Old Andy

Published on Sep 29, 2018


Old Andy's Adventures

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com

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I'm not that old, but I admit I look it. I'm 45, but I grew a beard for my town's Old Times Day ten-years ago and I kept it. I was going bald at the same time. I figured the beard and bald spot would even out the hair on my head. I am Andy Maxwell, the grounds keeper for the David Oldfield estate. It is a half mile away from his father's estate which is now occupied by St. Thomas's College. It is a small, Christian men's school. The College is expensive and devoted to keeping its students away from bad influences.

David's father had a view of morality that would have seemed outdated as overly strict to a Victorian moralist. David now lives in Miami and visits once a year for the annual board meeting. The School was strong on Latin, Greek, 19th Century literature and mathematic. Science, art and music were too sinful. It would give you a superb education if you lived in 1840. The college's most notable characteristic was the high attrition rate, and high number of suicides. Some students were too sinful to meet the school's standards.

I am a childhood pal of the Dean of Students, Jonathan B. Arkwright. His was Big Jonny to me. Jonny is now the head of student advising. He was no fool and soon realized that many of the suicides involved men of a certain sexual disposition.

Big Jonny and I share the same sexual tastes. If the administration discovered that he counseled students about their sexual problems and that he had been helpful, he would have been immediately discharged. Big Jonny was my boss as a caretaker of the estate. The other faculty members weren't interested in working with a common working man. The estate is over 100 acres and I was the only employee to take care of it. He had funds to hire temporary workers to help me as needed.

When Jonathan found a student with a problem, he would bring the student to me. I don't look or act like a television version of a gay man. No one guesses I am gay. While Jonathan is neat, well-groomed and handsome; I am big and weathered. I look like a lumberjack or construction worker. When I say I don't act like a gay man, that does not include sex. Jonathan says I am between 100% and 150% into man play.

I could talk with them and help them get a more rational view of gay men. The students were all adults, although some were incredibly badly informed. As a faculty member Jonathan could never get intimate with a student. I am employed by David's business manager and have no official connection to the college. I am a free agent. Most of the men Jonny brought to me had two problems. They were terrified of being gay and facing eternal damnation. They also knew nothing about gay sex. They were frightened by urges they felt, but never acted on. Jonny thinks that sexually repressed men can become strange and turn to unhealthy interests.

Jonny brought two gay students to work for me, Grant Toler and Martin Smith. Toler was a gay football player. He didn't know you could be both. Smith was a tall, thin man interested in literature. He was terrified that someone would find out and beat him up. We had conversations in my rooms over the garage.

A little later they came to me for a work weekend. There would be a conference at the house and the grounds had to be in tip top shape. The College had no classes on Friday afternoon, so the students could go home. It was a Friday in October and it was unusually hot. I had Martin pruning shrubs and Grant helped me with trimming trees. By 3:00 pm we were sweating like pigs. We went to the walled swimming pool. I stripped and jumped in. Grant was uneasy, but I told him we were all guys.

Grant and I were big men. He was well equipped as am I. Martin was thin and scrawny, but he had a world's fair exhibit hanging between his legs.

"Damn, that's a beauty," I said looking at his tool. Martin firmed up some.

"I'm sorry," he murmured as he noticed his partial erection.

"Don't worry. If mine was a big as yours I'd show it off," I said.

"It would be a hit in the showers even soft," Grant said.

"I used to love the school showers. Some of the guys liked to show off," I said.

"I went to a Christian School. We showered at home or in our room," Grant said.

"The guys said mine was too big," Martin murmured.

"Take it from me, no cock is too big," I said. My tool was getting firm too. "I have a feeling you guys have a sense that a cock is only your body's drain. It's a joy stuck too. You know when it gets hard, it automatically turns off its urinary function and switches to provide an outlet for your reproductive system? By that I mean your balls." I added, "Piss is a waste product, sperm is God's gift to men."

"It's a sin to waste it, when you jerk off," Martin said.

"Every spurt could impregnate millions of women. You have billions of more capacity than is needed. You have extra capacity," I said. "You have the capacity and you might as well use it for you and your pals' pleasure."

"Jerking off is okay?" Grant asked.

"It sure is, but I can tell you from personal experience, sharing the experience with someone else is much more pleasurable," I said. I guessed that just being naked would be enough to excite them. I wasn't particularly excited by younger men, but I rarely am unwilling. I have a suspicion that is typical of most men.

I was on the edge of the pool and Martin dived in to the water, hiding his erect cock. He swam around the pool and his head emerged two feet from my cock. I stroked my cock and he came closer. A few seconds later his lips wrapped around my cock, he shivered, but continued sucking.

"Is it want you hoped?" I asked.

Martin looked at me, "It's much better," he replied. Grant was back in the water and joined us.

"What's it like?" he asked Martin in a whisper.

Martin was too busy to answer right away. Eventully, he said, "It's a lot better than I thought it would be. Do you want to try it?" He moved away, and Grant came closer. Grant was unsure, but his tongue finally touched my cock head. Once he did that he tried to deep throat me. I think Grant realized that you can't make a half-touchdown. It all or nothing.

Some guys might describe me as sexually generous. I think that I am just willing to give more than I take. Martin got out of the water and I sucked him as Grant did me. I soon realized that if I wanted a sex slave, Martin was willing. I don't like that situation. I like men who want it, not just willing to give it if I want it. When changed positions and I sucked Grant as Martin returned to my cock. After a while, we took a breather.

"Are you guys getting close?" I asked. Grant said yes. Martin said he was afraid he might lose it.

"Let me tell you a little secret of discrete gay life. There is no evidence of gay activity if you take the evidence and swallow it. It's neat and there is no sticky residue. I'm not asking for you to do the same. That is for you to consider and do if you are ready," I said. "Some cocks get over sensitive while they are shooting. I know that and I'm not going torture you, but I will take your entire load. Do you understand?"

"You just need to relax and let nature take its course and let it flow. I like the cream and it is no chore for me," I added. Grant was closest to me, so I leaned over and sucked him first. He was one of the sensitive types and he was close. At his first spurt, I licked his knob and he twitched. I relaxed and let him unload. He had been tense, but he relaxed, and I took it all before I took care of Martin.

Martin was even closer that Grant, but I was able to tongue massage his knob and lick his cum slit as he unloaded. I had to swallow several times before I totally drained his balls. It was lovely.

"I'm sorry about that," Martin murmured.

"I enjoyed it and I hope you like it too," I said.

"Damn, it was good," Grant said. "I didn't know I could feel so much."

"Let me tell you, there is a lot more you can feel if you can let yourself feel!" I said. It was getting late and they returned to the dormitory. They came back after the required church service on Sunday and by five were had the place looking fine. We played after the work was done. They were enthusiastic.

The conference went well and the main speaker, Rev. Robert Henry, complemented me on the beautiful condition of the landscaping. He asked if I would give him a tour, after the conference. I was told he was a fire and brimstone preacher, but he seemed mellow to me. I had a call from Jonathan who told me that Henry was a member of the club and Jonathan suggested he was accommodating. Accommodating was our code word for being a bottom.

When I gave Henry a tour, he told me that his father started the "ministry" and he had continued it too keep his mother happy. It was a family enterprise. His mother was the driving force behind it, but when his father died, she needed a man to be in charge, since the ministry focused on traditional sexual relationships. We went to my rooms over the garage.

Big Jonny had told him of my sexual interests. He wanted me to abuse him and force my cock into his ass. I told him that I don't do play acting and he would have to take it plain and simple or not take it at all. He soon discovered my cock was one size bigger than his ass hole, and he loved being both stretched and filled to his limit. That made up for the lack of drama. Henry had a few quirks. He didn't work his cock while I fucked him. He wanted a hands-free orgasm. Somehow, I think he thought if he pretended he was being raped, he wasn't officially gay. He moaned, shivered and twitched with each thrust of my cock, so I felt appreciated.

His entire body twitched, and his sphincter contracted when he shot off, and my cock appreciated that. He wanted me to stay in him after he popped, and he massaged my cock with his rectum until I shot off. As he felt my sperm flooding into his ass, Henry shot off again. He had to get home, but he asked if he could visit me again. I said that was fine with me.

Big Jonny came by during the week and told me that Grant and Martin were feeling good and Robert Henry was flying on cloud nine. All was well. Apparently, Martin had thought sex was painful and humiliating. His family had a problematic sexual history, and Martin didn't know that sex was enjoyable. He had also been subject to bullying at school and didn't think a man like me would be nice to him.

Martin came to see me a few days later with a friend, Paul. Paul was small and looked breakable. Martin was a he-man in comparison to Paul. They were roommates, and had experimented some, but Martin wanted Paul to meet me.

Paul's mother had died in childbirth, and his father had been a college football player and now owned a successful car dealership. Paul was raised by an aunt who moved in the house after his mother's death. The father had no childrearing skills. He wasn't mean or nasty, just uninvolved. As Paul matured, he developed interests unrelated to his father's interests. His aunt became a religious nut.

We went to the pool. Paul's genitals were average except for oversized balls. They look large in comparison to his small frame. He was shy, but when his saw my cock he was transfixed. It turns out that being shy and intense sexual attraction cancel each other out. He went for my cock like iron filings to a magnet. As my cock got harder, the attraction increased. He was a natural cock sucker. We broke apart for a breather, and I got in the water and sucked him.

Paul was shocked and dazzled. He hadn't thought I would suck him. Five minutes later I was swallowing buckets of his cum. I later found out that Paul had licked and sucked Martin a little, but not traded sperm. Paul saw himself as the sucker, not as the man being sucked. He didn't believe he was attractive enough. I didn't tell him that some men are like dogs, they don't look at the faces. They had a class coming up and had to leave, but I knew they would come back.

The next weekend I was going to do my regular pool clean-up. The pool wasn't always used for receptions or conferences, but David liked for everything to be just right, even if no one saw it. I was the only one to use the pool. David could be demanding, but I solved that problem by setting up a schedule of tasks. If he complained I would tell him, "That's scheduled for May 14," and he would be happy. Big Jonny knew my schedule. This was the September 30th cleaning. Grant, Martin and Paul would be helping me. the Administration and senior faculty of the school were away in Miami. David wanted an update of the new school year and he sent his jet to fly the staff to his offices.

Martin came to see me at noon on Friday. He told me that Paul had fallen in love with me. He asked if I thought that was stupid. I suspected that Martin was telling me about his own feelings.

I smiled. "It's not stupid. It is natural, but it is not love," I said. "Sex is the most intense and overwhelming physical sensation we can experience. Between the time my balls start pumping sperm into my cock and the time I shoot off, I'm in love with whomever I am with. I felt the same emotion when you shot off and I took your load. You made the stuff and I could feel your excitement as you fed me. We are all men. I know what you felt, I felt honored to share it with you. It was the same with Paul. We were in love for five or ten minutes before we calmed down. Did you feel the same emotions?"

"I can't really tell what I felt," he replied.

"I was overwhelming, wasn't it?" I asked. He nodded.

"Did you think I was stealing your seed?" I asked. "Did you want it back?"

"Not at all," he replied.

"We shared it, but more importantly we shared the emotion, the passion." I said.

"Did you like Paul's cum more than mine?" he asked.

"All men have the same basic equipment. You might think I have the same reaction to every man and every cock. There is a stunning variety of sensations with every man I met. Fruits are good for you. Apples, oranges and bananas are all fruits, but they aren't the same. You can like them all. No one ever says that they love apples, so they will never eat anything else."

"Some people do that," Martin said.

I laughed, "They may die of a vitamin deficiency," I replied.

Martin laughed. "You have a point there," he admitted.

Martin, Paul and Grant showed up early on Saturday. Grant told me he had a pal who would like to help. "He doesn't know much, but he really wants to learn," Grant said. "He's very discrete." I said okay, and Grant waved. A bearish man with a limp emerged from the woods. Grant introduced him as Roddy. I gave everyone their task for the day, and then talked to Roddy. One leg was shorter than the other and he had a stutter. I was planning to get in the pool and scrub the gutter around the edge. I needed someone to hold a trash bag. If the leaves and crud floated away they could clog the filter. It was a slightly cool day, but the pool was heated, and the day would warm up quickly.

That was ideal for Roddy, since his leg wasn't a problem in the water. There were some extra swimming trunks in the changing room. Roddy was exceptionally hairy. I have a warm spot for hairy men, I jumped into the pool as did Roddy. I had gloves and a scrub brush; Roddy had the bag and whichever tool I wasn't using. It sounds stupid, but having Roddy just holding things more that doubled the pace of the work. He told me he was a good swimmer. Swimming was part of the therapy for his leg. His stutter disappeared as we talked.

The swimming trunks had been in the dressing rooms for a while. After a half hour my trunks disintegrated. They joined the leaves in the trash bag.

"You're naked," Roddy said.

We're all boys here; it's not a problem," I said. As I said that, his trunks floated to the top.

"I guess if it's not a problem for you, it's not a problem for me," he remarked.

I leaned close to him and whispered, "It's not a problem for any one here."

"Grant told me I would like it here," Roddy whispered. "He said it was like being a kid in a candy shop."

"It's not exactly like that. We're doing man stuff. We're buddies who help each other get hard, sucking drooling cocks and the draining our pals' balls. Does that bother you?" I asked. I felt his cock and knew he was okay. He stroked mine.

"You got a fucking monster!" he exclaimed. I smiled and were returned to our cleaning duties. Roddy could hold his breath under water for a while and he could suck cock. He was shy and seemed to like that a lot. He could suck and not be seen.

Next: Chapter 2

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