
By David Andrew

Published on May 5, 2023


In the morning the Germans were on deck long before anyone else. "I'm afraid that we won't be able to use the small boats this morning because a herd of hippopotamuses have moved into the channel head of us," the captain explained. To the Germans the solution seemed obvious.

"Why don't we shoot some shots, zat would move them, no?"

"They might move, but it's the mating season, that makes the males extremely aggressive and they could come back when you are in the boats. It's just too dangerous. They have even been known to attack houseboats. Of course as long as we stay on the houseboat there is no danger," he added hastily. When the others appeared the houseboat was moving slowly astern and he explained to them what was happening and that he was looking for an alternative route. The cabin boys served a leisurely breakfast, which was followed by a leisurely morning. The houseboat, slow enough when going forwards was even slower going astern, and a lot less maneuverable too, it took hours to reach the point where the channels branched. Al, Mark and the Dutchmen took up their accustomed positions at the bar, Mawemba took the opportunity to engage them in conversation.

"So tonight Mr. Soren? Will you be in need of more special room service?"

"Oh Mr. Mawemba...tonight I will be in need of sleep!" Soren replied.

"Mr. Soren you surprise me! You would never satisfy a Tswana woman!"

"Mr. Mawemba, I hope I never have to satisfy any woman. As you know very well I like to satisfy men, but even if I did wish to satisfy a Tswana woman, tonight would not be her lucky night. In fact tonight I wouldn't even be able to satisfy a Tswana man!"

"And why not tonight? You're a young man, you should be strong, like a lion, you should be hard every night."

"No Mr. Mawemba, I am a realist. I know when I won't be able to get it up."

"Ah ha! I know what you need! I have the solution. You see my grandmother was the village matchmaker, and my grandfather was the medicine man. She knew how to make matches, and he knew how to make them work, like magic, never failed. Fortunately I was his favourite grandchild, he told me his secrets before he died." Mawemba didn't want to forgo the "room service" fee for the boys, not even for one night if he could avoid it.

"And what exactly were his secrets?"

"Ah Mr. Soren... His best secret was how to make a man hard, any man! You see it was like this... If an older widow woman had cows she had no difficulty getting a young man's interest, he might even marry her. But if she wanted more than a companion, if she wanted jig-jig, now that could be a problem. The young man wants the cows, but for sex he wants a young woman, so how does he get strong? Big problem. And if an old man's wife died he had no difficulty getting a young girl...if he had cows. But he had the same problem, how to get hard."

"And your grandfather could do this?"

"Oh yes...and long before the pills that men pay so much for these days."

"So tell me the secret..."

"Mr. Soren tonight I will work the magic for you. But I warn you...you will want the boys, you will not be satisfied with anything less."

"Well that sounds like an interesting proposition. And can you work this miracle for both of us?"

"Yes! For sure..."

"And will there be a charge for this extra service?"

"Oh just a small charge...but I guarantee satisfaction!"

"How much?"

"Please Mr. Soren! I am offering you a miracle and you ask the price! I will leave it to you Sir, if you are satisfied, then I will be satisfied too."

"And when will you perform the miracle Mr. Mawemba?"

"This evening, after the boys are through with their duties. It will not take long I assure you."

Later as the tourists sat over their after dinner drinks Al could not resist the temptation of teasing the twins.

"Do you have you any idea as to what this miracle entails?" he asked Hans.

"No, not at all," the Dutchman replied.

"I've heard about this sort of thing... From what I can remember it involves needles, stuck in all the right places. Sounds grim...but still...if it works eh?"


"Yes, you know about acupuncture?" Hans nodded. "Much like that, only bigger needles... I hardly need to tell you where they go! Still...if it works..."

"How do you come to know about it?" Hans wasn't looking quite so happy.

"Oh it's a well known fact. Witch doctors all over Africa use needles... Stick them in effigies to make people sick, and to cure them too. And it follows that sexual problems always involve needles in the genitalia. Yes, everyone knows that." Soren looked skeptical, Hans looked worried, Al just managed to hide his amusement. "Of course guys like you who are into pain already will take a bit more stimulation to get the full effect, but needles through the cock-head, just in the opening of the urethra, I've heard that they work very well." Hans really didn't look happy at all.

Later that evening after the German's had retired for the night and the boys had cleared the tables Mawemba came over to the table where the twins, Mark and Al were finishing their drinks. "Are you ready for me to perform the miracle?" he asked Hans. Hans looked doubtful, Soren agreed on his behalf. "Then I shall see you in your cabin in a few minutes." With that Mawemba left the deck.

"Gone for the needles," said Al. "Just hope he's got sharper ones this time."

"What do you mean?" asked Hans.

"Oh it's just that the last time I was on the boat he was using needles he'd sharpened up himself...well it's not easy to get new ones out here you know. But to give him credit I believe he did do a pretty good job on them...considering. Come on, let's go down..." With that Al got up to go.

"And is he performing a miracle on you too?" Soren asked.

"Well I thought I'd watch, see how it goes with you two. If there's not too much blood then I'll go for it too." Hans did not look happy as they got up to go down to the cabin. Mawemba arrived with the two cabin boys just after the tourists.

"Gentlemen if you will be so good as to remove your clothes..." he said. He was carrying a glass jar covered with a cloth. As Hans and Soren stripped they couldn't take their eyes off the jar, Hans half expected it to contain a small serpent, centipede, spider or some other scary creature. Once they were naked Mawemba removed the cloth covering with a flourish. "Here we have the answer to your prayers gentlemen." The jar contained a thick, red liquid which looked no more sinister than tomato ketchup.

"That's it?" asked Hans with evident relief, better to be swindled with ketchup than stuck with needles.

"Yes this is the magic potion... Now if I may..." He stepped up to Soren and took hold of his limp penis. "What I am going to do is to dip your manhood into the potion. At first there will be no strong sensation, it will only feel cool. But then after a few seconds the potion will begin to work."

'Yes,' thought Soren, 'and then it's up to the imagination!'

"You must leave your penis in the solution for about two minutes, yes that should do if this is your first treatment. Then, when I take the jar away you must rinse your manhood with water, just a little. Don't worry, you will not wash away the effectiveness of the potion, it will work for sure." By this time all the tourists were sure of one thing, this was a con game, but since Mawemba was such an amiable fellow they were prepared to go along with the charade. "Now sir, may I?" Mawemba took hold of Soren's cock and tilted the jar slightly so that the liquid covered the penis. "It is usually best not to get the potion on the scrotum. Although I have known men who actually like it that way..." he mused. Soren stood passively not expecting anything. However, after only a few seconds he did feel a tingling sensation.

"Ah Mr. Mawemba I think something is happening, I think maybe your potion is working," he said.

"Oh I assure you it is going to work...believe me it is!" Mawemba said with emphasis. The tingling soon changed to a warming sensation, then a burning sensation.

"Oh yes...Oh Lord...it's burning...I think maybe that's enough."

"No sir, not yet, please be patient, we do not want the treatment to fail..." Sure enough even as Mawemba was speaking Soren's cock started to swell rapidly.

"But Mr. Mawemba...please!"

"See? Now you are ready, you may rinse with cold water." As Soren hurried away to the bathroom Mawemba turned to Hans. "Now Sir, may I have yours?" Hans had recovered from his fear that the treatment was going to include piercing his cock and he stepped forward happily enough. The same treatment was applied to his limp dick and he too soon had a raging hard-on. When Hans went into the bathroom Soren came back into the cabin.

"And which of the boys would you like?" Mawemba asked as though he was taking a dinner order.

"The way my cock feel at the moment I want them both," Soren answered.

"Both you can have, I assure you you will be able to take both this evening." Soren chose N'craa. "Boy, get up on the bed...and which position would you like to enjoy him?"

"I'm going to use him in every position, N'craa, please, on the bed face down." As Soren spoke he was already rolling a condom down the length of his stinging, rigid shaft. He grabbed the KY and shot a squirt into N'craa's butt crack them rammed his cock straight in up to the hilt. Hardly had Soren started fucking when Hans returned. He too pulled on a condom, climbed on to the other bed with M'tosi and started fucking real hard.

Al had been standing beside Mark both watching with fascination. He was as surprised as any of them when he saw the effect the red liquid produced on a flaccid penis. As Soren and Hans pounded on N'craa's and M'tosi's asses he reached out and worked his finger into Mark's crack. Mark squirmed with pleasure allowing the finger to slip further in. "Want me to try the magic potion?" Al asked.

"Oh yes please Sir..." Mark replied his stomach muscles tightening.

"Mr. Mawemba, you said your magic potion works with old men., will it work for me?"

"Mr. Al...you are not an old man, of course it will work. I guarantee it." Without another word Al pulled off his tee-shirt, dropped his shorts and stepped up to Mawemba naked. He received the same treatment, with the same result.

"Oh my God my cock's on fire!" Al said as he returned to the cabin after rinsing. "Do you want to go to our cabin or take the fucking right here in front of the others?" Al asked Mark.

"Please Sir I'd very much like to be fucked right here, Sir. I want everyone to see me being fucked by you Sir."

With Mawemba's help they pushed the two beds together even as the twins continued to fuck like crazy. With the two beds close together Al and Mark managed to get enough space beside Hans. A squirt of KY and Al was about to thrust himself deep into Mark's body.

"But first Mr. Al you should use a condom..." Mawemba said.

"I don't need one...I ride my boy bare-back," Al responded positioning his cock.

"No really Sir you need one...you will see why later" Mawemba insisted. With some reluctance Al allowed Mawemba to unroll one down his shaft then slammed himself into Mark's waiting butt. "God this is good!" Al murmured behind Mark's ear as he pounded his hole. "My cock hasn't felt like this since I was a teenager. I need you boy... I'm going to fuck you like you've never been fucked before..."

"Please Sir...fuck me hard Sir... Yes Sir...do it Sir," he said between jolts as Al's body slammed into his upraised ass.

Soren came with a roar that must surely have been heard from stem to stern. N'craa too shot his load into the bedclothes. "Jesus Christ!" he exclaimed as he pulled away from N'craa. "Man I'm shot...every fucking drop..."

"No, no, no," Mawemba interrupted. "You wanted both boys, you'll be able to have them both. The first time isn't a miracle, not with a young man like you Mr. Soren. No, the miracle I promised has still to be performed. Look, you are still hard. Isn't that so?" Soren was indeed still hard, very hard, as he started to pull the condom off. "Please Sir, wait, I will take care of that," he said. Soren looked puzzled. "I need it for the second half, the real miracle." As Mawemba carefully eased the condom off Soren's pulsing penis he saw the spurt of semen that sprayed out of M'tosi's cock. 'My but that boy gives so much juice,' he thought. He had enjoyed it himself many times when the boys were not required for room service. Hans came with almost as much noise as Soren. Mawemba took the limp condom and carefully poured a little of the red liquid into the opening. The liquid slid down to the end of the condom to mix with the still jellied semen producing a sinister looking mixture. Seeing the look on Soren's face Mawemba quickly worked the end of the condom with his fingers mixing the two liquids to produce a less disturbing pinkish jelly. "Now Mr. Soren, if I may?" He took hold of Soren's still stiff cock and pulled the condom back on to the shaft. A moment later Soren drew in a sharp breath, then let out a gasp. "Yes, now for the real miracle," Mawemba enthused. "But we must make it hot for the boys too..." He dipped the sheathed penis into the red magic potion. "Now fuck M'tosi. You will see, the boy will go wild!"

Soren climbed on to the bed again behind M'tosi this time. The boy, who was still in the doggy position, looked around at the reddish condom-sheathed cock that was about to be thrust up his hole. Soren thought he detected some anxiety, but he couldn't hold back, just had to fuck, and a moment later he thrust his cock into the waiting hole. Within seconds M'tosi was gasping.

"Aiyee! Oh...Ah... Aiyee.." he kept repeating. Soren hesitated, then stopped.

"No, no, don't stop," Mawemba insisted. "He needs this...it is good training for him. Please pull out Sir, let me add some more potion." Soren pulled out of M'tosi's hole, Mawemba dipped Soren's dick in the jar again. "Now fuck him harder...work the piri-piri deep into him, he needs it." M'tosi cried out loud as the fresh load of chili burned into he lining of his rectum. Mawemba was well pleased with the way the evening was going. The boys were being trained to take the piri-piri, and there would be an all-night fee for their services. Not only that, they weren't being whipped, that had to be a good thing because he'd agreed that the twins could use the samboks on them the following night.

"Pitri-piri?" Al asked in surprise without breaking his thrusting. "Your magic potion is piri-piri?"

"Oh that is but a small part of the potion, there are many ingredients..." Mawemba said hastily. He really didn't want anyone to believe that there was nothing more to his potion than ground down very potent chili peppers. "Many more...and the preparation too...very important." By now he had added the potion to Hans' condom and was pulling it back on to the waiting penis. Hans too let out a gasp as the mixture stung the tender skin of his shaft and burned at his piss-slit. But Mawemba wanted to make sure that the momentum was kept up so he quickly dipped the sheathed penis into the piri-piri. "Now Mr. Hans...M'tosi is waiting for you...enjoy him, enjoy the sensations..."

The harder Hans and Soren fucked the boys the more the potion burned their cocks, and the more they needed to fuck. The boys too needed the fucking, they wanted it because although their rectums were on fire the sensations produced by the thrusting penises was enormously enhanced. Although the chili was burning his cock Al, who was not used to the sensation-deadening condom, lasted longer than the twins. When he did feel his semen rising he reached under Mark's body to take his balls. Within seconds he felt the testicles tighten up, then felt Mark's body spasm as he came. His own ejaculation in Mark's hole it was far stronger than he had expected.

"Mr. Al...are you ready for the second treatment?" Mawemba asked as Al collapsed on Mark's back.

"Ready? Give it to me man!" He raised himself and turned offering his cock to Mawemba, then watched as a little piri-piri was added to the semen. "Give me more...lots more...fill it up!" he encouraged.

"Oh Mr. Al I think this is plenty...it will surely work for you."

"More man...I want pure piri-piri, I want to have the skin taken off!" Al insisted. Mawemba added more. "Now give me the jar." Al took the jar and dipped not only his cock but his balls too into he mixture. "Now boy...hold your ass up for me! This you are going to feel!" Then without waiting far any of the excess mixture to drip from his cock Al slammed himself into Mark's tender hole. In seconds both of them were groaning, gasping and twisting in pain and pleasure. Al's low-hanging balls slapped against Mark's and transferred the chili so that very soon both scrotums were burning furiously. In spite of the fact that all three men had already come their second ejaculations came even quicker than the first.

"I am glad to tell you that you will not be able to sleep for a long, long time," Mawemba said to Soren as he pulled out of M'tosi and ripped off the fire-filled condom. "Your erection will not subside until morning...and the boys' pussies will be burning away all night too. Now if you wish to help the boys you will use this cream." He produced a tube of regular hand-cream. "Apply it to your penis, then you fuck them again and again. Believe me Sir, your miracle is not over yet." By the time Al came again Mark's hole was so sore he was nearly in tears, but even in his pain the sounds of Al's ejaculation gave him great satisfaction. "You too Mr. Al...you will want to fuck Mr. Mark many times tonight... Use this in Mr. Mark, fuck him well, then later you will both get some sleep." He handed Al a second tube of hand cream. "And now gentlemen I will leave you...I wish you all a good night."

"You want to go back to our cabin now boy?" Al asked.

"Yes please Sir. Will you fuck me again Sir?"

"Oh yes boy, my cock is on fire, and I'm sure your hole is too. So yes, I may not be able to come again, but I sure as fuck am going to bugger you a whole lot more..." As they left the twin's cabin Mark felt a glow of satisfaction, he'd proved to everyone that he could take a really good fucking.

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