Old Friend, New Start

By moc.loa@PCJSHTB

Published on Jan 26, 1999



It was a hard day and I couldn't wait to get home. I love my job as a high school counselor, but it can get tiring at times. I love working with the kids and all, but the administrative side is disgusting. The political forces at play in a high school can cloud what is really important, the kids. As soon as I got in, I went to work on the Soloflex. I would have preferred sparing with my cute sparing partner in my kung fu class, but I don't like to spar when I am not myself. I either make stupid mistakes and/or get mad and that's not good for anyone. I pushed myself hard on the Soloflex, working out my frustrations, to the point that my muscles ached. I love that feeling. I pushed myself until I couldn't go anymore. It felt real good.

I went to the bedroom to get a change of clothes and admired myself in the mirrored doors to my closet. I liked what I saw, a handsome New YoRican. I stand 6 feet tall, with naturally tan skin, nice heavy eyebrows, large deep brown puppy dog eyes with long lashes, straight nose and full lips. My hair is long and curly, falling past my shoulders. I have a medium build, not too thick with muscle. I looked at my cut torso with nicely shaped pecs and large brown nipples, the left one pierced. I have a nice sprinkling of hair across my pecs, not a bush but a sprinkling that leads a trail to my six-pack that is not as clearly defined as most athletes, but noticeable. The trail of hair disappeared at the waist band of my gray Nike shorts, but continue to my legs, which are beautifully shaped, if I must say so myself. I was getting ready to go into the shower, so I pulled off my shorts and underwear to admire my nice, hairy, bubble butt and the backs of my hairy legs. I always laugh at the way the hair stops right at the ankles, like I have socks on. I look at my front again, this time without the shorts and admire the unhindered view, now including my 8" cut penis.

Now I'm horny! I just broke up with my girlfriend and I have no one to call on right now. Sure, there are a number of women more than willing to take care of me, but I am not in the mood to deal with them afterward, something I am not in the mood to do.

I go into the shower and let the hot water rinse the sweat off my body. I wash my hair and lather up my body with my favorite shower gel, the one that smells like melons and rinse it off my body. Now I am ready to service myself. I fill the tub half way, adding bubble bath, and lay down in the bubbles. I take a bar of soap I keep for this purpose only and soap up my hands. I then run my hands over my chest, tickling my right nipple, the one that's not pierced, before going to the pierced one, while my left hand starts jacking on my cock. I am really getting into it... Shit! The doorbell rings. I get out of the tub and drip my way to the intercom.

"Yeah?" I say a little harshly.

"It's me, Rey. Victor."

What's wrong with Victor? He doesn't sound like himself.

"Come on up," I say and buzz him in.

I have a few minutes before he gets up in the elevator, so I rush to dry off and put on a pair of shorts. Over it, I put on this real cool full-length robe my kung fu partner brought me back from China when he went to visit his family. It's black with red highlights embroidered with dragon designs. It's real cool and I love it. No way I could afford it in this country.

I open the door and let my buddy Victor into my apartment while rubbing a towel through my hair. Victor is slightly taller than me and has a medium build. He doesn't work out, and is a little soft, but he is a handsome young Latino, like myself. We've been friends for as long as I can remember. One of the things I like so much about him is the fact that he doesn't speak much more Spanish than I do, something we are both ashamed about; but our families spoke English in the house, so we never picked it up. We always got teased in the old neighborhood because we did well in school and could speak without accents when we decided. "I can't believe she left me, man," Victor says as he throws himself on the living room couch.

"Millie? No way, bro!"

"Yeah man. I came home and all her shit was gone. Here, read the note she left me."

He shoves the envelope in my hand.

Dear Victor,

I have to leave. I'm staying with my grandmother in Santo Domingo

for a little while.

I couldn't face you, so I decided to just leave. When you started

talking marriage, it freaked me out.

You don't know this, but I came across one of your high school

diaries one day and what I read freaked me out. I can't help

wondering that if we got married, it would be a big mistake!

I love you with all my, you know that. I just need time to think.

Maybe you should do the same.

Love always,


I sank into the couch, next to my best friend, perplexed. He sat on the couch, with his elbows on his knees, chin resting on his two-handed fist, looking straight ahead before turning to face me. There's a strange look in his eyes when I notice a tear fall.

"Ah shit, man. I wish there was something I could do or say to ease your pain," I say as I move over closer to him as I lean forward and put my arm around his shoulder.

"I know. I know, but you can't. You see, Millie was always jealous of our friendship," he said as he looked at my chest through the opening in my robe. "She thought that it stood between her and me."

"Come on, that's ridiculous!"

"Not to her, so when she read my diary--"

He stopped short and looked forward again as the tears began to flow freely.

"What is it, Vic. You can tell me," I say as I rub his back.

"No, I can't. I thought I could, but I can't."

He got up and headed toward the door, when he stopped with his head bowed. I walked around to his front and put my hands on his shoulders as I tried to make eye contact with him. I realize that the tears are profuse.

"What is it, bro? Why you trippin' like this?"

He turns away from me violently and stands with his side to me. I walk around him and put my arms around him, my hand on the back of his head. He begins to sob audibly and puts his arms around me with force as he cries in the small of my neck. I don't know what else to do. I never saw him like this.

"It's alright, man. It's alright."

He raises his head a little and we both turn to face one another. Before I realize what's happening, he kisses me, covering my lips with his as I feel his tongue lick my lips. I feel my cock stirring when I suddenly pull away. I am speechless.

"That's what she read about. She read about the crush I had on you in high school, the one I never got over."

As he said this, he came to me again, suddenly putting his hands around me in a strong embrace and kissed me again, this time pushing his tongue into my mouth while he grabbed my ass. I have to admit that it was turning me on. I put my arms around him and started kissing him back. With that, he held me even tighter as his hand kneaded my ass.

Finally, confused, I pull away. I shake my head slightly and sit on the couch. I can't believe this is happening. What is going on?

Victor walks in front of me, not coming too close.

I sit on the couch, holding my head in my hands, leaning forward, wondering what all this means. The fact that it felt natural and I liked it scares the hell out of my.

Victor says, "I'll leave. I'm sorry."

"What?! You pull this shit and leave?! Fine, get the fuck out!"

"I thought you wanted me to leave. Ain't you mad at me?"

"Maybe. I don't know! Right now, all I know is I'm confused as all hell! My brain is telling me to kick your ass, but it's like you stirred something in me I didn't know I had. I'm no fuckin' pato!" (Literally duck, but used as deragatory term for homosexual.)

Victor sat next to me and carefully put his hand around my shoulders.

"Yo Rey, man. It ain't like that dat. We known each other forever, it's only natural for us to care for each other. Maybe I care a little too much."

I lean back on the couch, and Victor follows with his arm still around my shoulders. I can't help but like it and that is freaking me out.

"I can't lay all the blame on you. I kissed you back," I said with a slight smile, realizing that I'm so hard that it hurts.

"Yeah, you did," Victor says as he gently cups my chin with his fingers, turning my face toward his before kissing me again. This kiss was not as hard and passionate as the other one, but sweet. I put my arms around him and return the kiss, allowing his tongue to enter and explore my mouth. We embrace each other like lovers, totally lost in one another. We continue to kiss while Victor leans in, pushing my back to the couch again, as his free hand disappears under my robe and is pulling on my nipple ring.

He knows that he is sending electricity through my body causing me to gasp. It feels so good. We continue kissing while he plays with my nipple ring and I unbutton his shirt. Victor is fairer than me, and a lot hairier. He doesn't have hair on his back, except in its small, right above the ass, but he is very hairy everywhere else. He's also soft, like I said and has a soft chest. He doesn't have male tits, but it's soft. I run my fingers through the hair on his chest and grab of his soft pecs, making him moan into my mouth.

He pushes me down on the couch, so that he is on top of me, and presses his crotch into my own. I love the weight of his body on mine as I embrace him and continue t feed on his tongue. His lips leave mine and go to the side of my neck where he begins to kiss and lick, while his finger is still in the loop of my nipple ring. I reach and grab a handful of his beautiful firm ass as he continues to grind me. In response, he sucks hard on the base of my neck as we hump each other in frenzied abandon.

We are about to blow our wads at any moment. I can not believe how hot he is making me!

He takes my non-pierced nipple in his mouth and sucks on it hard and it puts me over the edge.


He humps me one last time with a grunt, through his teeth, which are clamped to my nipple.

I never felt like this before: so hot, so satisfied. What an awesome feeling! I realized that we wanted each other for a very long time, but neither of us wanted to confront it. I run my fingers through his hair and look him in the eye. All I see and feel is a kind of silent, mutual love that only comes once in a person's life.

I intend to get him out of his clothes to take things further. Who knows what will happen next?

If you liked my story, please write and let me know.

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