44@hotmail.com

Matt was a 22 year old, about to start his first year of med school at the University of Iowa. Originally from Montana, Matt was planning on uprooting his life and moving halfway across the country. He was tall, and lanky, yet ruggedly handsome and in excellent physical condition.

Before Matt went away to med school, he contacted a number of people on a roommate list that the school had sent out. The list consisted of other first year law students that were looking for roommates. Most of the people that Matt contacted were looking to share expensive apartments or to live far away from campus. Matt was looking for the cheapest place possible (that was, in fact, the reason that he was looking for a roommate -- to split the cost of rent) and he didn't own a car. There was only one guy on the list who seemed to be of a similar mindset; his name was Chris.

Chris was from Virginia and had decided to buy an old house near campus that he could live in during school and sell after he graduated to avoid ever having to pay rent. He was looking for a roommate to offset the cost of utilities and other expenses.

Matt was relieved to have found a cheap place to live. Running out of options, he impulsively agreed to live with Chris, never having met him or seen the house.

Two weeks before school started, Matt loaded all of his furniture into his father's pick up truck and drove to Iowa to meet Chris and move into the house. The entire drive, Matt's stomach was in knots, thinking about the guy he was going to be living with, hoping that he had made a good decision.

They had planned to meet at a Taco Bell near campus. Matt arrived first, ordered and was sitting at a table, watching people come in when Chris entered. He was slightly over six feet, with blond hair and blue eyes. He had a flawless runner's body and was startlingly attractive. Matt hoped that this person was Chris and was delighted when he approached the table and introduced himself. Matt could barely take his eyes off of Chris as he stood in line ordering food. As they sat and ate together, Matt became increasingly relieved, believing that he had made a great decision. They talked about the house -- Chris warned that it was a "fixer upper" but that it had been a great deal at only $39,000. Matt replied that he didn't expect the place to be perfect given that he was only going to be charged $200 a month in rent. Matt was more interested in the information that he learned about Chris. Christ was 24 and a marathon runner. In fact, he had taken two years off after college to participate in the Olympic trials.

After they ate, Matt followed Chris's U-Haul to the house. When Chris pulled over and got out of his car, Matt thought that there was some mistake. The house that Chris had purchased looked like a condemned building. There was a large, visible hole in the roof. The sides of the building were bowing out on the left, and leaning inward on the right: the whole building looked as though it were about to fall over. In addition, the windows were boarded up and the front porch looked like it was about to collapse.

Matt stepped out of his truck and walked up next to Chris. "So what do you think?" Chris asked.

Matt stammered, trying to find the right words. "I think...well, I mean..." and finally, he said "do you think this place is livable?"

Chris seemed disappointed. He clearly saw something in the building beyond the decomposing exterior. "Don't judge the place until you've seen the inside" he said.

As the two walked inside, one of the porch steps nearly fell off throwing Matt forward onto Chris. Chris helped Matt up and laughed at the circumstances.

The house was very small. The front door opened onto a small living room. On the right was a room; Chris explained that that was going to be his room. Just past the living room on the right was the only bathroom in the house. Beyond that was the kitchen in which there was a flight of stairs that went up "to the loft" Chris explained, and downstairs "to the basement, and your bedroom" Chris told Matt.

The stairs creaked loudly as they descended into the basement. Immediately, Matt was overwhelmed by a foul odor. "What's that smell?" he asked.

Chris replied, "I think it's just mildew or must. This place just needs to be aired out a little."

As Matt walked through the basement, he constantly had to duck down because the ceiling was too low in many places. Most of the basement was uncarpeted, the floors consisting of cracked, dirty concrete. The water heater and pipes were exposed throughout the basement, there were bugs, piles of trash and dirt everywhere... the place looked horrible.

Upstairs, Matt sat down on one of the porch steps. "What's wrong?" Chris asked.

"I just don't know if I can live here" Matt said.

Chris sat down next to him. "I know the place looks like shit now, but I think that it can look a lot better with a little work."

Matt didn't think so. To him, the place seemed beyond repair. "I'm really sorry to have wasted your time" he began, "but, I just don't think..."

Chris interrupted him. "What if I only charge you $100 a month?

Matt thought for a minute. He looked at the gorgeous guy sitting next to him, and then back at the hideous house, and replied "I just don't think..."

Again Chris interrupted him again. "Okay, what if I only charge you $50 a month, but you agree to help me fix the place up."

Matt looked at Chris this time without looking back at the house. Matt was in a dire financial situation, soon to go massively in debt from school loans. $50 a month was a better deal than Matt could have ever hoped for, and the guy making the offer was straight out of one of Matt's fantasies. He smiled at Chris, and Chris smiled back.

"Alright" Matt said. The two stood up and shook hands.

"Now lets get this furniture inside" Chris said.

As the two helped each other move their furniture into the house, Matt began feeling better about his circumstances. Although he kept discovering more and more things that were wrong with the house, Chris was turning out to be as good a person on the inside as he looked on the outside. When the front porch steps completely collapsed, Chris started laughing and after a minute, Matt joined in. After a while, the heat began to get to them and Chris took off his shirt, revealing the perfect body that Matt had imagined he would have. Moving furniture on a hot day was a lot more enjoyable with someone like Chris to watch. Furthermore, as they were moving things in, Matt noticed that neither Chris's room nor the bathroom had doors. The idea of seeing Chris in the shower greatly intrigued Matt.

To his delight, his thoughts rapidly came to fruition. No sooner had they finished moving everything into the house than Chris announced that he was going to take a shower to cool off.

"I don't think there's a door to the bathroom" Matt told Chris. "I don't care." he replied. "We don't have a shower curtain yet either." And with that, standing right in the living room directly in front of Matt, Chris dropped his pants. He was wearing grey boxer briefs that were damp with sweat and Matt immediately began to get hard. Walking around in his underwear, Chris pulled a towel and some soap and shampoo out of a box and then jumped in the shower. Matt remained in the living room, listening to the sound of the shower water, his heart beating rapidly. Finally, he decided that it wouldn't be inappropriate for him to walk by the bathroom during which time he could catch of glimpse of his new roommate. He picked up a box and walked by the bathroom when Chris called to him.

"Matt" he said, "Will you grab my slippers? I don't want to walk around on these floors with clean feet." "Sure, where are they?" Matt called. "They should be in the box marked bathroom" he replied. Matt's heart was now pounding. He was going to have a genuine opportunity to see Chris naked. As he looked through Chris' bathroom box, he found a box of condoms and KY jelly as well as the slippers. As Matt brought the slippers into the bathroom for Chris, his mind was racing. He pretended not to look at Chris, but his beautiful, golden body shimmered in the water. Even his pubic hair was blond, and appeared to be shaved somewhat. His dick was a perfectly proportioned six + inches, but it was his body that most attracted Matt.

After a few minutes, Chris walked out of the bathroom wearing only his slippers and a maroon towel. "Are you going to take a shower?" Chris asked. Matt and Chris were planning on going out to eat for dinner and Matt really needed to shower, but couldn't get rid of his erection and was worried that if he showered, Chris might see him. "Naw" Matt said, "I'll take one later tonight." As he spoke, Chris dropped his towel and began drying his groin. It was unbelievably erotic to Matt. After he'd done that, Chris tossed the towel over his shoulder and began looking through a box for some clothes. Matt walked away to go downstairs to change clothes, but looked back at the beautiful sight of naked Chris, looking through a box. He watched as Chris found a pair of white briefs and pulled them on.

At dinner, the two had a great conversation about their families and the lives from which they had come. Matt learned that Chris was intending to stay in Iowa until school started, while Matt was going to drive his dad's truck back to Montana the next day before flying back the weekend before school started. Chris said that he was disappointed that he was going to be left alone in a small town in Iowa where he didn't know anyone. Matt felt as though they were inevitably going to become very good friends.

After dinner, they went back to the house and cleaned things and finished unpacking. Chris was sitting in the living room making a list of all the things that needed to be fixed when Matt told him that he was going to take a shower and then get to bed. In the bathroom, Matt undressed, stepped in the bathtub and turned on the shower. He felt very exposed with neither a shower curtain nor a bathroom door to provide privacy. In addition, the thought of Chris in the shower earlier was making him horny. After washing his hair, he began to soap himself up and had just briefly caressed his dick, when it began to grow hard. Embarrassed, he tried thinking of baseball and other nonsexual things, but nothing helped. Within a minute, his dick was standing at full mast. Matt turned away from the door so that if Chris walked by he wouldn't see, when suddenly, Chris walked into the bathroom. "I'm getting ready for bed too" he told Matt as he took out his tooth brush and began brushing his teeth. He watched Matt who was strangely turned away, not looking at him. Matt turned ever so slightly and Chris noticed that he was turned away because he had an erection. Chris smiled and said "you don't have to be embarrassed about having a hard on." Matt turned his head to look at Chris, and then very slowly, turned his body around as well. Chris looked down at Matt's dick and smiled. "You're well endowed" he stated as he began to floss. "You have nothing to be embarrassed about." Despite how comfortable Chris seemed, Matt felt weird and quickly rinsed off and grabbed his towel. As Matt dried off, Chris told him that he wasn't a very timid person and that without doubt, Matt would see quite a bit of him naked over the year to come. Matt smiled and was genuinely relieved by Chris's words as well as excited by the prospect of seeing more of Chris's body.

Chris went downstairs, put on a t shirt and boxer shorts and laid down to go to sleep. Upstairs, though the creaky floor, he could tell that Chris had done the same. However, Matt couldn't sleep. He wanted, very badly, to jack off, but was worried that he would make a mess and given that the only bathroom was upstairs without a door, didn't want to go through with all of the trouble. More than that, he couldn't sleep because of the smell of the basement and the fact that bugs kept crawling on his arms and legs. At about three in the morning, he turned on the light to find a huge cockroach on his bed. Mortified, he decided to sleep upstairs on the couch that Chris had brought. As he walked up the stairs and into the living room, the building groaned at his every step. He walked cautiously so as not to wake up Chris, but that was inevitable. No sooner had he laid down on the couch than Chris came out of his room and asked why Matt was sleeping upstairs. Matt felt a stirring immediately upon seeing Chris -- he had been sleeping in nothing but his briefs. Matt explained his problems sleeping (leaving out the intense thoughts that he'd been having about Chris).

Chris sat on the couch next to Matt and apologized for convincing him to live in such a shit hole. He said that by the time school started, he would have the house exterminated. "For tonight" he said, "why don't you take my bed; you won't be able to sleep on this couch." Chris was right that Matt wouldn't have been able to sleep on the couch -- it was too short for Matt and was old and poorly cushioned. However, Matt was far too polite to kick Chris out of his own bed. "You've got a double right?" Matt said, "Why don't we share it." "Absolutely" Chris said slapping his hand on Matt's knee, "come on." They got in bed together, Chris on the right side and Matt on the left. Chris turned away from Matt, lying above the covers, almost on his stomach, while Matt laid on his back staring at the ceiling and every so often at Chris's body. He listened to Chris's breathing, and could tell that he had fallen asleep. Eventually, Matt fell asleep as well with Chris only inches away.

Matt woke up before Chris after having had startlingly sexual dreams. Astonishingly, he found that he had woken up into a situation that seemed right out of one of his fantasies. In the night, Chris had rolled over and was lying directly next to Matt. His leg and thigh were touching Matt's, and his arm was sprawled on Matt's chest. Most exciting was that as Chris lay on his back, clear as day, he was sporting a major erection that had pushed its way out of his briefs. Clearly Matt was still asleep as he was snoring loudly, so Matt felt comfortable staring at his dick. The feel of Chris's body against his was electric. The warmth of his leg and arm on Matt's body made his heart race, but the sight of his erection was unbearable. Matt moved Chris's arm and got out of bed. Chris stirred, and then rolled onto his side again. Matt rushed to the bathroom, pulled out his dick and began whacking off. He came almost immediately and sighed in relief as ejaculate spewed all over the floor. After a moment he got down on his hands and knees and wiped the mess up. He looked at his watch; it was only 8:00, so he decided to lie back down. As he got back in bed, Chris woke up and asked what time it was. "Sorry, I just had to go to the bathroom" Matt said. Chris looked down and saw that his dick was protruding from his briefs and said, "Now we've both seen each other's erections." Chris stuffed his dick back into his underwear and after a minute both Matt and Chris had fallen back asleep.

When Chris finally got out of bed at 10, he immediately went to the bathroom. Matt woke up and could hear the sound of Chris peeing. When Chris came back into the room, he stripped off his underwear and looked down at Matt who had decided to lie as though he were still sleeping. Chris grabbed a fresh pair of underwear but before putting it on, Matt could have sworn that he heard a noise that sounded like Chris stroking himself with it. A minute later when Matt opened his eyes pretending to wake up, he saw what he thought he had heard. Chris was sitting on the edge of the bed, slowly stroking himself with the fabric of his boxer shorts. When Matt began to stir, Chris sat up and put the shorts on. He didn't seem at all uncomfortable with what he had been doing, or even with the idea that Matt might have seen him, which surprised Matt.

The two went out to breakfast together before Matt had to drive home. Chris said that he looked forward to Matt's return as Matt drove away. During the car ride home, twice Matt had to pull over to the side of the road to jerk off just thinking about Chris and what had happened. The more he thought about Chris, the more he thought that he had made a great decision to live with him. In Montana, when his father asked how the place was, Matt responded, "great."

This is the second story that I've written; the first was called Hot Tub. I would really love to hear back from anyone who took the time to read this. My email is lsanders44@hotmail.com.

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