Old Andy

Published on Oct 20, 2018


Old Andy 3

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com

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Henry, my guy born-again preacher called me before the annual Board of Regents' Christmas party. Henry had a friend, Thomas, who was his choir director. He said that Thomas would like to meet me. "He is a great choir director but has a one-track mind. I think it would be good for him to branch out and meet some new friends and have some new experiences. Henry was the master of the coded word. I guessed the problems were sexual, but anyone listening to the conversation would not know that.

I was stringing lights on trees for the party when Henry and Thomas arrived. Thomas was outgoing and enthusiastic, tall and what used to be called plump. He did the Christmas decorations for his church and liked my work. I was surprised that Henry left to do a Christmas program for a local church. Thomas was alone with me.

"Henry showed me some gay porn on the web," he said.

"Were you shocked?" I asked.

"I know that I should have been shocked, it was so different from what I knew. I didn't know what to think," Thomas explained. "I was home schooled by my mother and learned how to play the organ with my church organist. I don't associate with many people, only family and church."

"I wanted to know more, but Henry told me he never mixed business with pleasure. He said it was too dangerous for us to do some exploration," he continued. "Henry told me he had a friend who might help me."

"Do you want to be helped?" I asked.

He nodded. "I sure do, but you are kind of scary."


"I thought gay man were more delicate."

I laughed. "You have been watching to many television sit-coms! Gay men are greatly varied. Don't worry. I'm gentle and take things slow and easy. Have you ever thought of letting other men use you most private parts for their personal pleasure?"

"I'm thirty-two years old virgin. I want to catch-up. I want to do all thing things I saw in the video." Thomas said. "If it's good for you, is it good for me?"

"Truthfully, that isn't always the case, but it is the objective," I said. "I can tell you; it's my objective. You need to realize that those men in the videos aren't virgins. They have some mileage on them."

Thomas looked at me and smiled. "I'm ready to give it a try."

I smiled and said, "Let's get naked and get to it!" We went to my bedroom and I stripped quickly. I had a feeling Thomas would be more comfortable if I went first. He slowly undressed. His eyes were downcast. "It's okay to look," I said.

"I've been afraid to look my whole life," he replied. "I've never been naked with another man before." He was a ginger bear, coated in curly, red hair along with blue eyes, pale white skin and delicate pink tits. He had big balls and an uncut cock.

"You're a good-looking man. You would be popular in the showers at the gym," I said as I got close to him. I reached out and fondled his equipment. He shivered a little. "Why don't you take a close look at my cock. I have all the standard parts, and all are in working order." He got on his knees and starred at my cock. "Do you like what you see?" I asked.

"I like it a lot," Thomas said as he stood. I stroked his cock and almost got whiplash it got hard so quickly. I dropped to my knees. The foreskin had fully retracted, and his cock head was large and a beautiful shade of pink. I touched it with my tongue and a generous blob of precum emerged. Thomas was hot to trot.

"I want to suck you," he said in a barely audible whisper.

I wrapped my lips around his knob, swirled my tongue around the tender organ and then deep throated him. He had a meaty six incher. I pulled away and stood up.

"You want to try mine?" I asked. He dropped to his knees and tentatively stuck out his tongue. He edged closer and then made the plunge. I knew he had watched porn vids, so he knew what he was supposed to do. He swallowed my knob and waited for a divine lightning bolt to strike him dead. That didn't happen, so he then tried to take my entire cock.

When he pulled off he asked, "Was that cum?"

"No, that's precum. It takes more work to get cum," I said.

"It's sweet," he said.

"Precum shows I am excited. Sperm is not as sweet and much thicker. Sperm is real sticky too," I said, "Your precum is good too."

"I didn't expect that, and didn't know it tasted good," he remarked.

"There are few secrets in sex. I can taste your level of excitement. I have a pal who likes to play the strong silent type. I told him that when his cock is drooling precum like Niagara Falls my mouth, it's hard to hide your feelings," I said. "You might as well let nature take its course and enjoy yourself."

We tried the sixty-nine position. That was a great success. He shot off. I think he unloaded thirty-two years of cum in five minutes. It was thick and sweet.

"I'm sorry," Thomas whispered. "I didn't mean to do that."

"That is why you are here!" I said. "I hope it felt good for you?" Thomas may have been worried, but he returned to sucking my cock with no lack of interest. I warned him when I was getting close, but he didn't pull away. I shivered and shot my first volley. Thomas was still for a few moments, but he began to gobble up each ejaculation.

Since we were still in the sixty-nine position, I sucked him again. His cock had wilted after his orgasm, but it was fully erect again and drooling. When we broke apart he sat up and we kissed, trading cum. Henry called and said he was running so late he would spend the night there. He asked if Thomas could stay with me. I said that was fine.

I made dinner, which he liked. I think his cooking was mostly defrosting. Roddy dropped by after dinner. It took no more than a minute to see they would hit it off. I went out to close the mansion's gates for the night. When I got back, Roddy and Thomas were naked in my bathroom shower.

"Is there room for me?" I asked.

Roddy poked his head out of the shower curtain. "It's a bit tight in here but there is room for one more," he said. I joined them.

Both men were erect. "I see you've exchanged the secret hand shake and made friends. Thomas, you are still new to this. Are you okay?" I asked.

"Roddy's been really friendly," Thomas said. "He told me he has fucked you and you have fucked him. He said it was good," Thomas said. Clearly his shyness had diminished. I dropped to my knees and sucked both men. I was able to get their cock heads in my mouth and caress them. They loved it too much, since they soon bathed my tongue in sperm. They kissed as they spurted. Both men must have completely drained their balls; I had to swallow.

We dried off and when to bed. They intended to play more, but they fell asleep and slept soundly through the night. Thomas returned early the next morning and had to get back to a meeting at his church. Roddy went back to his room at the college before dawn.

I finished the decorations in time for the party. I had nothing to do until the day after the party. Big Jonny called me that night. One of the foreign students was stranded. He was to have gone home to England, but his parents were called away for an emergency. He had nowhere to go. Jonny told me he was unhappy and had unmet needs. I was uneasy about that, but when I met Nigel, I knew he was fine.

He was victim of a first wife verses the second wife battle. The first wife was convinced he was being perverted by the second wife's liberalism and she sent him away to keep him pure. He had gone to a boy's boarding school and knew most of the wrong ways to have gay sex. Sex at the school had been related to class and rank; affection played no role.

Big Jonny had told Nigel I was open minded about sexual matters. When he came to my garage apartment he was quiet. Nigel had a Rugby player's physique, dark hair and a sullen expression. He told me that when his parents said they were called away, that usually meant they had an invitation to a good party. His step mother was a fortune hunting bimbo. His mother was afraid he would be contaminated by her and would have preferred for him to be a monk. St. Thomas's College was as close to being a monastery as you could get without taking holy orders.

As we talked he became less sullen. He was interested in Botony and wildlife. We walked around the garden and he was interested, especially when a small herd of deer wandered through. I had planted the deer's favorite plants in the woods outside the garden and most ate enough thee to keep them happy. He thought that was amusing and clever.

I took a shower before bed and Nigel joined me in the shower. He went directly for my cock and let's say conversation was limited. It took some effort to dislodge him from my cock. I bent over to suck him and was promptly rewarded with a mouthful of cum. I took it and sucked until he was drained. I went to bed, but Nigel joined me twice and we traded cum.

As the sun rose, "That has never happened to me before," Nigel murmured.

"You've never sucked before?" I asked.

"No, I've sucked a guy off before. This is the first time anyone has sucked me," he said. "No one had ever taken my load before."

"I hope you are okay?"

"It was smashing, better than I could have dreamed," he said. "Yours is big. I thought it was gross at first. Once I sucked it, it was wonderful."

"You are well equipped," I said, "It's long and you sure were fully loaded. I got a mouthful."

"Did that bother you?" he asked.

"That is a compliment, not a complaint. I have a confession to make. I tend to like all cocks, but I have a warm spot for tools on the high side of average," I said. "Yours was a treat." We had a nice, long talk. His sexual experiences were mostly non-voluntary. It consisted of upper classmen proving their superiority on a younger kid.

"Do you fuck?" he asked.

"I sure do, I love it!"

"You didn't try to fuck me last night," he remarked.

"I only fuck guys who want it," I explained. "I'm biggish and I need a man who really wants it. I hate fucking a whimpering log. I want a guy who is into it." Nigel changed the subject.

He wasn't working for me; he was just staying at my place during the vacation. I was busy, and around ten he joined me in the gardens. Of course, he had been in gardens before, but he had never thought about what it takes to create and maintain a garden. It was a surprise to him and he was interested. His family was wealthy, and I think he thought you just pay for it and it appears.

That evening there was a fire in one of the faculty member's houses in town. The next day, I went to help with cleanup and Nigel joined in with some of the firemen and townies. Our students and townies weren't friendly, but Nigel wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty and he made friends with some of the volunteer Firemen.

When we got home, Big Jonny brought over take-out Chinese food. Nigel ate like a horse and fell asleep on the couch. I'm not sure he had ever fallen asleep due to hard work before. He had passed out because of too much partying, but not work. When he woke the next morning, he was stiff as a board. I told him to take a hot shower and then I would give him a massage.

The massage was a success partially because he got hard and I skewered myself on his erect tool. He was pleasantly surprised. I used my sphincter to massage his cock head. He told me his cock head was too sensitive. I took that with a grain of salt and continued. I'm not sure a cock can get overworked, and he got into it. His entire body spasmed when he shot off. Nigel told me he had never felt anything like it before.

We went back to the burned house later in the morning. The firemen were still here, and we were down to the heavier work. A beam slipped, and Nigel was able to hold it up until braces were in place. The firemen were impressed. Some of them were bigger than Nigel, but he was all muscle with no fat. The Fire Chief asked if he would like to join the department. He said he would like that. I think his dad's money had always greased the path for him. This was the first time he had been recognized for his own abilities.

We had a simple meat and potatoes dinner that evening, and he fell asleep on the sofa again. He woke me the next day by sucking my cock. "Was it good for you when you took my cock yesterday?" he asked when he looked up.

"You couldn't tell?" I asked.

Nigel smiled. "Well I guessed that things were good, but I thought maybe you were just being polite. You are a big man. Do you want to do me?" he asked.

"I am always up for it, but the question is do you want my cock in you? You've had bad experiences in the past," I said. "That may be because of the circumstance, or it may mean your ass isn't suited for fucking. Things don't always fit."

Nigel went off to shop for some things in town. Officially, I was on Christmas Vacation, but I did some clean up. Nigel retuned home with the Fire Chief Willy Wilson. He was a pal of Big Jonny and they had talked about Nigel and shared sexual interests. I only know Willy by name. Willy was described as a very private person. Nigel had officially joined the volunteer Fire Department and would be trained in the Spring.

I knew that Big Jonny was not much into platonic relationships with his old friends. At school he was 100% purer than new fallen snow, but like Mae West said, he had drifted. His friends were either sexual playmates or friends with benefits. You would think that the school would have found out about that, but most of the faculty and staff were "saved" and didn't associate with sinners. Big Jonny's secret was safe.

I didn't know Willy, but he must have checked me out with Jonny. He had no gay mannerisms except for a few, quick glances at my crotch. I gave Willy a tour of the property while Nigel showered and cleaned up.

"Jonny told me you are a nice guy. he said we shared similar likes and dislikes," Willy said.

"I'm a pretty ordinary guy. Jonny and I have had fun together for years," I said.

"I'm not much like Jonny. I'm not gay," he said.

"Jonny likes to play around," I said.

"I like to play too," Willy said. "I really like to play with cocks. I'm happily married and have four kids, but I still like sex play with men. Is that strange?"

"Not everyone is all hetero or all gay. I think there are a lot of gradations in between," I said. "I am a butch man who is all gay. I know a swishy hairdresser who is 100% straight."

"DeVoe?" Willy suggested.

I laughed, "You know him?" He smiled.

"My sister came to town and almost fell in love with him. She thought it would be a platonic relationship. I told her DeVoe couldn't do platonic," Willy said. "She talked with my wife. She said he was great with hair, but his cock was callused from overuse. I didn't know my wife was that aware!"

Nigel returned from the store, and I realized that neither Willy or Nigel wanted a platonic relationship. Nigel told him that College was all but a monastery, but he liked to have some fun.

"Are you looking for love?" Willy asked.

"No, I would love to have some fun," Nigel said. "Andy's been helpful, but I have an acute fun deficit. I want a lot more. I would like crazy, messy fun. I'm tired of Sunday School games."

Five minutes later we were naked in my bedroom. Willy was definatly Nigel's type. I was his type they were my type. I soon knew that Willy liked butch types and we were both masculine and butch. Willy was a gorilla. Clean shaven the body hair started two inches below his collar line. His cock was hidden somewhere in his pubic bush.

I know Big Jonny's tastes. I assume there was considerable meat hanging between his legs. Nigel had a furry chest and treasure trail to his cock. He liked older men, and Willy was old enough to be flattered by a younger man's attention. I was midway in age between the two men. We rolled around on the bed and I ended up in the sixty-nine position with Willy. Nigel was interested in Willy's ass, and Willy didn't object.

Nigel's cock slipped into Willy's ass effortlessly. I was still sucking, and Willy flooded my mouth with precum. Willy tried to get more of my cock down his throat. I watched, felt and tasted him react to Nigel's probe. It was total emersion sex. I felt my cock react and knew an orgasm was seconds away. Willy's cock was is the same state, and I hoped Nigel was going to join in. I saw Nigel's balls twitch ad Willy and I traded sperm.

A few minutes later we all calmed down. Somehow, we had perfectly synchronized orgasms. It was more than that; our ejaculations were rhythmically coordinated. Nigel's first squirt induced Willy's shot and then Willy licked up my ejaculation. I had seen videos of circle jerks where the orgasms were coordinated. This was much more intimate and didn't involve video editing. It was lovely.

It took a while to untangle. I wanted to take all of Willy's post orgasmic drool and Nigel wanted to make sure every drop of his sperm was planted deep on Willy's ass. When we broke apart, Willy was still hard and his slid his tool into Nigel.

Willy had to go home, and we had a good Christmas Eve. Nigel asked me if I could fuck him to sleep. I said that would be fine if he would fuck me awake the next morning.

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