Old Folks

By Michelle Mercer

Published on Dec 16, 2006


I had been cross dressing for some years, but I had never been with another man. I had been talking on a gay chat site for some months when I found someone who I got on with well, we exchanged photos I was happy with his and he was happy with mine. We arranged a date and time for apparently both are first time with another man.

I had travelled a good 80 miles to meet this chap, who said he had his own place and had got a range of clothes in my size. I eventually found the right house and knocked on the door and waited for an answer. The door opened after a few seconds and a much older man than the photo stood in the doorway, he was probably around 50 for a guess.

"Sorry I think I've got the wrong house" I said in embarrassment.

"Is your name Mark?" he asked

"Yes, it is"

"You best come in then" he said.

I walked into the house, which was actually a bungalow I was hoping this wasn't the guy I was talking to on the internet or else I was out of there. He opened a door and inside were a girl's bedroom, pink wallpaper, pink carpet and 4 poster bed with white netting hanging down.

"Make yourself comfortable, pick what clothes you want to wear and I'II be back in a few minutes" he said

"I'm sorry, but I'm looking for a guy called Frank" I asked

"He'll be here in 10 minutes, he'll be back shortly" he replied.

My nightmare was sort of over; at least that older guy isn't Frank, the younger man I had arranged to meet on the internet chat room.

I looked around the room and it was definitely a girly room, the pink colour was nearly on everything. There was also an up to date PC on a desk with a nice leather chair and a decent size TV mounted on the wall. I looked at the cd collection and there were some very girly tracks in the collection, I was starting to wonder whose room this is. I opened the wardrobe and inside was a range of tops, skirts and the tight girly trousers. I opened a chest of drawers and inside the top drawer was a range of underwear: g-strings, thongs, girl boxers the lot. I opened the second drawer and inside was an assortment of bras, Basques and corsets. I opened the last drawer and inside was a collection of stockings in different colours, tights and a few pairs of very girly socks. Next to the chest of drawers was a nice makeup table with a large mirror in the centre, the table was littered with perfumes and deodorants along with a deep box filled with nail varnish and another one filled with various makeup.

Suddenly the door opened, I looked around expecting to see this Frank fella in the doorway but instead stood an older woman who was about the same age as the older chap. From her looks it looked like back in her day she used to be good looking.

"Sorry love, did I startle you? My name is Honey. I thought I'd give you a hand getting dressed" she said in a very soft feminine voice.

Before I could answer her she came over and opened the chest of drawers, had a quick rummage through and pulled out a black satin thong with a small line of black lace around the edges. After going through the second and third drawers she had found a black matching boned corset to go with the underwear and a pair of black lace top hold-up stockings.

"You undress and put the underwear and corset on" she ordered in her soft voice. I looked at her for a few moments and she turned and faced away. I nervously took off all my clothes and very quickly slipped the black satin thong on and the corset.

"Ok" I said giving Honey the all clear to turn around.

She turned around and gave me a good look "Turn around dear and hold the posts on the bed". I turned towards the bed and put my hands out stretched holding the posts of the bed as Honey came behind me unknown what she was going to do. I felt her tightening my corset, pulling the strings tighter and tighter pulling my body in and giving me an hour glass figure. I was getting out of breath and she kept pulling.

"Enough, you can't go any tighter" I wheezed out

"Rubbish, back in my day we had these things so tight we were like pencils. I need to tie it tight so it will give you a very nice girly figure for Frank"

A few more ties and she was done, my figure must be really good as the corset was really tight I could just about move! I turned around and Honey was holding a red nail varnish in her hand.

"I'II give these toes a nice colour and then your finger nails before you put your stockings on" she said as she bent down and started to paint my nails one by one a bright red colour.

"You'll be able to get that off afterwards won't you?" I asked

"Of course dear don't worry, nearly done now anyway"

A few moments passed to let the nail varnish dry as Honey told me about Frank and how he's always wanted to meet a girl like me. Honey handed my stockings and I slowly slipped them up my hairless legs as I always shave my body hair off and pulled them up to the top of my thighs. Once I had done Honey had picked some clothes for me out the wardrobe. On the bed was a dark blue denim skirt about knee height, a figure hugging black strappy low cut top and a high cut long sleeve top with see-through sleeves. I put the clothes on one by one and Honey led me over and sat me down at the makeup dresser. She took my left hand first and started to stick on false nails, which were about half an inch long. I asked if they would come off after and she assured me they would. Once she had stuck all the nails on both hands she painted them a bright red to match my bright red toe nails which stood out from underneath my black stockings covering my smooth hairless legs. Honey then applied a light coat of foundation and a little blusher on each cheek to give me some nice colour, she followed that by a blue eye shadow which she covered from my eyelid all the way up to my eyebrow. I was watching her do this in the big mirror on the makeup table and I could see a good looking girl starting to form out of me, black eyeliner was next on with a slight flick at the end of my eye and some eye lash curling mascara was next. Finally pink lipstick was put on my lips with several coats of lip gloss which gave my lips a wet look and made them look fuller too.

"What you think?" asked Honey

"Very good I'd fuck myself I look that good" I joked

Honey smiled back at me as she put some medium size clip on gold hoop earrings, a necklace with the play bunny symbol on, a gold watch, bracelet & ankle bracelet set and a few rings on each finger. Last but not least a shoulder length light brown wig.

"Stand up and let me see you"

I stood up as Honey admired her work "You look good love, you look real good. Like a real young woman, Frank will be pleased. FRANK, FRANK come in she's ready now" shouted Honey. I was nervous that Frank was coming now, but I did look very good, you couldn't tell I was a man really except I had no breasts. The door opened and to my horror the older man who answered the door was Frank, not the young man I was expecting in the picture.

"What do you think of her Frank? I thing she looks good" asked Honey

Frank came over to me; he was actually about another foot taller than me as I was just about 5 and a half foot tall. He walked around me; looking and staring at me he went behind me took a squeeze of my ass and stroked my legs.

"Yeah, she'll do" he said as he winked at me

"I think we've got our wires crossed somewhere, the photo you sent me was of someone a little younger. I really appreciate Honey how you made me look, I actually look stunning, but Frank you're not the picture you sent to me" I said.

Honey suddenly slapped me hard across the face and pushed me down onto the bed

"You listen here you dirty cross dressing whore" she said in a very angry voice "You want to dress like a woman and I've made you look like a woman, not like that embarrassment in that picture. You came here with the intention of having your ass fucked by Frank and sucking his cock, well you might be sucking his cock but he won't be fucking your ass you dirty bitch. You see we're getting old now and we need some money, so we needed a good little whore to be our hooker and get us some money in and you was right on the money. So you see we're just giving you what you want. Now you're going to do as your told and be a good little cock sucking slut of a hooker, make us some money and live her for the rest of your life!"

"I don't think so bitch!" I bellowed as I quickly stood up but was slapped again by Honey and pushed back on the bed

"Quick Frank grab her, and I'II attach it" she ordered

Frank quickly jumped on the bed and held me down, he was too strong against me and I was unable to push him off. I felt Honey lift up my skirt, pull aside my underwear and attach something round the base of my cock. It felt cold like metal and was a ring shape.

"OK Frank let her go now, she'll behave"

Frank let me go and I sat up on the bed.

"Right slut, you're going to do as you're told. I've attached a cock ring to the base of your dick, but it's not a normal cock ring. This baby can put lot volts through your cock and barbecue it in a few minutes. Let me show you"

Honey pressed a red button on a small black remote and I felt an huge shock of pain around the base of my cock and surge up my shaft and down into my balls. The pain was unbearable as she kept the button held down for a few moments as I held my groin area in pain.

"I'm glad you understand" Honeys expression and voice turned back again to her softer side "Your going to live here and be our niece, your job will be a she male hooker and me and Frank will be your pimp's. You will give all your money made from selling yourself to us. In return you will live in this room, which has everything you want. You can go on the internet; we have bookmarked all the gay chat rooms for you, she male porn sites, transgender help pages and transgender shopping. We can see everything your doing on the computer in another room, so don't try anything funny. If you want any clothes, jewellery etc just ask us and we will pay for it. You will not have to do anything else, we will look after you and pay for everything as long as you make a good day pay of whoring. We will also pay for all the treatment you'll have to make you more feminine. Do you understand me?"

I nodded my head in agreement. I knew I'd escape shortly and didn't want to risk having Honey press that button again.

"Right we need a new name for you dear, what shall we choose. Frank you want to decide a name for our new niece?"

"Ok Honey, hmmmm I think she looks like an sexy Maria to me" Frank has just christened me my new female name, which I would now be called while imprisoned by these two maniacs.

"Ok Maria, I'm going to take you out shopping and make you more girly. Here put on these boots and this coat" asked Honey

I looked at the black knee high boots and the long black warm coat and sat there on the bed. Suddenly I felt the pain again in my cock, this time longer than before. I looked at Honey and she looked back at me. I reached and picked up the boots and slipped my feet into each one and zipped them up to my knees, I then put the coat on. I caught a quick glimpse of myself in the mirror and I did look very attractive and convincing.

"Bend over the bed Maria" ordered Honey in her soft voice

I bent over the bed worried I was going to be electrocuted in my cock again; my ass sticking up in the air worried what she's going to do. I felt her lift up my coat and skirt then slip my sexy black thong out of my ass.

"Do you want do the honours Frank" asked Honey

"Ok sweet-pie, I'II christen her ass too" he replied

I then felt something cold and wet slide in between my cheeks and up my ass, it was getting bigger and bigger it started to hurt a bit as something big was trying to be squeezed in, suddenly it went straight in and I could feel a thin part again of whatever it was. Honey pulled my thong, skirt & coat back into place.

"I thought I'd stick a nice girly clear butt plug up your ass seems you come here for something in your ass, and you need to get used to having things up you too. Here take this hang bag as well" she said Honey as she turned me back round.

Honey passed me a small Black Hand bag which I slipped over one shoulder.

"Right then, lets get you sorted Maria. Follow me"

I followed Honey through the kitchen and through a door which led into the garage where their car sat. I opened the passenger door and got in as Honey got round the other side and jumped in the drivers side and we was soon off on our shopping trip to make me more "girly" as she put it.

We had been travelling in the car for about 20 minutes to where ever we were going when Honey's mobile rang. It was Frank and they were talking on the speaker phone over the hands free system.

"Hi Honey, is Maria behaving herself" asked Frank

"Yeah Frank, she's been a darling so far" she replied

"So you haven't had to use the button yet?"

"No, no she's been sitting her fine"

"Good. I'm so excited Honey, she's going to bring in a lot of money for us when you've finished with her and I know once she's got over her upset she's going to love us"

"Yes Frank I know, I'm excited too but we have to be tough with her"

There conversation carried on for another 10 minutes before Frank hung up. I thought now I'd use the time to get some answers on why they were doing this.

"Honey, why are you doing this for? You know you're keeping me prisoner and your both going to get in serious shit" I questioned

"Maria, nothing is going to happen. No one is going to get into trouble, and if you open your pretty mouth when we're out you'll have no Penis left. You understand me" she replied

"So why are you doing this for?" I asked again

"Why? As I said we need some money, and the best trade is been a hooker. With you been a sexy she male hooker your going to be reeling them in, you wanted this at the end of the day so we've just helped you. You want to dress like a woman, so we're helping you dress like a woman and you want sex with men so we're helping you have sex with men. Plus we're giving you a roof over your head, keeping your warm and fed and will provide for anything you like. Even if you did tell someone they wouldn't believe you because we have covered all ends and once we have finished with you, you will look nothing like you did before you'll look like a beautiful pre-op transsexual. Actually I think it would be more better to say your going to look like a girl with a dick as I'm going to make you look so beautiful, I used to be a beauty consultant so I know what to do and how to use it. Right we're here now so you best behave yourself and do as I say or else it will be fried Penis for you!"

I got out the car and Honey and I walked across the car park towards the shopping centre

"Maria I'm going to give you some tips to help you pass better" she said "Walk slower in high heels, take your time in them and when you walk try and swing your hips a little bit the butt plug should help you a bit. When you talk to people soften your voice, make it sound more feminine. Say something to me"

"Let me go" I said in my normal voice. I felt the sharp pain again in my cock and I stopped on the spot

"Let's try again shall we Maria, say I would like to go shopping"

"I would like to go shopping" I said like an obedient puppy in a soft voice

"Ok, do it again but a little softer" she ordered

I said the same words another five times before she was happy. "Right Maria walk over to that poster over there and walks back, remember make you hips swing and if you try anything funny there'll be trouble"

I slowly walked over to the poster, which was about 5 metres away on a wall swinging my hips as I went and walked back. I couldn't run in these high boots and if I could I wouldn't I be able to get out of range before she presses the button. I walked back to Honey and she gave me some rubbish to put in a bin about 6 metres away and swing my hips more. I came back to her and she was happy.

"You're doing good angel. I think you actually want to be a woman as your doing a very good job" she said as we went inside the gigantic shopping centre.

We had been shopping about an hour and we had been in plenty of clothing shops. Honey encouraged me to say if I liked anything seems I was a cross dresser looking at women's clothes was exciting and been outside in public dressed as a woman was a thrill, shame about the circumstances. A lot of things I told her I did like, which I actually did like them and not out of fear of having pain in my Penis again. When I said I liked something Honey looked at it herself, decided if it would look good on me or not and she would buy it. So far I had ended up with two strappy tops, one long black skirt, a new Basque, a few pairs of underwear, a black knee length strappy dress and some strappy black high heels and Honey told me we still had plenty of shop to go around.

"Right lets stop here and have a loo break" said Honey I followed her into the women's toilets worried that some woman might spot I was really man even though I did look very convincing. There was quite a few other women in the toilets looking in the mirror doing there makeup, chatting, etc.

"Remember to sit down Maria love if you're going to the toilet. When you done wait here, don't think of doing anything" said Honey as she issued a warning to me.

I went into the cubicle hung up my long coat, dropped my skirt and underwear and sat down on the toilet doing my business as the butt plug hung out my ass, it was a good job I didn't need a number 2. I came out the toilet and Honey was talking to a few women who all stared at me when I came out. Honey moved away from them and stopped talking and went over to the mirror checked and re-applied her makeup.

"Maria, come over here you silly girl and check your makeup"

I went over to her and put my hang bag on the sink units.

"Do your makeup bitch, or you'll give the game away" she muttered.

I opened my hand bag and found the same makeup in there which Honey used on my earlier. I put on some more lip stick and little more gloss and that was enough for me and we left the toilets with my bags of shopping. I followed Honey around the shopping centre carrying the bags of goods the best I can with my high heel boots clacking on the tiles floor, I had also managed to get a few looks from men I hope it was for the right reasons though. We eventually came to a store which was called Transformation; it was a shop for transgender people. I followed Honey inside my eyes roaming around the shop looking at all the feminine clothing for men who wished to look like a woman; we went straight to the main cash desk where a young but definite transsexual stood behind the counter.

"This is my nephew who now calls himself Maria. As you can see he's been a brave chap and changing his appearance to be like a beautiful young woman. We're after some breasts for her, can you help us?" asked Honey

The assistant turned to me "What size you after honey?" quizzed the shop assistant.

I felt a light pain from the cock ring around my Penis I knew I had to answer, my cheeks also glowed bright right in embarrassment but I doubt the shop assistant could see because of the makeup I was wearing. "Err...C Cup please" I managed to murmur in my feminine voice.

"Follow me" said the sales assistant

"You stop here and find some nice clothing Maria, I'II go and pick some nice breasts for you" ordered Honey.

Honey left trailing the assistant to the back of shop; I knew it was my time to escape. I slowly made my way to main entrance of the shop stopping and pretending to look at various underwear but really checking if Honey was looking, she wasn't she was more interested in selecting some fake breasts for me. I got to the entrance of the shop I was about a foot about from stepping over the threshold and been free when I felt a hand on my shoulder, I was dreading if it was Honey. I turned around and a small female shop assistant was behind me.

"Your Auntie said you might try and leave, she said you're a little nervous. Come with me and look around we'll find something nice together for you" she said in her quiet voice as she lead me back inside and browsed the underwear together. I had been browsing the various clothing in the shop with the assistant, she picked up various items and put them against me as a size guide and saying it would look nice. Then Honey returned.

"You found anything love?" she asked

I didn't dare to say no, I looked around and near me was a sexy chemise. It wasn't like a normal bed time satin chemise but more like a body shaper but far sexier. It was made up of black see-through mesh, a light pink lace front panel and suspender straps which hung from it at the bottom as it just about covered my ass. There was also a matching g-string, black see-through mesh and a front light pink lace panel.

"Yeah I've seen that chemise over there I like, comes with a matching g-string as well" I said hoping she'd agree.

Honey walked over to it picked my size of the rack and held it in the air taking turns to look at me and then the chemise.

"We'll take it, go over to the counter and tell her to add this to the bill as well" order Honey

In embarrassment I walked over holding the chemise set in my hands and put it on the counter as the assistant bagged it up for me and handed me three bags in total.

"Your Auntie is treating you today, she must be behind you 100% in your change" said the assistant

"Yeah she's backing me lot" I answered

I left the counter with more bags to carry as Honey finished talking to the other assistant who had been guiding me around the shop and nodded in approval it was time to leave. I had noticed Honey had been speaking to several strangers today only for a short moment and as soon as I noticed her conversation ended.

"Honey, who are all these strangers you're talking to?" I asked in my feminine voice which I was using automatically to talk in.

"You've got some questions today haven't you? Well there exactly that, strangers. I was asking if they think you're a man or a woman, 4 out of 6 people said they think you're a man while the others said woman. So I had to get you sorted so I've got you some fake breasts, which I admit was my own fault I should have sorted before. I've actually got you double CC as I thought C was a little too small for you, I've also brought you a range of hormones to make you look like a real woman, a girl with a cock" she said the final words with a big triumphant smile across her face. "Here is the last place we need to visit today" she said

I looked up and saw we were outside a hair salon. I followed Honey inside as plenty of woman was under hair dryers or had an assistant with them cutting there hair. Honey went straight to the main desk and I followed.

"Hi, I spoke to someone yesterday about bringing in my nephew who's changing his appearance into a young woman" asked Honey to the young assistant behind the counter

"Oh yes I remember, Maria isn't it?" she replied as she looked at me.

"Follow me Maria and I'II look after you"

I left my bags with Honey as I followed the assistant through a back door and into a separate room on the side. It was a small room, it had just about enough room for two people there was one chair which I sat in and a big mirror on the wall was facing me as I sat in the chair.

"Right first things first, let's get these nails done. Put your hands out" asked the assistant

One by one she gently pulled my fake nails off and cleaned up my normal nails, she then got out a set of strong looking false nails which were about ¼ of an inch long over my fingers. One by one she stuck them on with an adhesive.

"This is a e-poxy resin sweetie, so it means these gorgeous nails of yours won't be coming off for a long time" informed the assistant "Do know what colour your nails where before?" she asked

"I'm not sure to be honest, my Auntie did them. She has done my toe nails as well" I had to keep up the Auntie saying or else they'd be trouble from Honey.

The assistant got down on the floor and took off my right black knee high boot and held my black stocking clad foot in her hand staring at my bright red toe nails peering through. She slid my boot back on and zipped it up, as she got up I noticed she had a quick look up my skirt as my legs were slightly open, as she raised herself she put both hands on each of my knees and closed my legs together.

"Girls keep there legs together sweetie so no one can look up there skirts. Just a hint there for you babe. So how long have you been changing?"

The assistant's question just popped from no where and was unexpected.

"Errr...a few months" I replied

"How come you want to change your looks?"

"Well, I've always wanted to wear women's clothes, shoes, jewellery, makeup and even perfume. Eventually over time I wanted to look like a woman too. Women's clothes are so much better than men's, there sexier, softer and a so many to choose from. Women's bodies are also far better looking, no thick body hair just a nice curvy figure with soft skin" the words I had said were true and not out of fear Honey would press the button. Maybe deep down I was glad Honey was doing this.

My nails were soon painted a bright red to match my toe nails, and I think the false nails themselves were slightly longer than the other nails. The assistant next took off my wig and put it in a bag, put a cover over me which was the same they use when cutting your hair and started to shave my hair off, which was already short. Soon all my hair was off and I were looking in the mirror at a totally bald headed breast less young girl. The assistant rubbed two lots of cream into my now bald head and got out of a box a new light brown wig, I could see the hair was long but couldn't see much more. She picked up the epoxy resin and pasted it thickly on the inside of the wig and then planted it on my head and arranged it into position. I knew that the wig wasn't coming off for a long time, however the hair did look life like and not fake the wig was a light brown colour and came down to my shoulders with a slight perm at the end the hair curling around back under itself a bit.

"Right nearly there" said the assistant as she pulled a blue like gun object from no where, she pulled my realistic wig back so my ears were exposed and took the gold hoop earring out my left ear and with the gun pierced a hole with a small gold stud. It hurt like hell and she moved round to my right ear and did the same, which was stinging as well now. She put the gun down and turned around with a tray filled with an assortment of gold hoop earrings in various sizes.

"Pick a set, your Auntie said you like hoops better than studs"

It was Honey who probably liked hoops more than studs, but hell I had to agree with my captive I did like hoops more than studs anyway. I looked at the tray with different colours, mainly gold reflecting in the light. I picked a gold pair of hoop earrings which were about 3 inches, maybe a little less in diameter. The assistant took the studs out of each ear and put in my new bigger gold hoops into my freshly pierced ears.

"Right last but not least, can you stand up and take your top of please"

I stood up wondering what was going to happen and took off my long sleeve top off and then my strappy top showing my sexy tight Basque off. The assistant turned me around and undone my Basque for me, I watched her as she got the false CC cup breasts out the box and apply plenty of breast form glue on to them. She then got the left breast and pushed it firmly onto my chest then followed by my right and made me hold them in place. The silicone and glue combination was cold at first but it soon warmed up, the silicone colour matched my skin colour identically and the breasts felt realistic and great to hold, I could believe these were now going to be attached to my chest for sometime. A few moments passed and the glue had dried and I put my Basque and tops back on which were now filled out with my fake breasts, I proudly in a strange way followed the assistant back to the front as Honey stood waiting with a shock looked on her face, other women were also staring at me. I felt sexy and like a real woman as I walked through the beauty salon with my high heeled boots clacking on the floor, my big hoop earrings bouncing around and pulling from my pierced ears and by false breasts bouncing and moving in a realistic fashion in my Basque.

"You're looking very sexy and very good" said Honey in her soft voice.

"Thanks" I said as I smiled to her

Honey paid the bill and we left the beauty salon and headed back for the car to go back to Honey's bungalow.

We arrived back at Honey's bungalow and I carried my bags back into the pink girl bedroom prison.

"Unpack your stuff and put it away love. I can see your starting to enjoy this, I knew you'd like it" said Honey

"I'm enjoying looking like a real woman but not been held hostage!" I shouted

"Honey came over to me and slapped me hard across the face "You ungrateful little bitch, I've just melted my credit cards to make you look like a real woman and this is how you re-pay me. Soon we'll give you the chance to leave and you won't take it"

The bed room door opened and Frank peered his head around.

"You've done a good job there Honey, see you've been spoiling the little slut" he said as he smiled.

"I have been treating her Frank, but the little bitch has no respect what we're doing for her. Ungrateful little whore"

"Don't worry Honey love, we'll have some fun with her later" said Frank

Honey turned away from me and left the bedroom as she just went out the door I heard her shout to put my things away and I then heard the door be locked and bolted.

I had been putting my stuff away for about 15 minutes and nearly done it when Frank came back into the bedroom.

"Don't worry about Honey Maria, she'll be ok. She's just a bit upset about what you said" he said as he sat down next to me on the bed putting his hand on my black stocking covered legs and stroking them up and down. I didn't feel comfortable with him feeling my legs, even though they looked ultra feminine and I was feeling very sexy and like a woman.

"Frank, can you take this butt plug out please? It's starting to hurt me" What I said was partly true but I was hoping it was diverse him away from stroking my legs and trying anything else.

"Ok, bend over then" he told me

I stood up and bent over the bed as he lifted up my skirt and shifted my thong to one side and pulled the butt plug out of me, the base had been rubbing the inside of my cheeks and did hurt a little bit. As he pulled the plug out I felt my asshole stretch just as it did before when the plug went in as the wider part slowly came out of me. He put the clear butt plug on my bedside table.

"Make sure you clean it later with the wipes in your drawer. How about you go on the internet a bit and look at some nice transvestite clothes?"

I didn't think it could do any harm, but I didn't realise I was jumping from the frying pan into the fire. I nodded in approval to Frank as he pulled the leather chair from out underneath the computer desk; at the base of the chair was a small rounded hole. Frank opened the top desk drawer of the computer desk and inside was an assortment in sizes of black veined dildos with a ball joint on which looked like it would fit straight into the hole in the chair. Frank showed me the black dildo which had big life like veins running up the shaft; the dildo was about 8" inches long and had soft balls on the end. He fitted the ball joint into the hole and the dildo stood up pointing to the ceiling with it's soft balls resting on the leather chair waiting to be mounted, no doubt by me!

"So you going on the computer" asked Frank as he smiled at me

"Frank do I have to? I've had the butt plug up me all day. I'II go on the computer do and go on whatever you say, but please not that up my ass"

"Every time you go on this computer you must have one of these dildos fitted in the chair and it must be up your ass when you're sitting on it. I've been kind and selected the smallest one for you, now get onto it" Frank grabbed me and swung the chair round so it was waiting for me to sit down on it.

"Go on Maria, sit down so you can go on the internet then"

I knew I had no choice and that I must sit in the chair and have that black 8" inch monster up my ass. I rolled up my skirt around my waist and pushed my thong aside as I slowly lowered myself onto the dildo as I held it with my other hand. I felt the tip enter my ass and then the rest of the shaft opened up my anal passage as I lowered myself more and more onto the dildo as more and more of its 8" inch shaft slid up inside me as Frank stood next to me and smiled in delight.

"Can you feel the balls yet?" he questioned

"Not yet" I replied

Frank put a strong bear like paw on my shoulder and pushed me down more, I could feel the sponge like fake balls now pressing against my ass cheeks.

"Now?" he asked again

"Yes, I can feel them now"

"Good. Now don't try anything funny as we've got hidden cameras in here and we can see your every move"

Frank left the room and locked the door as I checked what web site's they had book marked for me. There was a range of she male porn sites, gay & transgender chat rooms, transgender help pages and transgender online shops. I looked at one of the transgender online shops, changing from various categories on the site such as under wear, shoes, corsets & Basques and even hormones. I wasn't sure how long I had been looking on the web; it didn't feel long when suddenly Honey made me jump.

"You've been busy I see love, I see your been a good girl now. You've been on here a hour and didn't even here me come in. How's that dildo in your ass doing?"

I didn't even give the dildo any thought while I was surfing away and had lost thought on it. "Its fine "I replied.

"Good job then love, it's time you come off there now we've got to get you ready as we're going out for a meal together"

I got off the leather chair as the dildo slid out of my ass and I rolled my skirt down and pushed my thong back into place.

"Right love, you undress yourself and I'II sort out your clothes for tonight. Take off all your clothes!" I did as Honey said as I didn't want a slap or a shock from the cock ring.

I took off my two tops, dropped my skirt, removed my stockings, took off my Basque and removed my thong and stood there totally naked with the false breasts on stuck to my chest. I managed to get a look at the cock ring, it was only small and was a metal colour but didn't feel like metal if that makes sense and had a small lump on the top, which I guess was the battery feed. Honey came over and pulled each breast off my chest and rubbed some cream over where each breast was stuck, she then used another separate cream which she rubbed on my nipples which was very cold, and she made sure she only got it on the nipple and surrounding area. Honey got out some more cream and rubbed this lot onto my ass and thighs and then stuck my fake breasts back on with more adhesive. On the bed was the black mesh chemise with the light pink lace front panel and matching thong, black stockings with the black seam at the top and a black strappy dress which had to be just over the knees.

"Get yourself dressed then" commanded Honey.

I slipped the sexy black see-through mesh thong on followed by the tight matching chemise which fell just over my ass, the suspender straps dangling freely against my thighs. I sat down on the bed and rolled up one by one the silky black stockings and attached the suspender straps to hold them up. Last but not least was the thin black dress; I slipped it over my head and pulled it down until the straps were firmly resting on my shoulders. The dress came just above my knees, as I guessed the dress itself had a inside layer which clung to my body while the outside material was thin and hung freely around my legs. Honey passed to me a pair of black high heel strappy shoes the heel was about 4" inches high and the straps reached around my ankles and was fastened by a small buckle. I slipped my feet into each one, my bright red painted toe nails peeking out of each end and I tied the ankle straps.

"You look good sweetheart" commented Honey as she showed me the full length mirror. Looking back was a young woman with shoulder length curly hair, good size breasts and long smooth legs with just the right amount of makeup on her.

"Bend over" ordered Honey. I knew what was coming.

I bent over the bed as Honey lifted my dress and pulled my thong aside.

"I decided to up the butt plug size seems the medium one went in so easy, your having a nice large clear one now" said Honey as I could feel the tip of the butt plug enter me.

She pushed it in slowly expanding my anal passage which was starting to hurt; I could feel the pain more as the large butt plug expanded my ass as it slowly was pushed in. The pain stopped and I could feel the massive width of the plug inside me. Honey put my thong back in place and pulled down my dress, she handed me my coat and hang bag and we left for our meal out.

Me & Honey had been out about 4 hours before we arrived back home we had actually had a good time and I didn't feel like I had been kept prisoner. I even had two young lads chat me up while I was at the bar which Honey insisted I let them carry on but in the end I was forced to tell them I was a transsexual, which scared them away. Went we got back as usual I was herded straight into the pink girly bedroom where Frank was waiting, on the bed were several pillows stacked on top of each other in the middle of the bed.

"Lie down on the pillows" ordered Frank

I lied down on the pillows as he ordered so my back and head were raised up. Frank jumped on top of my CC breasts and fitted a collar around my neck, the collar had a loop attached to a length of material the same style of the collar going though it. Frank then attached this length of material to a matching a belt which he wore around his waist, it had a small little winch on the side which Frank slowly turned which in turn pulled my collar pulling my head away from the pillows and towards his crotch. Frank did a few more turns and flopped out his hard cock which was about 6" inches long and about 1" wide. He turned it more and his cock was now about 1" inch away from my mouth.

"Open wide slut" he said as he turned more and his cock was nearly touching my lips. He did one more turn and the tip of his uncut cock tip was touching my red glossy lips, I still did not open. He suddenly slapped me hard across the face.

"Open up bitch or else I'II press the button, you came here to suck now suck my cock"

I opened my mouth as he did three more turns and his cock was fully in my mouth, his balls resting on my chin. His cock was all in my mouth, nearly making me gag but I managed to get my head bobbing in rhythm sucking on his cock, my red glossy lip stick leaving marks on his shaft. I felt Honey clip some kind of ankle straps to my legs, I couldn't see what she was doing but I felt my legs been pulled up into the air, some leather straps were hanging from the top beam of the 4 poster bed and must have been attached to the ankle straps Honey had put on my legs. My legs were soon vertical in the air and my ass exposed ready for whatever Honey wanted to do to me. I felt her pull the large clear butt plug out my ass and something cock shape, definitely not as big slide in with ease after my ass had been stretched by the plug. I felt Honey's hands hold onto my legs and pull on me as she started to fuck my ass, she must have been wearing a strap-on. I was expecting it to hurt but as the large butt plug had opened my ass up there was no pain and it was very pleasurable. Frank gave a little slack on the strap attached to my collar and started to fuck my mouth at a fast pace as Honey joined in the same fucking my ass harder and faster.

"Come on Honey babe, fuck her good. Make your self cum" said Frank as Honey moaned erotically and fucked my ass. Both of them were just using my as a fucking machine, Frank's cock planted firmly in my mouth and Honey's strap-on dildo stuck well up my ass. Frank fucked my mouth faster he then bucked and a hot blast of cum shot out of his bell end and into my mouth which I swallowed straight down.

"Go on Honey, you can do it make your self cum your nearly there" said Frank. Honey carried on fucking me harder and faster as if she was desperate to cum.

Frank pulled his cock out of my mouth and slapped in across my face with his, he rested the tip on my forehead with cum dribbling out.

"Suck my balls bitch and moan. I want Honey to cum" he commanded.

I took Frank's balls in my mouth and gently sucked as I could feel the cum coming out the end of his cock and running down my left temple and down the side of my face as I moaned away.

"Fuck her Honey, fuck her hard. Take my balls out your mouth and moan and scream slag" order Frank

I let his balls out my mouth as I moaned away

"Fuck me Honey, fuck my ass. Yes, yes, yes fuck me harder" I moaned

Honey started to pull on my legs more and drive the dildo in deeper, she was tiring and I hope she wouldn't stop as I was building up to orgasm as well.

"Fuck me, fuck my ass hard" I begged.

Honey's anal onslaught continued as I felt myself explode in my sexy underwear, and Honey herself came as well as she moaned to ecstasy. Honey pulled the dildo out my ass and sat down tired from her orgasm and fucking me, Frank undid the belt from him self and my collar and went over to her as my legs were left vertical in the air with my ass exposed.

"Well done Honey, you haven't cummed for years. You enjoy that?" asked Frank.

"Yes, the little bitch is good. Even cummed in her knickers the slut" panted Honey.

Honey came over and pushed the large clear butt plug back into my ass, let my legs down and left the room with Frank. I sat up on the bed with mixed feelings of what just happened. I loved sucking Frank's cock and the taste of cum wasn't so bad, I also loved the feeling of my ass been fucked it was that good I even filled my knickers with cum which was dripping straight through the material. I had thought of my day, been treated like a woman all day and dressed like one and having to walk around a shopping centre with a butt plug up my ass. I had been sitting on the bed day dreaming when Honey came back in.

"You're a good little fuck whore babe" said Honey.

"Ummmm yeah" I agreed.

"I think me and Frank picked well with you. The punters are going to enjoy your mouth and ass. Anyway time for you to get ready for bed. Take all your clothes off"

I took my clothes off and I was once again standing naked with my false breasts attached to my chest. Out the drawers Honey got out a frilly black boxer short style underwear and a long black silky nightie which came down to my ankles. I slipped both on and jumped in the soft matching pink bed to go with the rest of the room's colour scheme. Honey handed me two tablets, which I swallowed and started to fall asleep after my eventful day as she left and locked the room.

I woke up and Honey was standing over me, the sun gazing through the pink curtains.

"Wake up sleepy head, we've got a big day ahead" she said.

I got up out of bed took off my underwear and long black silky nightie as Honey rubbed the same creams into my thighs and ass as she did last night, she then removed by fake CC Breasts and applied two different creams and stuck the Breasts back on to my chest. Finally she gave me three tablets to take this time. On the bed was a pile of clothes for me, I picked up a pink g-string which had a bow on the front and at the back there was a matching pink Basque which had a bow between the cleverage. I put these on and Honey tightened up the Basque for me once it was on. Next was skin coloured stockings with a matching lace trim at the top, I pulled these over my smooth hairless legs feeling the silky stockings on my skin and the gel top clinging onto my thighs. I picked up a short ruffled pink skirt and put that on and finally a pink strappy top last but not least was some pink strappy high heels which had wooden style soles. Once I was fully dressed Honey led me over to the dressing table and put on some big 8" inch gold hoped ear rings, a gold necklace and my rings. She did my foundation, light blusher, a light blue eye shadow from eye lashes to eye brow, liquid eye liner, mascara and pink lipstick with several coats of gloss. Once I was fully made up and my hair had been combed I moved over to the bed and Honey looked at me, I knew she wanted me to bend over with out even asking. I bent over the bed and Honey lifted my skirt and moved my g-string to the side and removed the crystal clear butt plug which had been in my ass all night.

"Got a nice large butt plug for you today Maria, got to have you ass prepared for the customers" said Honey.

I looked over my shoulder and saw a clear butt plug in Honey's right hand, it had to be about 3" maybe 4" inches at is widest and about 6" inches in length. I felt the tip of it enter my ass and Honey slowly started to push it in, I could feel it stretching my ass as it got wider and wider.

"Honey it's not going to fit" I protested.

"It's going to fit Maria, I will make it fit" she replied.

Honey pushed the butt plug in more stretching my ass as wide as it could go when the pain stopped and I felt the narrow part now in my asshole. Honey pulled my g-string and skirt back into place and gave me a gentle smack on the ass. I followed her out of the bedroom and into the car and we left the house.

We arrived at the shopping centre were we was at yesterday and I followed Honey to the beauty salon. Inside I was asked to step into a tanning booth and strip of all my clothes, I removed all my clothes and stood naked in the booth completely hairless, my false breasts on my chest and my cock between my legs. The same assistant who did my nails and ear piercing yesterday came in and started to spray liquid tan all over my body, including my cock and fake breasts.

"You'll look lovely now with some colour babe" said the assistant as she repeatedly stared at my cock.

I soon got dressed and I left the beauty salon with Honey a bit embarrassed having to stand flashing my bits. However I was now a nice golden brown colour and looked incredible sexy. I followed Honey through the shopping centre until we arrived at our next stop, the tattoo centre. I walked inside close to Honey dreading what she had planned for me, inside was a two young lads sitting next together talking to one another they turned and looked at me and I felt both there eye's moving up and down my body, checking out my long smooth tanned legs and my big full breasts. I sat down in the waiting room which only had a handful of seats and various tattoo design posters up on the wall, a small coffee table was in the middle with a big book of various tattoo designs sitting on top it.

"Cross you legs sweetie" said Honey as she leaned towards me and whispered in my ear while looking at the young lads sitting opposite us.

I crossed my legs showing a bit more leg and I think the tops of my stockings, the two lad's eye's start to boggle, both of them staring at my dark brown smooth legs. I've never been into men at all, but feeling from having two young lads keep looking at you was a frill unknown to them what was really under my skirt and knickers!. The door behind the counter opened and out of it came a young lad whose eye's immediately landed on me; he had a large bandage around his arm suggesting he just had a tattoo done. He walked up to the other two lads who were waiting said a few words and they all left the tattoo centre before getting in a few more looks at me. Honey got up and pulled me up by her hand and I followed her into the tattoo room. Honey went over to a big chap who was covered in tattoos up both arms; he was bald and had a big beard. She opened her hand bag and showed him a piece of paper as I looked around nervously. They had a brief chatter and Honey made her way to the door.

"I'II see you in a few hours sugar" she said as she closed the door behind her.

"Right then young lady, your Auntie has showed me what you want. If you want to take your coat off and lie down on here" said the tattoo man in a rough voice as he pointed to a leather bed with a hole in at the end to put your head through, if he only knew I wasn't a lady well that's if Honey hadn't told him. I moved silently over to the hanger and took of my small pink jacket and got onto the bed and lied face down. I felt him pull my clingy pink strappy top, revealing my Basque underneath.

"Right this is going to sting a bit" he said as I felt a sharp pain in my lower spine from the tattoo needle.

About 2 hours had passed and I had got used to the pain in my lower spine where the tattoo artist had been working. We had been talking about numerous things as the time passed by; I don't think Honey said I was a transsexual as he didn't mention it. I felt another sharp pain as he put some alcohol on the tattoo and bandaged it up and asked me to roll on my front and roll my top up. I did as he asked, I could feel the padding from the bandage covering my lower pack where my new tattoo now is, I pulled up my pink top to just below my fake boobs, but showing my pink sexy Basque of in the mean time.

"Right brace your self" he said as he hand some kind of gun in his hand and put it onto my flat stomach. I felt a small pain and something metal go through my stomach.

"All done, take a look" he said

I looked down and saw he had pierced my belly button with a gold bar which had matching gold flower hanging off with pink jewelled petals. I always liked girls who had there belly button's pierced, I guess it was right for Honey to get mine done as it is sexy.

"Matches your underwear" he joked "Right here we go again, this one won't take long" he said as he got the tattoo needle and started doing a tattoo around my navel.

About an hour had passed and my naval tattoo had been finished, bandaged up and I was on my way back to Honey's house in the car with her. She had been shopping in the mean time and told me she had got me some interesting new clothes, I was dreading to think. We arrived back at the house and I went into my pink girly bedroom and sat down on the bed as my shoes were hurting my feet.

"Right get undressed and change into these clothes" ordered Honey "Also don't forget to put your creams on, there on your dressing table" she continued nodding in the direction of the dressing table "Knock on the door three times when your done, I will let you out then" she said as she left the bedroom and locked the door as usual.

I took of my high heels, followed by my top, I dropped my skirt, rolled down my stockings and removed my thong and went over to the dressing table and for the first time saw what cream Honey had been using on me. She had been using hormone cream there was cream for breast and nipple enlargement, cream for feminine thighs and buttocks, hormone pills for breasts and a hourglass figure and some other pills which had no labels on. I knew I had to get on with it as Honey said there were cameras in here and I believed her, I applied the buttock and thigh cream first rubbing it over my ass and them around the tops of my thighs. Next was the breast and nipple cream which I rubbed on after removing my false CC cup breasts, I finally took the several pills for breast growth, hourglass figure and whatever the other pills were for and I attached my false breasts back on. I opened the first bag and inside was shoe box; I opened it and inside was a pair of black PVC high heel shoes like the pole dancers or porn stars wear. They had a platform about 2" inches high and the heel were about 6" inches, maybe 7. I looked in the other bag and I found a maid's outfit which had a white apron around it and had note stuck to it which read "put on later", I dived deeper into the bag and found a matching black PVC Basque & g-string set. The Basque has a black lace front panel and the g-string had a little bow at the top, last but not least was a pair of black fishnet hold-up stockings with black lace tops and two black lace garters which had a little red bow on each of them. I put the g-string on first, the material inside was very comfy and soft I pulled the Basque on next the material inside was the same as my g-string, the Basque also was quite tight and I didn't need to tighten it anymore. The black PVC creaked as I moved around and it reflected the light, I slid the black fishnet stocking up my legs and around my thighs and finally I pulled each garter up each leg so they were sitting under the lace tops of the stockings, I caught a glimpse pf myself in the mirror and I looked like I was ready for bondage session, maybe it's what Honey had in mind. I thought I'd best put some effort in and went back to the dressing table and styled my hair the best I could, put on some big gold hoop ear rings, more mascara and the brightest red lip stick I could find. Once I was all dolled up I put on the black PVC strappy high heels, tied the buckle around my ankles and knocked on the door which Honey opened immediately as if she was standing waiting outside the door.

"You look very sexy" she said as she took my hand and led me into the lounge. The lounge was about 12 foot by 7 foot and was very stylish, a brown leather sofa and two single seaters, brown walls and one light brown one. In the corner Frank sat reading his paper; he dipped it down and took a big long look at me.

"Can't see her tattoo's Honey" he grumbled.

"She can't take the bandages off yet Frank, all in good time" she replied

"Well then she can come over here and make it up by getting her knees and putting my cock inside her mouth and those red lips around my shaft"

Honey smacked my ass and nodded for me to go over to him, I slowly walked over in my high heels and kneeled down in front of him as Frank got his cock out of his trousers already semi erect.

"Well then bitch, get to it" he ordered

I put my right hand around his shaft and started to wank him off, my bright red long nails becoming a red blur. I slowly lowered my head and opened my mouth and his warm cock went into my mouth, I gently sucked his cock with my hand going up and down his shaft too, as I rubbed my tongue over his cock head tasting his pre-cum. I continued my rhythm, moving my head up and down faster and faster when suddenly he put his hands on the sides of my head and pulled my head away from his cock.

"Wank me off and keep your face over my cock" he said.

I wanked him off, hard with my face close to his cock a few quick tugs was all it took as his warm thick cum blasted into my face and lips and dripped down. I looked over to Honey who was fucking her self hard with a vibrator as she came to orgasm.

"You little slut" she said as she got up as the cum dripped off my face. She pulled me up and led me back into the bedroom. She pulled my front bandage off and there was a small rose tattoo which went about my belly button and some small oriental symbols

"What does the writing mean?" I asked

"Means she-male in Chinese" she replied as she pulled over the bandage on my back, I looked in the mirror and saw some big Chinese lettering I was dreading to think what it said, it was surround by a flower design which led down towards my ass in a arrow like shape

"It says insert here in case you were wondering" she said putting me out of my misery "Now put this on and get on the edge of the bed on your hands and knees" ordered Honey.

I slipped the maids outfit over my head and Honey tied the white apron around my waist, I got on the bed and bent over doggie style. Honey came to my head and placed a box in front of me, it was covered with a pink soft carpet like material and light feathered edging however sat in the middle was a big, black realistic 8" inch dildo!

"Frank made this" she said as she attached the side handcuffs to each wrist, they had a small length of chains on which attached to the side of the box to make sure I couldn't go any where but had minimal movement. She then attached a leather collar around my neck which had a small black pole joining my collar and the box together, the pole looked like it could extended and collapse on itself.

"Right young lady you're going to learn how to suck this cock so you'll become a good little cock sucker. This dildo can ejaculate; Frank has made a 2 litre tank inside this box which is holding a solution which is exactly like cum! Same textures, taste, smell temperature the lot. The cock will shoot its load every now and again, the more you keep going on it the more it will cum. I expect to this tank nearly empty, all the cum must be swallowed and if you take your hands or mouth off it for more than one minute I'II be in here like a shot!. Now get sucking slut" finished off Honey as she slapped me round the face and forced my head down towards the black dildo.

I opened my mouth and took the dildo inside, the texture of it felt just like the real thing. I bobbed my head up and down as I felt Honey attached some kind of cuffs to my ankles, I felt her spread my legs more and attach something much like the pole keeping my collar attached to the box, she finally attached another cuff to my other leg. I heard the door open and I looked in the mirror and the first thing I saw was a pretty young girl with shoulder length air, on the bed in the doggie position in a maid's outfit sucking a big black dildo on a box. I saw Frank come in pushing some kind of trolley, on top of it was some kind of machine I had seen in a few porn films on the internet. It was one of those fucking machines, it had a long steel pole on the end of it was a normal black dildo like the one I had been riding while in the chair at the desk. The black dildo was about 8" inches in length too and about 2" inches wide, it had big veins running up the side of it and the light reflected off its surface. I also saw what Honey had done to my feet, she had attached small bars like the one attached to my collar to my ankles and then to the bed posts and finally a big bar in between my ankles to keep my legs spread apart. I was going to be held here while I sucked this dildo and swallow whatever it shoots at me and have that black dildo tipped machine fuck me. I watched in the mirror as Honey lubed up my ass and Frank pulled the machine closer until the black dildo easily slid up my ass. I felt it slide in more and more and slightly stretch my hole as it invaded my ass, I kept watching it slid in more and more as I kept sucking the dildo in front of my face until I could feel all 8" inches of the black dildo inside me, it's big veins pushing on the insides of my ass, suddenly the machine came alive with a big whirring noise and started pumping in and out of my ass, fucking me at a medium pace. The black dildo went in and out of me as Honey and Frank came round the side of me.

"You like been fucked slut?" asked Honey, I carried on sucking the cock daring not to take it out my mouth I just looked at her with my eyes, my big black eye lashes sticking out.

"Answer her whore" said Frank as he displayed the button ready to press it

"Yes I love it" I said and slipped the dildo back in mouth sucking away.

"Look at the dirty slut, she loves sucking cock that much she didn't want to take it out of her mouth to answer me. She also loves the machine, lets turn it up full for the dirty whore and leave her be" said Honey.

I heard a click from the machine and it pumped in and out of my ass a lot faster than before, I watched Honey and Frank disappear out the door as I was bound to the bed forced to suck a ejaculating dildo and having my ass invaded by a dildo tipped machine!. I had been sucking for about ten minutes when I felt the pump inside the dildo shaft come alive, much like a real cock it pumped the cum up it's shaft which blasted out into my mouth, another four big loads followed which started to drip out of my mouth the taste was exactly like cum, the smell was the same and so was the gooey texture. I tried to keep it in and swallow it all the best I could. Another fifthteen minutes had passed and my mouth was tired and I had swallow about ten to thirdteen big loads, a lot of cum had dripped out my mouth and down my chin as I was unable to swallow it all. I took the cock out my mouth and masturbated it with my right hand, my red nails becoming a slight blur as my hand moved up and down its shaft. As the pole kept my head directly over the cock, and because it couldn't extend a huge amount my face kept right over it's head, about a 1" inch away when it was going to blow again it's load was going to go over my face or if I opened my mouth straight into it. Sure enough the dildo exploded and shot two loads over my mouth which dripped straight off, I managed to open my mouth and have another two loads blast straight into it which I swallowed straight away. Just over forty minutes later the door opened and Honey came in, she turned the machine off which had fucked my ass well and proper and very hard, I took my mouth from the cock and looked up at her. I was covered in cum, it was around my mouth, on my cheeks, on my forehead and around my eyes. I had also had several loads squirt down my false tits as I couldn't stand the taste any more.

"You look like a right dirty cum-whore you dirty slut" said Honey as she showed me the mirror. The white gooey fake cum was in my hair, around my eyes and had made my makeup run, my red lip stick was smudged as the cum was all round my mouth and a big pool of cum was sitting in between my tits. The thing was I loved all of it, I loved been covered in cum, forced to suck cock have my ass penetrated by a giant PVC looking dildo and be forced to dress like a woman. I was actually starting to like I here, even though I was been held against my will. Honey un-did the hand cuffs and removed the poles from my legs.

"Come over here slut, we've got one more test for you" she said pointing at the dressing table.

I sat down at the table and Honey removed all of my makeup and started afresh. First were plenty of foundation and some blusher which brought the colour out in my cheeks, a bright blue eye shadow from eye lashes to eye brow, a black eye liner and mascara which made my eyes stand out and my eye lashes very long and curly. Finally plenty of red lip stick and gloss which made my lips as bright red as my finger nails and very glossy. Honey picked up the lipstick and gloss and put them into a small hand bag which was black had a chain for the strap and big metal hoops along it, it looked like it was part of the bondage sessions we just had.

"Right slut Frank's going to take you out and your going to pass as a good cock sucking woman, suck some cock and earn us some money" she said.

"I can't go out" I stuttered as a hard slap from Honey went across my face.

"You'll do as I say whore and like it! Frank is going to take you out and drop you off some place where a lot of hookers go. Don't think of going any where as we've got a tracker on you and Frank won't be far as well, I want some cock sucking happening tonight. You'll charge £ 30 for a blow job with a condom, £ 35 without and £ 40 if someone wants you to swallow. There are condoms in your hand bag and a nice purse to put all your money in. If someone does want sex say you're on your period and you don't do anal. Off you go then"

Honey handed me the hang bag and sent me out the door with nothing on except for my under wear, maid's out fit, high PVC heels and fishnet stockings. I'd be attracting attention alright.

"Honey, can't I please change and look more decent I'II do whatever you want then" I pleaded but it was on deaf ears as Frank led me to the car and took me out.

Frank had been driving about twenty minutes when we arrived at a very dodgy looking area; he pulled up on the side of the kerb.

"Right out you get then" he said.

I nervously opened the door and got out followed by a smack on the ass by Frank before he drove off. I quickly scarped from the road side and more into the darkness, it was about 11p dark but still warm enough for me to be walking around in a maid's out fit and high heels looking to suck cock!. I moved from the main street and into a back alley, unfortunately at the top of the opposite end of the alley was too black lads probably about 18 maybe 20. I stood further enough away from the road but also not too close to them hoping they wouldn't see me, however there was going to be no such luck as they headed my direction.

"Hey cutie, you out for fancy dress" asked one.

"No" I managed "Just out trying to make a living for a girl, thought this would get some attention" I followed.

"Your looking fine baby" said the other lad "How much you charging?".

I thought I'd best do something or else I'd have Honey and Frank to deal with and I may as well go along with it, it's not like I have much choice.

"I'm on the rag, so just blowjobs tonight boys. It's £ 30 for blowjob with condom, £ 35 without and £ 40 if you want me to swallow"

The two lads looked at each other for a few seconds "Do us both for £70 and swallow" said the first lad.

The first lad took off his jacket and put it on the floor, I got down on my knees on his jacket as both of them got there semi hard cocks out. I put my bright red nailed hands around both there shafts and wanked them off for a few moments, the first lad's cock was about 6" inches and uncut while the second lad was about the same size but cut which showed off his head. For a few moments time stood still has I held both cocks in my hand, I then moved my head towards the second lad opened my mouth and took his warm black cock inside my mouth as my hand slowly moved up and down the other lads shaft. My head soon switched places and I took the uncut cock in my mouth and my hand was around the cut cock's shaft. I continued to swap in between them sucking them off until the first lad told me to stop on his cock, he was about to cum. I carried on bobbing my head back and forward and rolled my tongue over his head and I soon felt a hot jet of cum blast out into my mouth and on my tongue, as what they paid for I swallowed his small gooey salty load.

"My turn now slut, let me fuck your face and I'II have it over quickly" said the second lad as he pulled my head into his cocks direction.

I opened my mouth and he put his cock inside my mouth, my red lips clamped around his shaft as he slowly fucked my mouth. I rubbed his balls slowly with my hands as I sucked on his cock as he moved it in and out of my mouth, his pace started to move quicker and he was driving his cock into my mouth fucking my mouth harder and faster. I moaned away, the vibrations of my voice making him pump my mouth faster driving his cock deeper into my mouth and making me gag.

"Keep with it slut nearly there" he said

He continued fucking my mouth hard making me gag several times, he was desperate to cum and soon he did. He pulled his cock out of my mouth at the last second and as two big loads of cum shot directly into my open mouth and onto the side of my red smudge lipstick. We soon partied our ways I was now £ 70 up and was doing my lipstick in my pocket mirror as both of the ladswalked away satisfied and with empty ball bags.

As soon as I came out into the main street a brand new Jaguar sounded his horn, I walked up to the open window and inside was a middle aged man in a suit.

"How much you charging darling?" he asked.

I told him my prices and that I was on my period.

"I want a fuck darling not blowjob, how about letting me have your ass?" he replied.

"No sorry, blowjobs only".

"I'II give you £ 100 if I can fuck and cum in your ass".

"No, blow job only" was my reply again.

"Ok this is my final offer doll, £ 150 if I can fuck your ass and cum inside you".

£ 150 was a too good offer to miss out I thought about it and decided I best do it just in case Frank & Honey was listening; I opened the passenger seat and jumped in.

"So what's up with the maid's out fit" he asked as he rubbed his hand up and down my fishnet clad thigh

"It attracts attention" I replied.

"Certainly does sugar" he said as his hand carried on stroking my fishnet thigh.

We arrived at a multi storey car park, it was totally empty. We both got out the car and he took me by the hand and led me to the back of his car.

"Bend over the boot" he ordered

I leant myself over the boot, holding onto the small rear spoiler of his hatch back car as I stuck my ass out ready for the taking. I was hoping he didn't see my cock between my legs as he lifted my short maid's out fit skirt out the way, moved my g-string to the side and suck his cock straight inside my ass. It didn't hurt surprisingly, but his cock didn't seem that big unless the dildo fucking machine had stretched my ass good. A quick 10 minutes passed as I stood bent over the bonnet having my ass pounded by this middle aged man he pulled his cock out and blew his load in between my ass cheeks, he blew his load right at the top so it dribbled right in between my cheeks. He paid his £ 150 and left, I found my way out the multi storey and found Frank waiting for me in his car, I got in and showed him the money I had made.

I had now been living with Frank and Honey for over 6 months, I had tried escaping once but got as far as the train station but with what all they had done to me no one would believe me and I now looked totally different. Honey had been over dosing me on hormones and I now had a very curvy figure, big firm D cup breasts with large nipples, my own hair had grown long and been styled with blonde streaks and slight curls like my wig had. My cock and shrunk to under a inch and I was unable to get erect as Honey put bromine in every drink I had, which stops men getting erections not that I was a man any more, I was a girl with a cock like Honey liked to say. My balls were also minute, I suppose it was easier to hide them I also had a little bit of plastic surgery on my face to make me look more feminine and I had a small botox injection in my lips to make them stand out more. I also had full electrolysis all over my body, the only hair I had was on my head, eye brows, eye lashes and small feminine landing stripe pubic hair style my skin was smooth all over and even my ass was hairless! Every day I had to endure the combination of sucking Frank's dildo creation and having the fucking machine, after I went out working as a prostitute a lot of the people in the area now know I'm a she male, or as Honey likes to put it a girl with a dick because that's what I did look like a girl nothing manly about me except the small cock and balls between my legs. Using the internet I had also made bookings to go to people's houses, I had been in weird sex games, such as bondage, spanked for a long time and other weird things. Basically Honey said if someone wants to do something always accept it and ask them for a lot of money. Once a week I go to these two gay's house where they like to have what they call a "she-male sex sandwich", one lies down and I sit on him cow boy style with his "6 inch cock up my ass, I then lean down onto him with my ass sticking out as the next one mounts me and pushes his cock in, double penetrating me. Both of them take Viagra and fuck me for hours, both cumming in me several times before they get tired or fed up. I've also been in a massive gang bang with twelve other men as they took turns to fuck my ass, each of them cumming inside me or between my ass cheeks and the next one would just slide his cock straight into my ass and carry on fucking me. Honey one day revealed that the device around my cock wouldn't actually do anything, they removed it as my cock was getting too small and revealed all along I could have gone anytime I liked but really I wanted to stay and become there she male or girl with a dick niece who was also a she male prostitute. I even got into calling Frank and Honey Auntie and Uncle and sucked Frank's cock many times a week, I went out with Honey a lot shopping for clothes for me and she would proudly tell all the shop assistants how her nephew is now a sexy beautiful looking girl. I also got a job working in a office, Honey would only let me wear a skirt suit and I wasn't allowed to wear a blouse so I had to keep my jacket closed just revealing my cleverage and top of my Basque around the office. Ironically my boss visited me one day without knowing I was a she male or prostitute, we both kept each others secrets safe that he was visiting me and I was a she male but many times he has called me into the office and drawn the blinds or kept me over late at night fucking my ass while I bent over the desk to earn a little more money for Frank and Honey. All in all I can't complain now, I look a lot better now than I did when I was a young man, I'm was well looked after and treated a lot better by everyone now I'm a good looking sexy girl.

Next: Chapter 2

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