
By Cooper Max

Published on Oct 4, 2017



Author's note:

Cooper can be reached at lmd4208@gmail.com. He enjoys hearing feedback both positive and negative from readers. He has numerous story lines posted online and is currently working on a full gay erotic novel for release on kindle.

Cooper currently lives in Germany while serving as an active duty military officer. He is happily married to a wife that knows about his stories and is fully supportive of his bisexual side. She actually authors her own gay fiction.

Cooper also runs an online global support group for bisexual married men. He is happy to share the link.

Chris glanced nervously at his watch as his feet pounded down the stairs into the underground. He heard the loud clicking sounds of heels behind him signaling that his wife Sloan was on his heels. With a final leap, Chris hit the flat surface of the Marienplaz U-Bahn station concourse. Chris hardly noticed how orderly and clean the station appeared or its bright colors. The buzzing sounds of the people around him barely registered either as his legs pumped him closer to the train.

Germany's famed Oktoberfest was behind him and the only thing on his mind was making his Deutsch Bahn train home. Tired, tipsy, filled with beer and clothed in lederhosen, Chris was ready to say auf wiedersehen to beautiful Munich and fall into his fluffy bed for a serious round of liver recovery. Chris and his wife Sloan just needed to take the subway a few stops to the main railway station and then they could relax for the 4 hour trip home. Just as the two found the main platform, the subway slid quietly into the station and with a sigh of relief, Chris thanked Germany silently in his head for its obsession with punctuality and efficient transportation.

Flustered and sweaty from careening through the masses with heavy backpacks and smaller bags, the two stumbled onto the railway platform a few minutes later. Instantly, Chris' eyes were drawn to the far end of the platform. Surrounded by children, stood a short, bearded man. Chris couldn't make out too many of his subtleties from a distance but from what he saw, he knew he wanted to investigate further.

"Honey, I'm going to stretch my legs a bit before the train gets here since we'll be sitting for awhile. Watch my bags." Chris said distractedly Ð hurling his backpack and smaller bag to the floor.

"Stretch your legs?" Sloan stated sarcastically, "We basically ran here. Why the hell do you need to stretch your legs?" She finished rhetorically.

Rolling his eyes and shrugging non-committedly, Chris moved swiftly to the other end of the platform. The man was standing with his back towards Chris as he approached and Chris wasn't mad at him for presenting this particular picture. A thick, bubble butt nicely cupped by the German's wonderfully crafted lederhosen anchored the man's squat frame. Chris again silently thanked the Germans for the wonderful traditions they held that just so happened to showcase a man's body so very well.

Chris pulled up short at a safe distance to gaze. Wondering if Sloan was onto his game, he looked back over his shoulder quickly. She was too caught up in her phone to pay him any mind.

The man frantically tried to coral three very active children who circled his legs like sharks. Chris almost felt tired for the guy; how the man managed to keep track of three small children in the sea of people at Oktoberfest while still enjoying himself and the cold beers, Chris had no idea. The man's wife stood tall and patient not far from him with an amused and knowing grin as she stared at her husband.

The kids sprinted off to their mother freeing the man from his encirclement. With the newfound space, he spun around. Chris had to make a concentrated effort to keep his jaw from dropping. In front of him stood one hell of an attractive man. Chris' eyes were drawn to the man's incredible beard. Not all beards are created equal; some men can grow them, some can try and some just fail miserably. This man's beard could serve as the model to aspire towards.

Immaculately groomed, the blondish-brown beard clung to the man's face like it had always been there from the very beginning. The man had skillfully sculpted the beard to fit the lines and contours of his face. Peering out from this masterpiece, the man's stark green eyes seemed simultaneously kind and tough.

Chris remembered learning a lot about the art of how to carry yourself'. Just observing him for 5 minutes, Chris could tell this guy had presence. He radiated the whole I'll be jolly and treat you like family until I have to gut you like fish and serve you for supper' vibe. His thick chest was muscular and broad forming the v-shape body that Chris, and so many men like him, adored. Chris noticed the chest hair poking out of the top of the man's shirt and he felt his dick churn and surge with excitement.

The man looked directly at Chris and his eyes seemed to bore right through his brain. Chris almost felt like the man was reading his thoughts. Slightly embarrassed, Chris looked away as he wondered if the man had noticed how long Chris was ogling him.

The sound of the train coming into station broke Chris' trance. As the man's children swarmed back around him, Chris took one last look and headed back down the platform towards his wife.

An hour had passed and Chris, sprawled in his seat, could feel his stomach churn with hunger. His mind jumped onto his favorite German dish flammkuchen and before he knew it, he was out of his seat bolting to the food car. The speedy intercity express train rocked back and forth causing Chris to bump into the walls a few times. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the man from before in one of the private rooms with his wife and kids. He sighed wishing there was some way he could linger to get another look but the narrow hall provided no reasonable excuse.

Within minutes, Chris sat salivating with his flammkuchen steaming in front of him. Chris laughed at his own ridiculous impatience for the damn thing to cool down; here he was cursing this flammkuchen for being too hot when there were kids all over the world who'd just be grateful to have food at all.

A thick, deep voice at the front of the dining car cut through Chris' focus on his food. His heart leapt with excitement as he spotted the man from before ordering and relized the voice was his. This time the man was solo.

Chris stared shamelessly at the man's ass; soaking in every inch of it and committing it to his spank-bank memory. As the man grabbed his order and turned around, Chris quickly averted his stare.

The man walked towards Chris as Chris strained to watch him without being completely obvious. As the man got within a foot of Chris, the train rocked violently. The man stumbled forward spilling his drink Ð some of it splashing on Chris but most of it soaking his damn half eaten flammkuchen.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry man. Dammit I spilled all over your food." Shit, I even got some on you." He uttered apologetically. "Let me buy you something else."

"You just had to spill on the flammkuchen, my favorite meal." Chris laughed as his fast mourning of his food turned into excited nervousness about having the excuse to talk to this guy. "If I didn't think that beard of yours would likely break my hand, I'd probably punch ya right in the face." Chris finished.

The man burst out laughing. "You know, it's not that strong, if it was my wife probably wouldn't smack me so much."

"Yeah no amount of protection is going to stop that from happening. I could have a steal cage on my face and my wife wouldn't think twice about clocking me." Chris responded with a warm smile.

"All the same, let me buy you something else." The man replied.

"How about this Ð buy me a coke and we can bullshit until we're both done with what we've got in front of us." Chris said.

"Best offer I've gotten all night. The kids and wife are asleep so I was going to enjoy some damn peace and quiet anyway." He said.

"Ah well shit I don't want to interrupt. I can imagine peace and quiet is a fleeting opportunity with all of that." Chris said.

"Nooooo don't you worry. An adult conversation would be nice to have for a change. Those kids can be all consuming Ð when we're not taking care of them we're talking about them. My name's Henry by the way Ð Hank for short." He said.

"Well thanks for spilling your soda all over me Hank. Let's get that soda and have a seat before both of our wives come in here clamoring for something."

Thirty minutes later, Chris and Hank were becoming fast friends. Chris was relishing the ability to stare without it being entirely weird.

"Well man, my pack of wolves is probably starting to stir. If I'm not careful they'll turn my wife into their first meal of the evening. I should be getting back. This has been fun Ð really wish I could stay longer," Hank said locking eyes with Chris.

"Yeah but if we both don't get back it'll be you and me that are the meals tonight, I'm just going to hit the bathroom and off I go" Chris added matching Hank's stare.

"Which way are you heading?" Hank asked.

Chris pointed at the direction. "Well I'm heading that way anyway, I'll walk out with ya.

Chris led the way. When he reached the bathroom, he turned to shake Hank's hand. "Great meeting ya." He said.

`Yep you too." Hank replied.

Chris turned and pushed open the bathroom door. He felt a hard push to his back and before he knew it, he was standing face to face with Hank in the bathroom.

Caught completely off guard, Chris yelled over the loud sound of the train wheels, "What the hell are you doing!? Are you crazy?"

"É..Yeah crazy horny." Hank replied , "Let's do this already."

"Do what already!?" Chris asked incredulously feeling completely dumbfounded by what was happening.

"Don't play stupid. You've been eye fucking me from the first word I said to you. I've seen that look a hundred times. Now let's get to business before either of our wives come looking for us." Hank finished as he pulled down his trousers and grabbed his fully hard cock.

Chris eye's bulged at the sight of Hank's cock. Thick and veiny, the cock matched Hank's body type fittingly.

Impulse took over and Chris dropped to his knees. With one fluid motion, Hank's cock was swallowed. Chris pumped his mouth on Hank's thick veiny cock vigorously. Hank grabbed Chris' hair forcefully and pumped his cock into Chris' mouth with reckless abandon.

Chris grabbed Hank's hairy, huge, low hanging balls with a vice-grip as he took Hank's cock.

"Yeah grab those low hangers. Fuck yeah Ð squeeze em' hard." Hank moaned, barely audible over the clashing sound of the metal wheels against the tracks.

Chris' other hand cupped Hank's firm ass and he willingly and gleefully took the face fucking.

"Ohhh yeah stud I'm about to cum!" Hank moaned. "You're going to take every last drop." Hank finished as he put his thick, meaty hand on the back of Chris' head signaling he was going to force the load down Chris' throat."

"FUUUUUUCCCCCCKKK," Hank burst out and the hot, creamy load rocketed into Chris' mouth. Chris savored every last, salty-sweet drop of it.

The two men stood paused as Hank's body twitched with post-organism pleasure. Chris just didn't want to let this cock go for good.

Begrudgingly, Chris stood and drew level, face to face, with Hank who was grinning ear to ear.

"Best be going, eh?' Chris uttered disappointedly.

"Yeahhhh, not a whole lot of room in here for two." Hank laughed.

"Just enough if the people aren't shy of close quarters." Chris retorted.

Hank checked that the coast was clear and darted out of the bathroom with a final good bye.

Chris walked back to his seat. Luckily his wife was sound asleep.

Hours later the train pulled into the stationed. Tiredly, people disembarked into the cool, crisp, fall evening of southwest Germany.

Exhausted, Chris and Sloan dragged themselves to the ticket machine. The damn thing was a pain in the ass as always and wouldn't take their euros.

"Ohhhh c'mon already, we don't have all night." Chris heard someone call from behind him and he and his wife fiddled with the machine.

Spinning around angrily ready to confront the jackass, Chris stood face to face again with Hank. The man had a wide smirk on his face.

Chris' eye brows shot up in surprise.

"Honey! Don't be rude!" Hank's wife said harshly giving him a jab.

"Oh, relax woman, he knows I'm just joking with him. We met on the train in the dining cart."

The woman's expression relaxed a bit. Chris' wife was able to get the ticket machine to finally work.

"See ya around," Hank stated with a devilish look in his eyes.

"Sure hope so," Chris responded with a joking tone but with a look that said all that needed to be said.

---------- Who wants a round two between Chris and Hank? -------

Next: Chapter 2

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