Old Father Time

By moc.liam@agemootahpla

Published on Dec 30, 2022



Category: Authoritarian. Kinks include, public exposure, Humiliation, light bondage, New Year's fantasy little sex more erotic fantasy.

Approx. 10 min read

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A story for you dirty little faggots out there this NYE. You can thank me in an email. Probably best to read this first


Old father time.

It had to be a calibration of the old order for it to work. The old man contemplated it. It needed to be just right that the magic of the other dimensions didn't become visible in the dimensions that were blissfully unaware of the truths behind their myths. The dream maker was prompted to visit the wise man when he received the message. The idea of the old men from Christmas world excited him. The dream maker obtained all his magic from exciting dreams. Erotic dreams were naturally the most exciting.

He knew that there were many submissive men out there who would long to serve the old men in forever Christmas world, as he called the place. He knew many would obey the rules too, he understood how he could put these men in a trance for them to be ready. It is very difficult however to make so many men sleep at the point of midnight on new years eve for the plan to work.

Old father time was wise beyond his years and there was a true reason for that. He took all the years away from all the souls, leaving non magical dimensions. He drained the years away from all the souls, entering their next plain. Heaven. Hell. The magical land of mother nature, a place where everything became a part of nature once more. She was a wonderful woman. When the old man met with her, he had to explain to her that it wasn't her power that he required but an ancient god that resided in her lands, as a beautiful serpent. The god of Chaos. A charmer. One that could create a little mayhem to be successful in the plan. Apophis did not like order in the slightest and so jumped to the opportunity of mixing things up.

The dream maker would receive the golden sand that he required to make his magic. The god of chaos would receive the mayhem, which would go directly to mother nature who preferred things not to be perfect and select as most modern humans liked who lived in the varying dimensions. The old men of Christmas world would get their youthful boys to torment, and old father time would receive the magic and wisdom of time itself.

And so, the week began.

There is over seven billion people on the planet. Just under two and half billion are men. Half a billion are total Alpha males, and one and half billion beta males, no one thought that neither of the groups would be interested in serving has cock hungry faggots for a world of old men making magic.

It was decided by the team that the focus should be on the men that wear chastity as it shows their submissive side and their commitment. The ones that wore chastity for the past twelve months.

The ones that would degrade themselves for self-satisfaction of any kind. The completely isolated ones. The dream makers first dream was sent out to all these pitiful humans on the first night. The ones who had any kind of relationship or would be missed in anyway would be eliminated too. The dream was boring but important as it established all of that. Their bodies were simply mere vessels that needed to be filled and it was easier to fill them with any soul that would be able to move on with their lives easily and not have to explain all their behaviour of the past week to anyone. Chaos was looking forward to that part.

By the second night the dream became more sexual. The would-be boys were in brothels, saunas and sex clubs serving real men all night. The dream was to establish their boundaries. The list was now half a million and the team thought that was a good amount. On a planet of seven billion very little would be noticed if chaos was caused on there lives. It would simply be seen as normal, odd but normal. A part of life's tapestry.

By the third night these faggots saw themselves as subhuman, so much so that a few of them had become so confident in servitude that they found themselves serving real men the following day in the gyms of the world. A few men were eliminated after that for being too exposed for what was going to happen next. Chaos did find magic in more than one situation. One of these dirty fags was caught pleasuring a group of young men in a fast-food restaurant and a video went viral, another much older cock sucker was caught on camera sucking off a famous alpha actor on a Hollywood set.

The dream maker was draining off so much energy from the erotic dreams too. He was in his element watching these boys find their true callings. The age group varied from nineteen to sixty something. Old father time preferred the older ones, but it was agreed that the younger fag boys were good too, as they would have energy of their youth. Bad Santa taught him how to replace the fallen boys of the world into the boys that were transferring into these faggots' bodies.

The dream maker understood that the amount of energy he personally received from these low lives finding their true calling was a by product for himself. He knew the ones that didn't get into the final cut would dream more and dream bigger. Year after year. He also knew that after the first harvest, the harvest would be smaller unless they hold so many back.

Chaos was tormenting the faggots during the daytime to place temptation in front of them. All alphas became aware that omega faggots were horny and put it down to the Christmas season. Grinder was in overdrive. At one point the app crashed, causing more chaos for chaos to drain.

The final piece in the puzzle was death itself. A non-binary being who saw itself as a being not interested in sex at all. The plan bemused it but agreed to giving over to kind souls who were not destined to go to any dimension, simply into oblivion. Not every soul reaches heaven all hell. Not every soul is traded to the old men of Christmas world.

On the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve all of the chosen had to be asleep for at least twenty minutes. Longer would be preferred. The dream maker found that easy to achieve by giving the fags they were extracting from their reality the calling to have an early night. Chaos loved this, as he knew he could drain off all the energy from the broken plans. One fag was a DJ who had the biggest gig of his life but turned in at 11 o'clock. He was the first to find itself in an underground dungeon.

It was the first boy to except its new position. This dream was as real as all the other dreams over the past week. It could feel the cold air on its naked body. It was already collared and shaven. Its hands shackled to a long metal bean on a low stone roof. It could smell pure sewage coming from some city above the dungeon. His cock was hard as a rock. It was dripping precum.

The residents of Christmas world were arriving. They were tormenting this faggot, humiliating them through their dream world into this suspended world. This slave was in its twenties, maybe mid-twenties. It is hard to tell with some queer boys. Like all of them it had humiliated itself many ways this week and was ready for what was before it. Now it was hoisted up ready for the transformation. Its feet on tip toes straining to stay stable.

Less than an hour till the next year.

More true faggots were coming through into the dream dungeon, all of them that were coming through were accepting their fate. All of them were made to understand that they would be used as the lowest of all slaves. Foot licking, arse wiping, piss slurping low lives faggots all of them. Each of them knew they would be used as punch bags, humiliating them all the time.

Some of the faggots were in their fifties and sixties, others a little younger. One fag was a banker and another one a policeman. One or two of the younger ones were students and there was a couple that were a couple, who served Alphas together. A couple of fags were rejected that very night and woke up from the start of a nap that they couldn't remember a thing about the dreams or anything.

The dream maker was in his element, taking away what it needed from all of these faggots. Chaos was revealing in all the changes. Even the old man time was dripping with precum as time continued to drawer in.

Two minutes to midnight and time was preparing itself for the new year. This is what it needed in order to take the years from all of the fags in the mass dungeon. He stood in front of the boys, with his hard cock throbbing. He wasn't the only one. Every fag and man involved was dripping precum.

Ten. The boys strained from their shackles.

Nine. The Christmas world men were teasing the boys.

Eight. Old father time tensed up more waiting for his cue to take what he needed.

Seven. Chaos was already taking what it needed to produce his own magic,

Six. Death was poised to release the souls into the body of the faggots.

Five. The dream maker was already taking from the boy's dreams.

Four. Three. Two. One.

Old father time started drawing out the age from the boys. The faggots' bodies were surrounded by the energy. A bright light, as their time flowed out of themselves into old father time. As the younger boys finished their transition first and death began sharing their old bodies with the souls that they had collected.

As more and more slaves had transitioned from their dream state to their new reality as slaves for the Christmas world the process got faster. More and more souls were finding homes in the slave's former bodies. They hadn't got a clue what was happening to them. They knew one thing. It was good to be alive.

The last boy was ready and old father time ejaculated the largest amount of cum all over its young face.

Soon the men of Christmas world had all the young faggots crawling out of the dungeon into their new life as servants of true men.

Happy new year you cock sucking low lives.


I wrote this due to the popularity of the Are you on the naughty list story. In response to the faggots who kept saying they wanted to be on the naughty list.

Love to hear your thoughts as usual.

Also, people are wondering what else I have written. Check out ...

The first in the series of Slave shorts


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