Old Friends, New Lovers.

By forest

Published on Sep 7, 2016



Rick and I go way back, friends before high school even. We've had periods of being best buddies, but that was long ago. Still, we've stayed in touch over the years, as we've both bounced around the country with various jobs and partners and homes.

We've shared some women along the way, not at the same time of course. There was one lovely, long-legged blond that had a thing for me, which I did not reciprocate at the time. She managed to sleep with almost all of my friends and roommates, as though circling around me for the kill. Which eventually did happen, and it was worth the wait for both of us. That enthusiastic girl gave me my first deep throat experience, and knew how to express her pleasure as I was plowing into her. Sweet thing.

But before those lovely days, she had a short fling with Rick, while Rick and I were living together in college. It felt odd, for sure, because I knew she had feelings for me. It seemed like she was showing off for me, giving me a demonstration of what I could have if only I said the word. But seeing them lounge together on the sofa, half dressed, lightly pawing at each other in front of me, it was like they were both inviting me into their intimate world. Which gave me a funny heady buzz.

Because you see, Rick was quite a specimen. Ugly as a mutt as a teenager, he was then filling out his physical being in ways that was catnip to women young and old. His voice gained a deep, rumbly resonance that wrapped his slow, loquacious style in warm dark fur. His facial hair was still a bit sparse, just enough to qualify for young satyrhood. His youthful lean physique was gaining some ropy musculature, commandingly broad shoulders, massive hands and feet. And at the center of it all was his cock.

His cock. I knew it by reputation more than direct experience, but what a reputation. Even in high school I'd heard one of his girlfriends talk and giggle about his "jumbo". Though we'd roomed together a few times, I'd never seen the jumbo in person. But the prominent, bulby bulge in his tightie whities suggested "much". I found myself thinking about that bulge more often than felt comfortable at the time.

And so the thought of that bulge, set free, massaged by my blond's long slender fingers into a magnificent monument that she would mouth and mount repeatedly under our shared roof made me woozy with jealous lust. But for whom? For both of them, together, with me. I wanted to watch, I wanted to join in, to be the fuck they were fucking. Lick her luscious long legs and his meaty pole and balls. Have her settle her ass down on my stiff cock and lie back against me as we watched Rick approach us with his swaying timber, using it to part her wet pussy lips, and slowly work its way deep inside, where only a thin membrane separated our cocks as he drove that slow piston into us both, faster and faster, our breaths quickening, moaning with unknown feelings of lust, till we all broke together and as Rick and I pumped great gobs of cum into her, she released a flow of juices and moans welling up from someplace very very deep.

So, yes, that was only a fantasy, it never happened. But a fantasy that I found myself replaying frequently over the years as a reliable current of desire to power my solo orgasms.

As young adults, our paths diverged. We made our careers in different parts of the country, had our romances, settled down once or twice with varying degrees of success. We talked now and then, but never again shared the details of our intimate lives as we had before, seemed like we'd grown out of that. And what was there to share, really? After a few years of married sex, if it continues, it changes into something quite different. A kind of physical intimacy that is more about reassurance than thrill. Oh, every now and then, maybe a surprise, or some attempt to spice things up with a bit of naughty talk or toy, but that is the exception. You never get tired of your favorite meal, right?

I'm pretty sure that was Rick's situation as well, but who knows? Because he certainly didn't know about my experiences with other men that I ventured into in my 30s and 40s. I needed to know, have I been barking up the wrong tree all these years? My first experience told me a lot. It was fun and exciting, but there was no moment where I said to myself, Oh so this is what I've been missing all these years. Good news, really, because I really do like eating and fucking pussy. How could I bring all these pleasures together in my life?

When I hit my 60s, I figured I was pretty much done with lust. Certainly in my marriage, my wife was more of a sister than a lover. I still liked to look, for sure. And the bounty of porn on the internet kept me amused in my spare time, just to keep the plumbing working I guess. I imagined what it might be like to go to a gay bar again and pick up someone like I had before, but even then the success rate was quite low, and true success with a hot and passionate guy was extremely rare. My chances as today's lumpy gray troll were likely to be worse. Still, there was quite a bit of porn that revolved around silver dads, and photos and videos of dudes way lumpier, grayer, and trollier than me having some very raw hot times.

It was one of our birthday calls last year where I got a funny new tone from Rick. His third marriage, by far the longest and strongest, was starting to disintegrate, and he was a bit vague on the circumstances. Said he'd been seeing some people on the side, and had gotten caught, but only to learn that his wife found out because they were sharing a partner. He offered no details, like um gender of the shared partner. But, trying to be helpful and hopeful, I suggested that maybe they could work something out as a threesome.

"Nah, that'd never work. It was a different thing for me than for her."

(Her who?) "Oh, yeah? How so."

"Best fucking sex I'd ever had. Never knew it could be so intense! It's like, geez, I've been missing the boat all my life."

"Well buddy, that is saying something. Because you have had, if I may say, a goodly amount of sex with an all star cast of young sweet pussy..."

"No, wasn't like that."

"OK, say more, you've piqued my curiosity."

Rick got quiet. I thought the call had been dropped, then I heard him sigh.

"I'd never sucked a cock before."

Now I got quiet. Fuck. Wow. How to proceed with this, I thought. Could be a kind of an opening, maybe one that I could possibly squeeze myself through. But that's not what is happening now. Rick is in some pain here, and he needs a friend. That's what I've been over the years, no judgement, just support, and that's what I need to do now.

"Wow, Rick. That takes some balls to say that, so I really appreciate that you shared that with me. And I'm really interested to hear more about it, but I want to know, how are you feeling about it now?"

"You know, at first, I felt a lot of shame, or embarrassment or something like that. This has been some months now. I spent a lot of time with those feelings, trying to sort them out. Because along with the shame was a really big, growing lust to have more. I mean, I couldn't stop myself, it was just so new and intense. But when Louise told me she was having an affair, and I found out it was the same neighbor I was fucking, something broke. Or broke free, I guess would be the way to say it."

"In a liberating kind of way" I said, mostly just to let him know I was still there.

"Yeah, liberating. I mean, this guy, this neighbor. At first I was fucking steamed that he was fucking my wife, and then turning around and fucking me, and not being up front with either of us. I wanted to storm over there and punch his lights out pronto. But as Louise and I talked more about it--she was pretty upset too, maybe more about him cheating on her than on who it was with, weirdly enough--the more we talked about it, we realized that this guy was a pretty sad and lonely case. His wife was cheating on him with a younger guy, we both knew about that, and he was just trying to make contact and have some of the intimacy that he was missing in his marriage. And he didn't know which way to turn."

"So he turned both ways, good strategy. But why with a couple, why not spread it out a bit? Surely he knew he would get caught."

"Yeah well, we both talked with him later, separately, about that, and he told us both that yes, in fact, his goal was to get us all three together eventually."

"Well, I don't know, but I have to say that sounds kind of hot to me."


"Finish your story."

"Not much more to say, really. I think the deceit between Louise and I poisoned the well. And I gotta confess. This is all so new to me, that I haven't been thinking about any women lately, let alone the one I've been fucking so long that we both been phoning it in for years."

"Are you still seeing him?"

"No, like I say that whole well was poisoned. But, despite that, and to answer your question of how I feel now...it feels like a whole new world opening up for me. I'm not getting any younger, and now I want to make up for lost time. So many new things to experience."

"I hear ya."

"Do you...?"

"Um, yeah. Or... Say what you want me to hear."

"I want you to hear that I've been thinking about you a lot lately."

My heart thumped. Colors got quite bright, and lines sharp in my vision. I started to lose my breath a bit. Careful. I sucked in a big breath to calm myself.

"Oh yeah...? Huh. Well...that's nice. To hear, I mean. Say more, can you?"

"Don, you're my friend, and I trust you with these very personal thoughts. Can I trust you?"

"Yes, of course. But tell me what that means to you, so I know what you need."

"I just need you to hear me say these things, and to keep them to yourself, and to hear them without judging me. And I hope for you to hear them and still be my friend, as we have been for so long."

"Yes of course Rick. That is no problem, no stretch for me at all. You got it."

Another silence, and another deep sigh.

"I've known you longer than just about anyone I know. We've stayed in touch. There were some times when we were much closer, together everyday, like brothers almost. But since then, there has been more distance, more geographical distance, but not, how would I say, emotional distance. I've always felt like I could trust you with my truths."

"Same here, my friend."

"But it's been more than that for me...It's difficult to say this, but here goes. This affair with this guy didn't come out of the blue, out of nowhere. I've had fantasies for years about making it with men, just never did anything about it. Because, really, it was good with Louise, and with, yeah, that parade of pussy that I was so lucky to enjoy when I was younger. But it was always there. And more often than not, it was there, when I was alone and stroking one out, it was there with you..."

"Wow. OK. That's alot to hear. But don't stop. Because I'll have something to say back to you about that. But I want to hear you say more first."

"OK. What else to say. Yes, I thought about you while I was jacking off. Thought about you naked, lying next to me, cocks touching and rubbing. Hands exploring. Kissing, deep kissing, tongue sucking kisses. Looking into your eyes. Watching my cock disappear into your mouth..."

"Whoa! Whoa! Wow. Rick..."

"What, sorry, too much too soon, yeah geez man I'm so sorry..."



"No. No what, Don?"

"No. Don't stop. I'm getting quite hard hearing this. Rick. I've felt this way too. I've had those same pictures in my head for years, stroked off to them, wishing I could...wishing I could wrap my lips around your cock, tickle the head with my tongue, smell the...."

"OK now you stop. I'm feeling very lightheaded and surreal right now."

We both stopped talking. And listened for the other to begin again, somewhere, to set the course for our friendship, or at least this conversation, on more solid ground.

I heard breathing. Deep and heavy. Was it him, was it me? It was both of us, together. For at least a minute, we sat in silence, hearing each other struggle for air and composure.

Then, quite unintentionally, a low growling moan escaped my throat.

"Don. Don. Are you OK? I'm so sorry..."

"No, no, don't say that. I'm hard as a stone. I know it because I'm touching it. My whole body is electric. I want to do this with you, I want to see you, to get naked with you, to suck and fuck and kiss, and do everything that we've both thought and fantasized about all these years, and do it over and over and over again."

"Oh shit man. What have I done? I want that too, man. I want that too. Fuck. What do we do? You're on the other side of the country. How do we get together, when, where?"

Deep breath. The hole is open wide, and I've squeezed through, and I'm now there with him in that space of lust that can only be slaked by one another.

"Show me your cock"

"What, how. You mean facetime? wow, yeah, let's turn that on. Fuck. I'm scared to do that. What if I turn it on and I find out you're laughing at me there with your wife?"

"She's not here, of course. And god no, Rick, I'm not laughing. I'm turned on as fuck now, and I want to see your cock."

"I want to see yours, too. Turn on facetime."

That made me stop and think. I know I'm not nearly as well hung as Rick, and all those old familiar fears about disappointing a partner blew up like a stink bomb.

"Uh, now I'm scared Rick. You know I don't have what you have. Very average, at best. I don't want you to laugh at me."

"Dude, I know what you're packing. You forget we were roommates? I know what to expect. And I've been thinking about that pretty, cut, chubby cock for years. And about your beautiful hairy ass, too."

OK, I thought, we're finding our roles already. His kind words dissipated the stink bomb immediately. And his complement to my ass said that he saw himself on top, at least to some degree. I was good with that, as I imagined watching his cock slowly sink into my asshole, and another involuntary moan escaped.

"Don, hey, turn it on, my cock is out and waiting for you."

I hit the facetime button, and the green light came on that said the camera was on. Then, my face came face to facetime with the jumbo, bobbing, red and raging, veins pulsing.

"Fuck man. That's the jumbo. Fuck..."

"Geez, man you remember that?" He laughed in a disarming way that said, this is good, this is us having fun. I laughed too, and felt a joy that I'd never felt before, a free open space where the rightful place of that hard jumbo cock was in my mouth.

"I can only see your face Don, I want to see your cock too. But OK, I kind of like that look in your eyes. You're licking your lips, they're wet and full, and it makes my cock ache to think you want to kiss my cock with those beautiful lips.

And so I did just that, brought my lips to the screen till I could almost smell his crotch. Then I thought, damn, that's not right. His pleasure. I drew back a bit, then brought my lips to the camera, slowly, parting my lips slightly. I could see him also draw back, and re-aim his hard pole so that the head approached his camera, and glistened with a dew of precum at the slit. He was wanting to set my lips apart by a wide stretch with that marvelous spongy cock helmet, and I was wanting to take it in as much as I could.

"Fuck Don, yes, I want to feel your lips and tongue on my cock so bad."

"Oh god Rick, fuck yes, I want your cock so bad. I want to go up and down, wet and hard, stroke you with my hand. I want you to come in my mouth, I want all that load, I want to taste you so bad."

But the sad cold reality of the screens between us became too much to overcome, and we both started laughing.

"Shit, man this is no good."

I worried what he meant by that for a second, till he quickly reassured me.

"I want the real thing Don, this is only frustrating, now that I know we both want it and we can really have it."

"God yes, man. Let's figure out where and when we can do this. But I've got a raging hard on, and an ache in my ass for you, what do we do with that?"

His camera flew away from his cock as he repositioned himself, and then, for the first time in our long, revealing conversation, I saw his face. His beautiful rugged face, with the thick gray locks, broad forehead, neat gray beard, luscious lips that boarded his broad white toothy smile. There was a lusty glint in his eye as he spoke.

"Ache in your ass, my friend? You want that hog all up in there? You make me blush, but god yes, I do want to fuck you so bad, I so want to break into that tight pillow chamber of bliss. Will you let me?"

"Wait, what? You just called my ass a "pillow chamber of bliss"....? What the fuck does that mean?" I laughed.

He shared my laugh, gleefully, like a little boy. "I don't know where that came from, some erotic story or something. But yes! I think that describes how I think about your ass, and how much I want it. I'm so happy to hear you want that too."

His laughter settled into a broad smile, that settled further into a soft plea, his eyes became questions. His breathing became louder, and I could tell by the way his neck and shoulders moved that he was making long strokes with his hand on something long and solid.

"Yes Rick. I want to feel that long hard cock of yours break into my ass, find its way past all obstacles, till you are buried balls deep inside me. Then I will look into your eyes, just like this, and massage your cock with my ass muscles. And reach down with my hands to grab your ass to hold you tight inside me."

"Oh fuck Don yes."

"And I'll look into your eyes, just like we're doing now, feeling that monster jumbo inside me, and raise my mouth up to meet yours, like this, and touch your lips with mine. And never let go."

"God yes Don, kiss me."

"Rick, Rick, Rick. Give me your tongue, I want to show you how I will suck your cock, sucking your tongue slowly, tickling it with my tongue. Show me your fingers, I will show you how I will suck your cock by taking your two fingers deep into my mouth, circling them with my tongue, push deep, almost gagging. Oh if I could have your cock in my ass, and my mouth, and my hand all at the same time. Fill me up everywhere Rick."

Our breathing was getting manic, I could barely talk. I was so hard and stroking madly, as was Rick. His eyes rolled up and he took a deep breath.

"I want to come with you now, I must, I can't help it."

"Fuck yes me too. Show me your cock, let me watch you come."

"Yes, you too, get your cock up into the camera."

Swish pans on both ends, then cocks come into view. His, so fucking big.

"Back up, man, I can't see the whole thing."

He complied, and I got the full view. Fuck fuck fuck what a beautiful cock. Knowing that sometime soon I would have my hands on that cock, put my lips on it, hold it in my mouth to await the spasms that I was about to see, sent me off immediately.

"OH FUCK ME yesss I'm coming goddamn fuck!" as I spurted all over the ipad, covering the image of his pumping cock, which must have set him off.

"GOD YES DON I love this, I'm coming so hard so hard yes here it comes...It's for you my man, my love, my man love fuck I can't wait to feel myself come inside your mouth your ass, oooooohh FUCK!"

"Oh shit Rick, my god look at that load, so thick, so much!"

"Yes yes yes, all for you, all for you"

Still stroking, slower now, more sensitive, each moaning with satisfaction and fatigue. For a minute or more, before either of us could speak.

"Jesus, Don. That was unlike anything I've ever done or felt. Just the idea of fucking you, and seeing your face, hearing you say that you want that too, just too much, too much."

"Oh baby, yes. God how I wish we were together right now. I would so love to lick all that load off of your cock. WOuld you kiss me, with the taste of your come on my lips?"

"Oh fuck yes, man, fuck yes. Here, I'll taste it now." And he wiped a glob off the base of his cock, turned the camera to his face, brought his fingers to his mouth and with a devilish smile licked the cum from his fingers. Then slowly blew me a kiss.

"Mmmm mmm mmm. I have never had anything like that either. How do you feel now, afterward? I mean, lots of times when I've fantasized about you, after I come I think, no way shit that will never happen, and then I feel kind of silly and emabarrased."

"I know what you mean, yes, I've had that too. But now I feel great, oh so good. I guess because I know, and I trust that we're doing this together, that we both want it. Makes it all all right."

"Yes. I feel like my life has just changed. Eureka. This was the feeling I feared I would have when I got with a man the first time, but I didn't. I guess it just wasn't the right man, or something."

"No doubts here, Don. I am your man, and you are mine. Yes, life begins again, right now, it's clear to me. We belong together. I've always loved you, and wanted you, it just never made sense before. Why now, I don't know. But it does."

"OK, I agree. But let's stay open-minded about this. I mean, that was just the most intense orgasm I think I've ever had, and I'm still shaking from it. So I'm under an influence. But I pledge to you, right now, that I will be completely honest with you about how these feelings evolve in me. And I promise you that your thoughts and feelings are safe and private with me, no matter how this goes. We've just shared something spectacular, something I'll always remember and treasure. Thank you."

"Don, you sound like you're breaking up with me!" he chuckled nervously.

"OH no, Rick no not at all. But you know me, I'm super rational and super emperical, always gathering evidence, always making up my mind. I think you are too, in a way, which is something we share. I want this. I want to be in love, I want to be your man and you mine. But I don't move that fast. God yes, let's figure out how we can get together in person, real soon, because that will be different, you know it will. I think it will be amazing. I'll bring this same feeling to that, but you know it's going to be different."

"I do, yes, you're right. So, let's get our calendars out and make a date. And make another phone date, too, OK?"

"Oh fuck yes Rick. Fuck yes indeed, let's do this again soon."

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